Before she could think about what it meant, the feeling of falling at an extreme speed suddenly disappeared. When the sense of drop came, Yamily's calf softened and almost fell to the ground. However, the experienced blood elf twisted his body very well to maintain his balance. After she opened her eyes, it took a few seconds for her eyes to adjust to the dim light in the hall.

Someone from behind hit her back, and Jamily staggered two steps forward.

"Oh, sorry, ma'am, sorry."

A human warrior apologized to Jamily, his face was ashen as if he was about to vomit in the next moment.

"No, it's nothing." Yamily tensed her face and took two steps away to avoid getting vomit on her robe. "Good luck to you."

After the last figure walked out of the portal, the wide light blue portal slowly closed in the hall. After losing the portal, the hall became even more dim. At this time, Yamily had the energy to look at the surrounding layout environment. This is a stone hall. The four corners of the hall are forged with black iron fire pillars. The corners of the fire pillars are like sharp teeth. The light blue flames are swaying, casting sharp shadows on the nearby walls.

Yamily frowned slightly.

This is really not like the layout of a mage tower.

The next moment, a scream full of fear came from the entrance of the hall.

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ps: There are a lot of pictures in the previous post. By the way, three shifts today

Chapter 2136 The disaster of blood elves

The screams in the hall stopped abruptly.

"Well, welcome everyone to the Evil Soul Fortress."

The white-haired mage disappeared, replaced by a demon floating in mid-air. The devil has disproportionately large arms and palms, and his claws are like sharp swords. On that slender and pale cheek, the line of the raised mouth looks like a crack that divides the cheek in two. The devil wore a ragged brown robe, like a shroud clinging to the corpse. It has no legs or feet. Its lower body is burning with looming fel flames, and behind it is a huge cage close to the size of the devil's body. There is blood remaining in the cage full of rust, as if the soul remaining in it can be heard. Screams of pain.

The demon pierced the corpse of an adventurer with his left hand, and the orc adventurer still had surprise and disbelief on his face. The demon shook his hand, and the body snapped to the ground. In the next moment, the pale soul gradually floated out of the spread corpse on the ground and merged into the cage behind the demon.

"Your soul will contribute a small amount of power to the Legion, looking forward to the time and weight of your burning in the fel engine." The demon said, making a motion of bending and bowing.

"We were cheated!"

Without knowing who yelled, the adventurers pulled out their weapons, loaded the bullets, tightened their bowstrings, and aimed at the demon in front of them. At the entrance of the hall behind the devil, countless doom guards, **** guards and hellhounds rushed out immediately.

Yamily didn't know how to describe everything in front of her. The tall and cruel demon guards held their maces and shields, struggling to beat them in the crowd, and every blow could set off a wave of blood. The doomsday guards with green flame swords, lava armor and thick hoofs are like no one in the crowd. Perhaps the adventurers can unite to fight the enemy, but they have no preparation at all. Hunters and wizards did not stand behind the warriors. , The priest could only watch the demon's weapon split his body before chanting the spell. The splashing blood quickly covered the walls with a new coating. The roar of the devil was mixed with the screams of the wounded. They were enjoying the thrill of this massacre. After the evil energy transformed their bodies, it became the only pleasure for the demons.

Yamily chanted a spell, and the fireball hit the head of a **** guard, igniting the black head all at once. The troll warrior in front of the demon immediately rushed forward, smashing the burning head with a mace, completely cutting off the enemy's struggle. The troll hadn't seen who helped him, and then his upper body flew out and hit a priest who was frightened in place.

"Be careful!"

Yamily yelled. The human priest turned his head, and the next moment, a great axe of the **** guard appeared on the priest's head, slashed heavily, and smashed a crack in the ground. Yamily resisted the tumbling stomach and chanted a spell again. Arcane missiles hit the hellguard's chest one after another, forcing the demon to retreat a few steps.

Suddenly, blood splashed on the blood elf's cheek, blocking the sight of his right eye. Yamily looked at the warm blood on her body in surprise, and she turned her head. The upper body of the hunter beside him was bitten into his mouth by the hellhound. The devil hound kept shaking his head, grinded flesh and blood flowed out of the corner of his mouth, and the hunter's legs slumped weakly outside.

At this time, Yamily realized that the fighting in the hall was getting less and less, and only the screams one after another were left.

The next moment, her feet left the ground, the world began to spin, and the spell in her mouth turned into a terrifying scream. The tentacles of a hellhound wrapped around Yamily's ankle and threw her into the air. Yamily waved her limbs to grab something, but only air was left between her fingers. She seemed to hear the hoarse laugh of the devil, the laughter and the screams mixed together, turning into a kind of chaotic concerto. When she came back to her senses, she found that she was shrinking on the ground, with no strength in her whole body. The blood stained on his body has cooled, sticking his hair and clothes together, as if lying in a mud puddle. The originally smooth and white arms became thin and shriveled, as if not only the strength but also the muscles under the skin had been taken away, like a scrawny magic addict.

She watched the Doomsday guard swing the hammer and knock the last dwarf warrior out of the air. The dwarf hit the wall, then bounced back and fell to the ground, motionless. The guard of the doomsday walked towards the unconscious dwarf holding a weapon. But Yamily did not see the next scene, and her sight was immediately flooded by Hellhounds. The tentacles of the Demon Hound sniffed the blood elves, and then opened the mouth of the blood basin, and the body fluid from the corners of the mouth dripped on Yamily's cheeks.

She has learned it in books related to demonology. This is Hellhound, who can absorb magic power. He likes to feed on wizards the most. It is also a mage nemesis. When Archimonde invaded Azeroth and Dalaran fell, I don't know how many wizards died in the hellhound's mouth.

She is dead.

Yamily wanted to cry a little.

She didn't understand why the job she was looking for in Dalaran would be a trap for the devil. There were bloodstains on the walls of the hall that hadn't dried up. Maybe they weren't the first group of unlucky people to be tricked here, but she didn't understand why such a **** fate would befall her. Obviously, she finished her studies with great difficulty. With the help of Mr. Werewolf, she was appreciated by the Council of Kirin Tor. She found the magic she was good at, and was about to pursue her dream with the same efforts she had done in the past.

Obviously her life has just begun...

"Oh, it's really rare. The soul of a mage can definitely come in handy."

Suddenly, the shadow of the hellhound disappeared, and the prison demon floated next to Yamily. The slender claws pinched the thin arm of the blood elf and lifted her up. Yamily could only hang her head, and after being drawn with magic power, she didn't even have the strength to raise her head.

But she still has the ability to think.

Does the devil need a wizard? Maybe she can pretend to surrender first, and then find a way to escape. It is said that during the Magic War, a wizard in Dalaran was captured by the Azure Hunter and surrendered to the Blue Dragon Legion. It was not until Dalaran counterattacked that he managed to escape.

But the next words of the devil made Yamilie fall into the ice cave.

"Collect mages, these souls who can cast spells can provide more fuel for the doomsday engine."

The devil lifted Amelie up and put it in the cage behind him.

"Grab the guy who is still alive, collect the dead souls and throw them into the hidden! The hidden war camp requires more fuel, and those mortals who do not know what to do will launch an offensive soon. Quick! If the energy in the hidden camp is not enough, just Throw this batch of souls into the engine too! Throw all the corpses into the sewer, pets need food."

Chapter 2137 Dalaran Sewer

Sometimes Zelin wondered whether Dalaran built a sewer of this scale in the past to facilitate drainage or to hide things that cannot be placed on the surface.

Standing in the wide pipe, Zelin looked at the marks drawn with chalk on the wall beside him. The sewer in Dalaran has a main road, and the main road is composed of two side-by-side drainage pipes. Every five steps of the drainage pipe, there are branch pipes leading to other places on the left and right sides. Naturally, there is no stagnant water in these pipes. The five-meter-high pipes can even allow people to ride forward in them. The places where different branch pipes converge become wide platforms on which crowded wooden houses are erected. , Layer upon layer, like an underground city different from the ground.

The platforms where the buildings are being built are flooded with standing water. Perhaps the residents here have already rebuilt the sewers. Some residents with special interest also set up a fisherman's wharf next to the sinkhole and sit on the wharf to fish. It's just that Zelin doubted what they could catch.

Following the mark, Zelin walked in what looked like a slum. Compared to the city on the ground, the buildings here are almost all crowded together. Some narrow trails can only be crossed by one person. If someone appears on the opposite side, they must pass sideways. So many people will choose to walk on top of the wooden attic. Although it is underground, the height of the sewer leaves a lot of space on the roof and top.

Looking up, there are various canvases hanging between the wooden houses, and the oil lamp above casts the shadow of the canvas on the ground. This is a very magical place, but Zelin would never want to settle in a place that never sees the sun. In the distance, the rapping and applause in the underground arena was endless. Genxi Sally said that the arena here appeared during the Northern Expedition of the Lich King. He was a goblin boss at the time, but she doesn't know who it is now.

Standing in front of the new sign, Zelin stopped and looked around. Everyone around who meets the sight of a demon hunter will choose to dodge, as if everyone has a secret in their heart.

"Hi, buddy." Suddenly, Zelin heard an unfamiliar voice. He looked at the sound, and a man in black with sunglasses appeared in front of him. The man in black spread his hands and walked over with a relaxed look. "I see that you seem to be looking for something?"

Zelin noticed a drop of sweat on the forehead of the man in black.

"Need help?" The man in black walked to Zelin. "There are not many kind people like me in this place."

"Yes, I do need help." Zelin dropped his shoulders. "Friend, do you see the emblem on the wall?"

He didn't intend to play mystery or hide anything. The man in black in front of him quickly confronted one of the people he met on the Krasus platform in his mind. Obviously, the other party had doubts about him. The agents of MI7 could not be all fools. In that case, he did not. Need to be stupid.

"Oh, the emblem? Ah, yeah, I saw it. What's the matter?" the man in black asked. "Do you know?"

"A friend of mine told me that if I walk along this emblem, I can find the right person." Zelin squinted slightly, his sunglasses blocked his vision, but following his words, the face in black The ease on top is gradually replaced by solemnity. "This is the last emblem I found. Have you ever seen a person with an emblem near here?"

The man in black was silent for a few seconds.

"Oh, let me think about it." He lowered his head, scratching his cheek with his fingers. Very skillfully concealed the surprise just now. "Um... I seem to have seen it. A man in a brown trench coat with a hood, right? It's about one meter tall, with no beard on his face, and black hair."

"I don't know." Zelin shook his head. "Otherwise I will find someone directly."

"I saw this person marking the number in the sewer at noon today. I didn't care at the time. You know, everyone in the sewer is there. Who knows if they are marking special marks or street artists." The man in black pushed his sunglasses. "You came in time, otherwise these marks will be covered up by the new graffiti tomorrow. Is that your friend, or is the money owed to you unpaid?"

"Maybe both." Zelin's tone became cold. "I just hope he won't tell me this is just a joke after leaving the letter. I have been looking for him for a long time."

"Uh...are you here to find him?"

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