The Great Adventure

Chapter 9 - nine

As Grandpa quid woke up, the forces of the tulip family saw the island quickly starting forming a defense around the island by keeping most of the battleship as guard to act as a defense line but also informant of the family in case of any possible approach of any unwanted guest. While a fleet was moving in the direction of the lake where the temple was located .

Inside the leading ship, in a large hall a man sat on a throne, that man was of a big stature. He had brown hair and blue eyes which reminded of the ocean, this man was the leader of the tulip family, TULIP Charles beside him stood two young men who looked a lot like him and before the throne the high rank members of the tulip family were gathered discussing of their future actions .

" Brother what do you think about the plan ? " asked the Tulip Charles

" the plan is indeed good, instead of sharing the temple, we should just use it on our family members and destroy it just after .

" Alexander ,what do you think will be the next actions of the "bloody" clan, "iron" family and "al hazard" mercenary group ? " asked Charles

" they might have gotten news of our movements but even if they know that we already found the temple they will not be here in time, the temple will already be destroyed. So there is no need to worry about them" responded Alexander, as a glow appeared in his eyes before disappearing as fast as it appeared.

As Alexander finished responding to his brother, a soldier in futuristic full armor resembling the armor of master chief in halo covered by a cape entered the hall before kneeling before the throne .

" My lord we have arrived at our destination " said the soldier after greeting Charles


As Ike, Dani and Grandpa quid received the news of the family leaders arrival, they went outside near the lake to receive them, as they came down from the flying ship on a levitating structure.

Charles the leader of the family rejoiced as he thought about the strengthened tulip family without knowing that on the "asura vercors sea ", On the island of "blooms", in the city of "flower"that the tulip family rules , flying ships of he bloody clan, iron family and al hazard mercenary group were currently bombarding the city of flower, that now ressemble the city of flame, as fire reached the heavens, the inhabitant of the city of flower were running trying to flee the city as fast as the could . Cries, howls, explosions, war cries could be heard in every corner of the city of flower.

Maquia the weaver was running with her little brother trying to get out of this hell, when a woman run , grabbed her in a frantic manner.

" my child, my daughter, where is she ? "

Maquia could not respond because of the shock of the situation, the city was in flame, cries and fire were everywhere, it was surreal ,was it a dream or nightmare ?

The next instant the woman ran to a nearby house before continuing looking for her daughter in a frantic manner.

A second later the house exploded due to a bombe, Maquia could not believe what she was seeing when her brother grabbed her hand before rushing to the city gate as fast as he could.

"Maquiaaa, let's ggo !"

The city of flower has fallen with only the headquarter remaining. In a communication room a man that had a high rank in the tulip family was trying to inform the family leader and the great fleet that left, of the disaster.

This man was called Mark and was a cousin of Charles and Alexander, before going to the control and communication room desperately trying to inform the family leader. He evacuated the children, women, and remaining force of the family trough a secret underground passage, only then did he return .

" ship #045687 can you hear me, I repeat ship #045687 , the city of flower has fallen … shit ! "

the door was broken before a great meta attack was lunch in the direction of mark, destroying the room completely .


While on the ship #045687 the body of a dead man laid on the floor in the control and communication room.

While unaware of this, the leader of the tulip family Charles and all the high ranked member of the tulip family were on the top of the golden pyramid inside the temple of blessing, in the process of receiving the temple's blessing, while congratulating each other.

At the bottom of the pyramid stood Ike, Dani and Grandpa quid who were quietly looking at the top, while Ike was looking he saw Alexander the brother of the leader of the tulip family with a glint in his eyes as he was talking to soldiers and other high ranked member of the family .

Ike found this scene bizarre but he could not pinpoint why ?

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