The Great Adventure

Chapter 8 - eight: wonderful dream

As the forces of the tulip family finally saw the island , grandpa quid was having a good dream.

"Gold , oh gold so much gold , I am the master of Gold, I eat gold , I shit Gold , I am Gold; ah ah ah ." In a hidden chamber inside of a huge skyscraper where gold formed mountains ,grandpa quid stood there on his back on top of a golden mountain , laughing like a mad man or more a exactly a man in love or in the presence of his God .

Soon steps could be heard as a person neared the door , entrance to the hidden chamber .

As someone started speaking: " we are waiting for you the diner is ready , come "

When grandpa quid heard the voice, he reached the climax of pŀėȧsurė. The voice was the voice of a woman similar to the voice of a mermaid if they exist.

Grandpa quid took some gold in each of his hands before running before the door, opening the door as fast as he could while gold was falling of his hands .

The next second he stood before a man that was his direct superior in the family.

" are you OK " asked the superior !

But no answer came from grandpa quid as his face turn blue of disgust and fear

the next second the man turned into a beast before rushing in the hidden chamber and swallowing all the gold inside the room.

moments later nothing was left inside the room except a beast and grandpa quid frozen by the shock of watching his treasure disappeared .

"... "

"aaaaaaaaaaaaarrrhhhhhhhhh" grand-pa quid started screaming, crying or maybe both at the same time in the chamber before waking up, finding tears flowing from his eyes .

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