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When the power of rice also exploded, a picture scroll of beef feast slowly opened in front of the three judges.

This bowl of feast beef bowl is worthy of the name, the beef is cut on the spot, first bursting out the unparalleled top meat aroma, and then the gravy inside makes the whole beef soaked in the superb gravy, and these gravies gradually seep into the rice.

The beef above completely shows the essence of the goulash stew in Burgundy.

No, it should be said that the rice bowl ingredient above completely surpasses the beef stew in Burgundy, which is a beef dish with a richer taste.

Top beef with sweet and sour and red wine danced in the taste buds of each judge.

And the rice is completely melted slowly in the mouth with the meat aroma of beef, and you can also feel the slightly refreshing sour taste spread out in the rice, adding a lot of changes to this feast beef.

From the tender beef beating on the tip of the tongue, to the rice soaked in the soup, to the refreshing sourness, it keeps changing in the mouth.

This perfect gravy does not make the mouth feel greasy at all, but makes this beef rice bowl become more and more mellow, just like the name of this donburi, feast beef donburi.

The three judges were tasting top-notch beef dishes.

At this taste, the three judges seemed to come to the kingdom of beef, and they cheered with the people of beef, because today is a grand celebration of beef.

They feel the power of this top-quality beef bowl.

The three judges put down the bowl in their hands with happy faces, and the beef and rice in it had long been eaten.

“And no.” Zangmu Shino looked at Fang Lin expectantly, she had been conquered by Fang Lin’s cooking.

The kind of happiness and satisfaction that made her heart intoxicated, this is the dish she wants.

The other two judges were in similar shape.

“Judges let’s judge my cuisine first.” Fang Lin said with a smile.

“Fang Linjun, although we are already looking forward to your cooking skills, we didn’t expect you to be able to achieve this level.” Oto Yoshiki said, “Your feast beef rice bowl is completely luxurious beef dish. ”

“yes, beef food on top. It is made in the beef stew and then improved to give the beef a taste that is incomparable. “Zoki Shinano said that when you use the collagen formed by the fat of beef to firmly lock the gravy in the gap of the beef, until the diners eat it, the unparalleled meat aroma and gravy are like seeing the birth of top meat dishes on the spot.”

“Not only that, but the rich and rich beef ingredients do not hide the rice underneath at all, and the rice and the beef on top are like a whole.” Katsunori Okamoto said, “And the rice also has the taste of beef, and it is as if we are eating elegant beef dishes, and the double-mouth beef dishes make the taste of this rice bowl continue to rise.” ”

“And most importantly, whether it is beef or rice, there is a special ingredient that makes this beef rice bowl feast climbing, making diners look forward to how the next bite will feel him.” Kuraki Shino said with admiration, “Lin-kun, can you tell me how you did it?” ”

Yes, even the three judges can’t taste what deep things Fang Lin’s dish contains.

Hearing the praise of the judges, Fang Lin smiled softly and took out something from the cooking table, which was an orange-colored fruit, “I added this to the beef.” ”

“This is a sweet orange.” Zoki Shino was surprised, “I didn’t expect you to add this to that beef ingredient, no wonder it makes the whole beef more tender and elegant.” It is said that sweet oranges are rich in many organic acids and alkaloids, which can make the meat quality of beef even better. ”

“It is said that onions, honey, pineapple and other ingredients can also make beef more tender and juicy, but why did you think of using sweet oranges?” Katsunori Okamoto was surprised.

It’s really too little to use sweet oranges.

Mainly honey, pineapple and other ingredients can raise the level of beef to a higher level, and sweet orange is also relatively difficult to operate.

“I don’t just use sweet oranges for beef itself.” Fang Lin said lightly, “The acidic ingredients rich in sweet oranges are perfectly matched with the tomato juice and red wine added to my soup, so that the deliciousness of the meat dishes above shows a geometric explosion, so that beef has a taste that exceeds the top beef, and the ultimate explosive meat aroma.” ”

“It turns out that you even take this element into account in the soup to sublimate this beef dish, and the explosive meat aroma uses red wine and sweet orange to spread chemicals.” Zomu Shina’s whole body was stunned, such a handling of ingredients is how confident you are in your own cooking skills.

Because there is only one mistake in one place, then this feast beef rice bowl is completely ruined.

“And, don’t you find that meat and meat, sour and sour taste are perfectly matched, and finally form the perfect feast beef rice bowl.” Fang Lin took out another ingredient from the cooking table, which was something that seemed to have dried up.

“This is…” The three judges were stunned for a moment.

“This is tangerine peel, an orange dried thing, which is a kind of traditional Chinese medicine in the Celestial Empire.” Fang Lin said.

“Tangerine peel.” “It is said that tangerine peel is a kind of traditional Chinese medicine, and it also has the effect of treating the stomach, and most importantly, this thing can promote appetite, and the secret sour taste in rice is actually this.” ”

“Sweet orange, tangerine peel, gravy, beef, rice, these five ingredients are all perfectly integrated, this dish is too luxurious.” Zoki Shino covered her flushed face, and that ultimate enjoyment still flowed in her heart.

“With such creativity and craftsmanship, this beef dish is a perfect rice bowl.”

“Without a doubt, this is the real Fang’s Feast Beef Rice Bowl.”

At this moment, Fang Lin’s beef cuisine conquered the judges. _

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