The person who rushed in silently watched the scene before him.

No enemies appeared in the underground caves, neither cultists nor demons existed. It was a little different from the scene that Zelin saw in the phantom before. There were some wooden tables and chairs in this stone hall, and more than twenty sleeping bags were placed beside several extinguished bonfires. There is also a fishing rod thrown on the ground beside the water pool. It seems that some people have fished in the underground pool. A bookshelf is placed in front of a relatively flat rock wall by the bonfire, and the bookshelf is full of various books. Obviously, someone has lived here and lived for a long time.

Sharona behind did not stop, and suddenly slammed into the back of the demon hunter.

"Um..." She paused, then raised the ruby ​​wand in her hand. "Accept Kirin Tor's trial, you scumbags!"

Only silence responded to her.

"Well, what's going on?" Hisalie held a staff that looked like oak branches and looked at the empty cave in confusion. "Where are they?"

There is no doubt that they did not find the wrong place. This is the hiding place of the demon minions. However, they did not see any demon minions.

"Maybe they are all fighting our soldiers in front, don't stop, keep going!" Sharona's face was as cold as ice cubes. "Move forward, we are going to kill them by surprise! Eusta, Buddy, come with me!"


Zelin suddenly raised his hand. "The situation may be different from what we expected."


"Look here." Zelin walked to the campfire. The bonfire was surrounded by rocks. The old sleeping bag was spread on the ground, clinging to the hard rock ground. "These sleeping bags, there is blood on these sleeping bags."

The others followed the place Zelin was pointing, and almost every sleeping bag was left with deep black blood stains.

"Blood?" Burns frowned. "There has been a battle here?"

"No, I don't think it's a fight." Zelin walked to a sleeping bag, squatted down, carefully inspecting the scene in front of him. After a while, he took a deep breath. "This is a betrayal."

"How do you say?" Xisali asked curiously, but she still stared at her surroundings vigilantly. "It doesn't feel good to me here. I think of the caves where Sartre is hidden on the Black Sea."

"Look at the location of the blood." Zelin pointed to the mouth of the sleeping bag. "If a person is lying in a sleeping bag, his head should be exposed. Basically all the blood is at the mouth of the sleeping bag. That is to say, someone attacks their neck with a weapon while the owner of the sleeping bag is sleeping, so the blood will get wet. This location, not elsewhere."

"Someone attacked the cultists while they were sleeping?" Oleja raised an eyebrow. "Holy light bless, maybe there is a warrior guided by the holy light who found this place one step earlier than us, and then killed all the enemies in it?!"

"Don't be stupid, draenei, there is also a necromancer here!" Sunrena angrily threw her hand at Olegar. "Now, shut up! Don't mention any stupid light at this time, otherwise I will roast you!"

"How can you..."

"Look here." Zelin raised his voice. "Olega, don't fight, or you will go back."

The draenei immediately closed his mouth, held the warhammer in both hands, hung in front of him, and lowered his head. Some aggrieved look at Ze Lin, but the demon hunter has already turned his eyes to the overturned ones in the sleeping bag.

"I think the owner of these two sleeping bags should have noticed that the person who slashed the throat of the devil's claws must not be so skillful. He awakened two people."

"It's just that there is no trace of fighting here." Burns shook his head. "There is blood, but there is no fight? Everything in the cave is neatly arranged."

"So there can only be one situation." Ze Lin pursed his lips. "The power of the assassin is very strong, and the owners of these two sleeping bags know that they can't compete with them, so they want to escape."

"They fled to..."

"Yes, I remember!"

"Olega, don't mess around." Xisari slapped the paladin on the head hard. "We are thinking about things."

Allegar didn't care about Xisali's words, she held out a finger to Zelin. "Zelin, do you remember what we saw when you destroyed the stone wall in the necropolis? There were three demon minions in gray cloaks right at the exit! They immediately turned back when they saw us Fleeing, but did not call for help, or call for help from a companion."

"Do you think it's them?" Burns frowned. "In the name of ancestors, I didn't see anyone chasing those three bastards."

"But then the necromancer appeared." Zelin added. "But if the necromancer is the murderer who made all this, he wants to kill the others here?"

Infighting? Assassination? Fight for power?

For two consecutive days, the necromancers here have been resurrecting zombies against the adventurers who invaded the necropolis and the guards of the Kirin Tor. When the enemy invaded, he was killing other accomplices...

Devil minions...

What exactly does the master behind the scenes want to do?

Chapter 2101: A Mistake

Zelin didn't like the scene in front of him.

"Evil books are all books that record the summons of the devil!" Standing in front of the bookcase, Ruina took out two books at random. After a glance, she threw them into the extinguished fire, and a fire began to condense in her hands. "We have to burn this place to prevent these books from falling into other people's hands."

"Will Dalaran leave any knowledge about demons? I thought you would leave some warlocks to arm the Kirin Tor."

"The Shadow Harvest Council has left Azeroth long ago to twist the void. We only need to keep the spells that enslaved the demons, and don't need the spells to summon them. Azeroth has had enough trouble, and we don't have the energy to help anymore. They deal with the disaster of the demon out of control." Sharona gritted her teeth and threw a fireball at the bookcase in front of her. The bookcase filled with books on summoning the devil immediately burned, and the books turned black and withered in the flames. "These warlocks wanted to enslave the Dreadlord, but were beaten to death. If they hadn't left a helper in Dalaran, these ambitious wastes would have died in the Twisting Void!"

Zelin didn't say much, he was an outsider, and he didn't know much about the situation in Azeroth.

"We have to move on." Zelin threw away the sleeping bag in his hand, leaving no clues on it, nor did he find any replacement clothes to show the identity of the people who once lived here. Judging by the blood stains, the person here will not die for more than five days, but it is strange that he could not find the body. In this cave, the demon hunter did not see any traces of corpses. "The stay here is long enough."

If the demon minions are fighting inward, it is indeed good news for them. They do not need to face a group of enemies united by strength and fear, but a group of opponents who have been weakened internally. There was no one in the cave, and their invasion did not receive the slightest resistance. Perhaps in order to resist the frontal attack, all the demon minions were sent to the necropolis. So, now is a good opportunity to take the initiative to attack. They would never expect that a group of enemies would appear from behind, not to mention that they could indeed open the portal and summon the help of an army.

"Olega, Xisali, Burns, be careful, this was once the place where the Black Knights haunted."

Zelin waved to three friends. "Hisari, Oleg, you have fought the black knight. If you see any signs of it, warn us immediately."

"I understand." Xisali's eyebrows were full of worries. "May Elune bless us."

No one knows what they will face. A powerful enemy? Fierce demon? Sinister fel magic? Or the legendary black knight? Everyone stared at all around vigilantly, watching the shadows between the cave's rocks cautiously. Every shadow seemed to hide invisible enemies, and there seemed to be bloodthirsty monsters waiting in every corner. Perhaps only Oregaard had no worries. She stared at the darkness in front of her closely. Perhaps the next moment a powerful dreadlord appeared, she would not hesitate to rush forward, whether it was fighting with her or covering her friend's retreat.

Toward the depths of the cave, the road is not long, but this narrow tunnel seems to be hundreds of meters long. It wasn't until the soldiers in front walked away to the sides that the familiar and unfamiliar stone hall appeared in front of the demon hunter.

The wide rock hall is still silent, the torches that originally provided the light have long been extinguished, and only the charred wood sticks remaining in the iron brackets. In the middle of the cave, the magic circle radiating dark green light provided the only light for the gloomy hall. The water pools on both sides of the stone hall were filled with waves under the reflection of the dark green light. A wooden chair was placed on the corner of the magic circle six-pointed star, and each wooden chair sat a mummy, or bowed its head, or leaned back, as if in a secret meeting. At the other end of the cave, there were only a few broken slabs left in the artificially piled corridor. At the corner of the other end of the corridor, you can vaguely see the flickering flames of the battle and the shouts of the battle in the necropolis.

Everyone was silent, watching everything in front of them.

"...What is this?" Burns leaned down slightly, staring at the magic circle in front of him warily. "Where is the mage here?"

"I don't know..." Sharuina's face stiffened, and then the battle mage became furious. She stepped forward and kicked a chair over. The chair and the mummy above fell over in the magic circle in front of him. The magic circle was disturbed, and the light flickered twice before dimming. "We are being tricked! A magic ritual, a continuous magic ritual field is awakening the zombies outside, just like the wizards of the psychic sect! We always thought there were people here and enemies here, but in fact this is just a psychic Ceremony! The behind-the-scenes ambassador here must have killed all the accomplices here to protect our secrets when they found out that we were going to attack! If we chose to attack directly instead of stepping back and doing the **** planning plan, we should have been Catch him when the enemy wants to escape!"

"Elune is here, how can you say that?" Hisalie sighed lightly, as if relaxed. "None of us can predict the future in advance, let alone anyone know the situation. Maybe we let the enemy escape, but at least we broke their conspiracy, didn't we?"

"Escaped? These cowards!" Oleja's face couldn't hide the disappointment. "Holy Light, absolutely can't let them go, otherwise these demons will harm others in other places!"

Burns walked to the magic circle, he pursed his mouth, and looked at the mummy on the wooden chair in his slightly narrowed eyes. The two guards put down their guard, and the younger guard secretly wiped the sweat from his forehead.

The magic circle was destroyed, and the sound of fighting outside gradually stopped. Before long, the sound of iron boots running on the ground appeared in the artificial corridor at the other end. First appeared a blood elf paladin, and then teammates following him. Immediately afterwards, more Kirin Tor guards broke into the Stone Hall. Ruina took a deep breath, gave Zelin a white look, and strode towards the other soldiers.

"You succeeded?" After the blood elves approached, Zelin recognized that he was Tanalen Sunshooter. "Holy light bless you, did you kill these minions?"

"We haven't killed us yet!" Ji Dewen Jinbeard carried his hammer, and the bearded dwarf made Zelin subconsciously think of his friend in Lonely Mountain. "At that time, we were about to send all these **** undeads back to the **** where they were supposed to be. As a result, these monsters seemed to lose their support and suddenly turned into a pile of broken bones. At that time I guessed that you must have succeeded! You killed them. How many demons? And their summoners?"

More Kirin Tor guards rushed in, followed by the Battle Mage. The magical array full of evil forces in the stone hall made many people take a breath. They didn't expect that such a dangerous enemy would be hidden in a place so close to Karazhan.

"....... The situation may not be the same as you imagined." Ruina's face was stiff. "The action here is over."

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