It is impossible for the uncrowned to make a decision based on a person's side words, so they ask to see An Bo in person, listen to An Bo's statement, and then decide on the next step. Duke Ravenholdt seems to be the convener of the organization of the uncrowned. He believes that if the evidence is not sufficient, the uncrowned would better avoid conflicts with MI7. But in the same way, this gray-haired but still healthy duke was also surprised by the actions of MI7 during this period.

"The Burning Legion is invading Azeroth, and the Azeroth coalition forces are gathering to launch an offensive. MI7 does not detect the movement of the devil, but focuses on hunting down an agent. The uncrowned person thinks that even if you are a demon, A spy, or the appearance of a demon, but it seems too strange to mobilize the entire MI7 force to do this." Zelin recounted the original words of Duke Ravenholdt. "Time is waiting for no one, we will set off immediately. Xisali, you and Oleja will stay here for now. We shouldn't be back tonight, but you can take a good rest."

"I have been resting for the past two days." Hisalie chuckled lightly. "You should wait for Olegar to wake up and thank her. She hasn't slept for many nights. However, Miss Anbo has something to tell you."

Zelin looked at An Bo, who took out a letter.

"This afternoon, at the'One More Drink' beverage shop opposite the hotel, someone put up the MI7 contact sign. So I went there and got this letter."

"You left?" Zelin frowned and took the letter. "I told you, never leave the hotel or show up outside."

"We are fully prepared." Xisali put her hands on Zelin's arm and helped Anbo explain. "I'm on the balcony on the second floor, and Oregaard is inside the hotel gate. As long as there is any problem, we can immediately catch the attacker or the person who placed the signal. There will be no problems. After all, it is very close to the Violet Prison. Even if the enemy is strong, Master Kirin Tor can notice this."

"But the best way is to put on a hat, you or Oleja, walk in as a guest, take a look around, and then find what the other party left behind." Zelin stretched out a finger. "In this way, as long as Anbo is not exposed, they will not be aware of Anbo's situation, and maybe they will doubt whether Anbo has sneaked away. At that time, you can monitor the opposite store to see who is sitting near the balcony. They will definitely go back and check if the letter has been taken. This way we will become people hiding in the dark, and they will reveal our identities."

Hisalie was speechless for a while.

"But it has passed. Even if they knew it, the attack on the Magic Hotel tonight would not affect anything. And you are right, if the Council of the Kirin Tor makes the city under its own rule be destroyed by explosives like Karazhan. The hotel, some of them will go crazy." Zelin opened the envelope as he said. Now that something has happened, it is completely unnecessary to say something shouldn't be done. "But for safety reasons, you'd better change your room to rest."

"I suspect you are the Royal Grey Guard." An Bo said suddenly.

"No, you think too much."

After reading the contents of the letter, Zelin raised his head. He thought for a while. This letter is indeed very attractive to a person who has been hunted down and is helpless, which means that Anbo may prove his innocence by this. But he didn't believe that for such an important intelligence organization, internal agents could contact the traitors who were hunted down according to their own ideas and using methods that every colleague could understand. If so, Zelin doubted the strength of MI7. Inability to control subordinates' intelligence is no different from targets, anyone can infiltrate.

"What do you think?" Anbo asked.

"I suspect it's a trap. But...I don't plan to let this opportunity pass."

"Opportunity?" Suddenly, Olejia's voice appeared in his ears. The draenei woke up, rubbing her sleepy eyes. "What opportunity?"

"It's nothing, you can continue to rest."


Zelin retracted his gaze. "It looks like the plan is going to change. Xisally, do you know the grocery store next to the Dalaran fishing fountain?"

"Grocery store? Oh, I have the impression. I remember that there was a leather store next to that grocery store. In Northrend, the Druids of the Rende Society had conflicts with them because they hunted rare animals."

"Hisally, you take Amber to that store. The owner of that store is Jack, the red-haired Jack. Show him this badge." As he said, Zelin took out the emblem of the Uncrowned. "He will open an underpass for you, pass the stairs under the underpass, and then stop. When you see a stone hall, someone will be waiting for Anbo in the stone hall. You just say that I asked you to take Anbo. Go. By the way, it's better to take Olega and leave her here alone, I don't worry."

"No problem." Xisali nodded. "What about you?"

"Since they have given the invitation letter." Zelin shook the letter in his hand. "How could I not keep the appointment?"

Chapter 2135 The Broken Door

The night is always the best cover for those who plot wrongdoing.

Standing next to the stone well, Zelin held the guardrail with both hands, poking out his head and looking down. The underground is dark, but the stone well is very shallow. Even if the moonlight is not direct, the demon hunter's eyes rely on the bright moonlight through sudden changes, and he can vaguely see the neatly laid blue-gray stone slabs underneath the well.

Below is a tunnel.

Zelin shook his head. It's hard to talk about how concealed here is. When the sun is shining, if someone looks down at the well, it is easy to discover the secrets hidden inside. It’s just that few people would think that the entrance to the sewer is in a well. According to Anbo, the sewer is not a secret, or it is an open secret. Many men and women wandering in the shadows are aware of the existence of the Dalaran Sewers. It is said that a year ago, Mrs. Guo Ya of Pandaria also transferred the black market located on the Misty Plank Road to Dalaran to face customers throughout Azeroth. As Mrs. Sunrena said before, the Shadow Harvest Council composed of warlocks also set up portals and recruitment locations in the Dalaran Sewers.

"What are you doing here?"

Suddenly, Mrs. Ruina's voice came from the other end of the street. The battle mage was holding the staff, his chest, arms and thighs were covered with hard plate armor, and the metal boots made a heavy noise when they stepped on the ground.

"Mrs. Ruina." Zelin left the side of the well with both hands and nodded. "It's nice to meet you. I didn't expect you to be in Dalaran. I thought you had been sent out on a mission."

"Thanks to you, all the Kirin Tor guards and battle mages are working overtime." Sunrina stroked the wand in her hand, she seemed to have a soft spot for wands. After a few seconds, she frowned slightly: "What are you doing here?"

"As you can see, walk around..."

"Then jump into the well?" Sharona snorted softly. "I don't care what you are going to do in the sewer, what about that blood elf?"


"Yes, that's her." As she said, Sharona took out a document with the seal of the Kirin Tor Council. "This is her proof of innocence. When she left the Violet Prison, the warden set up tracking magic on every suspect who temporarily left. Everyone was very busy these two days, so she did not arrive in these two days. According to the prison report, no one cares about this. I remembered today, she seems to have not been officially released. Give this to her and let her go to jail with this certificate tomorrow to get rid of the stalking magic on her body."

"Tracking spells?"

"Yes, lest the prisoner escapes during parole."

"Then you should know that Yamily is not with me." Zelin opened his hands. "She has been away for two or three days."

There was a skeptical look on Sunrena's face. "No need to be shy, she really didn't lie on your bed?"

Zelin took a deep breath, then exhaled slowly. "Do I look so unkind? To be honest, the last time I saw Yamily was on the Krassus platform three days ago. She said goodbye to me and said she wanted to find a job opportunity outside Dalaran. She said that she had found an adventure group to work for a certain archmage. I guess she might be on the road now, if you want, why not find the warden to use tracking magic to determine her location, and then help her unlock What? Or if there is no other influence, you wait until she completes the task and returns to Dala, and then tell her about it."

"Which Archmage is she working for?"

"I don't know, she didn't say, I didn't ask."

"Okay." Sharuina withdrew the innocence certificate, seeming to see that Zelin was unwilling to continue the conversation, she turned and left. "I will go to her and not bother you."

"Well, see you later."

Seeing Ruina's back disappearing to the corner of the street, Zelin held the edge of the well with one hand and turned over and jumped down.

Under the same night sky, compared with the bright night sky of Dalaran, only a few faint stars can be seen in the dark clouded upwind path.

Standing in the valley, Yamily sighed as she looked at the dark outline of Dalaran in the distant sky. In the past, she could do a lot of things after she became a mage. Many people will invite her to work for herself. She can choose to join the Magisters Association of Silvermoon City, accumulate experience and fight for the right to build her own mage tower. Or join Dalaran, accept Kirin Tor’s job tasks, and finally get a place in the council. However, during the invasion of the Burning Legion, it may be difficult to find simple and leisurely jobs to accumulate qualifications and experience. Perhaps it is the safest to work for an archmage independent of Dalaran, although people say that the archmage does not care about the life of the apprentice, and his temper is elusive. But thinking about the Magisters in Silvermoon City, Yamily couldn't help but chuckle.

Could it be possible that human temperament is more elusive than a magister who has lived for thousands of years?

"Come here."

The white-haired mage who guided them stopped, raised his hand and yelled at the others. "We will go to Azshara through the portal. The portal does not last long. If you don't want to miss this good opportunity, you'd better follow up. The archmage has many tasks that require manual assistance,"

"Miss Yamily."

The blood elf turned his head.

"Mr. Cooper, Ms. Beverly." She nodded slightly. "Is there anything? I'm going to set off right away. You'd better make sure that there won't be any problems before you set off. Sometimes a magic circle doesn't work because the outline is not clear enough. But I suggest you don't be too skeptical. According to my experience, no matter how perfect the structure is, there will be problems in reviewing again and again..."

"Miss Yamilie, we just want to ask." The huntress named Beverly smiled awkwardly, a hound lying on her feet and rubbing her mistress's trouser legs. "We have never worked for the archmage. Generally speaking, what does the archmage ask us to do?"

"Yes, I don't know anything about magic." Cooper was a sturdy dwarf warrior, with both hands on his shield, and a hard plate armor under his light blue cloak. "That's a mysterious thing that shaman understands. If he wants me to go to the magic circle and summon a flame demon, I wouldn't do such a thing."

"Usually you will not be asked to do magic-related work. I don't understand why the archmage recruits so many people who have nothing to do with magic. According to my personal experience, you should be asked to collect materials to protect the apprentices. , Protect the field during the magic ritual, and repel the elemental creatures attracted by magic." Yamily counted her fingers. "Maybe there is still work to take care of the garden. Some magical plants will attract creatures like kobolds or cavemen. It is impossible for the archmage to waste time to deal with them personally, and those apprentices who only know simple spells are unable to fight against so many beasts, so At this time, you need to understand combat skills and know how to deal with monster adventurers. When I was in the magic tower..."

"It’s time for us to start. If someone steps into the portal for the first time, it’s best not to be nervous or make unnecessary small actions. If the teleportation spell is thrown into the endless sea, the archmage may not have time to save an unwise one. Unlucky." The voice of the guiding mage interrupted Yamily's endless talk. The two adventurers sighed lightly, as if they were thankful that they didn't need to listen to the mumbling of the blood elf mage. "Now, everyone is coming over. Don't make a fuss after walking through the portal. Stand where you are. Don't walk around at will. After the last person passes through, someone will tell you what to do. Archmage hates people who can't control their eyes and hands. "

Yamily lowered her head quickly, smoothed the wrinkles on her robe, and checked whether there was anything on her body that might reduce the first impression of others of her. She didn't realize that everyone in front of her had crossed the portal until someone pushed her from behind.

When she lifted her leg and crossed the portal, a chill instantly covered every inch of her skin, as if throwing herself into the ice cellar. Immediately, she held her breath, but she immediately felt her legs leave the ground and was thrown into the sky by a force. When she paused in the sky for a while, she almost thought she had lost gravity. The next moment, the new force moved her towards the sky. Pull down. She has never tried to traverse the portal across the Maelstrom. It is not easy to establish such a portal. There is a portal to Orgrimmar in the King’s Court of the Sun. It is maintained by the Magisters personally and with the help of teleporting orbs. Stability can exist for a long time. The single-player spellcaster who can create this kind of portal across the endless sea must be strong, because he alone can do things that require the joint efforts of many advanced mages to succeed.

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