The second scene is MI7, the moment Zelin and Anduin meet. Agent Jobs followed the prince, thinking about Shaw's orders and doubts about Amber's identity in his mind. Vindicator Tamra sat on the innermost wooden chair, flipping through the book with one hand, not thinking about it, he was thinking about when Olegar’s enthusiasm would fade and how to find a way to send her back to Azuremyst Isle . He knows a paladin, and he has been thinking about whether he can find a suitable job for Oregaard in Azuremyst Isle, where she can be a paladin trainer, train new fighters, or find a way to get her Get to Outland, to Shattrath. He didn't want to put Oregaard in danger at all. Olegar listened carefully to Zelin's analysis, and prayed to the Holy Light in her heart, blessing them to catch the demon spies as soon as possible, so as to prevent more people from being injured and victimized. Anduin thought about Zelin's origins, analyzed his origin based on the appearance of a demon hunter, and was worried about being attacked again in Stormwind City. Will more people be injured? Will anyone die because of this? Who is the spy? No one knows.

Subsequently, the location became the night town. Time freezes when Altea is standing in the town council. She opened her mouth and was about to give a speech to the town council. At the same time, in the hotel, Sarah's sword smashed into his forehead at the moment Zelin opened the door. Altea's soul wailed in pain in the crystal, as if tied to a torture frame and burned, but always kept awake and clearly felt the pain of burning every minute and every second. Her soul was crying, screaming frantically, shouting for help, burning for several days, and the pain of hitting the soul almost destroyed her sanity. Sarah's consciousness was imprisoned in her body, and she prayed to the Holy Light that someone could defeat her and prevent her from continuing to help her abuse. She didn't want to die, she didn't want to die at all, how much she wished this was just a demon, but she also hoped that someone could come to kill her and save Yese Town. She shouted in her heart, hiding, hiding, and don't get hit.

The next place is on the Deadwind Trail. Time freezes at the moment Zelin raises his whip. He moved towards Dalaran, full of optimism about business, and a little worry about the unknown. By his side, Burns was thinking about his identity as a demon hunter and how to describe the werewolf warrior who made credit in Stormwind to the uncrowned. The Uncrowned watched Zelin when he left Stormwind, and sent agents to investigate his background when he arrived in Nightshade, so Burns in Booty Bay came here. The orc laughed at Zelin's jokes, guilty of deceit in his heart, and the pain of losing honor. He believed that his past had no glory at all, and he would rather sacrifice his life to make up for the mistakes of the past. Inside the carriage, Yamily read the book attentively while gently biting the tip of her tongue to refresh her mind. The blood elf had only fatigue in her heart, whether it was body, spirit, or soul. Worries about the instructor’s disapproval, and the pain of alienation from classmates. She can only drive away the confusion in her heart if she is close to abusively asking herself. Can you really become a mage? Can I really succeed in my studies? Can I really achieve my career by hard work?

Finally, the gray picture turned into Karazhan's hotel. Xisally lay on the wooden table next to the bed to take a nap, but the nightmare tormented her. She dreamed that she was in a cemetery. The cemetery was full of tombstones. Every tombstone was engraved with the name of an acquaintance. It was written that one of her friends died because of her. The cemetery under the night was shrouded in mist, and she was alone, with only the ridicule of the murderer beside her. An Bo frowned on the bed, her nightmare was full of fel flames, the Burning Legion destroyed Azeroth, and the souls of all creatures turned into dyes in the fel engine, providing power for the Burning Legion to conquer the new world. Allegar sat in the corner of the room, staring at the warhammer in her hand in a daze, only her hatred of the devil and the worship of the Holy Light in her heart. She prayed to the holy light to bless everyone around her to be safe in the battle against evil. On the first floor of the hotel, Yamily nervously recommended herself to Zelin. Her legs couldn't help shaking under the long skirt, and she could only try to control her voice not to tremble. Zelin looked at the blood elf in surprise, marveling at her courage and determination.

"Yes, it's here." Hidormi stopped, and she turned around. "You entered the flow of time by summoning the illusion of space-time fragments, but I can't send you back into the illusion. That time is too dangerous. Medivh, who is possessed by the demon lord, may discover your existence at any time."

"The Lord of the Devil?"

"Yes, Medivh is possessed by the demon lord, and his soul has been fighting with the demon lord for control of the body. I believe that the demon lord may come up and prepare to kill you directly, but Medivh is fighting with him. Grab the body, so he will directly express his doubts. Medivh’s soul may want to delay your escape in this way, and warn Hagra and Hagarin brothers. The demon lord is about to murder them. ."

Zelin was silent for a few seconds: "...What happened later?"

"Later, Anduin Lothar, the warrior of Azeroth, and Khadgar, Medivh’s apprentice, raided the Karazhan Tower. Lothar destroyed Medivh’s body and exiled the soul of the demon lord, leaving Medivh’s The soul was liberated. In the end, Medivh's mother Aegwynn resurrected her son with the magic of keeping youth, which was a good ending." Xidormi shrugged. "Be prepared, I will directly send your consciousness back to the body of the summoning circle, although...this may be a bit painful."

"Come on." Ze Lin took a deep breath and moved his shoulders. This time, he got too many unexpected gains. "I'm ready."

Chapter 2097 The plan has changed

When the purple mirror image broke, Zelin almost fell forward to the ground.

"Sir?!" Yamily rushed up quickly and held Zelin's arm. But the demon hunter stabilized his figure, he was breathing heavily, his forehead dripping with sweat. "Are you okay? Magic, is there something wrong with the magic circle?"

"No, that's okay." Zelin took a deep breath. He doubted what the bronze dragon meant for a little pain. Perhaps for a dragon, this kind of pain is nothing, but he feels that part of his body is about to be crushed and then glued together again. Fortunately, it was just a moment, even a demon hunter didn't want to experience it again. Now, he felt his left hand trembling slightly. "There is nothing wrong with the magic, you succeeded, Jamily, even better than I expected. When is it now? How long has it passed?"

"Half an hour, sir." As if worried about doing something wrong, Yamili looked up and down Zelin, trying to find out what was wrong with the demon hunter. "Are you feeling okay? Do you feel nauseous and want to vomit? Or..."

"I'm fine." Zelin shook his head, pushed Yamily's arm away, and looked at the guarded white-haired battle mage. "Has the battle begun? Tell me, the Kirin Tor has not yet launched an attack on the Crypt."

"Not yet, because we are gathering troops." The white-haired mage scratched his chin thoughtfully. "Did you find anything?"

"Yes, please tell the battle mage leading the team to stop the attack first. I have a plan."

"I'm going to inform Mrs. Sunrena." The white-haired mage didn't say anything extra. He gestured to the other mages, beckoning them to stay here to guard, then turned and walked towards Karazhan.

In the town of Karazhan, three teams of well-armed elite Kirin Tor guards lined up on the town square. The combat mages who only guarded thought that in the narrow underground, sending three elite teams equipped with enchanted armor and weapons, obviously It is more meaningful than enlisting large-scale troops into the battlefield. Each team of guards will be led by a battle mage, and will be assisted by a team of adventurers who work for Dalaran. Compared with the uniformed Kirin Tor guards, these adventurers wore a variety of armors, uniforms and weapons, and before the start of the battle, they assigned combat positions to each other and inquired about the origin of their companions' equipment.

"The Karazhan Underground is not just a necropolis, but a huge cave." Zelin was standing in front of a long table with a plan of Karazhan on it. "The tomb is just an entrance. The place where the devil's minions actually hide should be in an underground cave. The reason why they appear inside the necropolis is only because there is a tunnel in the cemetery that connects to their real hiding place."

"You mean, we just happened to meet them in one place, instead of directly finding their lair?" Ruina stared at the map in front of her, her brows wrinkled into a word "chuan", her squinted eyes were drawn out. Wrinkles around the eyes. "And the devil's minions are hidden under our feet?"

"Yes, Karazhan underground is empty." Zelin recalled the scene he saw in the illusion. "There are two places that can directly lead to the underground cave. One is the necropolis. I think the devil's minions moved their hands and feet in the necropolis after they came here, and sealed the inside of the cave with a stone wall. Shimen. The second place is in the basement of an inn. There is a hidden door in the basement of the inn, which allows you to directly enter the underground cave."

In the past, Zelin always thought that the devil's minions were hidden in the necropolis, and then separated the necropolis into two parts with a stone wall. The outer part was used to cover the hiding place and carry out their evil plots inside. But in fact, the necropolis is not a den of the devil's minions. The devil's minions even use a stone wall to separate the necropolis from their hiding place, so as not to be discovered by outsiders who inspect the cemetery.

"The building that was bombed? Or the tavern of the tribe?"

"Is there a map of Karazhan's past?" Zelin raised his head. "I saw the illusion of the past. I remember that the tavern was used by Medivh, the former owner of Karazhan, to store fine wines. The secret path is in the underground wine cellar. I think the tavern I saw in the illusion must not be where it is today. ."

Soon, the wizards of Kirin Tor found a map that recorded the topography of Karazhan town in the past. Due to the special environment here, the wizards have always paid attention to Karazhan, and all records related to it will be carefully preserved. The messenger sent the map, and Rina spread it out on the previous map.

"Every record about Medivh will record that he likes fine wine. There is indeed a tavern here, but I don't think he will store his fine wine in hotels run by others. But I have read about Medivh’s life. The book says that he likes to store treasures on the edge of the Karazhan tower. Therefore, I think it should be searched in the ruins of houses on the edge of the tower to see if there are stairs or tunnels leading to the ground."

"You are more familiar than me in this respect." Zelin didn't say much. "My idea is like this. We can send some soldiers into the necropolis and move forward, preparing to attack directly from the necropolis, and draw their attention to the entrance where the necropolis is located. Then we will wait for you. After the spies found another entrance, we could attack from the other side while they were not paying attention. They would definitely not be able to guess that we would never know less about this place than them."

Finally, Zelin described the part he saw in the underground cave to Sharona, so that she and her commander could have a general understanding of the environment in the catacomb before entering the catacomb. However, he does not recommend sending only three teams of soldiers wearing enchanted equipment to enter. He recommends that the Kirin Tor send more powerful adventurers. The catacombs are most likely the hiding place of the black knight.

Regarding Zelin's warning, Sharina said that she would pass it on to the Kirin Tor Council.

Seeing Ruina leaving behind, Ze Lin took a deep breath and stood in front of a lamppost, recalling the scene he saw in the Cavern of Time. Chromie said that his arrival belongs to another timeline. He changed the ending of some things? It is never easy to see what you have done from the perspective of a bystander. What should he do next? How to choose to go on the right route? Knowing that their choices may determine the life and death of many people, no matter how decisive, people will inevitably have some hesitation.

But why did Chromie tell him these things? In other words, this is one of the things he will definitely encounter?


Suddenly, Hisalie's voice came to her ears. Zelin raised his head, and the night elf walked towards him.

"Hisally." Zelin retracted his thoughts. "Is there any trouble over there in the cemetery?"

"If the wounded want to return to the battlefield, it is a trouble, then this is the only trouble." The druid sighed lightly. "I saw the Sin'dorei you recruited to buy food at the Blessing of Bonsandi, and I knew that your ceremony should be over. How is the situation?"

"Very good." Zelin did not say the trouble he encountered in the illusion, or the freeze-frame scene he witnessed in the Cavern of Time. "Those demon minions won't guess what kind of information we have."

"I saw the troops who had assembled in the square before entering the tomb left. Was it because of your warning?"

"Yes, but it's not a warning, it's just some adjustments to the plan." Zelin waved his hand. "Hisally, I want to wait until tonight so that we can go back and have a rest, and then celebrate the camp that destroyed the demon minions the next day. Also, this time I should have found the hiding place of the Black Knight."

"Black Knight? Well, great. The last time she almost killed Oleg, this time the Kirin Tor Council's troops can definitely wipe it out." Xisali paused. "By the way, will you act with them?"

"Yes, I will go and see in person, what kind of guy this enemy who almost destroyed the night town and hides so close to Dalaran is. More importantly, only I know the environment in the cave best, I Must go."

Chapter 2098 The Disappearing Magister

The Blessing of Bonsandi——

"There are not many adventurers still in Karazhan now, elf."

The troll boss placed the tray in front of Yamily, on which there was a piece of bread smeared with thick butter, a small plate of green beans, and a piece of goat cheese. "Your clan either went to Dalaran or returned to Silvermoon City. Did you stay here and find a job in the Kirin Tor Council?"

"Not in the Kirin Tor, but elsewhere." Yamily smiled, took out a few silver coins, and placed them in the big hand of the troll with only three fingers. "Please fill my water bag with clear water, thank you."


After the troll boss left, Yamily couldn't suppress the joy in her heart, and smiled with her mouth covered. She made it! Her magic was successful, and her employer personally told her that the benefits of this magic ritual exceeded his expectations. Although she didn't know what the employer saw in it, she believed it must be what Zelin wanted to know the most. Next, no one can say that Yamily is just an idiot who is ignorant, ignorant, and unworthy of being a wizard. When they are still working hard for graduation, they racked their brains to learn more from their mentor. When she had a lot of magic knowledge and was appreciated by her mentor, she was already working for the Council of Kirin Tor and fulfilled the tasks given by the council perfectly.

Although the task was not given to her, as the hired mage of the client, she also participated in the action and contributed to the completion of the task. The library of the Temple of the Guardian will open the door for her, and more mysterious knowledge awaits her. Even her mentor, it is estimated that she will never deny her ability. As an apprentice, doing these things makes her fully qualified to get the mage's robe directly.

After so many years, she finally saw the hope of becoming a mage. At least, her efforts were not in vain.

It wasn't until the stomach began to growl that hunger pulled Yamily back from her ecstasy. Taking a deep breath, she patted her cheek.

"Don't be too proud, Yamily, this is just the beginning. Come on, come on! You can make it!"

After cheering herself up, she refocused her attention on the food in front of her. Anticipating her bright future and prospects, Yamily couldn't help but chuckle while eating. The troll boss, who was drawn to the side to pack his luggage behind the counter and ready to evacuate at any time, couldn't help but glance at him frequently.

Suddenly, the wooden door of the Blessed Sovereign was pushed open again. The cold wind from outside poured in, and the flames in the fireplace swayed back and forth.

Two blood elves walked in. There were almost no customers in the hotel. At a glance, they saw Amelie sitting in the corner, drinking and drinking.

"Yamily." A blood elf with short silver hair and a crimson dress walked towards the apprentice. "Are you here? We have been looking for you for a long time."

"Doris?" Yamily showed an unexpected look. She put down the knife and fork, looked over the blood elf who was walking towards her, and looked at the second elf behind her. The elf had fiery red curly hair, and the corners of his deep red lips were tightly tucked together. "Cecilia? Why did you come? Didn't the tutor arrange a course for you today? Why did the tutor ask you to come here? Is it to restore my apprenticeship?"

The excitement couldn't be concealed in Yamily's tone.

The two blood elves looked at each other.

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