"You are calm, which is good, at least I don’t need to run to other timelines to find you after you fall into the space-time stream. Keep calming down, we will soon reach our destination. If you feel vomiting, Be sure to press it down. I still remember that after entering the Caverns of Time for the first time, a few adventurers vomited in front of the great King Solidomi."

Zelin couldn't see Chromie, but the voice told him that the mysterious dwarf mage was nearby.

"How do I feel as if anyone knows what I'm thinking?"

"Because you are only a projection, your facilitator only considered how to improve the accuracy rate, but did not set any defense measures on you. As long as you know some simple magic skills, you can easily read your thoughts. However. Don't worry, only strong thinking will be read out like written on the face. For professional ethics considerations, I will not forcefully do anything from the soul level."

"You are really a good person with noble morals." Zelin wiped the corners of his mouth. "Thanks to you. It seems that you are a mage specializing in time magic?"

"Specializing in time magic? Yes, I'm really good at this, but mage? No, I don't think I am a mage, and I have another name, you can call me Cronom, just like you You can call Kalec the same as Kalecgos, but like him, I like another, simpler name."

Zelin was surrounded by dust splashing everywhere. He felt that he was wrapped in flying sand. No matter how hard he tried, he couldn't see through the yellow sand.

"It sounds like you know me?" Zelin pressed down his tumbling stomach, and made his groggy head work as much as possible. "I saw two of you with my own eyes just now, and I swear this is definitely not an illusion. What timeline did you just talk about, and the past you and the present you...what the **** is that?"

"It means literally." Chromie explained patiently. "I understand that you have a lot of doubts, but now I can answer it for you. After all, we no longer need to perform the duties given to us by the Titans, otherwise the guy Kenom will not mess up all of this. Well, lose the duty. It really made our entire group confused and confused, so that there will be careerists like Kairoz. Oh, sorry, I forgot, you don’t know what’s going on. After all, you are not a resident of Azeroth. Right?"

Zelin was surprised. He thought that only Tuvis knew the secret.

"I am a bronze dragon, an outsider. I once belonged to the guardian of Azeroth together with the other four dragons. This is the duty given to us by the Titan who created this world."

Through Chromie's explanation, Zelin knew that this dwarf mage was actually a bronze dragon. The dragons of Azeroth are one of the most powerful creatures in this world. In the past, the Titan, who brought order and life to Azeroth, delegated the responsibility of protecting the world to the five dragons. The red dragon is the guardian of life, the green dragon guards the dream world on the back of Azeroth, the blue dragon manages arcane and magic, the black dragon defends the earth, and the bronze dragon is responsible for maintaining the flow of time on the right path. Therefore, the Bronze Dragon will ensure that Azeroth's history goes in the direction set by the Titans, and guard against any interference from outside the world, leading to deviations in the timeline.

"So I was hostile to you in the past. Maybe you should feel lucky. If it was Hidormi from the past, she might just kill you."

"But now yours is not like you in the past?" Zelin asked. "Are you no longer performing your duties?"

"Yes, oh, I didn't mean I was lazy or negligent. Titan gave us the supernatural power of the bronze dragon to guard time, but then the fall of the guardian of the earth ruined everything. Deathwing wanted to destroy the entire world, in order to fight It, the other four great guardian dragons gave their power. In the end, we defeated Deathwing in the Maelstrom, but the price was that the guardian dragon lost its power and could no longer perform its duties. The age of the dragon has passed. , We are also liberated from our duties, but we still have the power to travel through time and space, so some careerists and traitors appear among us-Kairoz uses the power of time to return to Delano before the opening of the dark gate The planet, and change the fate of the orcs being enslaved by the demons. Unfortunately, he did not do this out of goodness, but wanted to take the orcs army in his own hands and let them launch a war of conquest against Azeroth for themselves."

"Time is indeed a dangerous thing."

Zelin couldn't help but imagine that if there was a mage in his world, using the power of time to go back to the past, back to the time before the signing of the Treaty of Novigrad, back to the time before the establishment of the Warlock Brotherhood, and reveal the future to the then masters. The powerful mage told them what happened to the sorcerers later, what kind of consequences would it lead to. If at that time the warlock wanted to rule the world and sit on the throne, no one could stop them. Many magic inheritances were not lost in the warlock civil war, and many powerful spells that seemed impossible later were commonplace at the time. Demon gold was rare and precious, and it was hardly discovered. Maybe their world will become the Derfant Empire in the Continent of Saidas, a kingdom ruled by the Magic Emperor.

"Yes, but time also has endless possibilities. A person who makes another choice in one place may have a completely different branch of the timeline. In the past, we thought that in addition to the timeline appointed by the Titans, other Timelines are all wrong. But now, we believe that all timelines have a reason for their existence, and there is no distinction between right and wrong. Just like you, your existence represents several possible timelines, of which several It's my favorite."


"No, nothing. Get ready, it may be a little uncomfortable next."

Zelin hadn't waited for Zelin to react. He suddenly felt the pull of gravity, and the yellow sand quickly dispersed, but he had no time for him to take care of it. He fell quickly, leaving only the whistling wind in his ears. He stretched out his hand to grab something, but only the gravel slipped away in the wind at his fingertips. He wanted to grab the parachute behind him, just like Mordor did when he was fighting the Balrog, using a parachute to slow down the falling speed, but he didn't touch anything behind him.

The next moment, he had a close contact with the soft gravel.

There is not much pain, but the stomach seems to pop out of the mouth. He gritted his teeth and covered his abdomen with one hand, his blurred vision could only see a small dwarf figure standing in front of him.

"Welcome to the Caverns of Time, time traveler." Chromie opened his arms. "Even for you, this is a privilege...oh wait, do you feel your stomach jumping out? Wait, did my spell go wrong? Oh! Hidor Mi, come and help!"

Chapter 2095: Caverns of Time

Zelin vowed that he would never want to experience such an experience again.

But thinking that he might have to return in the same way, Zelin suddenly regretted that he shouldn't have come to Azeroth. Maybe he was lying in the castle now, watching the news from people outside, drinking tea made by Yusevka, thinking about what to eat at night.

Thinking of this, Zelin suddenly stunned.

He is a demon hunter, but now he is living like a nobleman, it is incredible. He rubbed his forehead, still dispelling the false sense of unhappiness, as if all this was not true at all. Although he believes that the reason for this situation is that he still has not recovered from the time and space teleportation.

"If you feel better, try to stand up and don't touch anything around you, no matter how normal they look."

Zelin supported his body, covered his abdomen with one hand, and stood up swayingly. His boots are stuck in a mass of sand, and he is very thankful that the shaft of the boot can reach the calf, otherwise the sand will be uncomfortable.

"Thank you." Zelin pushed the arm holding his arm away, indicating that he was okay. "I feel better. I think we should reach our destination?"

"Yes, keep your eyes open. The Cavern of Time has never been open to mortal races, but you will have the opportunity to witness history and the future with your own eyes."

Zelin took a deep breath, raised his head and looked around. Then, the scenery in front of him almost made him forget to breathe.

This is an open space with thousands of square meters. The clearing was covered with fine white sand, and in the middle, a strange funnel was erected. The funnel is divided into three layers. Each layer has an hourglass with a height of more than two meters. In the hourglass, the colored streamer and the gravel fall endlessly. The gravel on the top keeps falling but does not decrease, and the gravel on the bottom is also No increase. The edge of the hourglass is wrapped with golden hoops, and the straight golden hoops are twisted and twisted together, finally reaching the sky at the top of the three diagonal corners of the hourglass, condensing into the appearance of a bronze dragon head.

Under the hourglass is a huge stone plate with a diameter of tens of meters and a height of more than two meters. There are two huge bronze dragons lying on it. One dragon is resting with its head lowered, and the other dragon raises its head and looks up at the top of its head. The unpredictable nebula.

The Caverns of Time is not a cave that the demon hunter expected. In other words, this cave has no top. Looking up, Zelin can see countless rocks surrounding a sun floating in the sky, and colorful aurora Circulation in the void. Standing in the Cavern of Time, they didn't seem to belong to any world, but an enclave floating outside the world in the void. Around the Caverns of Time, there are weird scenes, and one after another gray scenes freeze on the sand. On the tower with the white battle flag, two soldiers, one man and one woman, stood guard at the gate of the tower. A handsome young man with bright blond hair holding a warhammer, accompanied by another gray-haired old knight, greeted the two guards standing guard.

On the other side of the tower scene is a two-story tavern. In front of the tavern, a knight with a light brown beard and a firm face chatted with another middle-aged warrior with golden curly hair, and was about to step up the steps of the tavern. Behind them, the female knight with dark brown hair tied into a ponytail was slightly Following them cautiously, there was a look of worship in his eyes.

Zelin turned his head to the right. In another scene in a dark dungeon, a beautiful girl in a white shirt and blue dress passed a piece of bread in her hand to the orc held inside through the fence. The young orc opened his eyes wide, looking at the bread in his hands, his eyes filled with surprise and gratitude. While the girl passed the bread, she turned her head and looked behind her, with a little worry in her eyes, as if she was worried about her behavior being discovered.

Her gaze continued to turn to the right. On a bulging soil **** on the side of the road, the blond young man carrying a warhammer looked solemnly at the city wall lying in the distance. Another young female mage holding a staff and Nian The old knight stood under the dirt slope, looking at the young man with his back to them with concern.

Looking around, there are countless scenes distributed in the Cave of Time, and countless scenes frozen in time surround the huge hourglass. In the sky, several young bronze dragons hovered and soared on different scenes of time.

"It's...unbelievable place."

Zelin tried to keep everything in front of him in his mind. When he returned, there would be many people around him who would like to hear this story.

"This is the scene where the Knights of the Silver Hand negotiated the forging of the artifact Ashbringer." Chromie explained beside her, and she pointed to the tavern scene. "Tirion Fording and Alexander Mograine are talking about the Eredar crystals they seized from the Blackrock Spire. Behind them is Brigitte Abydis, the later General of the Scarlet Crusade. I believe It is precisely because of this incident that before the Knights of the Silver Hand was disbanded, a new group of power was condensed in it, forming the later Scarlet Crusade and the Silver Dawn, as well as the current Silver Crusade."

"This tower was once located in the town of Steinblad. For the first time, Arthas, the prince of Lordaeron, performed his mission as a commander in order to protect the town from the Blackrock Orcs. His mentor, Paladin U Thrall was introducing him to the local defense and soldiers. Arthas promised a kid named Timmy in the small town of Steinblad that he would surely rescue the townspeople kidnapped by the orcs. As a result, the Blackrock Orcs were there. When Arthas led the soldiers on the offensive, he killed all the hostages in front of him and sacrificed them to the devil. I think it was at this moment that the dreadlord Malganis planted the seeds of paranoia in Arthas's heart."

"Dungeon scene? Well, you are not the only one interested in this. In the past, the Eternal Dragon has attacked this time point more than once. Orc Thrall established with his human adoptive parents' daughter Teresa in the adoption house. He learned tolerance and friendliness from Teresa, and was able to live in an adoption home instead of dying in high-intensity training and gladiatorial battles. Later, thanks to Thrall’s leadership, the orcs were able to be in Cali Mudor rebuilds the tribe and forms alliances with Jaina's humans, Kane's tauren, Vol'jin's darkspear trolls, and night elves to fight the Burning Legion. Otherwise, Azeroth will be destroyed in that invasion."

Zellin looked at the characters frozen in time. He knew Tirion, and Aurega often said the name of the greatest paladin in Azeroth. But he hadn't heard of anyone else, whether it was Alexander, Bridget, Teresa or Uther. He didn't want to ask what the name that disappeared in history would end up with.

"As for this." Chromie looked at the young prince standing on the mound. "Strathom. I sometimes wonder whether it was correct to prevent the Eternal Dragon from destroying this time-space node. Food mixed with plague was transported into the city and distributed to the citizens. A huge city with tens of thousands of residents became a huge city. After the plague city, Arthas announced that he would slaughter the city to prevent the citizens from becoming undead and destroying other towns and villages in the Kingdom of Lordaeron. Back then, the eternal dragon destroyed the plague-infected food in advance, but this was inconsistent. The timeline of the World Titans was different, so I led the adventurers through time and space, returned to Stratholme, re-spread the plague, and let Arthas continue to make the decision to slaughter the city."

"Titans are really a group of severe creators." Zelin shook his head. "I don't understand, if everything goes according to the established plan, there can be no change, what is the meaning of this world."

Chromie did not speak, she paused. After a while, she suddenly laughed again. "Sometimes, I think Cataclysm is a good thing. We finally don't have to do this kind of thing for our duty, and we can look at other timelines as normal. Later, I went to the timeline where there was no massacre in Alsace. The Undead Scourge engulfed the entire North Lordaeron. In the end, the dwarves blocked the undead Scourge by blowing up the bridge connecting the south and the north. Arthas and Jaina got married in Stormwind City, and had a son. I participated in Stormwind City. After their wedding, it’s really good. Oh, don’t let the queen know that. She doesn’t like us saying that, especially after a traitor like Kairoz appears."

"If you don't want the queen to know, you'd better not say it here."

"Don't be so serious, Hidormi, it's nothing."

Sidormi is a bronze dragon that turns into a black-haired female human. In the Caverns of Time, Zelin saw a lot of bronze dragons that turned into mortal races, but most of them turned into high elves. It is said that every dragon race likes to imitate the mortal races that their leader changes, just like the green dragon is the night elves, the black dragon is the human, and the bronze dragon is the high elves. Compared with other races, the dragons obviously prefer the elves.

"Kaynoz has brought us too much trouble, and it is difficult for the mortal race to trust us anymore. It is better not to cause more trouble. The scales of the quicksand are already scorched by this kind of thing, but fortunately no eternal dragon continues to run out now. Give us trouble." Xidormi's voice looked serious, and then turned to Zelin. "Come with me, time traveler, we are ready to send you back. You are very important in this world node, although the result is very different from the world line scheduled by Titan, but... When the first half of the timeline has gone wrong, I am afraid that the latter will not be correct anyway. Kairoz has messed up the entire Dark Portal calendar after 38 years."

"It looks like I could be killed by you without showing up, but I should be thankful to this bronze dragon named Kairoz?"

"It's better not to think like this." Xidormi glared at Zelin before turning around. "Come with me, your timeline is here."

Chapter 2096, Time Traveler

The Caverns of Time Square has countless branches leading to different timelines.

Zelin believes that this may be the general node of all the different world lines of Azeroth, just as countless fork roads will eventually lead to a wide square, and any road can be reached in this square. For Zelin's metaphor, Xidormi was noncommittal. She took Zelin into a branch tunnel. On both sides of the tunnel, Zelin saw familiar scenes one after another.

In the night of Golden Town, in front of the virtual spirit’s teleportation node, Tuweisi counted the goods he carried. Next to the virtual spirit, another man with light brown hair raised his head and looked at the roof of the small town in the distance. And the twinkling stars in the sky. He can read Tuweisi’s thoughts at this moment. He is considering the next supply of goods, the next market demand and the quality of the unexpected goods, whether the natives around him are trustworthy and how Cover up the identity of the native to avoid conflicts between him and the natives of Azeroth, whether he can use this to become a real Ethereal merchant from a small illusionist. The Master Star Song hired him to be an illusionist in his store, but he was not reconciled to just being an illusionist. He wanted to go further, and cooperation with an unknown native might become the starting point of his career or the end of his ambition.

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