The Grammatical Investigator in Conan

Chapter 1229 What an unlucky name this is

Chapter 1229 This name is so unlucky...

Cupido Town.

Minami Reina Apartment.

Conan and Hattori Heiji walked down the stairs side by side, with their hands in their pockets. They were highly consistent in appearance and body movements.

If it weren't for the huge difference in skin color between the two, passers-by would have thought they were brothers.

"Kudo, you actually said that I am a fan of that woman?"

Hattori Heiji glanced sideways at Conan at his feet and said angrily: "Isn't this lie too easy for others to see through?"


Conan also turned to look at Hattori Heiji, with a slightly unconvinced expression on his face, "How did I know that you don't usually follow Tokyo news? You can't even answer such a basic question..."


"Aren't you here in Tokyo? Why do I usually pay attention to the news in Tokyo?"

"Could it be that……"

Just as he was talking, Hattori Heiji suddenly bent down in front of Conan with a wicked smile on his face, "Your reasoning ability is not enough to deal with the case in Tokyo?"


Conan glanced at Hattori Heiji, who was smiling playfully.

Even if your own abilities are not enough to solve all the cases in Tokyo, don't forget that Qin Zhibo is there.

Seeing that Conan continued to move forward a little depressed, Hattori Heiji also put on a serious expression and trotted forward to follow him.

"By the way, you haven't said why you suddenly suspected this female TV host?"

"Last time, the object of your suspicion was 'that' big English teacher..."

Hattori Heiji said while making a bulge gesture on his chest.

"But hasn't the misunderstanding been resolved? The real identity of the foreign woman named 'Judy' is actually the FBI..."

"So what is the basis for your suspicion of this female host this time?"

Facing Hattori Heiji's serious questioning, Conan's brows trembled slightly, and his slightly drooped expression seemed to contain something unspeakable.

But he does have something to hide.

I met with "Conan" from the parallel world two days ago, and after talking with him, I got two pieces of important information.

1. TV host Reina Mizuno is actually an undercover CIA agent in the organization.

2. Excluding the possibility that Haihara Ai’s sister is in two different situations, Haihara Ai’s real “brother-in-law” is actually Akai Shuichi from the FBI.

This second clue makes Conan more difficult.

Because of various previous incidents, he and Haibara Ai believed that Miyano Akemi's partner was a foreign man named "Michael".

Moreover, the other party's two life-saving graces are indeed not something that a "purely black" person can do.

But if "Michael" is really not Huihara Ai's brother-in-law, they will be in big trouble.

Because this man knows Hui Yuan Ai's true identity, and he probably knows his own.

Therefore, in order to confirm the true identity of "Brother-in-law Man", it is very important to make good use of the first clue.

If Rena Mizuna is really an undercover agent of the organization, she can get important information about the organization as long as she contacts this person.

It is very likely that there is something about "brother-in-law".

It's a pity that Conan never thought of a suitable excuse to go to Rena Mizuna's house in the past two days.

Although it is okay to call on the Young Detective Team in the name of "visiting", Conan still doesn't want to involve irrelevant people in this kind of investigation that may be related to the organization.

Just last night, Hattori Heiji's sudden visit reminded Conan of the last time they went to Judy's house to investigate.

So, Conan found an opportunity to explain his suspicions to Hattori Heiji.

The two good friends hit it off immediately, and after Rena Mizuno finished her morning live broadcast, Hattori Heiji went to Rena Mizuno's house as a guest on the grounds that he was a fan of Rena Mizumu.

It's a pity that Reina Mizuna is not an easy person, and she quickly discovered the "fake fan" Hattori Heiji...

Back to the present, Conan really can't answer Hattori Heiji's question.

He can't say that he got this clue by communicating with "Conan" who traveled through a parallel world, right?

How can people believe this kind of thing?

Seeing that Conan didn't want to answer, Hattori Heiji's eyes were a little moved.

Immediately, he raised his head, put his hands behind his head, and said in a heavy tone: "Kudo, you seem to have changed since the member of the organization named 'Gin' died..."


This time it was Conan's turn to be confused and look at Hattori Heiji in confusion.

Hattori Heiji continued to raise his head and sighed with emotion.

"Oh, I don't know what you have been through during this time..."

"But no matter what, I want you to know that we are good friends."

"I will always support you..."


Conan looked up at Hattori Heiji, with a hint of surprise on his face.

Yeah, this guy is my friend.

Apart from Qin Zhibo, Doctor, and Haibara Ai, they are the only people who know and believe that I am Kudo Shinichi.

Is a trustworthy partner!

After hearing Hattori Heiji's affectionate "confession", Conan's heart was shaken.

But after a moment of silence, he decided to continue hiding it.

No, this is not hiding.

But a kind of... protection?

Conan remembered what Qin Zhibo once said in the parallel world.

The truth is sometimes cruel, and not all truths deserve to be revealed and made known to the world.

Moreover, telling Hattori Heiji about Mi Go, the parallel world, and the Yi people, he can't do anything except shake his beliefs and worldview.

But one day in the future...

"I'll tell you."

"But not today."

Conan put his hands in his pockets, stopped where he was, and looked up at Hattori Heiji beside him.

The face wearing glasses showed 120% seriousness, and there was no trace of childishness in his eyes, but only the maturity and stability that were completely out of touch with this age group.

Looking into each other's eyes, Hattori Heiji saw the persistence in Conan's eyes and understood that his mind would not change.

"Okay then~"

Hattori Heiji spread his palms and smiled with relief.

"But before that, don't let me deduce it~"

The corners of Conan's mouth also raised slightly, and he chuckled.

My dear friend, this is not something that can be deduced...

In general, Conan and Hattori Heiji's temptation this time is not completely useless.

When Conan asked Rena Minami where she was from before, she subconsciously mentioned the place name Osaka.

Osaka is the base camp of Hattori Heiji, so it is natural that he has to leave it to Hattori Heiji to investigate.

Although the amount of work is huge, if you look into the information about female high school students in the Osaka area almost 10 years ago, you might be able to find Reina Mizuna.

Generally speaking, it is not easy to fake the life experiences of students.

As long as you find information from your student days and ask around from neighbors and school teachers, you can find out what Reina Mizuno's past situation was.

In addition, Conan also has some doubts about Reina Mizuna being the CIA.

CIA is the Central Intelligence Agency of the United States, which is closer to the political core of the United States than the FBI.

If you want to join an organization of this level, you must have American identity, otherwise you will not be trusted by the authorities.

Assuming that Rena Minami is really a CIA and has lived in Japan since she was a child, her father or mother must not be an ordinary person.

Therefore, Conan asked Hattori Heiji to investigate one more thing, that is, Japanese Americans who have settled in Osaka in the past 30 years may be engaged in transnational related work and have frequent contact with Americans of different identities.

And his marriage partner is likely to be Japanese.

The reason why one of her parents is Japanese-American is because Rena Minami's appearance has almost no Western features.

Unlike Qin Zhibo, he looks like a mixed race at first glance.

However, Hattori Heiji could only carry out the above investigations after returning to Osaka.

And today, he can't go back yet.

Because Hattori Heiji came all the way from Osaka this time, not just to see a good friend he hadn't seen for a long time, but to bring a commission.

The commission this time was from Yuanshan and an old friend of Ye’s mother for many years.

Five years ago, a wealthy man named "Inufushi Hengdi" passed away.

This rich man from the Inubushi family was very spoiled by his "younger brother" when he was young. He often flirted with women outside and gave birth to many illegitimate children.

After the rich man passed away, these illegitimate children took photos of their mothers and the rich man to recognize their relatives.

Since the mothers of these illegitimate children have also died, strictly speaking no one can prove whether they are really illegitimate children.

But the first wife of the rich man was very generous. She adopted all the illegitimate children as adopted children, eight in total, and kept them all by her side to live together.

Until a year ago, the rich man's first wife fell ill, and the murder case began.

The first adopted son fell off a cliff and died. Before his death, he left his last words, saying that the person who pushed him down was the incarnation of a monster.

The body covered with red lotus karma fire continues to expand, like a hound-like monster.

The second adopted son drowned in the swamp.

After police investigation, it was determined that the deaths of the two adopted sons were "accidental".

However, one of the eight adopted children believed that this was a curse. It was a fake adopted child who had resentment towards the Inufushi family and infiltrated the Inufushi family with the purpose of eliminating the Inufushi family from descendants.

Therefore, the adopted son found Toyama Kazuha's mother and asked her husband, Toyama Ginshiro, who is the Minister of Criminal Affairs of Osaka, to help investigate.

However, Ginjiro Toyama has many things to do, and it is difficult to comment on cases outside his jurisdiction that the police have already concluded.

Therefore, Hattori Heiji, the "motorcycle chasing boy", was specially sent to Tokyo to check the situation.

As soon as he arrived in Tokyo last night, Hattori Heiji came to the Mori Detective Agency and told him about this commission.

This hit it off with Conan who was just looking for a reason to visit Rena Minami's house.

Just today, the two of them first went to Mizuno Reina's house, and then went to the adopted son's house.

Worried about the impact of the curse, the adopted son has now moved out of the Inubushi family, changed his surname back to his mother's surname, and given up his inheritance rights.

It's just that Hattori Heiji issued a notice last night, and the adopted son's name is quite funny.

"Oh it is."

"This is the adopted son's home."

The two walked for a while and finally stopped at the door of a certain house.

"Look what this is?"

At Hattori Heiji's signal, Conan looked up.

I saw the four characters "Kudo Shinichi" written clearly on the house number on the wall surrounding the entrance of a house.

Conan: "0.o"

"Zun Du Fake Du?"


Conan stared blankly at the house number above, unable to believe his eyes.

Although the writing is different, the pronunciation of these four characters is exactly the same as "Kudo Shinichi"!

Unexpectedly, not only did people imitate my face, but also my name!

While Conan was stunned, a familiar voice came from behind the two of them.


"What a coincidence, you guys just came here too?"

The two people at the door turned around and suddenly found Qin Zhibo standing not far behind them.


Conan and Hattori Heiji were stunned at the same time, wondering: "Uncle Qin, why are you here?"

Facing the two people's questions, Qin Zhibo walked forward with a smile, "I am a little busy in my office today, so I just wanted to go to Mr. Maoli's office for a walk..."

"But I heard from Mr. Mori that a boy from Osaka brought his girlfriend to Tokyo to investigate the matter. I happened to have time, so I thought about it and came over to take a look."


Hattori Heiji looked startled, and his dark face instantly turned red.

Why is this Maori uncle talking nonsense?

Fortunately, Heye and Mao Lilan went shopping and were not here...

"By the way, I heard from Mr. Mori that you set out at 8 o'clock in the morning. Why are you here now?"

"Did you go to do other things on the way?"

Qin Zhibo asked casually as he walked over.

This shocked the two of them at the same time. Sure enough, they couldn't hide anything in front of Qin Zhibo.

But after all, Hattori Heiji is good at pretending, and with a roll of his eyes, he decided to throw dirty water on his good friend.

"Yes, it's this guy!"

"It was Conan who asked me to take him to see some Masked Superman store first. The kid is really annoyed..."

Hattori Heiji's seemingly seamless performance made Conan next to him give him a sharp look.


Doesn't this clearly tell Qin Zhibo that he has other matters?

If it were in the past, when Conan was still Conan, this reason might have been useful.

But now Qin Zhibo has regarded Conan as Kudo Shinichi, and the two of them have had "equal status" conversations in private, so they must know that this is a fabricated reason!

Conan turned to look at Qin Zhibo again, but saw that Qin Zhibo just said "oh" meaningfully, and didn't ask any more questions.

"All right……"

"Now that you've had fun, let's start investigating the case."

Hattori Heiji and Conan looked at Qin Zhibo who walked between them, and the former corrected him in surprise.

"We're just here to inquire about some information, it's not necessarily a case..."

Qin Zhibo turned around, with a sincere smile on his mixed-race face.

"Now that you're here, won't the case begin?"

Hattori Heiji:"?"

With that said, Qin Zhibo glanced at the house number on the wall and chuckled.

"And look, the name of this householder is so unlucky..."

Conan: "?"

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