"Are you crazy?" Altea asked in disbelief: "It doesn't matter if you forcibly break into a duke's villa tonight, are you going to break into a princess's bedroom?" She frowned, her face With an ill-intentioned smile: "Oh~ I wonder if you do this often in your world? Do you often visit the bedrooms of noble ladies and princesses at night?"

"No, I am a principled person." Zelin said solemnly: "I have made some mistakes in the past, but now I will never make the same mistake again. How can one keep making mistakes?"

"Unless the error is no longer an error, right?" Altea asked rhetorically.

Zelin coughed slightly.

"I should go now. Now that you know what's going on, you can leave it to me without worrying about it. I will solve it without embarrassing you."

The hands holding the shoulders didn't mean to loosen at all.

"You stay here tonight, you are leaving recently, right?" Altea leaned forward, her smooth shoulders shining slightly under the candlelight. "Your eyes tell me that you don't plan to come back again. Are you really unwilling to join the league? Well, after all, Azeroth is dangerous. Who wants to stay in a place where the end of the world is about to come? But if We defeated the Burning Legion, will you come back again? I always welcome you here, no matter what."


"I need a helper, someone who can walk down with me, otherwise, in a short while, I will be the only one left in this villa." Altea said seriously, Zelin could hear that she was not there. Just kidding, it’s not a whim, this is the result of her serious consideration: "I don’t know how many people, after learning that the Burning Legion and its minions appeared, or a necromancer took my soul, they were willing to go to Nightlight Town. Come and save me. Most people will choose to find reinforcements. I am not saying that this is wrong. The mistakes I made almost ruin the night watchman. This is the price I should pay. But if it were not for you, my soul would not only be burned. Under their control, my body will be ashamed of the family and become a traitor."

"This is just what I should do." Zelin took a deep breath: "I will never die without saving. I believe that when I see the **** of death in the future, I can say with a clear conscience that I have never been sorry for my conscience in my life. For things, I have been following the most basic and greatest law in the world."

"That's why I want you to stay, not so many adventurers in the past in the night town." The hand on Zelin's shoulder touched his neck back. "Don't leave tonight, treat this as your home in Azeroth."

"I have a wife, Altea." Zelin moved back a bit: "I can't possibly..."

"You always like to find excuses, don't you?" Altea posted to Zelin: "Leave a child for me. I am the only daughter of my father. I must let the family pass on."

"I am a product of a violation of the laws of nature, Altea, it is impossible for a creature like me to have children with any race."

Altea snorted. "Perhaps the race in your world is not good, but in Azeroth, we don't have the saying that different races are infertile. How can we know if we don't try it?"

Zelin originally wanted to say something.

Altea rushed directly on him, her soft red lips blocking all the words he wanted to say next.

Chapter 2220: A Great War

The long sword slashed fiercely on the hard shell of the magic mecha, and Saramine left an ugly scar on the mecha like cutting thin paper, exposing the entangled parts and gears inside. The fel mech raised a rock-sized palm, and fisted it to hit Varian's location. But the fist hadn't fallen yet, and a few bursts of sparks burst open, and the impact force of the explosion made its body stagger back several steps.

"The artillery is ready for a salvo, call for air support!" Mekkatork pressed the red button on the mecha, the Skybreaker circled an arc in the sky, the side-string artillery fired a salvo, and the fel mecha burst out instantly. Piles of fire. Sylvanas stirred the bowstring, and the dark arrow shot accurately into the crack in the fel mech, the rotating gear jammed, and sparks appeared.

"Continue firing and destroy this demon mecha!"

Under the shadow of the moon, the shaking squeaked a few birds that landed on the corner of the eaves of the villa, and the long skirt that was thrown out slowly floated down, resting on the back of the chair.

"Mekkatorque, be careful of the warships of the Burning Legion!" Gene stretched out his arm and pointed to the sky. In the shadows behind the tomb of Sargeras, a slender and dark battleship floated out slowly, and between the two sharp bows of the front section of the battleship, evil energy gradually converged. Scattered Hellguards rushed to the vicinity of the Fel Mecha. Gul'dan summoned war machines to block everyone's path, and some of the surviving warlocks tried to summon demons as soon as possible to protect them. But the demons that can be summoned quickly are far inferior to Gul'dan's demon army before.

Vol'jin jumped forward and pierced the hellguard's chest with a spear. Then he took a step forward, and the moment he drew the spear, he backhanded and stabbed, and the hellguard who wanted to attack from behind was pierced through the neck. The guard of **** had not fallen yet, and three more enemies rushed up. Woking released his hand, avoiding the moment of the first blow, drew out the voodoo dagger from his waist, and turned around in a circle. The moment he avoided the second enemy's attack, the dagger stabbed backwards, third place. The arm of the **** guard who raised his battle axe stiffened in mid-air.

The remaining two enemies turned around, and then, a dazzling electric arc burst out of them, and the hellguard fell to the ground shaking with a trembling body, emitting a pungent burnt smell from his charcoal body. Thrall just put down the hammer of destruction he raised, and the orc shaman seemed to hear the footsteps behind him, without looking back, he slammed the hammer back. The charged demon was knocked out, knocked down on a warlock who wanted to escape, and crushed him to the ground.

The demon warship fired in the sky, and the dark green flame flew towards the Potian. The Potian evaded to the right, and the shells grazed the side strings of the battleship. The hot high temperature left a black mark on the battleship, and a jet of black smoke emerged from the left side of the spiral-wing engine. While evading, the four huge main guns on the battleship fired at the same time, and a dazzling fire broke out on the demon battleship.

The death knights riding the bone griffin flew to the battleship, and under the cover of the helicopter, broke into the battleship deck, and together with the dwarf griffon rider, they killed the demon crew manipulating the battleship.

Altea's fingers gripped the bed sheet tightly, and after a few seconds, she loosened it weakly. There was only a weak gasp in the silent room, which was then replaced by a deep whimper.

"Isn't it over yet!?"

Varian avoided being trampled by the fel mech, and the excalibur Saramine once again left a deep sword mark on the mecha's leg shell. "Jaina?!"

"Immediately!" Jaina held up her magic wand, chanting a spell in a hurry. Accompanied by the jerky spell, a looming light blue magic circle gradually emerged in the clearing next to the Fel Mech. "Bring it in!"

Varian, Gene, Mekkatork, and Sylvanas who besieged the fel mecha immediately retreated tacitly. The fel mecha’s legs were covered with cracks, dotted with the corrosion and gunfire of the dark arrow. The black spots left by the burning. Facing the enemy's retreat, the Fel Mecha didn't hesitate, and immediately chased it up, stretched out his hands, and aimed at Varian, who had been entangled in its attack, trying to smash this annoying fly at the same time.

The sound of freezing air overwhelmed almost all the sounds on the battlefield. The legs of the fel mecha were covered with ice at a speed visible to the naked eye, and the thick ice covered the legs full of cracks, and the biting chill penetrated into the mecha along the cracks. The mecha tried to lift his head hard, sparks from the overloaded gears in his knees made an overwhelmed noise. Jaina put down her staff, she raised her hand and held it in mid-air.


The ice cube shattered with the legs of the fel mecha, and the mecha that lost its support fell forward and fell heavily to the ground. His head fell right in front of Varian. The Supreme King took a step forward, and Saramine stabbed fiercely into the top of the Fel Mecha. Dark green liquid gushed out along the cracks, and the green eyes of the mecha flickered twice, completely silent.

Jaina walked behind Varian, wiped the drops of sweat from her forehead, and looked at the fel mecha that was losing power. The coalition soldiers swept the remaining forces on the broken beach like an autumn wind sweeping away fallen leaves.

"It was a fierce battle." She sighed. "But Gul'dan escaped."

In the sky, the victorious death knights and griffon riders flew away from the demon warship on their mounts. Behind them, the demon warship was completely shattered in a series of violent explosions.

"The Devil's Gate is now in our hands. Gul'dan don't want to use it to summon the monsters of the Burning Legion. If he can't escape, the Broken Isles will be his burial place!" Varian narrowed his eyes and stared. Tomb of Sargeras not far away. The evil energy contained in it is chilling: "You must not stop, you must march to the islands before the devil has recovered. Jaina, you go and inform others that we have to hold a coalition meeting to discuss the next battle plan. We won... temporarily."

The early morning sun rises from the sea level, spreading dim light on the golden lion in the harbor of Stormwind. A ray of sunlight shines through the blinds and falls on the messy bed. Altea seemed to feel a little chill in her sleep, she hugged the figure next to her tighter, and there was still a trace of blush on her cheek with a slight smile.

Zelin slowly exhaled, he slowly opened his eyes, the sun was shining, and some dazzling light told him that it was definitely not early morning.

As if feeling the movement of the person next to her pillow, Altea gradually opened her eyes.

"Are you awake?" Zelin sat up with his elbow supported, the bedding slipped down, revealing his chest with several scars. "It's getting late."

"So... Are you in a hurry?" Altea curled up, with a playful smile on her face. Her voice was a little hoarse. "Ahem, what's the matter? Could it be that you are getting bored with this thirty-year-old woman so soon?"

Zelin stretched out his fingers and stroked Altea’s smooth cheeks. Altea licked his fingers with the tip of his tongue: "Your appearance does not match your age at all. You are not lying to me, in fact, you Only twenty years old?"

"And your physical fitness doesn't match the age you declared. You are not lying to me, in fact you are only twenty years old?" Altea returned Zelin's words back intact. She leaned on her waist with one hand and sat up diagonally. "Ah.... I feel my throat is going to be hoarse. Where are you going?"

"Of course it is to go to Her Royal Highness Tess, and make it clear that it is better, otherwise I am very worried, whether mutual suspicion will turn a problem that can be solved through communication into conflict." Zelin has seen many because of mutual suspicion. The resulting contradictions and conflicts were originally not serious problems at all. However, the self-righteousness and cleverness of the two sides made everything difficult to end. "I will tell you when it is resolved."

Altea climbed behind the demon hunter, her chest pressed against her back, soft and still did not have much strength.

"Wait a minute." The duke rubbed her cheek against the sideburns of the demon hunter: "Last night, when you told you about your fight against the warlock who wanted to become a god, I fell asleep without hearing the last paragraph. Let us make up. Is that paragraph okay?"

"You need to rest."

"I'm not tired, I'm in good spirits."

"It's getting late."

Zelin didn't know where Althea's strength was, grabbed his shoulders and made him lie back again.

"She has been waiting all night anyway, hasn't she?" Altea lay on the demon hunter's chest, sniffing his scent hard: "I believe the princess has the virtue of patience."

On the roof of the house near the canal in the church square in the distance, Tess put down her monocular, rubbed her eyes, and yawned. She stretched her waist and was not in the mood to keep watching. It is estimated that soon, someone will visit her in Stormwind Fortress. She must be prepared for the next words and methods to deal with, this matter is very important, there must be no mistakes.

Suddenly, Tess noticed that a huge shadow floating in the sky outside the port, facing the rising sun, was getting closer.

She stood up, frowning and staring at the dark shadow in the distance. Gradually, her brows loosened, and there was a sense of uneasiness in her eyes. As a senior member of the Alliance, she recognized at first glance that the black shadow in the sky was the flagship airship of the Seventh Army. The airship was severely damaged, and there were still a few holes in the floor that had not been completely repaired, so that the airship could only fly at low altitude. Black smoke was coming from the right spiral wing, and the unbalanced power source made the warship tilt slightly.

There is no accompanying warship on the sea.

Tess felt her heart held tightly.

Was it defeated? This is not like a triumph at all.

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