"What are you thinking about?" Xisali walked to Zelin and said jokingly: "Do you need me to bow to you? Your Royal Highness?"

"Come on, Xisali, you don't know me." Zelin waved his hand: "When you go to the battlefield tomorrow, don't separate, Altea's sword and shield, and your spells, protect yourself. Altariel should also act with you. If you get into trouble, follow her. Her swordsmanship is unmatched."

"How about you?" Hisalie asked curiously.

"There are a group of troublesome enemies." Zelin narrowed his eyes slightly: "I'm going to deal with them."

Chapter 2507 Defensive Line Lost

At dawn, the Gondor soldiers of Osgilius finally had difficulty resisting the endless army of orcs. A human soldier can resist several half-orcs, but when thousands of half-orcs once again slew to the river bank, they fought for several days, and the exhausted Gondor soldiers finally began to retreat.

"Retreat to the wall of Pelanno!" Poromou raised his sword, standing on a pile of rubble and shouting loudly: "The Isilion Commando retreated to the high wall, and the rest, come to me to gather. !"

There were many defeated soldiers on the street. They heard Poromo's shout, and they gathered their swords and shields in the direction where they were. The archers who followed Falamo before ran to the broken city wall west of Augislias, found a good position, bent his bow and used arrows to aim at the corners and intersections on the city wall.

The air was filled with dust, the smell of dust and blood mixed together.

Virginia coughed heavily, clutching the tip of her nose, and struggling across the pile of stones on the road. A collapsed high tower fell down, and the top of the tower turned into a pile of rubble scattered on the ground, forming a roadblock that can only be crossed by climbing. Talion led several soldiers holding shields and weapons to stay by her side to protect her safety.

After several days of fighting, Virginia had not much magic power left. Now, she can only use fireball and cone of ice to kill the orcs that appear nearby, but in the past few days, the number of half-orcs killed by her magic is at least a few hundred, maybe more, but No one can count the enemies whose ships were sunk and drowned in the water.

Virginia noticed the commander who was calling the soldiers.

"Polomo!" She raised her arms and beckoned to Polomo: "What's the situation now?!"

Poromo turned his head: "Your Excellency Wizard, come here quickly, we should prepare to retreat!". He breathed a sigh of relief, before sending a few outstanding soldiers to inform where the wizard was. If it weren't for her, Osgilius' more than a thousand soldiers would not be able to defend this line of defense. Perhaps before the reinforcements entered the city, the orcs had already crossed the Anduin River and surrounded the White City.

"Retreat? Has the line of defense collapsed?" Virginia frowned, her face grayed out from the dust, and sweat drips on her forehead: "I haven't seen Faramur. Has he retreated?"

"Faramo went to White City to report the battle to his father." Polomo said, "There are too many enemies. We have to retreat to the Wall of Perano in an orderly manner. Wizard, you first retreat to the wall, Commando Isilion. The people set up a line of defense on the city wall. They provide you with horses and **** them to retreat to Minas Tirith."

The outer wall of Perano was built around the farmland and pastures of the city of Minas Tirith and the plains of Perano. Relying on the outer wall of Osgilius, a new line of defense was established. The Gondor soldiers who retreated from the battlefield Using the rocks and discarded materials in the city, a new line of defense has been established on the buildings and towers that have not completely collapsed. Before Polomo led his army to regain Osgilius, the soldiers of Gondor fought the Orc invaders on this stone wall more than once.

"I see, you and the others pay attention to safety." Virginia nodded. In such a melee, she knew that she would not be of much use at all. At the moment when the magic power is exhausted, all she can do is protect herself, retreat to a safe place, and try not to trouble the remaining soldiers.

At Winterhold College, the most important thing to learn is to not think that you have mastered magic and forget that you also need food, drink, water, birth, old age, sickness, and death. When the magic is insufficient, the body will not be stronger than steel.

On the outer wall, more than one hundred archers squatted halfway behind the broken city wall, high tower and rock shelter. Holding his breath, staring at the road where the sound of killing and the collision of weapons came.

There is a gate on the wall facing Minas Tirith. But this is no longer a defensive value. It is just an exit composed of two broken walls and a stone road full of weeds in the middle. Two fairly complete towers were transformed into defensive towers. On each tower there were more than 30 archers, shooting from a distance to cover the retreating soldiers.

A soldier came over with his horse.

"This horse has been trained, no matter how dangerous the situation is, it will not throw its owner down." Talion patted the horse's mane: "Don't stop no matter what you see along the way. After entering the White City, it will be counted. Safe."

Virginia took the reins and looked around worriedly. There is no doubt that they did not defend Osgilius. Although it was not a defeat, but was forced to retreat, she has not experienced failure for a long time: "Are you going to stay here and defend?"

"How is it possible? That's a plot that only young people can read in a story book." Tarion waved his hand: "Route will only let the enemy chase and kill us, causing us to lose more. We must retreat in an orderly way to save more. Strength to retreat to the White City and continue fighting. Leave, wizard, all of us thank you, and me, you helped me once in Mordor, and now I am here again. I now believe more and more that the wizard is People who will bring hope and wisdom."

Suddenly, a shout came from the city wall.

More than twenty half-orcs rushed out from a corner, chasing and cutting down five escaping soldiers. I don't know who shouted.

"Get down!"

The soldiers who heard it rushed forward and fell to the ground. In the next moment, dozens of crossbow arrows crossed the sky from behind them, and the half-orcs who caught up with them fell to the ground with arrows. The three Orcs who had escaped by chance were shocked, turned their heads and fled.

"The situation is getting worse, brothers, come back with me, there are more people trapped!"

Having said that, Talion called on, and the other soldiers immediately followed him and returned to the front line.

Virginia watched the soldiers disappear into the dust on the street, she sighed, grabbed the saddle, and turned on her horse.

What can she do?

Zelin seemed to have encountered a similar situation in Gushan. And the people who came to help here by oneself failed to turn the tide of the battle in the end.

Could it be said that she still can't do it, like Zelin, to turn the tide of the battle on her own? Can only flee to safety in such embarrassment.

It is estimated that when all this is over, when everyone gathers to talk about what they have done in Middle-earth, she is the only one who must hide in silence to avoid being laughed at by others.

Thinking about this, Virginia rode a horse, and the horse ran her in the direction of Baicheng.

But before arriving in White City, Virginia was surprised to see that the gate of White City was open in the distance, and a cavalry riding a horse, stepped out of the gate, and walked in the direction of Osgilias.

Chapter 2508: Virginia's Proposal

"Polomo wants to hold on to the Wall of Perano for the time being, and buy more time for the city." Faramo held the helmet with one hand, with the other hand hanging down beside him, his head up and chest up: "I put Osgili Troops from the north of the Yas Line of Defense were sent to the Anfalos Fortress to assist the soldiers there, while the rest gradually withdrew to the White City to prepare for new attacks. Boromo also agreed with this plan. What do you think?"

The marble floor on the ground is waxed, the sun shines in through the towering skylights, and the black and white floor tiles are dazzling. There are also many black marble statues on display in the hall, with the images of various exotic animals and plants. The faintly visible roof of the main hall is shining with gloomy golden light, mixed with colorful light. There are no decorations or brocades in this solemn hall, nor any wooden creations.

But countless strange sculptures and window paintings are not as attractive as the deepest throne.

Dineser sat on the throne, Faramir stood five meters away from him, Gandalf stayed by and Pipin stood by the Regent.

"What do I think?" On the hooked nose, Dinether's deep black eyes stared at Faramore. He put his hands on the armrests and slowly supported his body, shaking as if he could no longer bear the weight of the black velvet shawl on his shoulders: "Ask me? These people are under your command, and your brother left. In a few days, Osgilius’s situation is in jeopardy! Ah, now you are still running back alone, leaving Boromo in the most dangerous place, and he will take care of your mess."

"This is not the case, father..."

"Look at what did you do when your brother left you? You lost all your defenses, and Minas Tirith's door is also in jeopardy!" Dinese breathed heavily and his shoulders rose and fell: "I'm old. , But I can still see through what you are thinking and what you have done. When the Lord of the Rings appeared in Osgilius, you did not bring it to me, but let it go! You are in me You pretend to be very humble in front of you, but you secretly take my words into the ears and go your own way. When you ask my opinion, you have been looking at the gray-robed wizard from beginning to end, hoping that he will tell you right?"

"I also hope to make a decision after knowing what you think, father." Faramo said: "I never meant to be disrespectful. I just hope to avoid making mistakes and to better help you and this country."

"When the supreme lord of the ring appears in front of you again, will you bring it to me?" Dinese asked. Before Faramo could answer, he raised his hand and waved hard: "You will still take that thing. I know you who gave it away, I know you well. You have always wanted to imitate the ancient kings, being as noble, generous, humble and polite as them. For the royal family in the Chengping period, this may be a worthwhile goal. However, generosity in troubled times must often come at the cost of death!"

"Faramor is right!" Pipin on the side was unwilling to continue listening: "That's a trap! That ring was never a weapon. The lies of those dark monarchs, the ring will only lure people into depravity. Like a ring spirit that has been controlled by the Lord of the Rings! Boromo will not bring you the ring because he loves you and has withstood the test of the ring!"

"Don't speak ill of Polomo in front of me." Dinese said coldly, word by word: "Polomo is loyal to me, he is not a wizard's doll. He will remember the father's needs, don't take it lightly. Let go of the opportunity that fate gave him, and he will send the gift to me. You are for your arrogance and complacency, General Faramore, you put the whole Gondor in danger! Go and call Boromo, only him To protect Gondor!"

"My brother and I have been doing this all the time, father," Falamo said loudly.

Dineser took a deep breath, as if it had exhausted all his strength. He slowly raised his arm, pointed out the door without turning his head, and slowly said, "If you think you can protect Gondor, then prove it to me. Bring an army to give me Oss Gillians took it back. Also, let Boromo come back as soon as possible! I prepared a cavalry team at the gate of the city. If you think you are qualified to judge the survival of Gondor, you are qualified to make up for sending away the Supreme Lord of the Rings. The loss... to prove it to me."

After that, Dineser sat back on the throne again, with his head lowered and silent.

"You should calm down!" Gandalf stepped forward and stood less than three meters in front of Dineser, separating him from Faramore. The white-robed sorcerer looked serious, and stared at a black-clothed Dinese cautiously: "You are just deceiving yourself. If Boromo takes away the Supreme Lord Ring, he will immediately fall into the arms of the Dark Lord, when he returns again. At the time of Minas Tirith, he was no longer your son, but the pioneer and assassin sent by the Dark Lord to take your life."

Dineser slowly raised his head, staring at Gandalf with his eyes rolled up: "You think so because you don't know much about me, and you don't know much about Polomo."

"I know too much, so I can decide whom to send it to." Gandalf's voice is serious and calm: "Don't let regret and worry affect your judgment. Getting that ring means that Gondor is here. The fortress will disintegrate from within."

"You are always talking about hypothesis, wizard." Dinese said coldly: "You think I know nothing? You sent your hobbit into the shadow of the demon with a ring, maybe now the dark demon Jun has got everything it wants, and the reason for our destruction is the wizard's self-righteous conspiracy and General Faramore's pride. Enough, let us stop talking about these meaningless topics, let me tell you my judgment Right! The enemy has just crossed the river and must have suffered heavy losses. The road to Andros in the north will be trapped by the swamp, while the path to the south from Rambaning is unable to cross due to the width of the river; he will concentrate his full effort on attacking Osgi. Lias, it was like this when Polom was blocking his offensive. When Osgilius took advantage of his unsteady foothold, he took the initiative to attack and severely inflicted his troops, so that he would not be able to attack White City with all his strength. "

"If this is your order, I will carry it out." Faramo bent down and bowed deeply to Dinecer.

"Yes, this is my order."

"Goodbye, father." Faramo seemed to be trying to control his voice: "If I can survive, please give me a fair chance!"

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