"So at this time a very interesting point appeared." Zelin stretched out his third finger. "If I remember correctly, passing through the portal between Dalaran and Karazhan must be checked to prevent anyone from bringing the devil's things into Dalaran or stealing Dalaran's treasures. Just ask. At that time, the Mage Inspector was able to figure out whether Yamily was carrying a book when she left Dalaran. If my memory is correct, when she arrived at the hotel, she only brought a book full of books. She didn’t even have any replacement clothes or other luggage. Moreover, she had no extra money to buy books, and even the coins for buying this robe were borrowed from me. I still have the IOUs she wrote down."

"Hmm..." Sharona pondered for a few seconds, then raised her head, "You and I, go to the teleportation point now. I can find out who was on duty at the time and ask about the investigation records."


"It shouldn't be too late." Ruina's face was full of disgust and viciousness. "I believe that the devil spy is absolutely impossible to have only one apprentice. If she is a prisoner, then she must have an accomplice, then I must find a way to pry her mouth open and figure out who her accomplice is. If she is not a criminal, then The real caller is still at large, and there is nothing worse than the criminals staying outside the prison! And you, if your assumptions are not correct, then I will also include your investigation into the scope of the plan. "

"In this case, let's set off."

Zelin took a deep breath. The battle mage in front of him obviously hated those who colluded with the devil. If there is the assistance of an investigator, his behavior will be more effective. Even with Kirin Tor’s power of attorney, he couldn’t do anything with this as a reason.

"No problem, but..." Sha Ruina stretched out a finger and pointed to the ground in front of Zelin. "Stand where you are, and you are not allowed to leave. I will first confirm your origin and identity with Your Excellency Carre. After the confirmation is correct, I will take you to the inspector on duty. Do you have any objections?"

Zelin didn't want to cause any mage in Dalaran to be suspicious at this time, so he raised his hands. "I just hope you can be faster. I haven't eaten any food today."

The battle mage turned and walked down the stairs, and quickly disappeared from the sight of the demon hunter.

Taking a breath, Zelin turned to look at the intensive care unit. Yamily rolled her eyes, trying hard to see the situation clearly, facing the emerald green eyes, Zelin raised her arm and waved her hand, indicating that there was no problem.

The book for summoning the devil is in the hands of Yamily. She has been looking at that book. In that case, there is no possibility that someone will shove the book into the room without her noticing.

This book is a good method for planting, but it is also the biggest flaw that exposes the identity of the other party!

The only flaw in chapter 2072

Zelin waited for about half an hour. The sky was getting dark outside, and the bright moon cast bright moonlight on the purple brick roof of Dalaran.


There were rapid footsteps at the top of the stairs, first with the fiery red curly hair of the battle mage, followed by slightly dull skin, wrinkles left on the forehead by long frowning, and a pair of eyes that seemed to be in a state of restlessness forever. Sha Ruina carried the dark red robe and walked up the stairs, and Zelin took the initiative to meet her.

"How? Are you making a decision?"

"You fought against the minions of the Burning Legion in the Twilight Forest, killed a demon wizard, and destroyed the magic circle used to control the night watch. In Stormwind, you assisted Prince Anduin to expose the stormwind guard captain who took refuge in the Burning Legion Malagan's conspiracy, and defeated it at Mingjing Lake." Sunina's eyes narrowed into a gap, as if to assess whether the Demon Hunter could do such a thing. "As a werewolf warrior, it is amazing that you can do these things. Enough, come with me, go to the teleportation point!"

The demon hunter rubbed the corners of his eyes. His eyes were the same as those of werewolves, but he was not like other Gilneans in battle. He turned into battle to gain greater speed and strength, or changed in uncontrollable anger. For the werewolf. Hisalie praised Zelin on more than one occasion for controlling her emotions far beyond many Gilneas, and even more peaceful night elves. Zelin has never explained this, and such a misunderstanding saves him the time to explain the origin of his identity.

"It's not just me, thanks to my companions, it's like in Nightlight Town, if there is no Yamily to go to Dawn Forest to find reinforcements, Nightlight Town may have to pay more casualties in that battle. Thanks to the druids in time By then, no more undead pouring in from the breached defense gap."

"She?" Sunrena walked in front of the Demon Hunter without looking back. "According to the record, the day after Nightshade was attacked by a necromancer, her former mentor led the apprentice to Karazhan. How could she participate in that battle?"

"Because her instructor asked her to stay in the Twilight Forest, looking for the missing books and instruments. Before their carriage arrived in Nightlight Town, the wheels were damaged once, and some books fell into the wild. So when her instructor left, she did not bring them with them. Go to her. She came with me. Didn't her mentor tell you about this?"

"No. In fact, when we asked him, he immediately declared that he did not have this apprentice, and said that this apprentice had always been lazy but ambitious and daydreaming during his studies, so he hardly paid much attention to it. She, so she doesn't know anything about many things." Ruina's fingers with white silk gloves held the ruby ​​wand tightly. "Tomorrow I will go to ask him again to verify that your words are correct. Now, go faster, we don't have time to waste on the road, this **** teleportation ban will cause trouble at critical moments!"

The battle mage hardly left any extra time. Zelin believes that thanks to Dalaran, in addition to the specified locations, such as the Violet Fortress and the Krassus platform, no teleportation spells are allowed. Zelin believes that she may directly use teleportation to go to the destination instead of here. , Almost running fast. Fortunately, there are not many passers-by on the streets of Dalaran.

Of course, many seemingly ordinary people here may have the ability to turn a carriage into ashes in the blink of an eye.

The wizard at the teleportation point had just completed the inspection of a traveler who entered Dalaran, and was then called to the side to be questioned by Rina. There are three other travelers waiting to be checked in line, staying outside the checkpoint, stretching their necks curiously, trying to figure out what is going on, one person looks up into the sky impatiently, piles of luggage packages in his hands. On the leg. But the impatient expression of the Battle Mage made the traveler give up the idea of ​​urging.


"Yes, check the record of the last time the blood elf mage apprentice named Yamili passed through the teleportation point." Aura stretched out her finger and pointed to the notebook with the magic quill floating on it. "Now, right now, right now."

"Oh, please wait, ma'am, I'll look for it now." The young mage quickly lowered his head and opened the book. "Yamily... the blood elf called Yamily... I'll show it, um. What day is it?"

"The night four days ago." Zelin added. "She left Dalaran the night before four days ago and came to Karazhan."

"Oh, four days ago, let me find it." The mage lowered his head, his eyes narrowed slightly, and he searched for records among the dense lines of small print. "Um...oh, here. Not many people left from Dalaran that night, there were only seventeen people, and she was one of them..."

Before the apprentice could finish speaking, Ruina grabbed the notebook and looked at it with the help of the dim light of the magic lamp. She almost put her eyes on the book.

"Apprentice robe, three demon picture books, one spell notebook, and seven books. They are "Introduction and Mastery of Eagle Eye Art", "Holy Vision: History and Theory", "Basic Demon Identification", "Fool "Rune Knowledge", "Summon: Different World Art", "Introduction to Illusion" and..."

Zelin held his breath and waited for Rina to say the name of the last book.

"...... "The Art of Layout of the Magic Field""

Zelin slapped his hands.

"The problem is coming, Mrs. Sharena." He stretched out his hand. "Do you remember the book you found on the spot?"

"Soul and Sacrifice" Sharona returned the logbook to the young mage, who ran back to the post of the teleportation point in relief and continued to check the next traveler. "This is a book about demon summons."

"Yamily said that the book is not hers. She seems to want to express something, but she can't speak for the time being. I don't understand what she means." Zelin's right arm was crossed on his chest, and his left elbow was resting on his right hand. The left thumb propped his chin, and the index finger unconsciously stroked the slightly growing stubble at the corner of his mouth. "Since she didn't bring this book from Dalaran..."

"Then you think someone stuffed the book into her package after she left Dara?" Sharona frowned again. "She left Dalaran and went to the tavern where you were. Obviously it was impossible for anyone on the road to force the book into the package in her arms."

That being the case...

Where is it...

Where can the book be stuffed into the package without being noticed...

Where is it.....

Suddenly, the movement of the demon hunter's index finger suddenly stopped.

Only one person had contact with Yamily's package after she checked into the hotel.

When Yamily arrived at the hotel, he spent a few silver coins to let Yamily go to the backyard of the hotel to take a shower and relax. The innkeeper helped carry the blood elves’ luggage to the room!

Chapter 2073, Explosive Attack

"Tavernkeeper? Karazhan's tavern?"

"I remember he said his name... Norbert!" Zelin tried to find the memory of the few conversations with the tavernkeeper in his mind. "I don’t remember the name of the hotel for the adventurers of the Alliance, but it’s the one. Yes, when Yamily checked into the hotel, I asked Norbert to help deliver Yamily’s luggage to the room. At that time, Yamily went to rest in the tub in the backyard and I ordered some food for dinner. Only during that time, Yamily’s book-packed package was out of sight of me and her."

"Then Norbert is very suspicious." Ruina agreed with Zelin's speculation. "I immediately requested an arrest warrant from the Kirin Tor Council. Half an hour later, you and I went to the hotel and took him to the Violet Prison for questioning."

"...No, no, no, if he really is." Zelin immediately turned and walked towards the hotel. "Then we must rush over at once!"

"Without an arrest warrant, the Kirin Tor guard has no right to arrest a townsman under Dalaran." Sharona read the regulations coldly. "Ms. Proudmoore's behavior two years ago has seriously affected Dalaran's credibility, and it must never happen again..."

However, Zelin did not listen to the battle mage explaining to him what kind of legal provisions the Kirin Tor Council had.

Perhaps it was never the real purpose to frame Yamily, just as the purpose of summoning the guards of the doomsday was not to attack the town of Karazhan.

The goal of the Demon Summoner has never changed.



The innkeeper’s name is Norbert.

But no one cares about his name. Everyone knows that the owner of the inn, the owner of the tavern, over time, the owner has become another name for him.

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