Virginia's wand pointed to the right, and another arrow shot at the wild hunt on the wall, but this time it was avoided. A wild hunter took a step back abruptly, and a metal arrow shot at the stone slab in front of him, plunged heavily into the stone slab, leaving a crack.

The spiritualized Siris stood on the shooting platform, and she nodded to Virginia. On the other side, Frid, who was also spiritualized, placed one hand on the ballista, squinted slightly, staring at the navigator protected by the wild hunter, as if observing the gap between the armor.

The biting frost whizzed through them, but did not cause any impact.

"Making mystery." The navigator snorted: "Dillac, you lead fifteen soldiers, go around from the left, and clean the two rooms and towers on the left, Amos, you..."

Before she could finish speaking, a wild hunter took his feet off the ground and flew out, fell off the city wall, and fell into the courtyard.

Behind him, the gargoyle, still holding his fist posture, moved slowly, making creaking noises on his body. As if they had been ordered, the gargoyles on the city walls started to move, the ice on them shattered, and the ice **** fell to the ground. Facing the intruder, the gargoyle opened his arms, and the sharp claws inlaid with metal iron pieces reflected the cold light, and the eyes made of ruby ​​were filled with blood. They opened their mouths and screamed silently at the wild hunt.

More decorative statues on the walls and towers came to life. The knight broke free from the dust on his body, raised his sword, and approached the wild hunting warrior in the courtyard at a mechanical pace. Wild Hunters raised their weapons, but it was not the golems that caused them the first casualties, but the gushing flames. The stone bricks on the inner wall of the city wall fell off, and five parallel flames spewed out, instantly swallowing the enemy with their backs to the trap.

The navigator jumped off the Chengcheng wall and landed steadily on the ground. Only three warriors followed. She waved her staff, and the movements of a gargoyle gradually became stiff, turning into an ice sculpture with teeth and claws at a speed visible to the naked eye. The wild hunter swung a heavy hammer, and the ice sculpture was torn apart under the heavy blow.

"Kill these golems!" Letisha snorted angrily, "Don't let them get in the way!"

The navigator strode towards the castle tower, she would not directly teleport herself up, this was undoubtedly using herself as a target. But this castle has only three floors, and the **** woman won't be proud of it for long.

Of course she can freeze the golem with magic, but she won't do it. She wants to keep her magic power against the real enemy, otherwise, what would she call so many soldiers to do?

The courtyard became a battlefield in the blink of an eye, with two or three wild hunting soldiers in front of each golem. The sound of the collision between metal and rock is endless. Perhaps Ain El’s physique is far superior to ordinary humans, but they are still slightly weaker in the face of heavy stone statues. From time to time, stone statues fell, smashed their legs and arms, but wild hunting was more entangled. More than fifty soldiers rushed into the courtyard, and only half of them were still fighting in the blink of an eye.

A wild hunter swung his sword into the arm of the gargoyle, and the arm could not bear the impact and shattered. It took a step back, while avoiding the gargoyle chase, gave way for its companions to attack.

Suddenly, his iron boots seemed to step on a rock covered with frost and snow, and the rock sank.

In the next moment, the spikes bursting from the ground instantly pierced the wild hunt.

Another wild hunter noticed the trap. His action was a stop, and he was hit by another sharp claw of the gargoyle. The helmet flew out together with his head, but his body was still moving forward, but he walked. Xing moved like a drunk who was drunk, staggering to the ground.

"Those cowards must be lying in ambush in the main building!"

Letisha waved her hand, and a wild hunter stepped forward and kicked and locked the wooden door.

"Go in and occupy this place!"

The soldiers behind him poured in.

When the swing axes on both sides of the gate were thrown down, the three wild hunting warriors in the front did not react at all, and half of their bodies were cut off. The giant axe swinging back and forth like a pendulum turned the entrance into a life-threatening trap.

"Siris, they came in, to activate the trap inside the castle, hurry up!"

Virginia retracted her gaze from the crystal, turned her head and said to the female knight. The mage girl was flushed with excitement on her face. She rubbed her hands and shook her fist, as if talking to herself, or explaining to Frid, who was on standby after the courtyard trap was activated just now.

"I used to go into the catacombs and dwarven ruins archaeological exploration with my instructor to find secrets. I am fed up with the traps in the ruins, but I can't wait to let others try it! Hey! Hahahahaha!"

The 2312th chapter alone

"Are you okay?"

Frid looked at Virginia with a blank face: "Is the brain still there?"

"Oh, sorry, it's rude, sorry." Virginia took a deep breath, held her chest with one hand, and stroked it gently: "I just thought of some bad things, you may not understand. You follow Instructed by the teacher to go to a place, only a few steps inside, I found out what it feels like to be trapped in a corner. There are also the remains of the dwarves, the Holy Spirit is on top, I will never understand why the Drummer in our world made it Such a horrible tool for killing people. Frid, open up the facilities in your real warehouse, and I see they are going in."

Frid did not say a word, and lost his figure.

Virginia took a deep breath, and in the crystal ball she saw that there were no more wild hunters to support her, which was completely different from what she had seen under the hanged ghost tree.

She might never forget how the endless wild hunts killed her from all directions on the battlefield, even after she defeated the enemy spellcaster. The enemy can never be completely wiped out, kill one group and then another group will rush up. The demon hunter said that the demon spirit cannot be defeated, but can only be dispelled. They are demon spirits, but they are not demon spirits either. But the words of a wild hunting soldier on the wall made Virginia's brain unable to help but generate a guess.

Is this a massive offense by Wild Hunt? Or was it an act of revenge by the private soldier led by this navigator?

She understands this psychology very well.

In fact, she had always wanted to trick the dark elf that tricked her into doing experiments, and turned into a cow, who was used as a joke among the students of Winterhold to do the same. But then she gave up this idea because she didn't waste so much time on the feelings between her classmates. That's why she ordered Siris to attack the proposed wild hunt with a crossbow bolt in order to anger the enemy again.

If the Wild Hunt soldiers only had about fifty enemies who broke into the castle...

"Ms. Maria, are you there?" Virginia turned her head. "Ms. Maria?"

"I'm here." Maria holding a sword appeared behind Virginia: "You, not Zelin, summoned me. This is Zelin's former enemy? Tell me, what's the matter?"

"A friend of Zelin was hunted down by a wild hunter. She came here to ask for help, but a wild hunter chased him up."

Maria was expressionless, her gaze over Virginia's shoulders to the courtyard below. The mage girl shrank her shoulders. I don't know why, when facing the indifferent Maria, she always lacks confidence.

"Should I kill the enemy?"

"No, she must be very alert now, she might find you in advance. After all, she is a mage, and she is proficient in teleportation spells, I don't know if she can use other methods. But, but I have fought with her, I know her weakness is What. She always focuses on one target when fighting. As a combat mage, this is great, but Zelin always tells me that when fighting, you must assume that there may be enemies attacking you from behind at any time. "Virginia shook her head: "I noticed that she was a little different from the last time she fought, so... I want to lead her over. Maria, you are a hunter, what do you know? It's time to shoot."

"An ambush? Very good." Maria tilted her head: "Where is the bait?"

Virginia took a deep breath: "Eight Holy Spirits... I'll be the bait."

The warehouse door was pushed aside, and the Wild Hunter held a sword and stared at the warehouse full of debris warily. They have lost more than 30 projection soldiers, projection will not sacrifice, but it is not without a price. No one wants to die inexplicably, especially after seeing so many weird and dangerous traps.

The first step into the warehouse, a clear click came from under my feet.

The wild hunter who was walking in the front raised his sword subconsciously, and suddenly a row of fine arrows shot out from the opposite wall, which clinked on the armor like raindrops. The small wooden arrows failed to shoot through the heavy metal armor, and fell to the ground after breaking, and piled up on the ground in front of the iron boots. Wild Hunt lowered the arm covering the visor, shook his head at the rough-worked arrow on the ground, waved his hand, and signaled that the companion behind him could follow.

Sheri may be hidden in any corner of the castle and must be searched carefully.

The second wild hunter walked into the warehouse, and the eyes under the skull visor unreservedly expressed his evaluation of the messy warehouse.

The same clicking sound echoed inside the warehouse.

The two wild hunters lowered their bodies and opened their eyes to find the source of the next wave of attacks. The gloomy environment became the best cover for the crossbow arrows.

But what appeared was a metal club rising from the ground, just between the two wild hunters.

When they retracted their gazes and focused on the inexplicable metal rod, a pair of blade fans suddenly protruded from the top of the metal rod. The fan of knives swiftly turned around and swept their waists before neither of the two wild hunters could react.

The splashing blood stained the walls red.

At the gate of the castle, two fragments of the broken battle axe fell on the ground, and Laetisa walked into the main building with her mouth pursed, and she heard dying screams from time to time in her ears. They are all projections, and death will not cause any loss. It is nothing more than two days of recovery before the pain of death subsides. But for Ain Al, the secret operation is only part of it, but the more important thing is success.

Was defeated under the hanged ghost tree, and then led a group of soldiers to attack the castle and then was knocked back and destroyed?

Holding her magic wand, Laetisa walked into the main building step by step, with two fallen corpses beside her.

"You search the castle, you are not allowed to let go of any corner..."

A swing axe fell.

When Laetisa heard the wind in her ears, she did not turn her head or stop. Her steps were extremely firm, and her cruel eyes burned in the gaps in the helmet. The arm that clenched the staff suddenly swung to the side!


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