When Shaw's back completely disappeared from the stairs leading down, Altea leaned against Zelin and squeezed his hand hard.

"Please don't forget to go on a cruise later, Miss."

Ze Lin's words were concise, he didn't know if the guards around him also had MI7's eyeliner. He was uncomfortable at all now. When entering the Stormwind Fortress, he hid a small bottle of black blood potion that he carried with him in the palm of his hand. This potion was very toxic and could cause a strong mutation reaction on the body. According to his understanding, there is no such potion in Azeroth, and it only relies on the reaction within the body to produce changes. If he is in trouble, he can use this to cover up his identity.

It's just that he didn't expect that he would encounter fake Shaw here. He thought he would be an agent of MI7, thanks to the fact that the other party had never seen him before, otherwise he was not sure whether he could hide it from him.

Just now, when Shaw asked Altea, he took the opportunity to put the potion in his mouth. When necessary, he lowered his head and swallowed. It doesn't matter if someone finds out, he can push this to the night elves in the Dawn Forest, saying that this is the potion they gave to himself to restrain the wildness of the werewolves. After Shaw really sent someone to verify the situation, Zelin had already completed his plan in Stormwind and headed to Booty Bay.

Hearing Zelin's words, Altea immediately understood what he meant.

"Well, remember, tell your Royal Highness what you saw and heard." Altea clenched a fist with one hand and coughed slightly in front of her mouth. "Don't let me down. Follow me, the back garden is here."

Chapter 2158: Anduin's Secret Letter

When Zelin and Altea arrived in the back garden, Prince Anduin just stood up and sent a night elf wearing a tight leather jacket and long emerald green hair to leave. The latter walked towards a portal formed by two huge stones in the corner of the back garden. The rocks were surrounded by light and shadow like a whirlpool of sea water. When the night elf walked into it, her figure gradually became shallow, and she disappeared without a trace in the blink of an eye.

"His Royal Highness."

Altea raised the corners of her skirt and bent her legs together.

"Oh, Miss Eberlock." Anduin looked at Altea, and when he moved his gaze to Zelin, he showed a trace of confusion, but was replaced by an enthusiastic smile. "Please sit down. The druid of the Cenarion Circle just came to me to find out what happened in the Tol Barad coalition forces. The bad news came one after another. I wish I could hear the defeat of the demon. The rumors can at least boost morale. At that time, the news that Nightlight Town alone defeated the demon minions and necromancers passed into Stormwind City. People were very happy and believed that Azeroth would definitely be able to block the attack of the Burning Legion."

"His Royal Highness, as far as I know, the Cenarion Circle did not send personnel to the coalition forces in Tol Barad. Their destination is Val'sharah?"

"Yes, they originally planned to land Val'sharah from the west when the coalition forces attacked the Broken Beach from the east of the Broken Isles. Now without the cooperation of the coalition forces, they might have to face the demon army alone."

Zelin clenched his fists slightly. But no one noticed his anomaly for a while.

Anduin sighed and shook his head. "I don't understand why this kind of problem occurred. Master Shaw said that the tribe in the coalition army turned back, but the commanders of the tribe are Vol'jin, Baine, and Thrall. I know them and have dealt with them. They are all Good guys and warriors, full of glory, I don’t believe they will deliberately split the coalition forces in the fight against the demons. Not to mention, during the expedition to Draenor last year, when we attacked the Tanaan jungle, there was no problem with our cooperation. ."

"Maybe it's just a rumor, Your Highness. Maybe it's just a little trouble. I made more preparations for the war demon, which caused a delay of a few days. I believe that His Majesty Varian and King Jean will be able to handle it well. This matter."

"I hope so, and may the Holy Light bless everyone." Anduin sat down at the stone round table. "Sit down, ma'am. I haven't received any documents or requests for approval these days, so I have to invite you to talk to me about what happened in Twilight Forest, and the experience of managing Night Town. I know Azerah. There are some similarities in the environment between Si and Yese Town. Both are in dangerous places, demons, undead, cursed creatures, and mutated evil monsters. But you rely on your own ability to successfully protect the residents of Yese Town. Lead them out of the darkness."

"You're too praised, Your Highness." Altea gave a dry smile with some shame. Maybe others didn't know what was going on. Zelin didn't tell anyone about her being controlled by the devil, so as not to affect her future. But she knew that she had failed at the last moment. If it were not for the vigilance of the demon hunter, she might have pulled the entire Nightlight Town to bury her for her failure. "The former manager was my father. Thanks to him, I only helped him in trivial places."

"Me too." Anduin took a deep breath. "My father is a hero, but I don't know if I can bear the responsibilities and burdens that fall on his shoulders. The consultants are more willing to discuss the matter with Master Shaw rather than me. I understand theirs. Thinking, if it were me, between a young man and an experienced master, I would also choose the latter. But I think Master Shaw can handle these things.” The prince smiled self-deprecatingly. "So I chose not to trouble them, do my job well, and stabilize the people. However, Master Shaw insisted not to let me leave Stormwind Fortress. He said it was dangerous outside. If the citizens can't see their leader, who Can they give them confidence?"

"This matter is tricky, Your Highness."

Altea turned her head in surprise. Zelin stood upright, he drank a small bottle of white seagulls, cleaned up the toxins in his body, and coughed heavily. Anduin looked at the behavior of the demon hunter curiously, and then cast an inquiring look at Altea.

"Miss Eberlock, you haven't introduced me to the identity of this gentleman."

"His Royal Highness, this is the case. He said that there is something very important to report to you. He is..."

When Zelin pulled the towel, Anduin let out a surprise.

"Oh! Miss Eberlock, I think I know him. Zelin, why did you come here? I heard the news that you rejected the recruitment of MI7 and joined the Kirin Tor Council."

"This matter is a long story." Zelin was sure that there was no surveillance by the MI7 agents nearby. Perhaps it is impossible for the royal family to hand over the surveillance of all places to its subordinate spy agencies. There are royal guards everywhere here. Facing Altea's confused look, Zelin gave her an apologetic look. He has no time to explain this now. "I have a letter from Ms. Jaina and Princess Tess. I hope you will not show a surprised look after seeing the above. It is not safe here, Your Highness."

In the courtyard of Stormwind Fortress, Fake Shaw wandered on the clearing between the fortress and the gate. The statue of the king several meters high seemed to be looking down at the gate, and Fake Shaw moved his shoulders. The sun was shining at noon, and the strong sunlight made him feel uncomfortable. Of course, the light will not affect him. He believes this is a psychological problem, but what is wrong with it?

"The leader."

An agent walked up to Shaw and saluted him. "Our informant sent a message that Aurega and her brother have been staying in the hotel this morning. They have just had lunch and are moving to the church square, possibly to pray."

False Shore frowned and stroked the beard of his chin lightly. After a few seconds, he raised his head.

"There is no need to send so many people to follow Oreja and Tamra, and send someone to notify the werewolf warlock Joseph. Is he still monitoring the Stormwind Port? Tell him that if he sees any acquaintances appearing on the port, immediately I report and stop them."

The agent's eyes showed that he did not understand the purpose of the leader's command, but as an agent, he would not ask much. After experiencing Shaw, he turned and walked out of Stormwind Fortress.

In the port of Stormwind under the sun, dozens of ships formed a different kind of mast forest.

Chapter 2159 Accidental Exposure

When Altea walked out of Stormwind Fortress, she was a little bit unconscious.

"Miss, we should go now."

Zelin whispered behind Altea. When telling Anduin about this, Zelin didn't ask Altea to avoid it. When Anduin already knew about this, there was no need to continue to conceal it. He believed in Altea, but he absolutely couldn't let Altea fall into such a deep quagmire while still ignorant.

"Ah...Holy Light, I know." Altea took a deep breath. The person he has been with for the past two days is very likely to be a dreadlord, and he has also committed at least several murders. Of course, knowing that someone around him is a dangerous demon change is enough to cause people to panic, not to mention that Altea often dealt with Shaw after returning to Stormwind. "I... well, you are right, let's go."

The letter was signed by Jaina and Tess, which is very important in Stormwind. Even without considering the issue of Dalaran, the former was the queen of Theramore and the princess of Kul Tiras, and the latter was The princess of Gilneas and the only heir to the werewolf kingdom. Not to mention that Gilneas is now the main force in the alliance. If they are not sure, the two of them will not in such a direct way accuse the most important senior member of the alliance that Shaw is the Dreadlord fake. This is definitely not a simple accusation, it means open split, one of which will inevitably pay a price for it.

Altea's instinct told her that this letter was true. Of course, not only is it relying on intuition, but the magic emblem in the letter will not be fake. The royal emblem is absolutely impossible to imitate easily, otherwise anyone can order as a member of the royal family.

Walking on the bright but slightly empty street, Altea patted her cheek vigorously. "I have to meet my father and suggest that he go to the manor in the country to recuperate."

"Do you have a manor in the country?" Zelin was a little surprised.

"The Duke has only one town villa and country manor, don't you think it is rare?" She sighed. "I understand His Majesty Varian's idea of ​​integrating Stormwind. I also hate the nobles during the reign of Countess Prestor, but the royal family should at least leave us some simple properties. I will inform my father and rest assured. Well, I won’t tell him what’s going on, I’ll try to persuade him to leave here. You wait for me outside the church square, and I’ll be back soon. The light is on... I shouldn’t be with What Shaw said, **** it, if you had just written me a letter from Dalaran."

"When I think about it, the first person to see the letter is definitely not you."

Altea gave a wry smile. "You are right. My father should be chatting with the bishop in the cathedral. Wait fifteen minutes for me, and then we will leave."

"No problem." Zelin looked around, he wanted to leave Stormwind City as soon as possible, the sooner the better. Dreadlord is a dangerous opponent, he has never fought such an enemy before. Maybe stay for a while, the fake Shore may realize something. Zelin walked under the apple tree in the southwest corner of the church square. There is a road leading to the city wall. Through the outer wall of the square, you can see the familiar Sanlifeng Transformation Store. The truth in front of the Transformation Store leads to the port. "I'm waiting here."

Watching Altea step by step up the wide stairs outside the cathedral. The stairs are almost five meters high and ten meters wide. Like a towering church, they are all made of white marble. The wide stairs are covered with dark blue carpets and decorated with light golden stripes on the edges. The luxuriously dressed men and women walked out of the church together. Someone recognized Altea and greeted the Duchess. But Altea, who was full of thoughts, just lowered her head and walked into the church quickly, causing others to turn their heads and look at her back in surprise.

Priests and paladins can be seen everywhere in the square. These people are the mainstays of the alliance army. It is said that every legion leader in the alliance is a paladin. These powerful light users have extremely strong combat effectiveness. They can face strong enemies directly and provide protection for their comrades. It is medical assistance. Whether it is against demons or undead, their divine power can gain advantages in certain aspects. Earlier, Oregaard and Zellin said that there are two Paladins she admires most. One is Alexander Mograine, who can wipe out hundreds of undead with a single blow with the Ashbringer, and the other is Tirion. Foding, the latter had confronted the Lich King and defeated him.

In the past, Zelin thought that Oregaard's description of Mograine might be a bit exaggerated, just like a person would inevitably worship an idol, but after learning more about history, he realized that this might be a true story.

"Zelin, is that you?"

Suddenly, a voice surprised Zelin. He turned his head abruptly, just in time to see Oleja standing in front of the orphanage. Noting Zelin turned around, Oregaard grinned. "Hi, what are you...Um!"

Zelin subconsciously plucked an apple from the tree beside him and threw it at Olega, which happened to hit the draenei's forehead. Tamra raised her eyebrows in surprise, but didn't say much, but turned her inquiring gaze to Zelin. Zelin stepped forward, he never expected that he would meet Oregaard here, let alone she actually called out his name directly.

"Why are you here?"

He looked around nervously, as if anyone who noticed here was like a spy from MI7. "I remember you didn't say that you will return to Azuremyst Isle when you return to life?"

"It was originally planned." Tamra explained. "But Allegar wants to stay here, but the coalition forces are in trouble. I told her to wait two days in Stormwind. If there is no new news from the coalition forces, we will set off and return to Azuremyst Isle. Today she and I are here. Praying at the Holy Light Cathedral, she just bought a batch of linen to donate to the orphanage with the reward given by the prince. In these years, the war has hardly stopped, and the work in the orphanage has not stopped."

Behind the door of the orphanage in the distance, a human boy and girl, and a draenei orphan hid behind the door, staring at the outside timidly. Through the gate, you can see more children in the orphanage receiving lunch under the leadership of the nuns. On the edge of the wall, the orphanage is still expanding more dormitories.

"Holy Light, why are you smashing me?" Olegar held the apple in her hand, lowered her head, raised her head and looked at Zelin, then lowered her eyes, muttering dissatisfied. "I don't like eating apples."

"God damn..." Zelin sighed while holding his forehead. He originally thought that after Allegar returned to Stormwind City, he would return to Azuremyst Isle. So Zelin didn't tell her the matter in detail, so that it wouldn't lead her and his brother into such a dangerous situation. Zelin just told her that after this incident was over, she returned to Stormwind City to meet Anduin and left, not to mention anything that happened in Dalaran. After she returned to Azuremyst Isle, it would be difficult for Fake Shaw to send his minions into the draenei's spacecraft, but this might help him to divert Fake Shaw's attention. But now, Zelin could not believe that Shaw knew nothing about what was happening on the church square. "Let's go to the port. This matter is very important. I will explain the reason to you when we get there."

"Go to the port, why..."

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