The Great Adventure

Chapter 13 - thirteen: the great divine strength ranking

Ike's space ship moved forward without stop in the direction of the vercors asura sea, but without a enough meta energy stones processed for space ship they had no choice but to land on the sea between the Vercors asura sea and the Beast ocean of the beast continent , named the sea of nightmare, this name was given to this sea by the sailors of old who could not pass by this sea without having a nightmare as their fear of a beast attack follow them even in their dreams.

Ike, Dani and Grandpa quid soon started to propel the space ship forward by using their meta energy, this continued for days, they were during this period of time attacked by sea beasts but as they were far from the center of the beast continent the power level of those beasts were not to high for them to handle.

As Grand pa quid saw Ike he could not helped but asked : " didn't you become stronger, how strong are you now Ike ? ".

" Yes , I became a bit stronger during our endeavor for the temple of blessing, I was at the first heart of the meta ranking, you know the first heart is divided in three, I was at the first division of the first heart but now am at the third division of the first heart almost at the second heart, my meta is of a white color but at the second heart it will become metal green ".

"Yes you are right Ike , I see you remember the great divine strength ranking, people in our world without focusing on strength, even if they are not warrior, are of great strength. It is quite common to see people without training holding great strength, we can even say, it is quite normal", as Grandpa Quid spoke Ike and Dani nodded their heads "people can carry 100, 200 even 400 hundred kilogrammes over 20 kilometers without being tired, take Old woman Bat who trained you when you entered the Tulip family by trowing rock that weighted more than 100 Kg ", as Grandpa quid talked about Old woman Bat , Ike and Dani turned green, " so people in this world are naturally of great strength but also have a longer lifespan, it is no rare to see people live 200 or 300 years and the lifespan for people who follow the path of a warrior are even greater depending on their level of strength.

You see and know that people in this world have a power in them called meta and because of this power even without training they have a great strength and lifespan, this power called meta can be trained and can grow as people trained physically or meditate or by absorbing the meta energy contained in meta stone or the atmosphere, there are rare cases were people gained strength when they found a revelation or illumination of a truth concerning themselves or the world.

People of old who followed the path of the warrior or the path of the great adventure created the great divine strength ranking to understand and divide the warriors by strength and as a warrior or meta user when releasing his meta energy looked like a beating heart the people called each level a heart .

As you know people can train or meditate and a a result reach the first heart where the meta energy is of a white color, the first heart is divided in three and is the only level of strength of the great divine strength ranking that is divided with sub level. After training and meditating comes the second heart were the meta becomes metal green, people at the second heart are also called knights.

After the second heart comes the third heart were the meta energy becomes grey, people at the third heart are also called great knights as we move on to the fourth heart where the meta becomes red and allows the meta users to fly, people call them baron because anywhere they go, no matter which human country they can become noble and hold the noble rank of baron. People at the sixth heart are called viscount and have a meta energy of a yellow color, people at the seventh heart are called count and have a meta energy of a purple color, the people at the sixth and seventh hearts are called destroyers because they hold great strength , as for what comes after the seventh hearts the great divine strength ranking that we possess is not clear and for us it is to far away, Kids try at least to reach the fifth heart to make me proud of you ." said Grandpa quid while thinking of taking advantages of them in the future as Ike and Dani nodded .

"Ike, I will soon reach the second heart, don't lag to far behind said Dani" excited after the explanation of grandpa quid.

Like this the team of three continued to move closer to the vercors asura sea, thanks to the reserve of water and food that grandpa quid brought with him in his cubic grand space they had no problem concerning alimentation .

This situation lasted a week, until they arrived before the great gates. Dividing the vercors asura sea and the first sea of the beast continent . Behind the door, yet a bit far away, at the end of the horizon a small uninhabited island could be seen and as Grandpa quid, Ike and Dani saw it they started rejoicing as they were back home. But remembering the situation back on the island of blooms they quickly thought about what to do next and decided that they will first see the situation back home with their own eyes before thinking about what to do after .

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