He regrets a bit, why didn't he have time to ask the dwarf for a mechanical device he gave to Talion when he was in Mordor. That kind of device can directly launch the hook lock and then pull the user up instantly. With this device, he can save a lot of climbing time in many cases. But Mordor's nervous war prevented him from having time for the dwarf to make himself a copy of the same device, but when he returns to Middle-earth next time, he must find a way to get a copy.

"It's too late to regret now." Vanessa stood beside Zelin, glanced at the cliff, and then turned to look at the demon hunter. "There isn't a powerful ghost wizard to help you right now."

Prince Farodis could not leave the area of ​​Azsuna because of the curse, otherwise he was indeed willing to help Zelin deal with the devil. Before leaving the King's Palace, he told Zelin that if the demon hunter finds that his target is not in the Evil Soul Fortress, but in the demon camp in Faronaar, he can use magic to help rescue people. Vanessa has always believed that the demon hunter climbed to the cliff is bragging, the truth is that Prince Farodis magically teleported him up.

"Since you have reached this point, how can you go back without investigating."

Zelin walked under the cliff and tried to dig out some dirt.

"What are you doing?" Vanessa asked.

"Camouflage." Zelin moistened the soil with water and glued it to the cloak. "Make the rock of the cloak the same color as the mud on the cliff."

Vanessa didn't know how many times she sighed today. "I'm going to wipe a piece of dirt too, right?"

"You don't need..." Zelin hesitated for a few seconds. "I don't understand. Why do you refuse to put on clothes on your lower body? You only have shoulder armor and breastplate, and your lower body has no protection."

"Did you notice?" Vanessa raised her eyebrows, pinched the hem of the red cloth around her waist, lifted slightly, revealing the lower part of her thigh: "This is my purpose. The battle changes rapidly, if my appearance can make the enemy When fighting with me, distract him and I can take the opportunity to find the flaw. Do you think that other female thieves wear tights just for beauty? No, just because I have one more weapon than you."

"Then you may have to endure the cold wind overnight." Ze Lin said blankly. "You stay here, look at the boat, and wait for me to come back."

"Wait, I want to stay here? How could I know if you fail to sneak in." Vanessa paused. "I mean, if I don't know that you have been arrested, how can I know when running away is not betraying you."

"One day and one night."

Zelin looked at the cloak that was stained with mud and turned into a brown, then walked to the river, took out some floating plants, tore them and stuck them on. Wearing this cloak, lying motionless on the cliff, may be able to fool the enemies that may appear in the air.

"What about the food?" Vanessa held out her hand. "Give me spare food."

"There are fish in the river." Zelin put on his cloak, walked to the bottom of the cliff, grabbed a raised rock, and yanked himself up. "River water is fresh water. Solve it yourself."

Vanessa stared blankly as Zelin climbed up the cliff little by little, with her mouth open, until the back of the demon hunter became imperceptible among the protruding branches, and then she sneezed heavily.

The cold wind blew her exposed thighs and the shirt that was not completely dry after being soaked in sea water. Watching the sunset gradually sinking into the west, she now understood the purpose of Zelin's problem before leaving.

Chapter 2182: Convergence Valeira

Palms in brown leather gloves stretched out and grabbed the edge of the cliff.

"Hmm..." Zelin growled and pulled himself up to the top of the mountain.

The light-colored hair sticks out a little, and a pair of bright gold eyes that look like polished metal, through the weeds and fallen leaves, carefully observe the situation on the top of the mountain.

The top of the mountain is very narrow, like the edge of a crater, about only two horse-drawn carriages can drive side by side. The brown-black soil is dotted with some withered weeds, the low poplars wither abnormally in season, and the fallen leaves are spreading on the ground. Staring at the ground that was stained golden yellow with dead grass and fallen leaves in front of him, Zelin's arm forcefully pulled himself up, and rolled around on the ground. The moment the sticky soil was stained with fallen leaves, he hid in the black bushes next to him. Inside.

Three fel bats flapped their wings and flew across the sky. The demon hunter lowered his head and covered his hood.

The sound of flapping wings was getting closer and closer, Zelin's left hand hidden under the cloak formed a gesture of Kunen's seal, and his right hand was pressed on the hilt of the ebony blade. He held his breath and listened carefully to the sound in the sky with his mutant ears after the trial of the grass.

After a few seconds, the sound faded away.

After letting go of Jieyin's gesture, Zelin raised his head.

The towering fel spires in the distance stand inside the basin. The tall tower glowing with turquoise ore has sharp edges and corners. There are two spires in the middle, straight up into the sky, and a core wrapped in fel flames is raging between the spires. Burning. Within sight, Zelin saw at least four such spires. Some low buildings can be seen on the **** in the distance, and all kinds of demons enter and exit the buildings. On the hillside on the left hand side, Zelin noticed a cave, and the fel bat hanging upside down could be vaguely seen on the edge of the shadow of the cave.

After confirming that there were no demon patrolling nearby, he slowly crawled towards the other end of the mountain under the cover of bushes. The Evil Soul Fortress is located in the crater, but on the edge of the crater, Zelin vaguely saw the traces of the explosion bombardment. This made him wonder whether the crater formed naturally or was caused by some kind of magic. In the world of demon hunters, such powerful magic can only exist in the legends of ancient warlocks.

Squinting his eyes, raised his left hand to build an eye shed. The Evil Soul Fortress was different from what the Demon Hunters had previously expected. It was not so much a fortress, but rather a giant war camp. This is a good thing for investigators. He looked down at the entire fortress from a height, and had a clear view of the internal roads and the distribution of buildings. All kinds of dangerous demons were scattered in the war camp, and huge stone giants with dark green flames patrolling the main roads of the fortress. Elise calls this kind of demon hellfire, and believes that it is as dangerous as the Doomguard. It is very difficult for a mortal sword to hurt its rocky appearance, let alone to forcibly endure the fel fire on its body to approach it.

Fortunately, according to Anbo's intelligence, the Burning Legion put most of its power on the Broken Beach, waiting for work, preparing to introduce the Azeroth Allied Forces into the trap and then hit the head. But this means that their power on the five islands outside of Broken Beach is relatively not too strong. On the dirt road that was dyed black and green by fel energy, the demon hunter quickly found the prisoner being escorted.

Most of these prisoners are humans and trolls. They should be investigators belonging to the Alliance and the Horde. Among them, there are many purple-skinned Nightborns. They are chained to the rocks, squatting listlessly or lying on the ground, some are injured. The slave shrank, and the **** dog in the animal pen next to him was eager to try the injured prisoners.

Maybe he should observe here for a while. Among the prisoners within sight, Zelin didn't see a man like Shaw. Before leaving, he had seen Shaw’s portrait. Although the well-known Azeroth agent was ugly and had almost no characteristics, the prisoners here were similar to Shaw in terms of body shape, hair color and facial contours. There are no similarities.

Zelin didn't think he could find Shaw so easily. The Burning Legion knew Shaw's identity, so a demon would pretend to be him to mislead the Azeroth coalition forces. He may be held in a more hidden place...

Suddenly, the slight movement in his ear made Zelin's heart tense. He turned his head abruptly, and the pitch-black sword lifted up to the direction of the sound.

"That's not bad, werewolf." A figure of Valeira in a red tights appeared beside the bushes, emerald green eyes with a little approval. "You can find me, better than I expected. I thought Tess recommended you to join the Uncrowned, just to expand the power of the League representatives among the Uncrowned."

Zelin put down the blade and was silent for a few seconds.

"Is this a test for me?" He asked: "I test Vanessa, and you and Tao Shi test me. Is this a requirement for your uncrowneds to join the organization?"

"Well, the ability to observe words and colors is also good." Valeira crouched and walked to Zelin: "Where is Vanessa? Is she dead?"

"No, her helicopter crashed into the sea and was caught by Naga. I got her out yesterday. Thanks to the help of Prince Farodis of Azsuna." Zelin didn't forget to add. "She is staying by the beach below this mountain to help me guard the boat. If the boat is washed away, even if people are rescued, we will not be able to swim away with a wounded person on his back."

Zelin originally planned that if he found Shaw, but could not contact the Uncrowned, and could not find someone to meet him, he would try to sneak into the port of Suramar City on the exiled canoe, and get one that could be used. Voyage ship. But it now appears that this backup plan can be temporarily cancelled.

"Very well, you didn't kill Vanessa to please Tess."

"Wait, if Vanessa died in a plane crash, or was killed directly by Naga, how should this count?" Zelin asked suddenly. "Do you think I killed Vanessa."

"Don't worry, the Assassin Alliance has a set of strict intelligence channels." Valeira shook her head and glanced at the Demon Hunter thoughtfully. "Duke Jorazzi can know what's happening in every corner of Azeroth, as long as he wants to."

Ze Lin pursed his mouth.

Is this telling him that Qorazzi knew that he wanted to leave Azeroth with the Ethereal that night? A warning? Is it merely a description of organizational capabilities?

"I'm glad you found here on your own initiative." Valeira retracted her gaze and looked at the Evil Soul Fortress. "Tao Shi has already infiltrated the fortress. According to the conclusions drawn from my investigations in the past few days, Shaw has been imprisoned in this fortress, in the ruins of a very hidden ancient Night Son in the fort. But we have not yet been able to. Determine which piece of ruin it is."

"Ruins of the Night Son?"

"Yes, did you see the slope?" Valeira raised her left hand and pointed to the west of the Evil Soul Fortress. There is a downward **** on the west side of the Evil Soul Fortress, and the scene behind the **** disappears behind the rock that blocks the line of sight. "According to the informant's information, the Evil Soul Fortress is divided into two parts. One part is the upper area, which is the basin in front of you. There are many **** dogs, ghost mothers, and **** guards. The fel engine that drives the fortress is here. It's the shorter circular building in the middle."

Following Valeira’s fingers, Zelin saw that in the middle of the basin, beside a dark green pool, there was a wide and flat oval building. A spire a few meters high was erected in the middle of the building. Dark green dust, screaming human faces can be seen from time to time in the dust.

"The other part is located on the lower level. We believe this is a deep pit left by the Burning Legion battleship when it landed. There was an underground magic net node here, but later the magic net node was abandoned and buried deep underground. This time it landed some of the buildings. It is exposed. According to the intelligence obtained by the organization in the Night of the Night, the magic net node inside is divided into two layers, and the connecting tunnel is blocked because of the collapse. Tao Shi is trying to find a way to investigate in which magic net area Shaw is detained. "

"I understand." Zelin nodded. He must admit that the investigation of the uncrowned is much faster than him. "I didn't expect that you guys would also have people in Nightborne."

"The Assassin Alliance was created during the ancient troll empire." Valeira shrugged. "I doubt it, but if this legend is true, then when the Assassin Alliance appeared, the ancient elven kingdom had not yet been established."

"Ten thousand years ago." Ze Lin took a deep breath. In his world, the oldest ancient race is the goblin, and their well-documented life time does not exceed 10,000 years. "I don't think there are any spies in your organization, I won't be surprised."

"No, the understanding of Evil Soul Fortress comes from the demon informants in the organization. It is the demon of the Shadow Harvest Council." Valeira added. "The ambition of those warlocks is to defeat the Dark Titans, control the Burning Legion, and make the demons in the void work for them. I don't know when they will be killed by the out-of-control demons, but now, they have indeed achieved some results. They captured a floating island in the void, and even enslaved the Eredar twins. In the Battle of the Sunwell, these two high-level Eredar demons caused trouble for the Broken Sun Alliance. But believe me, many do The people who provide clues to the organization don’t know exactly who they are working for.”

Zelin rubbed the corners of his eyes. He believed that this kind of organization might indeed know what happened in every corner of Azeroth and might influence the situation in Azeroth. However, it takes a lot of time to establish such an organization, and it may go through the prosperity and decline of a race. "Okay. Since you are here, there are still so many informants who provide clues. Wouldn't it be okay for me to wait for your order here?"

"You are here waiting for news, observe the demons' movements, analyze their patrol routes, and then..."

"Wait!" Zelin interrupted Valeira's words suddenly, his eyes narrowed, and he stared at the place where the prison cage was placed in the distance inside the Evil Soul Fortress. "I seem to see something..."

Chapter 2183 Rescue Yamily

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