The Great Adventure

Chapter 14 - fourteen

Maquia and her little brother were now on a ship, as they were trying to move to one of the other five great islands of the vercors asura sea as all the people on board that managed to escape the great devastation that happened On the island of "blooms", in the city of "flower", were trying to find a safe heaven, where peace and order was still in place .

Some people on board, men and women were crying, others were trying to console, some were staying in the corners, frozen in place as if they were living dead, while some had simply gone mad, mad of sadness, of anger and destruction, hating the earth and heaven, God and men but more importantly all the leading families of the island of blooms with unequaled passion, thinking about revenge and destruction.

As Maquia and her little brother were looking at the faces of these men and women deformed by pain, anger, hate, they could not help but think back to what happened to the beautiful city of flower. Maquia and her brother ran, ran and ran, finally reaching the harbor at first they wanted to go to the space ship harbor but when they saw the majority of the people rushing in that direction, forming a sea of flesh, blood and scream, they decided to quickly run to the regular ship harbor, even though they are slower less people were moving in that direction.

And as they managed to find a ship, get on board and escape a little distance from the island of blooms , they saw the great destruction the work of mankind was possible of, as a great light and explosion reached the heavens, wiping out the city of flower, the forces of the great families, and the majority of the inhabitants that did not escape in time. All the people on the different ships and space ship were frozen has sound disappeared from this world, the silent destruction of the city, of men and women, was followed by a "bang" waking all the remaining living people as they moved as far away as the could of the city of flower and the island of blooms.

As Maquia and her brother thought back of this event great joy and pain mixed together as the duo held each others hand to reassure and confort themselves.


But what they did not expect was a misfortune following another one. After escaping they tried to reach the island of trente, but were soon targeted by pirates ships. Having no choice they had to turn back and finished by arriving before the great gate dividing the asura vercors sea and the beast continent.

It is there by coincidence that they saw a space ship floating on the sea and three men moving the ship forward by propelling it with their meta energy .

In the futur this moment will be remembered as the moment the stars aligned, creating a chance meeting of people who will bring great change to the world. But at this moment the people who will be at the center of these storms were gazing at each other, Ike was looking at Maquia and Maquia at Ike .

As Grandpa quid saw the ship and the pirate ships behind, he soon smiled as brightly as the sun as he said to Dani and Ike ," let's go and help them, in return they will have no choice but to agree to our demands .

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