The Fire-Chasing Herrscher Who Destroyed the World

The Fire-Chasing Herrscher Who Destroyed the World


672 Chapters Completed Status

"Alicia, why are you always making innuendoes about Mikael's current situation?"
"Oh? Yes? Probably because he was the only Herrscher in our era who fought for humanity! He was both the First Herrscher and a human named Mikael. W


"Alicia, why are you always making innuendoes about Mikael's current situation?"
"Oh? Yes? Probably because he was the only Herrscher in our era who fought for humanity! He was both the First Herrscher and a human named Mikael. Well! That's definitely the case!" Facing Mei question, Ai Li just showed a shallow smile.
"What about Mebius?"
"Tch!" The green little girl snorted casually and turned her head away.
"Who else?" Yayi covered her face.
"Whhhh...what! Brother Jie obviously cares about Boss Mikael too!"
"It's not all what you think. He has a more important meaning to us - a family who has agreed to go into the future together."

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