"If those little hairs can handle it." Iofes exhaled, "It's also a way. It's better than leaving a third of the army to block the monster's lair. Dana Mida bless me, I can touch it here. Here you are. Are you going back to the castle? The sooner this matter is, the better. Forge has enough trouble. Sakia needs some people who can help solve the trouble."

Dana Mida is one of the elven gods, but folklorists, based on the doctrine and the image of the goddess, believe that this is the Meritelli goddess that humans believe in, but no elves admit this view.

"No, I'm afraid I won't go back right away. I'm going to the nearby village first, investigate some things, and then go back." Zelin shook his head: "Where are you? Coming to destroy and infiltrate?"

"Part of it." Eofes did not deny: "I heard that there is still a group of squirrel parties still fighting near Willen. I am going to recruit them to join Fojian. Look at this."

With that, Eofis took out a roll of parchment. Zelin took it, and it was a notice written in ancient Chinese.

NeeneveliennScoia'taelmarw.Cáemmaepwoedd,hollAenSeidhe.Darganfodanuniadeninnau.Ymladdadh'oine.Ess\'tedd,essecreasa. (The squirrel party is still fighting! All the Ain Sidi compatriots rush to the forest and join our squad to resist humans. At this moment, this is your only choice!)

"Are you going to find them?"

"Yes, and the sooner the better. The Squirrel Party has found a new goal. It is better to join Fujian than to waste their lives in the wild."

Iopheus put away the parchment.

"I'm going to Mobledale, I hope I can see you with Fujian in the future."

"Wait, Mobledale?" Zelin was a little surprised: "Why are you going to that place?"

"What's the matter?"

"I just want to know why everyone wants to go to Mobledale."

Zellin told Eopheus some of the information he had obtained at the Eternal Fire. He omitted the news about the warlock, the plague, and Ladovide, and only told him that the Eternal Fire had some plans near Mobridell. He ivory figured it out.

"Mobridell is a good place, with a large number of villagers, located in the very center of Willen, with well-developed traffic, flat terrain and wide views. If you want to know the common reasons, this is it." He said stiffly as he read the lines.

"What about the underlying reason?"

"The humans there are loyal to the king." Eofis turned around: "Maybe there is nothing wrong with taking you there. I don't like eternal fire, and they may betray anyone to the emperor. Come with me, Mobledale There are many people."

Chapter 2300 Spy Club

Eofis was more familiar with the land of Willen than the demon hunter expected.

"I have lived in this land for a lot of time, longer than the time when humans first appeared on the coastline. Willen used to be the commercial center of elves, and it extends all the way to what is now called Vizima by humans. There are exquisite sculptures and literary gardens everywhere on the road, connected to it by a large walkway paved with white marble. More than a thousand years ago, you could reach Vizima from Novigrad on the stone road all the way without I'm worried about any monster attack, because the wizard wizard has set up magic to drive away monsters on both sides of the road." Iofis squinted slightly, as if he could still see the past scenes: "Humans saw those artworks and then destroyed them. After removing them, go to the border of the farmland, and then dig up the rocks on the stone road to build thatched houses. They only act like a group of intelligent creatures in their talent for destruction."


Zelin agreed casually. He knew that Eofis didn't want to say anything, he just wanted to vent his anger.

The outline of the thatched house appeared on the plain in the distance, and the shadow of the village located at the intersection of the three forks appeared in the field of vision of the demon hunter.

"We are here."

Ze Lin turned his head in doubt: "We still have more than 300 meters away."

"It's far enough. Keep going. There is Nilfgard's patrol on that road." Eofis stopped, he looked around, waved his hand, and motioned Zelin to follow.

Follow the elf through a bush and push away the branches blocking in front of him. After crossing a cluster of berry bushes, a clearing surrounded by woods appeared in front of him. On the clearing stood three heavy-armored crossbowmen, crossbowmen dressed in blue. On the other side of the Iron Guard’s tabard, there are two halberd soldiers in Ridanian armor. The four elves stand on the edge of the two outside, close to the forest. They are all wearing simple uniforms, but Zelin Recognizable, in addition to the two Squirrel Party archers, there are also two sword dancers.

"It's really interesting, Eofis, I thought you were asking for news, why would a demon hunter follow you?"

The former spy boss with a big belly opened his arms and leaned forward slightly: "Your good adopted daughter did a good job in Novigrad. The idiot Ladooved never knew not to intervene in an industry he didn't understand, that idiot. I want to do everything, and I think I am the best cross-industry expert in the world."

"Dikescher?" Zelin looked at the spy leader, then turned to another special forces leader: "Roche, I thought you were helping your Majesty Foltest defend the city in Ailand."

"The imperial army has suspended the offensive. I don't like to use this word, but we did get a respite. Your Majesty sent me here to cause some damage in the occupied area of ​​Nilfgard and give them some trouble to alleviate this year. Pressure on the front lines."

"In the past, who would have thought that the Blue Iron Guard could stand with the leader of the Squirrel Party."

"For Temoglia, I can form an alliance with anyone." Roche put his hands down beside him, clenched his fists: "Why are you with Iofis? It was the Queen of Dole Bretanna who sent you here. Of?"

"No, I just came here to do my friend a favor. The baron here used to help save my brother. Now he is in trouble, I should help him." Zelin shook his head: "But I didn't expect to see you here. To you. The leader of the Temoria Special Forces, the former spy leader who knows how many secrets, and the leader of the Squirrel Party stand in the occupied area of ​​Nilfgard, are they waiting to be wiped out?"

"Of course it's just a small gathering among friends." Dijkstra stretched out a finger: "We retired intelligence personnel from the northern countries have a private club, at least now we all have a common enemy..."

"Enhill." Roche shook his fist hard. "The North has formed a coalition, Redania, Tamoria, Forge, Aden, Kodwin, and all the northern kingdoms have joined the alliance. We will join the alliance with The Nilfgaards fight to the death. The emperor will soon learn that the biggest mistake he made is to ignore the wrath of the northerners."

"And Radovide." Dikoscher interrupted the outraged Roche: "Ridania is a member of the Northern Alliance, but I don't want you to regard Radovide as an ally."

"I thought you didn't care about Redania anymore."

"Philippa sent someone to assassinate me, and Ladovide didn't allow me to go back. But look at that hairy boy, and see what he did?" Dick Sicher pinched his waist with one hand: "In King Wizmir During the period, before the Nilfgaard army left the fort, Tritog’s people would know which way they were going. Our spies and informants were all over the world. As a result? Radovide asked the Royal Council to thoroughly investigate the intelligence services and amnesty. Abuse of power to get rid of double-faced spies and take remedial measures to directly expose the identity of all spies. Then the group of idiots also followed my past, pulling civilians as informants. Do they think that every civilian can become a line? People? All my informants have received professional training at Fort Drakempo!"

"Yes, in half a year, every person in the intelligence department got a list of spies. The list of emissaries and informants went out, and many people were subsequently killed or evaporated." Roche added, he reached out. One finger: "Ladovide has no sense of secrecy at all, thinking that every civilian will be loyal to him. He has always had the illusion that he can betray others, and others cannot betray him."

"So what are you doing here? Condemn Ladovide and denounce Enhill?" Zelin looked around. "I didn't see signs and cheering crowds."

"Spy never needs to cheer, Demon Hunter." Dijkstra said gloomily, "Why did Eofis bring you here? Have you finally decided to serve as the Minister of Intelligence in the Elf Kingdom?"

"No, he has a piece of news about Mobridell, a piece of information from witch hunters, and the church ordered them to go to the northeast of Mobridell to deliver some kind of goods." Iofes explained to Zelin: "I I haven’t heard any of you say that people in the church have something to do here."

"Church? It's Ladovide's." Dijkstra waved his hand. He narrowed his eyes slightly: "The adopted daughter of the demon hunter did a good job in Novigrad. If it weren't for her, I, King Beggar, and Cliff was also kept in the dark by the **** of Hawthorne. Ladovide played a good hand, divided the gang, controlled the church, and while Enhill was busy pacifying Vizima and dealing with domestic opposition forces, he I'm about to take Novigrad into my arms!"

"That's why you want to deal with Ladovide? Because he wants to move your interests?"

"No, just after a year of observation, I came to a conclusion." Dijkstra put his hands in his pockets: "As long as Ladovide is still alive, Redania will be fine. Don't mention it for now. , Tell me, what do you know about witch hunters?"

"I only know that the witch hunter accepted the order to transport something to Mobledale, where the church may have a base. However, I don't know if this is just their past base or is ready to deal with you." Zelin shakes He shook his head: "But anyway, Dixie, can you go back and tell Amelia this news? I'm relieved if she knows this."

"Then can you help me investigate, where is the witch hunter's base?" Dixie asked back: "Everything belongs to the same thing, you help me, and then I help you."

"Are you a spy chief or a businessman?"


"At most tonight." Zelin stretched out a finger: "I'm still anxious to go back."

"Don't worry, according to what I know about you, you can figure out what the witch hunter is up to at your level in one night." Dijkstra waved his hand: "Helping me is also helping you. There is no shortage of female friends. Spellcaster, we all know what the witch hunter's attitude is towards them, and it's good for you to kill them."

"I know that there is a place northeast of Mobledale. The villagers here told me about it." Roche clenched a fist with his right hand and smashed his left hand: "There used to be a mine, and a few people died because of a collapse in the back. It was closed. The local villagers called it the Devil’s Pit. They thought that there were demons in the deep pit and they would take away the surrounding villagers. Back then, the miners were cursed after they dug the demon altar and caused the cave. Let me say this. It’s nonsense. The mine was closed for so long. If there were any demons, they would have been starved to death."

"Will take the surrounding villagers? Is anyone missing in the nearby village?"

"Every year there are people missing, and there will be people missing in Vizima." Roche's tone obviously didn't believe in the statement about the devil: "As long as the disappearance, the cause will be attributed to the devil and the cultist, but in fact it is just feeding water. A ghost, or a murder that wants to be covered up."

"I understand, I will check it out."

If there is no information about the eternal fire, Zelin would think that there may be evil spirits, scavengers, or bull demons living there. This is the most common group of monsters in caves. But Zelin didn't think that the witch hunter had a way to coexist peacefully with the monsters, and the magic gold could only resist magic, but could not drive away the monsters.

"Tomorrow early in the morning I will tell you the results of the investigation, and then I will leave. Where can I meet you?"

"It's all right in this village." Roche interjected: "We will wait here until noon tomorrow."

In terms of time, five days have passed since Hiri went to Mahakam. He didn't know what was going on with Hiri, but he was going to go back as soon as possible. This was definitely not a trivial matter.

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