After all, she went straight to the colleagues standing at the entrance.

Zelin said nothing, he looked around. The guards took care of the battlefield under the command of the wizard, and several wizards who had knowledge of the soul walked to the magic circle to ensure that the magic rituals here would not continue to cause any harm.

Is his plan wrong? Because of his caution, let the behind-the-scenes master here slip away?

As if seeing Zelin's suspicion, Xisali walked to the demon hunter and took his hand. "Elune is on, it's not your fault. Anyone will act cautiously when facing unknown dangers. At least, if it were not for your suspicion, we would never find this place, let alone force the enemy to flee. At least In this regard, we succeeded. The devil’s plan was hindered, but some people fled temporarily."

"No, I don't think so..." Zelin shook his head. "What's wrong? Run away? How is this possible."

"It's a demon array." Aura's ill-tempered voice came into the ears of the demon hunter. "We found the traces of the demon circle. Obviously, the main envoy here is a warlock who is proficient in demon summoning and works for the Burning Legion. The Kirin Tor will send a message to the Shadow Harvest Council and ask them to send a warlock to help. , To pursue the destination of the devil’s circle. Although I suspect that it is meaningless at all, who will stand in place and wait for us to catch it? Unless someone has doubts for a while after seeing him, run to a safe place to plan the point. A few steps to capture, I think even a tortoise can crawl away slowly at that time."

Zelin shrugged at Sharina's malicious mockery. "What is Kirin Tor going to do next?"

"Block this cave until the priest arrives."

"Give me some time." Ze Lin pursed his lips. "I'm going to search another side, there must be something wrong."

"As long as you want."

Rina snorted and turned to leave.

"Zelin." Xisari wanted to say something else. "When anyone makes mistakes, it is not shameful to make mistakes. Even Elune's sacrifice is possible..."

"No, I never thought how difficult it is to admit a mistake." Zelin shook his head. "But, there is obviously a problem. I must make sure that my suspicion is wrong. You go back and rest first, Xisally, I will leave when I am sure that I have no doubts."

"Yes, this is really weird." Burns said dullly. "You should continue to search. In the name of your ancestors, you should never let go of your suspicions when fighting against demons. Let these mages think that they have the correct conclusion! I will stay and search for the enemy with you."

Chapter 2102: Clues to Guilt

In the end only Burns stayed.

Aureka provided the blessing of the holy light to the undead outside. She said that after the blessing, she would immediately return to help Zelin find clues. Although the Demon Hunter was very skeptical, what results Oregaard could find.

"It is not a shame to suspect that something is wrong, but it is sad for those who don't know what to doubt." Burns didn't know the proverb where he said it. He held an axe and knocked on a nearby rock. "Did you find anything?"

"Not yet." Zelin stood beside the magic circle, looking at the chair placed beside the magic circle. Originally, the Kirin Tor guard wanted to drag these corpses away, but Zelin asked them to stop temporarily. Otherwise, I am afraid that no clues will be left here. "They shouldn't have come to the conclusion so early. There are traces of soldiers' boots and mage shoes everywhere. I have to separate the blood stains they got when they killed the undead outside and the traces left by the dragging of these corpses."

"Can you see this?" The motion in Burns's hand paused. "How did you do it? None of the best hunters in my tribe can track drag marks on the rocks."

"It's nothing worth mentioning." Zelin waved his hand. He squatted on the ground, and carefully surveyed the ground with the light of the torch in his hand. "Look at these traces, Burns. These corpses were dragged in from the cave we just walked through. Maybe these demon minions kidnapped some poor victims in some places and held them underground until a ritual was required. They will be killed only when the time comes."

These mummies seemed to have been drained by some force, but the ritual was not fully carried out, so their upper bodies were mostly withered, but most of them still retained the appearance of normal creatures below their knees.

"What does this mean?"

"This shows that the devil's minions spend most of their time planning secrets in that cave. They think it is the safest place." Zelin stood up and patted his palms. "Let's go over there and take a look. Damn, I rarely encounter so many clues, but so few!"

"You are retrieving your honor, Zelin." Burns followed Zelin and walked into the stone hall next door. "But don't let your anxiety replace your sanity."

"It sounds like you have a good view on retrieving honor?" Zelin said casually. He and Burns didn't get along for a long time, but the orc talked about honor and the search for honor almost all the time. Zelin didn't know much about the tribe and their honor, which sounded like Tousant's knighthood. "Can you find clues like you can find honor?"

"It's not funny at all, Ze Lin."

"Sorry, I hope you have got your honor back."

"Not yet." Burns's face changed, and he sighed softly. "It has never been."

"I don't believe anything can't be found after being lost, Burns." Zelin walked into the stone hall. The Kirin Tor guards hadn't cleaned it yet. Everything in it was exactly the same as when they first came in. "Money, packages, friends, relatives can be retrieved, and so can honor. Although I don't know how you lost something so important to you."

"I used to work under a captain." Burns walked to the campfire, picked up the Demon Summoning Book that Sharona had just thrown away, looked at it for a few times, and threw it back. "I was a sailor and a warrior at the time. I served the Horde and felt honored for it. Later our warchief became Garrosh. I know his record. He is a glorious warrior. A battle will rush to the forefront and stay behind when retreating. When the Banshee King was in the Silverpine Forest, when he showed the warchief how to use Val'kyr to resurrect the undead, the Warchief angrily rebuked the Banshee King, and Order a warlord to lead us to stay, pay attention to the plan and conspiracy of the Banshee King. I followed Captain Delock and stayed in the Silverpine Forest to fight the werewolves. An undead named Godfrey forced us all to sign a peace agreement."

"That sounds okay." Zelin walked along the bloodstain next to the sleeping bag, following the clues of the bloodstain. At the same time, he recalled the rumors he heard about Garrosh during this period of time in his mind. Few people mentioned Garrosh, but everyone had a bad opinion of him. "I don't think it is wrong to monitor someone when they see someone trying to create a conspiracy."

"I have always believed in my warchief. I have always been. I believe that I will follow in his footsteps and defeat all the enemies of the tribe." Burns walked to the wall next to the bookcase and learned Zelin's approach. The hammer hit the stone wall. The bookcase had been burnt down, leaving only a pile of charcoal. "Later, the Warchief ordered us to transport a team of warriors to Theramore. I was on the ship, and the Overseer of Locknan was my commander. At that time the Alliance was attacking the Southern Barrens, and the Warchief thought that taking Theramore would break the Alliance. Kalimdor’s springboard forced the Alliance to retreat. I originally thought this plan would be no problem. It’s like taking the northern fortress. We will defeat the enemy, occupy the castle, and let them surrender."

Zelin didn't speak, he walked to the end of the blood stain, but there was only a pool of water. It looked like someone was washing hands and blood here.

"Captain Delock told me that we will be the first warriors to log on to Theramore. I am very excited about this. Although I may die, I can proudly tell them when my soul sees the ancestors. , I fought with the enemy to the last minute, everything I did was to protect our tribe. But...but we didn’t find the opportunity to attack at all."


"We are just a decoy, escorting the warrior into Theramore, saving a blood elf mage, and then attracting the attention of the Alliance defenders. Then, the goblin airship will come to Selim's head and throw the focusing rainbow. We are not just here. Fighting the enemy's warriors.... Focusing Rainbow also killed all the civilians in Theramore. All I did was to kill a group of unarmed guys? Could it be that after seeing the ancestor, when the ancestor asked me, When you killed how many enemies in the battle, I can proudly tell them that I participated in an operation that killed 76 soldiers and more than 10,000 civilians? I shamed my ancestors, my ancestors They are all honorable fighters! They can defeat the most powerful fighter under the ogre emperor, but what am I doing? I thought this kind of thing was great after my Grom freed us from the blood of the devil, It will never happen again... I should have your vigilance at that time, Ze Lin, have your suspicion, otherwise... This is simply the same as we slaughtered civilians for the devil back then. Sacrifice is no different."

"Wait!" Suddenly, Ze Lin seemed to have thought of something. "What did you just say?"

"Do I need to repeat it? This is shameful enough for me, but if you want to listen, I will tell you. I will not escape."

"No, I mean..." Zelin grabbed the clue. "Sacrifice! Yes, this is a sacrifice!"

Chapter 2103: The True Summoner

Sitting by the cave's pool, Ze Lin took a deep breath.

He kept thinking. When a formidable enemy is overwhelming, if he is an enemy hiding here, what will he choose? Find a way to escape, or fight as hard as you can?

Maybe both.

"White Hundred Days of Red Petals, Baiji Flower, Dandelion, Um... Enough."

Zelin poured the shredded petals into the iron pan filled with dwarven spirits, and used the last book that had not been burned as a pilot, and lit a bonfire to heat the alchemy materials. When the potion cools down, sprinkle a handful of dandelions and reheat it. He didn't pour the decoction in the small iron pot into the glass bottle until the potion cooled again.

Killer whale potion, he usually doesn't use this kind of potion, so he will only carry the materials, and use a small iron pot about the size of a palm to make some temporarily when needed. After all, after experiencing so many different worlds, he has never encountered the time to enter the sea. Even if it is a coastal port like Constantinople, most of the time is spent in the city. But this time, he must be careful.

"Are you sure you don't need to inform others?" Burns sat beside Zelin. "That draenei may be a bit silly. In the name of the ancestor, I bet that as long as you ask, she will follow you to fight the abyss demon. She reminds me of my experience in the bloodsail pirates. Regarding Lamor, I resigned as a sailor. I don’t think I deserve to be a warrior. I drank in the tavern all day until I couldn’t pay and was thrown out. Later, the Bloodsail pirate’s Admiral Tethys gave me one. This job allows me to fight directly to protect the world. If the uncrowned need it, I will be the first to walk into the abyss of hell."

"That's why I won't call her." Zelin shook his head. "Burnes, trouble you to stay here. If I don't show up after half an hour, go and warn others immediately."

"I can fight with you, even if your suspicions go wrong again..."

"You came from Booty Bay, didn't you? The Uncrowned asked you to investigate my background and identity." Zelin said suddenly. He stood up and patted the dust on the leather pants. "When this matter is over, you can go back and tell your commander. I have only one wish, that is, that the heroes of Azeroth can kill the invading demons once and for all, and then the world will be peaceful and prosperous, and I can pass personally The business makes a lot of money and starts a pension life."

He hoped that the result here would be like the inference of the Kirin Tor Council, and it would end there. Then he can put aside his unnecessary worries, take a good look at this floating city, and then watch Tuvis's business getting better and better, until he has made a lot of money and left Azeroth. Maybe their business can continue to cooperate. Different worlds have diametrically opposite valuations for different items. They can use this price difference, which is more profitable than the Aibin plan to ship cheap agricultural products and handicrafts from the north to the south.

Francesca bought a lot of cheap food in Skyrim. Maybe he should discuss with Enid. According to Tuvis's method, relying on stable and safe Ethereal Nodes may bring more benefits. It's a pity that in so many worlds he has been to, Rome's gold value can be said to be the highest of all the worlds, but there are not many things that are valuable to demon hunters in that world. Rodland has been destroyed, Yanan's life has long since withered, and the portal of Saidas is located in the shadow world where demons are everywhere. Time in Middle-earth is unstable, so that only Skyrim can cooperate steadily now. If you can open up a new channel through Tuvis, this would be a good thing for everyone.

But this is the future.

He couldn't just let go of the doubts in his heart. The agent who was hunted down, the guard of the doomsday who suddenly appeared, the summoner who was nowhere to be seen. He saw Anbo’s nightmare in the Caverns of Time. Although he did not know what Anbo had experienced, if she was so important that she would not hesitate to expose her hiding place and hidden informants so deep, but also to assassinate her, then these demon minions How is it possible to give up like this?

"Do you know about this?"

"I don't know." Ze Lin raised his head and drank the killer whale potion. "Guess it."


"You came from the avenue of Nightstown, so you won't be from the Redridge Mountains. You are an orc, so it is impossible to come from Stormwind City. Ships from Kalimdor cannot land in the Westfall, so naturally it won't be. From Moonbrook Town, there is only Stranglethorn Vale in the south. As far as I know, there is only one town in Stranglethorn Vale, and that is the Treasure Bay at the Cape of Stranglethorn. He took a deep breath and felt a fiery pain in his lungs, which meant that the potion was working. "If possible, I recommend the uncrowned to investigate the MI7 issue."

"I will tell the sir about this." Burns sighed heavily. "My mission has failed again. Blessed by the ancestors, how should I face them after death. When they fought against the running dogs of the ogre emperor for the survival of the tribe, what am I doing?"

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