The Grammatical Investigator in Conan

Chapter 1228 Investigation

The organization wants to revive Cthulhu...?

When he thought of this, Qin Zhibo, who was sitting on the toilet, felt his stomach churn.


He retched several times before the nausea that arose spontaneously in his stomach subsided.

The sight of his eyes was focused again, and he couldn't help but think about it.

Since the organization hopes for the resurrection of Cthulhu, is Karasuma Renye a believer of Cthulhu?

Is he from Innsmouth too?


Qin Zhibo read the diary written by "Xia Gai" in the basement of the Dusk Villa. It said that Renye Karasuma had been a British noble since he was a child, and he was incomparable to a sinister fishing town like Innsmouth.

In this case, why do this?

Qin Zhibo thought deeply, but he couldn't think of any answer.

Even his subordinates probably don't know the true thoughts of the organization boss.

Most members of the organization just think that the black organization is a simple large-scale criminal organization.

However, Belmode is very likely to be the important person who knows the organization's boss plan.

Because she once expressed the purpose of the organization to Itakura Zhuo with the code phrase "We are both God and devil...".

Whether she did it intentionally or not, Belmode must have known something.

Beyond that, what method does Karasuma Renya plan to use to revive Cthulhu?

Is making software for cyber recovery?

What about medicine?

What is the real purpose of APTX-4869?

With the intelligence collected so far, it is very difficult to gain insight into the true intentions of the organization's boss.

But the problem is that time waits for no one.

Even now, the organization boss is definitely executing his plan unswervingly.

And now I don’t even know the specific location of Cthulhu…

Since it is a resurrection, it means that Cthulhu is now located somewhere on the earth, right?

Just like the Toad God…

Qin Zhibo frowned and thought repeatedly, and suddenly thought of someone.

When it comes to Cthulhu, Walter Marsh Jr., who was born in the Marsh family of Innsmouth, must be familiar with it.

Moreover, Cohen, the ace sniper in the organization, is still an undercover agent sent by him. Perhaps he has obtained some key information...

It seems that when I finish my work here, I will go to the United States.

The next day, noon.

Qin Zhibo woke up quietly from the bed and rubbed his somewhat messy hair.

Yesterday, it was already 12 o'clock in the middle of the night when I dropped Yamada near Shinjuku area and came back.

He sent Yamada to a bush in Okubo Park and didn't leave until he saw him wake up.

Theoretically speaking, this "Yamada" who wakes up should be Yamada in the parallel world.

The Yamada of this world is still in the ancient era of the earth where the Yith race lives.

After returning home, he entered the dreamland again for the first time in a long time.

In the dreamland, Kuroba Kaito has boarded the black three-story multi-oared sailing ship at the port of Dilas-Lin.

This dreamland seems to have a character switching mechanism similar to that in the game.

That is to say, most of the time in many games, players can only control one character, and other characters follow them as team members and can switch when they need to fight.

In the dreamland, as long as a few dreamers enter the reality and form a team during the adventure, the action of one of them is equivalent to the action of the others.

Kuroba Kaito boarded the ship while Qin Zhibo did not enter the dreamland. When Qin Zhibo entered the dreamland again, he would also wake up on the ship.

This explains why Conan was still able to reach Dilas Lin without following the caravan in Usa Town.

However, during this period of time, Conan did not enter the dreamland again.

After all, in Conan, the fantasy world is just a dream, and subconsciously there is no need to come in every day.

According to Kuroba Kaito, the black ship sailed extremely fast on the sea, and the sailors and oarsmen below the second-story cabin were gliding almost non-stop day and night.

And no matter it was day or night, no sailors were ever seen coming to the deck.

Qin Zhibo advised him not to worry too much and to get off the ship when he reached the mainland north of Fantasyland.

As long as you find the underground passage in the northern continent, you can go to the Tombs of Sin where the ghouls live.

Then use the Night Dire controlled by the ghoul to go to the legendary secret realm of Kadath, and maybe you can find the Black Feather Thief.

One day later, it was another ordinary morning.

Behind the office desk on the second floor, Qin Zhibo was staring at the computer in front of him seriously, rolling the mouse wheel with his right hand from time to time.

At this moment, he was searching the Internet for related legends and information about "Cthulhu" and "The Old Ones".

As for the title of Old Dominator, Qin Zhibo had previously searched it on the "Noah Knowledge Website".

The Noah Knowledge website is a variety of knowledge summarized by the artificial intelligence Noah's Ark by learning big data on the Internet.

This knowledge was originally the database of Noah's Ark.

But Noah's Ark made this knowledge available to the public for search, which can be regarded as satisfying Hiroki Sawada's desire to benefit mankind.

This is a bit like the Wikipedia of the future, but an artificial intelligence version.

However, with the exposure of the "Cocoon Press Conference" accident, people realized that the development of artificial intelligence poses a serious threat to human beings, so they began to boycott the technology.

The already large-scale Noah Knowledge website was also banned as a result.

However, Qin Zhibo still remembers that before this website was banned, he called the King in Yellow, Cthulhu, Cthurgia and a series of other gods "Old Dominators".

Qin Zhibo also asked Sawada Hiroki how he obtained this knowledge.

Hiroki Sawada said that this kind of knowledge is rarely circulated on the Internet, but in some private forums, a small number of people are still discussing these myths.

The program of Noah's Ark is the knowledge summarized based on the discussions of these people.

It's just a pity that Hiroki Sawada doesn't dare to easily connect to the Internet to conduct large-scale searches, so as not to attract a "green signal".

Therefore, Qin Zhibo could only search one by one.

After a whole day of investigation yesterday, Qin Zhibo really discovered some interesting content.

First of all, the full name of Cthulhu is "Great Cthulhu", which is "Great Cthulhu" in English.

Some people also call him the "Sleeping God", "Poseidon", and "Lord of R'lyeh".

Secondly, Cthulhu sleeps in a place called "R'lyeh".

R'lyeh is a huge city under the sea, built from extraterrestrial rocks that do not belong on Earth.

There are people who claim to be "esoteric cultists" claiming on the Internet that their consciousness was once connected to this city, and they even saw the indescribable huge shadow.

In addition to human followers, Cthulhu also has followers of non-human creatures.

The most numerous and loyal among them are the Deep Divers.

The deep diver is an old friend of Qin Zhibo. He has fought several battles in the sea. It is a creature similar to a fishman.

In history, deep divers once almost occupied a town near the seaside and built a reef city on the bottom of the sea near the mouth of the sea.

However, the authorities later dispatched the army to suppress the incident and blocked the news. It is now difficult to find any evidence of the existence of the creature.

But Qin Zhibo knew that this town was Innsmouth in the United States.

Finally, Cthulhu is not alone.

Cthulhu has his own father, mother, wife, brothers, and children. In theory, he is a god with a relatively rich family life.

Not only Cthulhu, but most of the powerful Old Ones have their own "families".

Even when a large enough number of the Old Ones are grouped together, a grid similar to a "family tree" can be formed, as if anyone can have a family relationship with anyone.

This is quite different from Qin Zhibo's imagination.

At first, Qin Zhibo thought that gods like "Zeus" with corrupt private lives were just the obscene imagination of ancient people.

But I didn't expect that these old rulers would also come for real.

Of course, the so-called "family tree" may also be some interesting creations by mythology enthusiasts.

After all, most people do not believe that the Old Ones are real, and regard them as a subculture, thus creating various creations with personal intentions.

For example, some people say that Cthulhu and Hastur are brothers, which makes Qin Zhibo feel ridiculous.

These two have nothing in common in appearance, color, etc. How can they be brothers?

The only similarity between the two is that they both have tentacles.

In Cthulhu’s own family, Qin Zhibo found the most widely circulated version, which is——

Cthulhu has four spouses, and these four have given birth to countless offspring for Cthulhu.

The most powerful and special of all the descendants are three sons and one daughter.

The reason why Qin Zhibo believes in this version is because one of the four descendants of Cthulhu is really familiar.

Ghatanothoa, the eldest son of Cthulhu.

During the Twin Towers incident in Nishitama City, Qin Zhibo found the fragments of the "Ratan Castle Textbook" in the home of the Japanese painting master Kisaragi Hosui.

After giving it to Koizumi Anko for translation, the name Gatanothoa was derived.

Gatanothoa is the king of volcanoes. Once summoned successfully, it will trigger a series of disasters such as volcanic eruptions.

Because Kisaragi Hosui had painted Mount Fuji all his life, but had never painted the scene of Mount Fuji erupting, he summoned Gatanotoa to realize his wish.

Eventually, Mount Fuji did erupt, causing a massive eruption throughout Nishitama City.

However, the magma in Mount Fuji soon subsided, and Nishitama City is gradually returning to its former prosperity.

This is not the only ability Gatanothoa has.

But Qin Zhibo remembered that there was a yellow light in the sky at that time, shining on the volcanic ash erupted from the crater...

This is enough to prove that Ghatanothoa is real.

The second son of Cthulhu is called Isogoda.

The third son of Cthulhu is called Zoth Ormog.

There are different opinions about the image of the above three descendants. Each of them is very abstract, and it is even difficult to describe and define their existence in terms of earthly creatures.

However, Cthulhu's youngest infant daughter, named Xira, is explicitly described as an octopus.

Of course, this octopus also has three pairs of eyestalks and hooks, as well as an octopus monster with wings behind it.

But this is much more concrete than the descriptions of the first three sons.

Compared with the first three eldest brothers, Keshira's ability is not powerful, but he is an extremely special one.

According to rumors on the Internet, most of Cthulhu's descendants are in a sealed state like their father.

Only Ksheela, perhaps because she is too weak, still has freedom and is closely protected by Cthulhu believers...

Some people claiming to be insiders revealed that the flood at Miskatonic University 16 years ago was related to Ksheela.

Qin Zhibo did the math and found that the original owner of the body happened to be studying at the University of Michigan 16 years ago.

It's a pity that I don't have the memory of that time.

Of course, these are the more noteworthy contents that Qin Zhibo found on the Internet, and they are not necessarily true.

But it can also be seen from this that Cthulhu's influence is indeed more profound than imagined.

In ancient times, the legends of these Old Ones could only be spread through paper books, which was very inefficient.

Sometimes they were sanctioned by those in power at the time for promoting heretical gods and ideas.

But in modern times, people generally believe in science and no longer believe in these myths about gods and ghosts. Naturally, such thoughts are dismissed as "legends and stories."

Coupled with the fuel of the Internet, some knowledge that should be very secret has gradually been publicized.

It’s just that the characteristic of the Internet is that it is difficult to distinguish between true and false, and the source of information is not transparent.

As he watched, Qin Zhibo's eyes gradually fell into fatigue.

He put down the mouse, placed his hands neatly on the table, and started doing eye exercises.

Just when he was about to scratch his eyes, the phone next to the table rang.

Qin Zhibo could only pause his movements and pick up the phone.


"I am Shuiwu Reina."


Qin Zhibo was stunned. He didn't expect that Shui Wu Liannai would take the initiative to call him.

Could it be that the cruise ship, the organization she was asked to investigate last time, had news so soon?

But the next second, Mizuno Reina gave a negative answer.

"I'm calling to tell you that the kid named 'Conan' who came to my house last time came to my house with a dark-skinned boy..."

A dark-skinned boy?

Qin Zhibo frowned and immediately recalled Conan's interpersonal network to see which boy had dark skin.

Could it be...

"That boy's name is Hattori Heiji, he's a famous high school detective from Kansai."

"Conan convinced Heiji Heiji that he is a fan of mine, but the two of them asked me all sorts of questions. It felt like their real purpose was to test my identity..."

"I'm worried that Conan might have overheard our conversation in the bathroom that night?"

Reina Mizuno on the other side of the phone spoke a little quickly, but her voice was not low.

Qin Zhibo judged that Conan and Hattori Heiji had already left Rena Minami's home.

But why did these two people suddenly go to Shui Wu Lina's house?

Something is wrong with this matter...

"okay, I get it."

"But is it okay for you to make calls like this now? Aren't your residence and phone numbers bugged by the organization?"

Reina Mizuna on the other side explained: "Since Gin's death, I haven't been monitored for a while."

"Not long ago, even the bugs in the house were gone..."

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