Under the dark green sky, the dark silhouettes of fel bats flocked like black clouds, screaming across the spires burning with the fire of fel. The mucus dripping from the edge of the minaret fell on the ground, like thick asphalt, and merged into the bubbling pool along the oblique angle, exuding a disgusting stench. Covered with patches of light green lizards lying next to the water pool, bloodshot eyes staring at every moving living thing, the fel-stimulated eyeballs are densely covered with bloodshot eyes, and they split their mouths from time to time, revealing densely covered teeth.

A long light blue iron table was placed next to the water pool. On the table, the magic circle of six-pointed stars was depicted in blood. Above the magic circle was a large open book with jerky and profanity symbols. In front of the long table, a demon floating in the air flipped through the pages of the book with sharp claws, his torn robe drooping like a worn shroud.

The devil's fingers lightly sketched on the book, and the demon carrying a cage next to it dragged the corpse-like victim into the fel spire. The wailing from the soul seemed to lower the surrounding temperature by several degrees, but the surrounding demons seemed to feel refreshed and happy. However, this is tantamount to the most terrifying tone for Yamily in the cage.

Shrinking her body, Yamily's dim eyes stared straight ahead without any focus. She was hungry and thirsty, and there was no magic in her body. But under the threat of death, these pains do not seem so important. She didn't know where she was, her mind was in a mess, and the blood elves who lived in the sunwell all year round couldn't bear the pain of losing their magic power for a long time.

A **** guard walked towards the cage. Yamily's eyes suddenly lifted, her eyes uncertain.

Footsteps? Why are there footsteps?

Oh, I see.

After a few seconds, she lowered her eyes again.

It was my father who urged me to learn to weave. Hmm... I really hate weaving, what can we do? Make packages for adventurers and weave carpets for nobles. The day before yesterday, my younger brother said that my father planned to send me to the noble manor to be a maid. If I can have a craft, I can get a good position among maids. But what is good about the maid? I really don’t understand why my father thinks that I can only be a maid, let me learn etiquette, cleaning and serving tea and water, but thinks that my younger brother can enter the army and become a ranger, relying on his ability to become a famous family. I can also achieve a career, and I can also work hard...

Yamily's eyelids slowly drooped.

The devil walked to the cage next to him and unchained it. The prisoner inside kept retreating, but his back was already pasted on the fence. He screamed, trying to avoid, but the **** guard grabbed the chain on his body and pulled him out directly. The prisoner kept twisting his body and was dragged out of the cage by the devil and towards the fel spire. The prisoner exhausted all he could but wailed in pain.

Yamily dozed off, took a breath, and then her eyelids gradually sank.

Why did I fall asleep? Wait, when is today? The instructor said to go to Dalaran, I must prepare in advance. Oh, damn, how can I fall asleep at this time, there must be a test in Dalaran, if I can't get the mage status, I will spend the last sum of money. I sold the farm left by my parents to get the tuition for learning magic. If I fail to learn it...


She saw a figure in a daze.

I am a mage.

The second demon walked to the cage and opened the rusty cage with a click.

Yamily stop daydreaming and wake up quickly, otherwise Mrs. Higginson will be angry.

It's so comfortable to sleep late, if only you can sleep like this forever. Why does mother always knock on the door at this time. Mingminggang dreamed of becoming a mage and a successful career. I don’t know what I can dream of next. It would be nice to have a good fighter like Salorian Dawn Seeker be a boyfriend. My mother always said that if I didn’t study well, I would definitely not get married in the end, or Can I just marry a sailor, can't I become better? Alas, it would be great if it could come true. Are you learning to make carpets today? I really don’t want to go. It's cold, did my mother lift my quilt again? Really, why is Yongge Forest so cold...

She opened her eyes slowly, staring at the gloomy sky with empty eyes.

Why is the sky in Yongge Forest like this?

Am I being dragged? The touch of the legs and heels rubbing against the ground gradually came into my mind clearly. Who is so rude? Why don't I know this place?

Looking along the dragged arm, the demon's rough and wide palms first came into view, followed by the blood-stained wristband and the dark arm exposed between the wristband and shoulder armor, and the bone-colored shoulder armor fell on top of it. There are thorns, but still can't cover the terrible helmet.

Yamily stared at the demon who was dragging her, the memory of being lost in the hallucinations gradually poured into her mind.

"Today's fuel is this mage. The magic power in her body is not much, but the soul that has lived for thousands of years should be able to burn longer than those humans." The inquisitor demon's slender fingers stroked the book. "There is not much fuel, but for the expedition, more souls must be obtained so that the leader of Suramar can send more exiles. Recently, the so-called alliance tribes have not sent rats to die."


The teleportation falls into a trap, the companion is killed, and the soul is burned. Yamily looked at the buildings on the hillside in the distance, and countless souls screamed and wailed in the fel engine.

"No no no no no no no no!!!"

Even if she was dizzy and tortured by the loss of magic, Jamily understood what she was facing now.

"Don't burn me, please! Don't!" She struggled hard, but her weak body was as weak as a baby in front of the devil. She tried to condense the magic power, and then she was horrified to find that she couldn't even gather a trace of arcane power. Hellhound has been devouring her magic, these days every time she restores a little magic, the hellhound will rush up to consume her power. "No!!! No!!! Stop!!! I don't want to die, I don't want to die!!! Let go of me!!!"

"That's right, that's it, a vigorous soul can provide more power for the engine." The inquisitor demon held his hands in front of his chest, and the flame-burning eyes under the bronze mask stared at the struggling blood elves with interest. "You will see your companions soon, if you can, remind them that it is best to continue screaming, so that you can persevere in the evil fire..."

Valeira's figure appeared like a ghost on the head of the inquisitor demon. Two emerald daggers went down and pierced fiercely into the gap between the demon's head and shoulders. With the help of gravity, they slammed and pulled the worn out. The robe is divided into three. The moment Valeira fell to the ground, the torn apart demon corpse fell beside him.

The **** guard halted in his footsteps, and looked at the judge who was suddenly silent. But the next moment, its attention was attracted by the severed arm. Its arms were neatly severed, pungent blood spurted from its pale fracture, and the hand that grabbed Yamily's arm fell down with the blood elves, and landed on the scorched hard soil. It was about to open its mouth and roar, and the sharp pain in its leg caused it to kneel to the ground. The moment the ebony blade slashed across his knees, Zelin placed his weight on his right leg and turned in a circle. The blade drew a half arc in the air. When the demon fell to his knees, the pitch-black blade ran across his neck.

The ugly head flew out, blood gushing, and the head fell to Yamily's side, rolled a few times, and disappeared into the bubbling pool.

Yamily stared blankly at the demon hunter who appeared in front of her.

"Yamily, why are you here?" Zelin looked around warily. Valeira threw the corpse of the inquisitor demon into the pool, and gestured to the demon hunter to hide as soon as possible. "Can you stand up? Come with me, let's hide first..."

"Sir!" Yamily rushed to Zelin, she was very weak, she could only kneel on the ground, hugged Zelin's waist tightly, her head was buried under his chest, and her throat was almost depressed. Can't help crying.

"Calm down, Yamily, calm down." Zelin made a gesture of Aksi Fayin to Yamily. He didn't know if it was useful, but Jamily did not cry, only a choking in her throat. "Get up, follow me, we get to a place where the devil can't find us."

Zelin kicked the demon's corpse towards the slope, and the corpse rolled along the **** and fell into the pool.

"You are safe now."

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ps: The annual meeting has finally passed. I have been running around for three days without breaking the change. I originally saw the schedule and prepared a leave note...

Chapter 2184: Shaw's Whereabouts

One hour later-

Half-squatting in the low cave, Zelin poked his head out from behind the rock when the bat swarm flying by outside the cave disappeared into the distant sky. Valeira and Tao Shi found this low cave southeast of the Evil Soul Fortress on the first day they arrived at the Evil Soul Fortress. The devil hadn’t noticed here, and there were no imps and fel bats inside, so they set it up. After a few traps, they used this as a base.

"Drink slowly, Yamily, drinking too much magic water at once is not good for your health."

Seeing Yamily raising her head, the originally swollen leather water bag collapsed at a speed visible to the naked eye, Zelin couldn't help but persuade her.

"Don't worry, no blood elves will ever die because of too much magic power." Valie Ramen stared at the apprentice who had just been rescued blankly. "But I'm very curious. In my impression, the blood elves have never worked for the tribe's intelligence department. During this time, the tribe only sent shadow hunters to investigate the Broken Beach. Why did you appear here? And you were suspected to be Summon the devil. After you were released from prison, there was no sign. I don’t believe that the devil ran to Dalaran to get you to the Broken Beach in order to avenge you."

Zelin didn't speak, he was also waiting for Amelie's explanation.

After a while, Yamily put down the water bag and let out a long sigh. The water dripping from the corners of his mouth fell on his chest and thighs, wet his clothes.

"Thank you, sir." She swallowed, and her body was still trembling uncontrollably after passing by with death. "Me, my companion and I were betrayed. Archmage Xylem took refuge in the Burning Legion!"

Yamily talked about her experience in a nutshell. Zelin has been listening quietly, Yamily is very nervous, her narration is chaotic, and Valeira will ask a question from time to time. After her explanation helps them figure out the reason and process, Yamily will continue to say Go down. When talking about crossing the portal and falling into the devil's ambush, Yamily couldn't help but see tears from the corner of her eyes. She rubbed her red eyes, leaned on Zelin's shoulder and cried in a low voice for a long time before she could resume the story.

"Archmage Xylem...I have an impression of him. His magic tower is located in Azshara. For a human, his mage tower is too close to Orgrimmar." Pulling his chin with one hand, he lowered his eyes. "So in addition to humans, there are tauren and trolls among his apprentices. I will send this news to Dalaran as soon as possible and ask them to investigate Xylem's problem. Even if this matter is not his indictment, he must also Responsible for the traitors appearing among the wizards under him."

"Did the devil transport all the prisoners to the Fel Engine?" Zelin asked Yamily.

"Almost." Yamily licked the corner of her mouth, rubbing the scratch on her leg with her right hand unconsciously. Her robes had long since become torn and ragged, the hem was torn into strips of cloth, and her legs were bruised and scratched everywhere, and there were some signs of bites. She had only one cloth boot left, and the other boot did not know where it was dropped. The soles of the small feet were pricked with several wounds. "I, I was more awake only on the first day. I saw that many prisoners were dragged to the Fel Engine and thrown into the evil fire inside."

"All?" Valeira asked. "Have you seen the devil holding prisoners elsewhere?"

Yamily looked at Zelin subconsciously, and Zelin gave her an encouraging look. She licked the corners of her dry mouth, subconsciously picked up the water bag, and then remembered that the magic water in it had been drunk: "Sorry, ma'am, please allow me to think about it. Um... In my impression, it seems that some prisoners have indeed been separated. There are some wizard prisoners...Oh, I remember!"

She patted her hands, and Zelin patted her head.

"Don't be so loud, it's dangerous here."

"I'm sorry, sir." Yamily lowered her head quickly to admit her mistake, her voice lowered a lot. "I seemed to be dragged to the Evil Soul Citadel on the first day. Uh, I don't know where it was. In the dizziness, I just felt that I was being dragged down."

Zellin and Valeira looked at each other.

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