"What then?" Zelin asked, "Are all the wizards and prisoners being held in one place?"

"Maybe. There are not so many hellhounds here. But before I completely lost consciousness, I remember that the devil threw me into a ruined building full of hellhounds." Jamily tried to recall in her mind. "That place, I don't remember what that place looked like. But there were steps at the entrance, and my head knocked on it several times when it was dragged."

She rubbed her bruised forehead.

"Stairs." Zelin chewed the words: "I don't think the devil will build steps when setting up a camp. This should be the ruins of a magic net node you mentioned. The ruins of a magic net node with steps at the door... .. I think it should be temporarily ruled out. I don’t think the Burning Legion will imprison such an important figure with a prisoner who is about to be burned. Look for the ruins of the node with no steps at the entrance, and Shaw may imprison it. Inside."

"I'll contact Tao Shi." Valeira turned around to leave. "Wait a moment, you will meet us where I met you before."

After all, the blood elf thief jumped out of the cave and disappeared in the blink of an eye.

Seeing the direction Valeira disappeared, Zelin retracted his gaze, just to meet the helpless gaze of Amily.

"Sir, you want, uh, me..."

"Come with me, we will go around from the outside." Valeira and Tao Ya chose a very good location. They can monitor the Evil Soul Fortress, and then quickly leave the Evil Soul Fortress. To the northeast is Sha'er Ailan, where there are some abandoned Temples of the Night Sons. "There is another person here, she can stay with you until we come back. Come on, follow me, this section of the road is not easy even if it is outside, there are withered people everywhere, and they are as dangerous as wild beasts."

"I understand, sir."

Yamily stood up, her leg soft and almost fell to the ground. Zelin quickly stepped forward and stretched out his hand to hold her arm.

"I, I'm fine, sir. I, I just, I just haven't had the opportunity to straighten my legs for several days... I'm not afraid of the uncrowned. In Eversong Forest, there are such blood elves called Lost person. If it weren't for you, I would have thought that I would be turned into a lost heart by the addiction..."

"Don't worry, you are safe." Zelin took her hand, stretched out her head, and after confirming that there were no demons passing by near the cave, walked out of the hiding place with Yamily: "We will send you back to Dara soon. Of course, leave the Broken Isles. I assure you."

Chapter 2185

At the edge of the crater, Vanessa looked at Zelin, who was sliding down the rope, her expression tangled. Yamily was exhausted, and Zelin let her lie on her back. Fortunately, the rope provided by Valeira was strong enough. Now that he had climbed once, Zelin dropped the rope so that he could climb up again.

"I think this elf is not the one the uncrowned person tried so hard to save." She interlaced her hands and looked at Yamily, who was exhausted and sat on the beach in ragged clothes. "Has your mission been completed? Who is she?"

"My friend."

Yamily raised her head, her emerald eyes staring at the demon hunter.

"Fortunately, she was framed by an archmage, caught by the devil, and happened to run into us." Zelin looked at Vanessa. "Your mission is here, look after her until I come back. This mission is very important. If you see what appears in the Evil Soul Fortress, um...unexpected circumstances, such as the sound of battles. , Explosions and demons suddenly appeared in large numbers. You take a boat and take Amily to Azsuna. You know what I'm talking about."

"You thought I would stay and say,'No, don't let me stay alone. Am I going to face the danger with you?'. I don't have the ability to deal with demons, and I will do it by you nobles' lackeys. Well, you are so strong anyway." Vanessa shook her head. "Listen to you, if you encounter an accident, I will take her away immediately. If you wait until the accident happens, you are still alive, then go to the abandoned temple to see me. I will wait there for three days."

"That's enough, thank you, Vanessa."

Zelin turned and walked towards the rope. With this rope, he will be able to go back soon and meet Valeira and Tao Shi.

Suddenly, his sleeve was grabbed by a small hand.

"Sir." Zelin turned her head, a trace of surprise and dismay flashed in Jamily's eyes. "You, what are you going to do?"

"A little thing, someone asked me to help get a person out. Don't worry, it's very simple. You have also seen how I cooperated with another person to rescue you." Zelin pressed the back of Yamily's hand, lightly Lightly patted. "You and this lady go to a safe place first. If you are in danger, she can protect you. I will meet you soon, and then just leave here and go to a safe place."

Zelin took a step back, and Yamily's stiff arm let go. The demon hunter took a few steps back. He looked at Yamily, then turned around, grabbed the rope, and climbed up the cliff.

"Sir." She called out suddenly. "Please pay attention to safety!"

Zelin didn't speak, he grabbed the rope and quickly climbed to the top of the mountain.

Everyone believed that the Evil Soul Fortress was used to monitor the fortress of Suramar City. The Burning Legion was not at ease about the city that had fallen to them. The southwestern edge of this fortress was close to the edge of the magical barrier of Suramar City. , The fel bat and the guard of the doomsday can appear in the sky of Suramar City after taking off. Fel bats often took off to circle outside the magical barrier of Suramar, so after grasping this information, Zelin deliberately walked westward along the edge, avoiding the patrol route of Fel Bats to avoid being discovered.

When Zelin arrived, Valeira was already waiting where she was. Beside her, a pandaman in a dark blue monk costume was already waiting where she was. The handguards and knee pads with a little metallic luster were decorated with dark red lines, and the long black hair was tied behind his head and hung down to his waist. Seeing Zelin coming, she pressed her right palm on the back of her left fist.

"Here you are, I discussed a plan with Valeira, listen to it."

"What plan?"

Zelin and the other two squatted close together, Tao Ya lowered his voice.

"This time, the Secret Codex gave me a lot of gunpowder. I have investigated the location of the ruins of the magic net. There are two ruins. One of the guards is mainly an imp and hellhound, and the other has two **** guards at the door. Lila told me that you have just rescued a prisoner. If the prisoner’s news is correct, Shaw is most likely to be held in the ruins of the magic net at the bottom." The sharp nails on the panda’s round palm depicted on the ground. Rough terrain outline. "We can't directly launch a frontal attack. The battle will attract too many demons."

"So create some explosions outside the Evil Soul Fortress?" Zelin immediately understood Tao Shi's thoughts. "Attract the attention of the devil, and then we took the opportunity to break in and rescue Shaw. But do you know the internal structure of the ruins of the magic net? If the inner tunnel is very long, I don't want to wait for us to solve the guard and rescue Shaw. Go to the door and bump into a demon army that was alarmed."

Zelin has always liked the gunpowder made by alchemists. Obviously, there are some people in Azeroth who have the same views as him, although the people who make gunpowder here are not regarded as casters, but called Engineer.

"Our friends in the Nightborne provided help." As he said, Valeira took out a copy of paper and laid it on the ground. "This is the design plan of the magic net node. The informant of the Assassin Alliance can't steal the design, she roughly copied it and drew it. Look at this place, this part is where we want to sneak into."

Valeira's hand cut a small area on the copy paper.

"According to the design drawings, the magic net node is built underground and located at the seaside, so it is located to prevent underground water and dampness. The designer of the night son of the year built a wide sewer in this lowest location. Drain the work and go straight to the sea.” The slender fingers slid along a specially indicated route on the design drawing. "According to my investigation, the water outlet is located next to the river between Suramar and Azsuna, close to Azsuna. I think after so many years of abandonment, there should not be many blockages inside. We can leave directly through the sewer. ."

"Very good." Zelin nodded. Compared with him, these residents of Azeroth have a unique advantage in intelligence. "Then let us act."

Soon, they assigned the task. Zelin set up bombs next to a spire and a Fel Bat cave in the southeast of Evil Soul Fortress. Tao Shi and Vale La placed explosives in the east and southeast respectively. This is the most densely constructed area of ​​Evil Soul Fortress and is nearby. Suramar City. The demons here are watching the city of Nightborne. If an explosion occurs between the fortress and the city of Nightborne, maybe these demons will immediately rush out to find those of the Nightborne and ask them to explain why. This can create a gap between the demon and the demon's allies, and it can also delay more time.

Two races that can't talk about mutual trust will never deal with this kind of thing so quickly. When they figured out that this was an explosion made by an outsider, they had already rescued Shaw and returned to Stormwind.

Avoiding the devil, piled up explosives provided by the mystery sect in the corner of the magic tower. Zelin cautiously avoided the demon's inspection, and placed the bomb at the location Tao Shi had planned in advance. During the investigation of the demon camp, Tao Shi's professional habits allowed her to find many suitable locations for blasting. Although Zelin was very skeptical that bombs alone could cause enough chaos in the demon camp, or destroy the seemingly indestructible demon tower. But Tao Shi and Valeira seemed very confident in their bombs.

The **** guards lined up patrolling along the mountain road with a giant axe in their hands. After they passed by, Zelin poked his head out and looked around. After confirming that there were no other patrolling demons, he bent down and placed five esoteric bombs next to the corner of the Fel Energy Tower. In the past, Tao Shi often used this trick to deal with the mantid camp. She believes that any building has weaknesses and can be destroyed by bombs. But anyway, as long as it can make flames and sounds, it is enough to attract demons.

When Zelin returned to the scheduled meeting place, Tao Shi had already returned, followed by Valeira.

"Are you ready, madam?" Tao Shi looked at Zelin again. "And sir, once we start, we can't go back before we finish."

"I will be ready when I leave Booty Bay." Zelin moved his shoulder. "Let's get started."

Valeira nodded slightly.

"May Qinglong guide us."

The next moment, a deafening explosion sounded through the entire Evil Soul Fortress

Chapter 2186: Rescue Soldier Shore

"It's in the direction of Suramar! Assemble, you trash immediately rush over and kill any enemies who dare to attack the fortress!"

Groups of demons stepped on the hard dirt road, and the ground seemed to rumbling with their uniform pace. A heavily armed doomsday guard flapped its wings and floated above the team of **** guards, shouting loudly in a hoarse language. The bloodthirsty hellhound jumped in the line of the **** guards, the swaying sucker tentacles at the corners of the forehead and mouth were as eager for flesh and blood as the mouth of the cracked blood basin.

"If those cowards dare to betray their faith, destroy them immediately and let them understand how vulnerable the arrogance of mortals is in the face of the power of the Legion!"

Leaning on a rock with his back, Zelin stuck his head out until the end of the demon team not far away disappeared from the **** leading up. Staring at the back of the last demon disappearing on the slope, he gestured to another rock that was stained dark green in the distance. Two figures, one black and the other red, fell behind the raised soil **** at the inner edge of the valley like phantoms.

When the demon army left, the number of demon guards in the valley below was significantly less. Zelin's line of sight looked into the valley. This place was located beside the **** leading to the basin above the Evil Soul Fortress, just overlooking the entire valley below. To the north, a huge hellfire was patrolling eastward along the road with heavy steps. To the west, in a dark green water pool, a bloated ghost mother was half-submerged in the water pool, only showing the upper body like an inflated balloon. There were dozens of little ghosts running and jumping back and forth, which was incomprehensible. And to the south, in the sky near the Fel Spire, a doomsday guard hovered in the sky, patrolling the fortress, and it was moving to the north, just facing their hiding place.

Zelin once again waved his hand in the direction where Valeira and Tao Shi were. The two figures quickly moved towards the ruins of the magic net node.

The guard of the doomsday turned, Zelin immediately fell down and hid.

He didn't know how long the explosion sound could attract the demon's attention. The demon's commander did not come out, and it left a lot of troops. They must not allow any demon guard to issue a warning, the troops here are enough to surround them. At that time, even if you find Shaw, it will be difficult to get out of your body.

Hearing the sound of flapping wings in the distance faded away, Zelin took out a flat mirror to observe the situation outside. After a few seconds, he put away the mirror, took advantage of the gap that the demon patrol did not appear, bent down, and ran to the open space in front of the ruins of the Demon Net node in small steps.

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