She jumped off the roof and walked quickly towards the port.

Soon, the entire Azeroth received an exciting good news.

The Allied forces of Azeroth won a big victory in Broken Beach!

The news of victory was like a gust of wind, spreading across the entire land in the colorful flags flying in Stormwind, in the spirits of Ironforge, in the fireworks of Orgrimmar and the crisp clinking of glasses in Silvermoon City.

Chapter 2221 Determination

In Stormwind, people tried every means to celebrate this victory. The residents of the dwarf district took out the fine wine barrels they had hidden in the cellar and placed them on the street for people to drink. The trade zone is decorated with lights and festoons, and every store offers a very low discount on goods. The innkeepers and food shop owners put plates after plates of delicacies on the round table, just like the entire Stormwind City. They are all having a cheerful banquet, and people still don’t forget to put wooden boxes for the dwarf guests, and the vigorous bells of the Holy Light Cathedral echo in the sky where the flocks of white pigeons fly.

In Orgrimmar, beautiful fireworks bloomed over the city gates, and the goblins immediately took out various fireworks and firecrackers that claimed to be made by unique secrets, and took the opportunity to sell fireworks that were unsold after the appearance of the Pandaren. The tauren sounded their horns, the trolls clapped their hands around the campfire and sang. The most popular is the orcs’ barbecue. In the square in front of the Chief’s fortress, a group of wild boars roasted to exuding a seductive aroma were set up. Even the most reserved blood elves couldn't help but drank the strong wine and yelled like everyone else.

In Dalaran, the celebration of the mages was much more low-key. They are still on the front line of the war, standing on the edge of the floating island, you can overlook the appearance of the entire broken beach. But magicians who conjure tricks can still be seen on the streets. The citizens surround the magicians, exclaiming and cheering when one magic appears one after another.

Yamily stood in front of the door of Greyfang, which was the alliance's fortress in Dalaran, serving as the alliance's endorsement in Dalaran. The werewolf guard at the door looked up and down the blood elves with suspicious eyes. As a member of the tribe, even when the Alliance and the tribe are cooperating against the enemy, it is a questionable matter to propose to go to Stormwind City.

"She applied to go to Stormwind City?"

"Yes, look for her friend, a human, she met in Dalaran." Madame Sunina embraced the staff, stood in front of Yamili and explained to her: "She missed it before, but as a result When she came back to her senses, she was just in time to rush and descend to fight, and the transmission channel was closed. So now that the transmission channel is opened, she rushed over immediately. Oh, yes, this is the proof of the silver covenant."

As he said, Mrs. Sunina took out a document and handed it to the werewolf guarding the Greyfang: "It has the signature of Ms. Veresa Windrunner. She is now considered the person of the Silver Covenant."

High elves have been in contact with human nations since ancient times. For thousands of years, there have been many elves who have lived in the human kingdom. Only after Sin'dorei joined the tribe, these elves who remained in the human kingdom suddenly discovered that they had become enemies with their human neighbors who had been with them for thousands of years. In addition, many of these elves still could not let go of the massacres made by the orcs in the Eversong Forest during the Second World War, so these elves, under the leadership of Veresa Windrunner, formed the Silver Covenant, still acting as high elves. Join the league, just like the old league.

"Hmm..." The werewolf checked the file carefully and confirmed that there were no traces of fraud on it, he nodded: "She can go, but she must be accompanied by someone."

"An agent from MI7 accompanied her to Stormwind. I think that agent has arrived."

In the hall of Greyfang, Jamily saw Anbo sitting on a wooden chair with her legs cocked and playing with daggers boredly. The dagger rolled and turned dexterously at Anbo's fingertips, but it didn't fall off.

Noting the blood elves coming, Anbo raised his eyebrows: "You are late."

"Sorry, I was delayed in applying for the documents." Yamily bent down and bowed. She turned around and thanked Mrs. Rina: "Thank you for your help, madam."

"Are you really not thinking about staying as an apprentice and deputy?" Sharona stroked the staff with one hand: "This is a good opportunity. Don't look at the arcanist named Valtoy who puts a picture all day long. An arrogant face, but she still has some strength. If you study by her side, you may be able to learn some good skills. Although Xia Duolei's magic skills are somewhat different from our traditional spells, magic has never become more popular and powerful. ."

"Um...I have considered it seriously." Yamily sighed, she touched her face and tilted her head. "I originally thought that what the archmage and the powerful heroes had to do was to learn more powerful spells, accumulate magic power, and destroy them with magic when danger appeared. But after experiencing these things, I found that I was wrong. I am still too naive, the real danger is far from such a simple thing. That way, living in the open air and sleeping at any time is not suitable for me. I kind of missed the time when I was an apprentice. The only thing to do is study and what happens later. Compared to things, it’s too easy."

Rina sighed, and she gave Yamily a hug. After learning about Yamily’s apprenticeship, Ruina's attitude towards her has changed a lot: "Good luck, spirit. You are a good student, even if talent is average, your efforts are enough to make up for the rest. If you want to, I can introduce your tutor to you. If you don’t mind, you can follow me to learn combat skills. No tutor will hate hard-working students. I really don’t understand the magisters of Eversong Forest. Is it a politician or a scholar?"

"Thank you, ma'am."

"We should go." Anbo reminded him: "Even if Stormwind is still celebrating, but if it's too late, after the curfew, we must sleep on the cold floor of the teleportation tower in the wizard area."

Yamily followed Anbo to the portal. Before stepping into the portal, she turned her head and waved strongly to Rina: "Goodbye, madam!"

Ruina smiled: "Good journey."

The other end of the portal is located in the wizard area of ​​Stormwind City, where the best minds of the Alliance gather to conduct their magic experiments. The original research project here was the portal and wildly growing plants of the Everbloom Forest of Draenor World, but with the invasion of the Burning Legion, many mages were enlisted in the army to provide magical cover for the elite legions of the Alliance.

Yamily followed Anbo stiffly, her head hung down, but her eyes looked around involuntarily, curiously looking at the interior decoration of the magic tower. The mages working at the bookcases and wooden tables raised their heads one after another, watching the tribal race member who appeared on the territory of the alliance. Yamily smiled awkwardly on her face, noticed that she was behind, and hurried to catch up.

"I will arrange a place to live for you in the wizard area." Walking out of the teleportation platform, before the spiral staircase leading to the bottom, An Bo stopped and turned around: "Wait for me to report back to the headquarters and help you get it. Until you are allowed to move around freely, I hope you’d better stay here and don’t walk around at will, lest you be caught by the guards as a spy and thrown into the jail. Stormwind Prison is not safe, do you understand? All dangerous prisoners are being held here Together, even the jailer would not be willing to walk in."

"But, but I want to find someone..."

"Don't worry, you are wandering aimlessly in Stormwind City. It's definitely not as easy as I can find someone for you." An Bo spread his left hand. "When I find it for you, I will notify you immediately."

"Thank you." Yamily bowed to Amber and thanked. "Trouble."


Hidden behind his back, Amber held a piece of letter paper in his right hand with an order from Tess.

"Prevent tribe members from contacting the target, who knows if she will tell him important news, and then turn around and sell it to the tribe." Tess wiped the dagger and said to Matthias Shore next to him: "Uncrowned What do you say inside?"

"Duke Jorazzi believes that nothing can affect the plan to fight the Burning Legion." Shaw crossed his arms across his chest, leaning against the pillars of the top loft of the MI7 headquarters: "But I don't think he will support you. The plan, after all, will affect what he thinks... the balance of the world. Tethys is also unlikely to support you, you know his attitude. If the Eberlock family’s lady can match, then she will do to the alliance The contribution made is enough to be remembered by future generations. People will remember that in the second year after defeating the Burning Legion, the alliance achieved an overwhelming advantage and maintained peace."

"When will Your Majesty Varian come back?"

"Tonight, Your Majesty will temporarily return to Stormwind City through the portal, but then, he will continue to maintain the offensive against the Legion in the Broken Isles until the Burning Legion is completely driven out." Shaw raised his head and looked at the pavilion window. Outside the window is close to dusk, but people are still immersed in the cheerful ocean. "His Royal Highness Anduin is a bit too gracious. In order to allow the people of the Alliance to enjoy such stability and peace forever, we must do what we should do. You think this is enough for him to agree to his Does the world’s news tell the Alliance?"

"Maybe enough, maybe not enough." Tess shrugged: "I'll know right away. I should go, now he should be in Stormwind Keep, staring at the blood elf, Shaw, don't let her ruin our plan. "

"I always feel that you take it for granted, Tess." There was a little doubt in Xiao Er's eyebrows. "You have been dealing with robbers, thieves and pirates in the past, and you have not spent too much time dealing with intelligence work. Not everyone is like those lawless pirates. All you need is a beauty lying in your arms and a row in front of you. Gold can generate intelligence. In fact, some people may be bored with this approach, just like no matter what conditions the tribe gives me, I will not betray the alliance."

"You are a high-ranking member of the Alliance, Shaw, but the Horde definitely used this method to buy traitors from the Alliance more than once." Tess waved her hand indifferently. "Prepare some agents. We must control the resources of the new world before the tribe realizes that the alliance has increased."

"What if he is the leader of that world, or something like a guardian?"

"That's better, we can directly discuss the details of cooperation."

Chapter 2222: Game of Thrones

It is not the first time Zelin has traveled to Stormwind Fortress, but he hopes this will be the last time.

The Battle of Broken Beach was won, and most of the Burning Legion's main force was wiped out. The coalition forces in the Broken Isles are as powerful as a bamboo, and Azeroth should be able to survive this doomsday crisis safely. Now that the crisis is over, Zelin should also consider going back as soon as possible. This time, he left his world for almost four months. The last time he left was in Saidarth, in order to deal with Corifias who tried to invade the world of the Demon Hunter through the portal. Although this time, there are still people he doesn't want to know about the existence of another world, but fortunately, he didn't come here through a portal, so naturally he doesn't need to worry about the army of the different world that smashed out of the portal.

The celebration of the people is still not over. The citizens gather in twos and threes to share the joy. The children are holding balloons and wearing masks running through the crowd, playing a game of kings and demons. Squeezing through the celebrating crowd, the spires of Stormwind Fortress in the distance gleamed in the setting sun.

Suddenly, a woman wearing a shawl ran into Zelin.

"Oh, sorry, sir." She apologized quickly: "There are too many people here."

"Nothing." Zelin waved his hand indifferently. "Be careful..." Suddenly, he realized that this voice was somewhat similar to a thief he had known before. He raised his head, and the woman in the shawl had already turned and walked into the alley in front of the barber shop in the trade zone.

Looking left and right, Ze Lin strode immediately to follow.

Rounding the corner, the woman took off her shawl, revealing slightly curvy black hair.

"Vanessa?" Zelin was a little surprised: "Why are you here? Or this dress? Are you going to do your old business again?"

"My dress up is because there is still my wanted warrant in Stormwind." Vanessa turned around, pinching her waist: "I didn't plan to go back to my old business anymore. Duke Jolacie showed me , I can devote myself to a greater cause, far beyond the so-called alliance and tribal disputes, not to mention the small conspiracies of the nobles of Stormwind. Instead of worrying about me, I might as well worry about yourself. You saved me in Azsuna A life, now I come back to pay your favor. Do you know what Tess's she-wolf is going to do... What is the smell of you?"

"Is there?" Zelin sniffed on his sleeves: "Maybe it was the perfume I had just passed through the celebration area. The fragrance there almost choked me."

"You have a blood elf friend, don't you?" Vanessa said suddenly. "My name is Yamily, a mage, who just graduated from an apprenticeship not long ago."

"It's no secret."

"She has come to Stormwind."


"Just an hour ago." Vanessa stretched out a finger: "I followed an agent of MI7. You know that agent, and his name is An Bo."

"What is Yamily here for?"

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