Carrying an oil lamp, the oil lamp provides the only light for the gloomy corridor on the second floor of the hotel. There were not many guests, so the candles on both sides of the corridor were not lit. A candle costs dozens of copper coins, and the number of candles to illuminate a corridor is not a small expense for the hotel.

Suddenly, the door on the right hand side in front of the innkeeper was opened.

"I told you, little Delaney, my body is very healthy, there is no injury, that little injury is nothing to me."

Burns put on his gloves as he walked out of the room, his fangs swinging up and down in response to a scream of dissatisfaction. "I made no mistakes. No one is qualified to keep me in a room."

"No, Zelin said, you must lie in the room to rest."

Olega chased it out from behind. "You were in a coma last night, you have to rest for at least three days, and you..."

"I was lying on the bed until my whole body was about to rust." Burns moved his shoulders and walked towards the stairs without looking back. "You stay here, and tell him when Zelin comes back, I'll go to the Blessing of Bonsanti for a drink. This **** herb is not as good as a glass of strong wine to heal my wounds."

"Holy Light..."

"Shut up, don't mention any **** light, I can't stand it anymore!"

Norbert stood on the spot and waited until the two of them disappeared under the stairs before he walked back to the inside of the corridor. The corridor was silent. Except for the five houses at the end, the owners of the other houses left after the Doomsday Guards attacked. Few people are willing to live in towns where demon summoners may exist. Dalaran's announcement may calm people's hearts a bit, but fear will penetrate deeply into the soil of the soul like a seed.

Standing in front of the door at the end of the corridor, Norbert raised his hand and knocked on the door.

"Who is it?"

Hisalie's voice reached the ears of the innkeeper through the door panel. The skinny man with long, thin hair frowned.

"I am the owner of the hotel. The owner of this house said that he ordered a bottle of potion that can promote wound recovery. He was out of business and was not sure when he would return, so he entrusted me to bring the potion. This is his store in Dalaran, he said it took a lot of money to get it."

There was a faint sound of footsteps behind the door, from far to near. The footsteps stopped, and with a creak, the door was pulled open, revealing the figure of the night elf. Hisalie looked Norbert up and down and held out her hand.

"Thanks for your hard work, just hand me the potion."

"Don't forget to feed it to the patient as soon as possible." As he said, Norbert took out a light blue handkerchief, carefully wrapped the palm-length slender glass bottle in the handkerchief, and filled it with light red potion. "This kind of potion is expensive, and some potions are left too long, which will reduce the efficacy of the potion. If it is wasted, I guess he must be very distressed."

Hisalie reached out and took the potion. "Thank you, I will remember."

Norbert grinned, and the smile flashed by, making it difficult to tell whether he was really smiling or the corners of his mouth twitched. Nodding, he glanced at the room one last time and closed the door again. The voice of the innkeeper faded away in the corridor.

"Potion." Xisali frowned and looked at the potion bottle in her hand. The druid walked to the bed. An Bo was still lying on it, frowning slightly, his face pale, and glittering sweat dripped down his forehead. Anbo seems to be having nightmares. Although the druids have a lot of knowledge about dreams, their best members often enter the Emerald Dream, but Xisali is not an expert in this area. For Anbo in a coma, she is the only thing she can do. It is to wipe off the cold sweat from the body with a handkerchief.

Opening the oak cork, Xisali placed the potion bottle under the tip of her nose and sniffed gently. The smell pouring into her nostrils made Hisalie quickly remove the medicine bottle.

"Um...what bad potion. Do humans like this strange smell?"

Putting the oak plug back on, Xisalie waved her hand in front of her nose, dispelling the disgusting stench. She lowered her eyes and looked at Anbo whose skin was like snow and ice, Xisali hesitated for a while, then put the potion back. Druids know herbs, they know all kinds of plants, just like every druid has to learn and experience everything in nature by himself. Although Hisalie's alchemy is only at the level of apprenticeship, she doubts what effect this kind of potion that can make people vomit, if poured into the stomach in a coma, will have any effect on the patient.

After a few seconds, the door was knocked again.

Hesally walked over and opened the door. "Mr. Boss, what's the matter with you...Uh, Orega, it's you."

"Mr. Orc is gone." The draenei dropped his shoulders, lowered his head, and sighed in disappointment. "The holy light is on, so I won't listen no matter how I persuade him. He said he was going to meet his friends, and there were more troublesome things waiting, so he asked me to tell Zelin about it. He clearly said that I was in a coma from a serious injury the day before yesterday, and I am leaving today. Xisalie, you can help me find a way. If Zelin knows what he told me and it messed me up, he would definitely be angry."

Hisalie hid her face and smiled. "I thought you draenei would all hate orcs. Is it because of Zelin? I didn't know that this could make people not care about the hatred of the past."

Oleja looked confused at the night elves's teasing.

"Hate orcs? Why."

"...No, it's nothing." Xisali shook her head. She walked to the bed with a smile on her face and waved the potion bottle in her hand. "Don't worry, the orcs have a very strong recovery ability. Even if they are hit by an arrow, they will only need to rest for two days to recover. My sisters in Ashenvale have long been injured. I have experienced it. If you are really worried, you can tell the owner of the tavern and ask him to ask some acquaintances to pay attention to Burns. Zelin seems to know the owner here, and ask him to send him a bottle of the potion he ordered before. , The goods from his shop in Dalaran."

"Hey? I remember he said that his shop is an enchantment shop."

The smile on Hisalie's face instantly cooled down.

Oleja pressed her chin with her fingers, she rolled her eyes for a moment, then shook her head. "Forget it. I'll tell him when the innkeeper comes back."

"He's not here?"

"Yeah, I just saw him leave. Maybe something is going on."

"Did he lock the door?" Hisalie asked suddenly.

"Lock the door? No, he..."

"He dropped a tavern and left without locking the door?!"

Hisalie seemed to think of something suddenly, and a slight tossing sound came into her ears.

The next moment, the Druid grabbed Oleg with one hand, and dragged the Paladin towards Anbo who was lying on the bed, at the same time exuding a soft emerald light. Placed in the potted plants by the window sill, the vines suddenly grew wildly, and their tips rushed to the three people beside the bed.

The flame immediately enveloped the house.

Chapter 2074 Under the Ruins


Zelin paused in his footsteps.

The second floor of the inn exploded in front of the demon hunter. The exterior wall covered with repair marks could not withstand the impact of the explosion. The air wave broke through the wall and the flames gushed out. The destroyed roofs, walls, and glass were scattered in fragments. Zelin raised his arm subconsciously, and gestured to the rune of the Kunen's seal, and waves suddenly appeared on the seal of the seal. Sawdust, stones and glass shards were blown out by the shock wave of the explosion, crackling on the surrounding streets and houses. The broken wooden stakes were thrown into the sky, and fell like raindrops, smashing stalls and knocking down street lights. The raised dust rushed toward his face, and instantly enveloped more than ten meters around the hotel.

When the impact of the dust wave dissipated, Zelin opened his eyes. The broken hotel sign fell in front of him, and only the handwriting of the hotel could be seen on it. Panicked shouts came from the street, the wailing of men mixed with the screams of women. In front of the demon hunter's right hand, a man in a blue shirt was lying on the ground. His back was hit by the flying debris, making him bloody. On the other side, a woman wearing a light brown dress and white apron fell on her back. She was hit by the falling gravel. A pool of blood formed on her forehead, which stained the bread that fell on the ground.

"Damn...Saraina!" Zelin stepped over the gravel in front of him. Dust blocked his vision and walked a few steps forward. He saw a man clutching his injured arm, rolling and wailing on the ground. "Call up your soldiers!"

He didn't know if Sunrena heard it. In his memory, the battle mage had been behind him, explaining to him Kirin Tor's law and whether the surveillance demon hunter would do anything out of the ordinary.

But he can't stop.

If his impression of the location is correct, the explosion is very close to the room where Amber and Burns are located!

Zelin walked quickly to the hotel. He didn't start running, he didn't know the situation inside, and running forward rashly would probably let himself step into the enemy's trap. After approaching the inn, the damage caused by the explosion appeared in front of the demon hunter.

The wall more than two meters on the second floor of the hotel was completely blown up, and there was still a flame licking the decaying wooden boards, and thick smoke came out of the gap in the wall and went straight into the sky.

"Hisally?!" he shouted. "Olega, can you hear my voice?!"

The crackling burning sound echoed in the screams of people and the iron boots of soldiers running. Zelin looked around, he backed a few steps, and ran to a bump made of rubble. With the help of a run-up, he ran forward three steps, jumped onto the stone in the fourth step, and then leaped sharply, grabbing the crack in the wall with both hands. There was a sharp piercing sensation from the stone in his palm, but the gliding lizard leather protected his palm very well. Use your arms to pull yourself up. Zelin first drew out the ebony blade and looked around with vigilant eyes.

In the end, his gaze rested on the other side of the wall.

A group of scorched plant fragments scattered on the ground. Zelin knew this plant. It was a potted plant that Xisali left on the window sill to protect the room. The vine was torn into several sections by the explosion, leaving only a piece of scorched black at the break.

"Hisally?!" Zelin shouted again. "Where are you?!"

The interior of the room was completely destroyed, and everything inside became a mess of disorderly rubbish. The pungent smoke caused Zelin to cover the tip of his nose. He raised his hand and made Alderfayin's gesture towards the flame.

The next moment, a violent air current gushed out, Frost Alder swept across the corner of the room, blowing thick smoke, and covering the charred ground and walls with a thin layer of frost. The low temperature instantly extinguished the flame, together with the smoldering flames in the dead wood, infused a cool chill into the hot house.

After taking a slight breath, he carefully observed the room again. At this time, the demon hunter caught an unusual sound for him through the mutant ear.

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