From the Second Civil War to the summit of Lomugne, the pride brought about by the smooth development of four years made her commit serious mistakes and brought problems that she did not want to see but had to face.

She raised her head and saw Altea who was sitting at the round wooden table opposite the desk drinking tea. The latter seemed to feel her gaze. She raised her head, put down the tea cup, and smiled.

"Does your majesty have any requirements?"

"There is no need to call me Your Majesty." The trouble that I didn't want to face but had to deal with was looking at her, so Franciska returned with a soft smile. At first she thought that Zelin was deliberately taking revenge. Later, she realized that this was called taking advantage of the emptiness. Then she immediately understood why Ye Naifa was in front of so many people after only disengaging Geralt. Angrily scolded Triss.

She closed the report in front of her: "Just call me Enid. My close friends and lovers will call me that way. How about the mission work these two days?"

"Very smoothly, Your Majesty." Altea picked up the document placed on the guest desk after entering the office: "This is a clause drafted by the Alliance, which lists what obligations your Majesty’s kingdom will have to pay if it joins the Alliance. And what kind of power will be obtained. Please look at your Majesty. If there are any doubts, I can answer or tell His Majesty the High King, and ask him to have other leaders to discuss and formulate details."

Francesca took the list, glanced casually, and placed it on the corner of the table. Altea raised her eyebrows, waiting for Francesca's next words.

"Before talking about the agreement, I also have an agreement here. I hope the ambassador can check it out."

With that said, Francesca took out a list and handed it to Altea: "This is the agreement we hope to sign. If possible, I hope it can be handed to the ambassador as soon as possible."

Altea lowered her eyes, glanced at the list, and sighed softly: "You still don't seem to believe me?"

"No, I'm happy to believe you, Altea." Francesca shook her head: "But when it comes to race-related matters, I must put aside personal factors. So I hope I can combine this agreement with Talk to the ambassador."

"Excuse me, Your Majesty. What the Alliance wants is a covenant, but what you gave is only a commercial agreement." Altea put down the document and leaned back on the backrest: "Why don't you consider joining the alliance? The power of the alliance can help your kingdom stand tall in this world. I can see that you have been running for the future of the kingdom and race. Joining the alliance can make your work more effective. I never understand why you have been right Is the alliance wary?"

"Yes, I have been doing this. Our people have just escaped from the war in this world, and I will not push them to another war." Francesca said, "I do I need more land to ensure that my race can thrive and have a larger population. But I have other means to create an environment for my people to develop with peace of mind, and there is no need for them to fight with their lives. We have tried this kind of thing. Once, apart from involving myself in endless hatred and war, no results were obtained."

Baihua Valley's bearing capacity is limited, and can only support tens of thousands of people at most, not more than 100,000. The newly born Elf Kingdom cannot obtain more living space by annexing the land, which is tantamount to re-stimulating the nerves of human beings. She is unwilling to fight against the alliance of mankind again. Compared with war, as long as a good living environment can be obtained, it doesn't matter who belongs to the other places except Baihua Valley.

The money she invested before has generated some income, and now this income can be used to improve and enhance the status of the elf. Recently, a view has gradually emerged in the south that the reason why the Nilfgaards are more civilized than the northerners is precisely because they have part of the blood flowing in their bodies. Many southerners like this argument. This is of course true, humans are more or less part of the blood of the elves, but it is not known whether they will become noble due to this.

If someone likes this argument, she can take the opportunity to promote it. But this will make northerners dislike elves, but if the favorability is one hundred, then one and two are no different for the whole. She doesn't think that she can change the opinions that have been formed for hundreds of years. In that case, she is more willing to try the Nilfgaards who have not seen elves for hundreds of years.

Zelin did not ask her to make up for the previous gold, which gave her enough time and funds for turnover. Without this money, many of her plans would be hindered.

Without this money, maybe her relationship with him would be better? There won't be so many women around?

Suddenly, this thought came to Francesca's mind. But then, she left the strange idea behind her. There is no doubt that without the support Zelin has always provided, her kingdom will certainly not be as smooth as it is now.

"This valley is beautiful, Your Majesty, but relying on this valley alone, your kingdom cannot compete with the human kingdom outside the valley." Altea lowered her eyes, she did not notice Francesca's momentary distraction: "But in Azeroth, the Alliance can give you a piece of land. An environment similar to this valley is located in the south of Stormwind, right next to the border of Stormwind. You only need to deal with some wild animals and it can be a very good place. Where you live, I think fighting against the beasts is not a problem for you and your people."

"Okay, don't persuade me anymore. I have a good impression of you, Altea, but if I continue, I can't guarantee how long this good impression will last." Francesca took a deep breath, and she took a deep breath. The documents and reports in front of you are sorted and stacked on the desk: "You can go and discuss with others to see if there is anything you need to add. I don’t know much about Azeroth’s resources. If you can, I want to get a list of goods that the alliance can sell."

"No problem, Your Majesty." Altea agreed readily, and she stood up: "I will try to give you an answer in a week."

"Also, can the real ambassador come and talk to me? I can see that you are not the real head of the mission." Francesca said casually.

Altea showed a curious look, but didn't feel any dissatisfaction: "...Do you think that my duke status is not enough to communicate with you on an equal footing?"

"No, but you are too unconcerned about my kingdom joining the alliance. It doesn't seem like a person with a mission will behave. Over the past month or so, I have noticed that there is a werewolf guard who often Inquire about my attitude and the thoughts of my people, and tell them the beauty of Azeroth. So, why can't we be more honest?"

After listening to Francesca's analysis, Altea chuckled in a low voice.

"No problem, Your Majesty, I understand."

She really didn't mind throwing it to Tess to deal with it.

Altea walked to the gate of the palace and just passed Ada. The former looked back at the indifferent sage. Ada looked straight ahead and walked into the palace quickly, as if nothing could cause the sage. Attention. No one in the palace dared to stop her. Everyone knew that this sage had the same power as the queen in Hundred Flowers Valley, perhaps even higher.

Pushing open the door, Francesca still looked at the report in front of her.

"What's the matter, Ada?"

"Very important news, Javier has appeared."

Francesca raised her eyes suddenly, and after a few seconds, she lowered her head and shook her head: "This is nothing. You know Jivi El and the demon hunter Geralt care about her, she belongs to him. Son of Destiny. Zelin knows Geralt and Javier. The latter appears normal, maybe just to visit a friend."

"I won't look for you for such a trivial matter." Ada said lightly: "Ain El is chasing her."

Francesca put down the report, frowned slightly and looked at Ada across the square table: "What do you think?"

"Can you keep her in Baihua Valley?"

"No, don't even think about it." Francesca waved her hand firmly: "I know that the blood of the elder has nothing to do with the White Ship plan. I will not go to the muddy waters, especially... ..."

"It might irritate your lover." Ida helped Francesca to say the rest: "When were you so indecisive?"

"This is not indecision, dear Ada." Francesca rubbed her forehead irritably: "I have made enough sacrifices in personal matters for the future of Ain Sidi, and I think it is enough. That’s too much, Ada. I don’t know what plan you have for Avril, but even if Hoarfrost arrives here, we have other ways to leave, don’t we? The blood of the elder is not a requirement for us. So I won't be involved in this matter. I don't understand. You didn't have any interest in the blood of the elder before. Why did you suddenly care about Avril's whereabouts like this?"

"To put it another way." Ada's tone was still calm: "Make sure that Aiji Weier will not fall into the hands of Iredin, within this month."

"Can you give me an explanation?"

"You'll know when you become a sage." Ada said, turning around and leaving the palace.

Seeing Ada Emin's back, Francesca took a deep breath and exhaled slowly.

Sages always have reasons why others don't understand, unless they are willing to let you understand.

Chapter 2299 The Spy Iofis

Zelin didn't like people who deal with people with bows and arrows.

He knows many races who are good at archery, and there are people who are good at shooting in every world, but at least they will not shoot arrows in front of you first, and then judge your intentions.

After leaving Feike Island, Zelin did not choose to ride a griffin, but rode a horse to Mobledale. This village is one of the oldest villages in the area. The name was given by a botanist with insufficient knowledge. He could not distinguish the tree species at all, so he simply called the mulberry tree, and then called the village in ancient terms to commemorate his own. Exploration history.

Compared to other places in Willen, the population density here is higher. Griffins flying across the sky will inevitably cause panic. Moreover, Feike Island is not far from Mobridell and can be reached by horse before the next morning. So when passing by an inn at a crossroads, the demon hunter who had not eaten anything for a day in order to hurry decided to stop and fill his stomach with some hot food to resist the biting cold wind. Although it is already April, the weather in Willen is still cold and the winter is getting longer and longer. It is difficult for anyone to deny that this is not an abnormal climate. The priest of the eternal fire accused the warlock of the disaster. The warlock’s irony was that the eternal fire burned too much charcoal. Most residents believed that it was related to magic. The druid claimed that it was caused by human indiscriminate use. Revenge.

Kodwin's business on good woolen sweaters is getting better and better. In the past, many places where woolen sweaters were not used would become best-selling areas.

As a result, Zelin had just sat by the window, ate a few skewers of roast lamb sprinkled with herbs, drank a glass of beer, and an arrow buzzed by the window with a roll of letter paper tied to it.

"I knew that there would never be a second person besides you who used this kind of story-style greeting."

Standing on the edge of the woods outside the hotel at the crossroads, Zelin looked at the figure leaning on the tree trunk. The red turban-covered Iofes folded his hands across his chest, but there was a trace of fierceness hidden in the remaining one-eyed sloppy. Outside the chain mail is a brand-new emerald green shirt, with a brown leather belt tied around the waist, with five daggers on it, and around the shoulders to secure the quiver behind it.

"This style is very suitable for you. The accident rate of the demon hunter itself is the reality that emerged from the story." Iofes stood up straight: "I will say hello to you instead of Saqiya."

"When you see Saqiya, also help me greet her." Zelin nodded, "Did she send you here?"

"I asked." Eofis took a deep breath: "But before talking about me, why did you come here, Demon Hunter? There was no news from you in the second half of last year, until winter. People know where you are. Could it be that you went to Novigrad during this time?"

"I just came back from Novigrad." Zelin replied nonchalantly: "It's just a favor to the Warlock Order. They are in trouble, I just have time, so I came to help."

"Almost only a witch can find you where you are." Eofis pursed his lips: "Sakia hoped you could help some time ago. She and her followers were on the front line to resist the attack of the Nilfgaards. When winter comes in the strong mountains, the monsters will rush out. She doesn’t have much energy to deal with the monsters behind when fighting with the Nilfgaards. So she always wants to discuss with you and hire more hunters. The demon hunter came to Fujian to deal with the monsters. It is much faster to find you directly than to post the commission and the others, but you have never been there."

Saqiya is one of the few people who knows that Zelin has not left the castle, this is what Gnaiya told her.

"If she needs it, I can tell others as soon as possible that Fujian has many commissions waiting. I don't think they will refuse the opportunity to make money. Just so, my academy apprentice is hunting monsters in Baihua Valley and accumulating practical experience. If Saqiya doesn’t mind, I can ask George to take the apprentices to Frogan."

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