Virginia exhaled, turning into a white mist in front of her. The temperature seems to have returned to winter in just a few seconds.

"Damn, here they are!"

The 2310th Chapter Mahakam's Battle

The iron boots made a crisp sound when they stepped on the rock. The navigator held the magic wand in one hand and pinched his waist with the other hand, looking at the castle situated under a cliff.

"There are not many people in the castle." She narrowed her eyes slightly, and the ground behind her was covered with a thin layer of frost. The pitch-black void was like a hole poked in the space, and several wild hunting soldiers carrying heavy swords walked out of the portal. Frost and snow covered the skeleton armor. There were no lights on the second and third floors of the main building of the castle, and there were no soldiers on the walls, as if there were no guards at all. Standing on the raised rock, there is no bonfire in the courtyard, only the dim light of the oil lamp reflected in the window on the first floor of the castle: "Jivière is located here, there may be a local warlock to assist her, stay vigilant, if one is found Black-haired female warlock, let me know immediately!"

As he said, the navigator raised his wand, and on the flat ground behind him, black gaps emerged out of thin air. The cracks opened to both sides, forming a dark sphere, the edge of the sphere was wrapped in pale frost mist. The biting frost spewed out from the portal, the trees and weeds of the valley withered and frozen under the frost, the rocky ground was replaced by ice at a speed visible to the naked eye, and the trees creaking in the cold wind quickly became Each and every exquisite ice sculpture, like a summoned monster, leaped towards the silent castle with its teeth and claws.

The cloak of the Wild Hunter hunted and entangled with Hoarfrost for so long. Although an accident made their efforts to fight Hoarfrost fall short, years of research have allowed them to find a way to temporarily adapt to Hoarfrost. Almost in the blink of an eye, the Wild Hunter became the only living creature that could move in this icy world.

Inside the castle, Yusevka rubbed his eyes, and the food on the table was very generous. Although Zelin was not there, since the guests came, he couldn't just cook two or three dishes like before. After all, neither Virginia nor Hawke, or Siris has any requirements for food. The food at Winterhold College is basically cold bread and cold water. Students with some spare money can get food such as dried rabbit meat. Unfortunately, Virginia does not happen to be such a person. Her parents just ran a small grocery store, and there was not much left to support her for school after buying textbooks.

Knowledge is always expensive.

For Hawke, a person living in the countryside of Lorzelin, it is impossible to change her eating habits just because of the defender's life of two or three years. As for Siris, a person living in an age when the flames are about to extinguish, it is difficult to understand what a normal diet is.

Looking at the food on the table with satisfaction, Yusevka sighed lightly. She was quite satisfied. Yesterday, Virginia also brought an elf from Azeroth, a good girl who was very hardworking. The latter said that she and Zelin spent some time together, and Zelin liked the food there when he was in Azeroth.

Maybe I have the opportunity to make a few recipes and learn a new craft?

She rubbed her hands subconsciously.

The next moment, the unusual chill made her raise her head, holding her shoulders in her hands and looking out the window. For a moment, she seemed to be standing naked in the ice and snow, and the gray and white cotton dress on her body seemed to be non-existent.

The door was pushed open all of a sudden, and the cold wind that came in with snowflakes made her subconsciously step back, raising her arms to cover her eyes. The cold wind extinguished the oil lamp and chilled her carefully prepared dinner, leaving it covered with dusty white snow.

"Joseph, come with me quickly."

Virginia held the staff of Magnus in one hand, rushed in for two trots, grabbed Yusevka's arm, and dragged her to the courtyard before she could react.


"I'll explain later, we have some guests who can't be received with banquets and smiles."

"Wait." Yusevka broke free of Virginia's hand. She turned over, grabbed the door with both hands, and locked the wooden door with a click: "Okay, let's go, where?"

The courtyard has been covered with a layer of snow, and the wind is biting. Virginia held a pendant in her hand. The diamonds in the pendant gave off a pale white shimmer, and a shield enveloped her and Yusefka. Virginia walked quickly ahead, Yusevka quickly followed behind, looking back at the castle from time to time. The wooden door creaked under the pressure of the cold wind.

"Other people..."

"Hiri and Yamily have gone to inform Marian and Siris." Virginia looked at the city wall, and the howling cold wind kept blowing from outside the city. This is not the power that the high wall can block: "Don't worry, let's hand it here. Give it to me."

Pushing open the door of the warehouse, after Yusevka walked in, Hawke pushed the door hard, shutting the roaring wind and chill out. When this warehouse, which can be called a teleportation hall, was first established, Franciska set up various defensive magic in it, and Hoarfrost could not affect it for the time being. The runes engraved on the wall emit orange and white gleams, appearing fascinating and weird.

"What do you do next?" Hawke held the sword and gun in one hand, her voice a little annoyed. There is nothing more uncomfortable than a spellcaster who has no remaining magic in his body: "It would be great if Ms. Elf could open some gaps for me... Her seal is too strong, and I can't feel a trace of shadow at all. Power."

Yamily didn't say a word, but after experiencing something more terrifying than this, she calmed down instead.

There are three spellcasters here, but they use three completely different powers.

"Wild Hunt must have come to me." Xili shook her head. She pinched her waist with one hand and waved her hands: "I'm sorry to have caused you so much trouble. I should go now. As long as I leave, they will definitely Will leave too."

"No need to do this, Ciri." Virginia smiled pretendingly and relaxedly: "I used Zelin's money to remodel this castle, and now is a good opportunity for experimentation. Marianne. "She said to Hawke: "You accompany Joseph to Yanan's clinic. I will go to you when things are over here."

"No problem, but don't be aggressive, Mrs. Mage." Hawke emphasized the pronunciation of the last word and joked. Virginia pursed her mouth in embarrassment, and finally sighed. Everyone in the castle seemed to be willing to make jokes by the name of Mrs. Magist when she arranged the task. But she knew that compared with the undisguised mockery of the Dragonborn, Hawke was just joking, because she didn't quite understand the meaning of it was actually the Dragonborn used to mock Virginia in the first place.

"Siris, I will call your spirit body soon." Virginia looked at the silver female knight, who knelt down to the mage girl.

"Follow your orders, mistress."

"Is this going to another world?" Xili said suddenly: "I heard Uncle Zelin say that he has a door to another world, from which he can bring special products from another world. I should cross this. A door, so wild hunting will lose my goal. They will definitely think that I left this world by jumping through time and space, but when I chase out and search for my tracks in the world, I just need to step through the door fence. , Come straight back. Can I give it a try?"

"Of course it's okay. Marian, take Miss Hilly with me." As she said, she looked at the wooden door behind her: "We can't let our guests wait too long."

The ground of the castle was covered with snow. Hoarfrost is a powerful weapon, and civilizations that have not developed space technology are vulnerable to Hoarfrost. Only a portal is needed, and weapons capable of destroying civilization are impossible to deal with the sudden change of the natural environment. But this is a double-edged sword, after all, they are the children of alder, not the children of Hoarfrost.

The gate of the castle was closed tightly. It was a wooden gate with a metal fence hanging on it. It seemed that something happened so suddenly that there was no time to put it down. This is the most common situation for the enemies of Ayn El's army. Many civilizations lost their ability to resist assaults by large-scale teleportation capabilities and well-trained professional troops.

Five wild hunting soldiers walked towards the castle gate. There was no movement on the wall, as if the guards had given up the defense.

The navigator narrowed his eyes slightly and stared at the soldiers approaching the city wall. She won't take the lead. In the last battle, she focused her attention far away, where she thought the enemy spellcaster might be staying. As a result, the enemy rode on a horse and quickly approached with the help of the cover of firelight.

A bunch of trash can't even stop a human woman!

A wild hunting soldier stepped cautiously, his iron boots stepped on a rock covered with frost and snow.

The next moment, a rune trap outlined by the dazzling flame emerged, and the wild hunt soldiers' movements stopped, and they subconsciously lowered their heads and looked at their feet.

The flames of the explosion immediately reflected the city wall in front of the wild hunt, and the flames sprayed into the sky along with the broken rocks, mixed with figures that were blown up. The flame illuminated the navigator's skull visor, and the gap between the visor's eyes sparkled with excitement and fury.

That mage is here!

She knows this flame.

Under the tree of hanged ghosts, it is this flame that provides magical cover for the overwhelming demon hunters.

The scorched body fell to the side with a clatter, and Laetisa turned a blind eye to it. She held the wand tightly, her knuckles becoming pale due to the strain. It is undoubtedly a shame to be defeated by humans. These creatures with weak physique and ignorance of knowledge can defeat an Ayn El. This has long become the laughing stock of many Ain El, and blames her failure for the wild hunt under the hanged ghost tree.

Another lightning rune trap was triggered, and a wild hunt soldier fell down with black smoke on his body.

"It's just a trap. There is no defense in this castle. I will open the portal!" Laetisa raised her wand: "A black-haired mage here left it to me. She is my prey!"

Chapter 2311: Skyrim's Trap Greetings

A dark portal appeared on the city wall.

Laetisa looked out to the courtyard below through the gap in the skull visor. There are several buildings of different heights in the courtyard.

"She is hiding." With a sneer, the navigator raised his hand and gestured: "Search the castle and capture any rebels. They are likely to have information on Javier!"

More portals appeared behind him, and a wild hunting soldier followed the leader and appeared on the wall. The fallen corpse outside the city has gradually turned into powder in the cold wind, and the projection that lost its power support quickly disappeared on the ground.

"Perhaps we should wait for reinforcements, sir." A wild hunter suggested: "If Ai Jiweier is here, the power to stop us will be stronger than expected, and we should block it first..."

Before the wild hunt was finished, with the sound of breaking through the air, a crossbow arrow with a length of more than one meter plunged heavily into his body and shot through his chest. The impact brought him back and hit the battlement. Ya pierced through his back and nailed the wild hunt to the wall.

"Is the poor worm that I defeated finally decided to come and die again?" Virginia's voice cleared into the navigator's ears. The mage girl stood on the high tower of the castle, and the pale white barrier was shrouded in the high tower. Come, stop the wind and snow for her. The magic crystal placed on the metal bracket was shimmering, and Francesca set up an eavesdropping magic for the castle at the request of Virginia, so that Virginia could pass the crystal and pay attention on the top of the tower. Every move of all the enemies inside the castle: "Tell me, why do you come to do something that is doomed to fail? I saw that you brought other guests. Do you want them to witness your failure again?"

She tried to imitate the way the most arrogant person she had ever spoken. Except for the dark elf classmate with upturned nostrils when she was in school, who else could be.

"Attack, catch her!" The navigator raised his wand, and a portal appeared behind Virginia. The mage girl didn't look back, she just threw an anti-magic metal bomb behind her. In the burst of flames, the portal disappeared without a trace in an instant.

Five light ballistas in the style of lone mountain dwarves were located on different platforms. Virginia did not place them on the wall, but placed them in various dark corners that could cover the courtyard. This weapon from the Gushan dwarf is smaller than other ballistas, but its power is not inferior, and its range is enough to cover the flat ground outside the city wall.

More portals appeared in the courtyard, and the Wild Hunt soldiers strode out.

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