Seeing Zelin's serious expression, Altea showed a trace of confusion in her eyes.

"...I don't know what can make you so nervous, okay. Then when you finish this, let's talk about it. Tomorrow morning, I will go to Stormwind Fortress to meet Anduin. Prince, when the time comes, you can follow me as a servant."

"At that time, I need something to cover up." Zelin touched his face. "Can you tell me, if you were a servant, what would you encounter in Stormwind Fortress?"

"No problem, but before that." Altea pursed her lips and frowned. "You have to take a bath first. Even if you go to meet Prince Anduin, you can't just go in as if you were walking out of the garbage dump. They will drive you out. I'll go find a servant... .. Forget it, I'll just go and get your bath water for you."

Chapter 2156: Go to Storm Fortress

In Altea's family villa, Zelin rarely had a good night's sleep.

"How on earth did you get into a relationship with a virtual spirit?" Altea stood in front of the vertical mirror, sorting the neckline and sleeves of her dress. The open-chested clothes looked a little too generous for Altea, and the corsets looked too small. "I have known them. Except for their own business, they rarely communicate with local people. I rarely see people like you who work with them. How do you know that name ghost? Have you ever been to Outland?"

"Maybe you can think so." Zelin moved his shoulders. Of course he has never been to Outland, but he knows what Outland is. It is another world outside of Azeroth, which is equivalent to Rodland's world for the Demon Hunter. A closely-connected other world, of course, Rodland was only a one-sided connection to him, and the people of Azeroth and Outland knew each other and lived together for a long time. "I was relatively short of money at the time because my wife spent all the large sum of money I saved, and there was no return in the short term. She thought it was an investment, and I also thought it was an investment. But she didn’t tell me before doing so, so that when I needed the money, I suddenly found that there was not much money in my hand. So Xu Ling said that there was a way to make money. After listening to it, I thought it was very feasible, so I just Work with it."

Zelin told Altea that he has a wife. At the beginning, the Duchess was shocked. She thought that adventurers could not have a wife. After all, they had to travel frequently, looking for commissioning opportunities, and accompany death, and they were facing life threats at any time. Generally speaking, there are only a few risk-takers who can be successful and return to their hometown and create a career. Most people will find a stable job as soon as possible after earning some money, or be injured after a tragic battle. Had to retreat from the ranks of adventurers. Of course, they are lucky. The most common ending for adventurers is to disappear or die in battle. Not everyone can be lucky, so they rarely have a family.

Altea said that she wanted to know who Zelin's wife was, and that woman would marry an adventurer who was on the go. At first, Altea just listened quietly, but as Zelin said more and more, Altea gradually showed a smile on his face, like Zelin was making a funny joke.

Zelin tells Altea as much as possible, hoping she can dispel those unrealistic ideas.

But Altea realized that there was a problem in the demon hunter's words, and the lady mentioned in his words was obviously not alone. This means two things. First Zelin's statement is correct. There are several women who he calls his wife beside him. The second is that this is only a woman Zelin knew in the past, and even had a relationship with her. However, he wanted to prevent himself from approaching him. In the town of Nightlight, she had seen the townspeople show love to adventurers passing by, but was rejected by the adventurers for various reasons, because these adventurers did not intend to. Stop the pursuit of fame and wealth, and consume the remaining lives in farmland and mills.

"It sounds like you had a lot of savings in the past?"

"Yes, there may be a lot of them. To be honest, I rarely take care of them, but in my impression, the money seems to never be used up."

"About how many?" Zelin raised his eyebrows when he saw Altea in the mirror. "You can definitely estimate the number in your mind."

"Well, let me think about it." After a while, Zelin stretched out three fingers. "About three million gold coins?"

Of course, the number of gold coins he brought from the Smaug Treasury was definitely not that many, in fact there were only four big treasure chests. But after returning to the world of demon hunters and re-forging the gold into Krona coins through the foundry, Zelin realized how high the gold content of Middle-earth dwarf gold coins is. Later, plus the money earned from the business activities of the Ebins, although part of it was given by Zelin to Francesca to help her complete her business investment in Skyrim, it was not until later that Francesca paid the money. After the money was used up, he learned that his underground warehouse contained gold coins equivalent to Nilfgard's four-year tax.

Altea froze for a moment.

"How much do you say?"

"Three million."

The duchess burst out laughing.

"Do you know what three million gold coins mean?" She paused: "You can use this money to buy a kingdom, get a crown recognized by everyone, or make the best princess among the nations of mankind Marry you, like Ms. Jaina. Oh, of course, I'm just making an analogy." Altea clutched her abdomen, bent down and laughed for a while, then took a deep breath and stood up straight. "Okay, don't kid me, okay? Come and help me tie the corset from the back, which is a bit tight for me. My maid used to do it for me, since you think you shouldn’t let other people Knowing that you have been there, I gave them a vacation and asked them to flash back to Jinzhen to stay with their families for a few days."

"Why wear it too tight?"

Zelin walked behind Altea and pulled the string around his chest. Altea took a deep breath and straightened her chest.

"If I'm in Nightstown, I certainly don't need it, but in Stormwind, I have to make myself look sociable. To be honest, I don't like to deal with people here. I am scared by the roar of the werewolves with the residents of the country. In comparison, the nobles here obviously prefer new fashion dresses and delicious exotic food and wine. However, if there are no farmers working hard, miners working hard to gather, and blacksmiths dedicated to forging, soldiers will not have sophisticated equipment. Soldiers are poorly equipped. Insufficient supplies will not be able to resist foreign invaders, or protect the interests of Stormwind in other parts of Azeroth, the army's combat effectiveness is low, and the nobles will not be able to enjoy life comfortably in a safe place, if everyone can know... .... are you okay?"

"I think there should be no problem." Zelin took two steps back. "When shall we leave?"

"It's okay now. You can wrap the burned side face with this gauze." As Altea said, Altea took out a wrapper: "I would say that you are a night watchman who was wounded in a battle with a necromancer. Because of your concern, I invite you to Stormwind and become my servant. In this case, they will let you in to see His Royal Highness Anduin. The prince has always wanted to know more about what happened in the Twilight Forest. You go and change it. A servant’s clothes, as for your armor, I have hired someone to pack them and send them to the cruise ship in the port. After the meeting is over, we will go directly to the dock."

Zelin took the scarf, wrapped it around his neck, and pulled it up again, just blocking the cheek under the tip of his nose. He doesn't know when the burn on the inner side of his left cheek will recover, and he hopes that it is best not to bring back this obvious scar. "I'm sorry to involve you in this matter."

"It's okay. Going from Stormwind Fortress to the harbor will pass by the church square. I will drop by to see my father. I am sure that my father will not oppose my plan." Altea picked up the sun hat worn by ladies on the side table and put it on her head. Press slightly upwards and downwards, then take out the long sword leaning against the corner of the wall, and fix the tether on the scabbard to the button of the belt. "I have never understood why this has become a trend. It will obviously block the line of sight and it is still very unremarkable... Let's go."

Leaving the villa, Stormwind City seems to have not recovered from yesterday's alarm. Patrol guards can be seen everywhere, and pedestrians look nervous and curious. Some acquaintances will stop and talk about what they heard and saw last night. But most people were at a loss. No notice was posted on the king's signboard in the trading zone. Some citizens asked the guards to verify whether this meant another demon attack, but the guards could not give the citizens any answer.

"People are very worried. There are rumors that the Azeroth coalition forces assembled by Tol Barad are in trouble, and the two sides are divided, so that they can't set off on the expedition to the devil. Is this true?"

Zelin was silent for a few seconds, and he shook his head. "I don't know."

"Do you know? You have an advantage." Altea shrugged. "I will never see whether you are telling the truth or lying. Follow me, in Stormwind Fortress, if the master does not speak, the servant cannot speak. Before you see His Royal Highness, you must keep your head down. Don’t let the guards think you are looking around."

"I understand." Zelin nodded and took a deep breath. "The rest is up to you."

The suspension bridge over the moat in front of Stormwind Fortress was slowly lowered. In the past, Zelin had never seen Stormwind Fortress closing the gate to the citizens. This gave him a bad feeling that Anduin would not close the gate because of a chaos, isolating himself from the city. If the guards can execute Anduin's unapproved orders, it probably means that someone is gradually taking over things in Stormwind. As a fake Shaw, maybe he could indeed do this. Compared with a young prince, the generals and captains may be more inclined to the orders of Shaw, the veteran of the alliance.

After the guards checked what Altea was carrying, the guards stepped aside. There is a fountain in the courtyard of Stormwind Fortress. Behind the fountain stands a statue of King Varian. The road divides in front of the statue, leading to the left and right sides. There is a staircase leading to the upper side on both sides, and finally at the top of the fortress gate. Before converging. A spacious carpet was laid in front of the gate, extending all the way to the throne hall inside the fortress.

"Miss Eberlock."

Suddenly, a voice stopped Altea, and the Duchess paused slightly. She turned her head, and Zelin kept her head down. He could only see the people walking by wearing a pair of black iron boots, but then Altea’s words Zelin couldn't help taking a breath.

"Good morning, Master Shaw."

Chapter 2157: False Shore's Questioning

"What are you doing in Stormwind Fortress, Miss Eberlock? Stormwind City is dangerous now, and staying at home is the best choice."

"I don't think Stormwind is more dangerous than Twilight Forest." Altea chuckled and curtseyed to Shaw, as if Shaw was telling a funny joke. It stands to reason that the status of a duke will not be lower than that of the spy leader, but Altea has not inherited the title. The real duke is still her father, but her father is unable to take responsibility due to physical problems, so many responsibilities and identities have fallen on On her body. "With the protection of MI7 and the most elite city defense team, who can cause trouble in Stormwind City? I believe that even if there is some minor trouble, you and your agents can solve it as soon as possible."

With that, Altea put her head aside, then turned her head back.

"Yesterday, His Royal Highness wanted to learn from me about the Twilight Forest, but was interrupted by a sudden alarm. His Royal Highness said, I hope I can come early today. He wants to know what kind of enemies Twilight Forest has fought in the past. Werewolves, Undead. And mutant monster. This is my servant. He used to be a night watchman soldier. He followed me for a long time. Later he was injured in the war. He didn’t have a family in Yese Town, so I took it with me when I left. He came to Stormwind and made him my servant. I think since His Highness wants to know more, this veteran should be able to answer His Highness's confusion." Altea said casually. "What happened last night? My servants kept asking me about this matter, but I couldn't answer them. As a result, they became very worried one by one. I had to give them a holiday and let them go back to Jinzhen to accompany one another. Stay with your family."

Altea was very clever to shift the topic from Zelin's body quietly to other areas, so as not to entangle Shaw with Zelin's issue.

"An intruder appeared in Stormwind last night. MI7 is investigating. If Miss Eberlock finds any suspicious traces, please report to MI7 as soon as possible." Shaw's gaze was again on the figure behind Altea. "Why does your servant cover his face in Stormwind Fortress? Generally speaking, only the stalker wears a veil on his face."

"Because his face was injured in the war. His face is not very good, so he will use a face towel to cover it." Altea naturally replied with an explanation that had been considered before. "His Royal Highness is still in the meeting room?"

"His Royal Highness just went to the back garden to rest." Xiao Er narrowed his eyes slightly, with a slight smile on his face. He raised his finger to Zelin's face. "I respect the warriors fighting the enemy on the front line. What caused the injuries? Can you let me see them? I know many doctors. They are all skilled hands who can bring my agents from the brink of death. Rescue, I think some scars are just a small thing to them."

Altaiya pursed her mouth, she turned to look at Zelin.

"Is it convenient to remove the towel?"

Zelin lowered his head, covered his mouth and coughed heavily, as if choked on something. He raised his head, rubbed his eyes, and then sighed.

"Sorry, sir." His voice was hoarse than ever, so that Altea's eyes showed a hint of surprise. "My throat was injured. It was made by a werewolf. Thanks to Miss Altea, otherwise I might be dead. But my injury is not just my throat."

The demon hunter slowly took off the towel.

Altea swallowed, then took a breath.

The pale ghoul-like cheeks were densely covered with vine-like blue veins, and the slender beast pupils opened like a black crack in the eyeball. Khan Jinjin's skin looked translucent in the sun, like a corpse swelling in the river. It's hard to imagine that such a person would be a human, and it is even harder to connect the people who followed her out of the villa just now. No matter how she looked at it, it was difficult for her to find Zelin's shadow in the man in front of her.

"I was poisoned by a mutant spider. I was lucky enough to survive, maybe because the werewolf bit me, but thanks to the night elf druid in the dawn forest, I didn’t go crazy, but But it became like this. Only Ms. Altea is willing to take me in. I think no one can help me except for a different face. Thank you for your kindness, sir."

He bent down, bowed, and put on his mask again.

"Allow me to pay tribute to your sacrifice, soldier," Shaw said sternly. "You'd better wear a face mask, so as not to scare His Royal Highness. His Royal Highness is in the back garden and has just received a harvest witch. You can go straight to see him. But be careful, the intruder from last night has not been found yet. This damned killer killed two guards, and he will be severely punished by the law."

"Oh...this is too dangerous." Altea stroked her chest with one hand and let out a long sigh. "I won't bother you anymore, sir, please forgive me."

She curtseyed again, and after Shaw nodded, Altea waved to Zelin and led him into the wide corridor of Stormwind Fortress.

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