"It depends on how you survived!"

There was indeed a cavalry unit assembled at the gate of the city, and their order was to reinforce Osgilius and block the enemy's attack by the river. They didn't wait long. Commander Faramo appeared near the city gate, leading another company of cavalry, ready to rush to the Wall of Perano, and drove the orcs back from the river.

And Virginia also arrived at the gate of the White City at this time, and after passing on Boromo's news to Faramo, she heard Faramo's order.

"The eight holy spirits are on top. I don't understand what the generals and commanders have in mind." Virginia shook her head in disbelief: "But I know one thing, a king who stays in the castle all year round. , Should not change the plan made by the front-line general at will. Boromo has already said that he will abandon the Osgilius and Perano Plains and shrink the troops to the White City. Why did your father suddenly give such an order? We try our best Defending against the Orcs in Osgilias is to keep the reinforcements into the city, and then retreat as planned to minimize losses. At this time, you lead the cavalry to rush over, not attacking the enemy, you are dying."

"Maybe my brother can persuade him." There is not much extra emotion in Faramo's voice, and there is no fear or worry about the next battle: "But before that, I must obey the orders of the regent and support Osgili. Yass, and kill as many invaders as possible before the enemy takes the city."

"Faramo!" Suddenly, another shout came from the city. Virginia followed the voice and saw a man riding a white horse rushing across the fountain square, pulling the reins in front of the gate: "My nephew, what mission are you going to perform?"

This is the first time Virginia has seen Prince Imrahir, he is the leader of the Swan Knights and the ruler of Doamlos. Yesterday afternoon, when he saw reinforcements appearing by the river in the south and entering the city holding a banner, Polomo introduced the prince to her emphatically. He has the strongest knight in Quan Gondor, at least, Polomo puts the hope of turning the tide of the battle on this elite knight army.

"I heard Mislanda say this." Imrahir rode up to Faramo's horse and reached out and grabbed his rein: "I can't allow you to do this! The enemy can The loss of one, two or even three legions is to cross the river. But if we lose three companies by the river, the defense of Baicheng will be severely weakened!"

"This is the order of the city lord, the order of the regent." Faramo said: "How can I defy? I am the general of Gondor. If there is an order, I must execute it instead of fleeing."

"Or perform it in another way." Virginia said suddenly, and she stretched out three fingers: "I remember Polomo said that it would take three to five days for Rohan to get to Gondor, but in Osgilia There is a fortress in the north of Sri Lanka, named Andros, with defenders defending the islands in the river, and it is located on the border between Gondor and Rohan. Your father’s order is to retake Osgilius, so why can’t you take him back? What a compromise between Boromo’s order and Boromo’s plan?"

Faramo and Prince Imrahir glanced at each other.

"Do you have any suggestions, honorable lady?"

Chapter 2509 Strategic Retreat

Almost every hour, Gondor's messenger would carry news from the front to Baicheng.

As the cloud of the doomsday volcano approached, hearing good news from the messengers almost became a kind of extravagant desire.

A considerable number of enemies have gathered by the river, and there are rumors that the half-orcs followed a powerful Harad army, commanded by a powerful and cruel general, and the Gondor called him General Sombra. No one has seen him before. The Gondor close to him are dead, and the dark clouds of Mordor seem to be protecting him, following him and pressing against Minas Tirith.

Even in the daytime, you can see the fire of Osgilias, but the city built of rocks is burning with raging flames. There are many gaps in the wall of Perano, and the half-orcs swarmed into the plain along the gaps, but very Soon, some cavalry on horseback rushed out and attacked the enemies who had rushed out of the defense on the plain.

But soon, more human defenders withdrew from Osgilias, but they did not retreat, but retreated in an orderly manner under the cover of cavalry.

The people of Baicheng gathered on the wall and looked at the battlefield in the distance. After the first half-orcs were killed by the cavalry, the half-orcs' wolf cavalry also rushed out. Accompanied by the harsh screams, the wolf cavalry took advantage of the Gondor cavalry to be entangled by other half-orcs, bypassing them and rushing towards the exhausted infantry. These wolf cavalry skimmed over the edge of the infantry phalanx from time to time, like a cleaver, each attack could cut a piece of skin off the edge of the infantry phalanx.

At this moment, the city gate opened, and the ready-to-go Swan knights raised their lances, arranged in a pyramidal square, and slew the chasing half-orcs amidst the cheers of the people. The remaining cavalry in the city, along with the swan knight, rushed out of the city gate, shouting killing and battle roar, and pounced on the orcs who were about to kill.

Many half-orcs who were still immersed in chasing the enemy had not recovered yet. The knights arranged in square arrays on the plain, like an unstoppable iron mountain, pressed against the scattered half-orcs. Many wolf cavalry saw that the situation was not good, and immediately turned and fled back to Osgilius. The Gondor soldiers who were hunted down took the opportunity to turn around and attack the enemy behind them. For a time, the hunter became prey instead. There are corpses on the plains, but most of them are the corpses of half-orcs and Harads.

But the cavalry did not initiate a chase, but after repelling the half-orcs, they immediately followed the banner of Prince Imrahir to cover the remaining infantry back to White City.

"Is Poromo back?!" Pipin and Meili stayed near the city gate, stood on tiptoes, and kept jumping up, trying to see Poromo from the retreating soldiers through the crowd of onlookers. Figure: "Where is Polomo?!"

"I'm here, Pipin. Meili, you are here." Among the crowd, Poromo, with a lot of blood on his body, walked towards them, squeezing a slightly tired smile on his long sword. Stained with blood as much as his body, but the light posture shows that the blood is not his: "It's great to see that you are safe and sound. I really hope that you are not at this moment when you pledge allegiance to your father, otherwise I can take you to tour the land of Gondor and appreciate all the good things in this land. Where is Faramir? Why didn’t he come to meet me? I want to talk to him about the city defense as soon as possible, I see Prince Imrahir is here, who else has the reinforcements?"

"Faramo has left." Pipin said: "Go to the castle, your father has always wanted to see you, he even asked Faramo to lead the army to take back Osgilius, just to get you back."

The smile on Poromo's face disappeared, and he frowned: "What's the matter?"

Suddenly, the soldiers gathered around the gate of the city gave way, and there was a little commotion among the crowd. Poromo raised his head and looked in the direction of the sound. Only a gray-haired veteran walked through the city gate last. He held a dark-skinned head with hair **** like a poisonous snake in his hand.

"Talion, you are finally back. When you retreated just now, no one couldn't find where you were." Poromo raised his arm and waved to him. At this moment, he noticed Talion's other hand: "What are you holding?"

"The general of the Harald, the so-called general of the shadows, huh, it seems that Sauron has no intention of giving him protection." Talion held the sword in one hand, and the other hand was covering his ribs, his pace was a little unstable. He walked up to Polomo and threw the first level to his feet: "It took me a lot of time to solve him. I am old, but maybe I can persist until the end of this battle before retiring."

Polomo smiled and patted Tarion on the shoulder: "I know that the Black Gate veteran is as reliable as ever. Are you injured? You have to rest as soon as possible and go to the doctor. Orcs will put poison on the sword, I don’t know. How many warriors died by such insidious methods after killing the enemy."

"I can hold it." Talion took a deep breath and raised a finger: "Some news may be of interest to you. The Harads have already joined the Orcs, Boromo, the defense plan must be advanced. , I saw that on the other side of the river, the half-orcs had a very detailed plan and had prepared the siege tower. I suspect that they had already cut down the woods near the Norn Inland Sea before they attacked the river crossing to make weapons for crossing the river and siege. The Germans are repairing the long bridge in the center of Osgilias. They are moving very fast. I estimate that at noon today, their siege tower will be able to cross the Anduin River."

"But you killed the general of the Harads, which can delay them for a while."

"This time is different from what I have seen before." Talion shook his head: "The Harads are not in chaos, nor are the half-orcs. A half-orc commander took over the command of the Harads. Basically. No one stopped, as if no one cared whether their generals were still there, and there was no situation where the captains below were vying for power. It was as if an invisible force was watching them and asking them to work like tools."

Poromo's face became solemn, and he nodded: "I understand, I will go to the palace to meet my father. I believe that this war will not be like before. The Dark Lord has already mobilized all his power. All the power to rise up is called up. But believe me, we will surely win. On the battlefield of Rohan, Sauron’s allies and servants have been defeated.” As he said, Polomo clenched his fists: “Now, it’s our turn. Gondor slammed the Dark Lord's head fiercely! Let him remember that we humans cut off his finger back then, and this time, they will completely beat him back!"

Chapter 2510 Siege of Baicheng

When the last group of retreating soldiers entered the White City, and the gates forged by dwarves and carved with statues of kings were heavily closed, the Plain of Perano fell into the hands of half-orcs.

The plain between the farm and the country houses is now covered with black orc soldiers, row after row, row after row, thousands, crowding every corner of the plain outside the city gate. Each square is only a few meters apart, and the squares are dotted with flags made of dirty rags. The dried blood on the flags depicts the signs of different tribes. There are also wolf cavalry riding a wolf, and giant beasts pushing a towering siege tower. Behind the siege tower, the orc slave drags the trebuchet and follows at the back of the team, moving forward a little bit slowly, and attacking the tower. Together, the towers are like predators patiently approaching after surrounding their prey.

"This is not the time to consider the Supreme Lord of the Rings, father, the Mordor army is approaching the city. We must immediately organize defenses and support the arrival of the reinforcements of the Luo Khanate." Polomo stood by the white tree in the palace courtyard and spoke to Dinether Said. He lifted his finger and pointed outside: "Why send Faramo to Osgilius? When the enemy army is crushing, let alone the opportunity to be defeated."

"Listen, my child, the number of enemies is ten times or more than ours. No one can defend Baicheng, and no one can defend Gondor. Except for one weapon, one weapon!" He clenched his teeth and stretched out a finger trembling, as if all his strength had been exhausted: "You must find the weapon of the devil. Everyone has his own little abacus, Boromo, everyone is. They don't care about it. Duo, only you and me, the regent’s family has passed on to the present, and I will never let Gondor be destroyed in my hands."

"Gondor can still fight, Father." Polomo looked at his father in disbelief, as if seeing him for the first time: "We have reinforcements, King Imrahir's Swan Rider, Western Green Hill. The green-clothed warriors, as well as the reinforcements of lords from all over the world, Rohan’s Hussars will arrive soon. No one has ever been able to capture the White City. Within a few days when Faramo and I were defending in Osgilius, I The craftsmen in the city have been ordered to make more trebuchets, and all the feathers of the livestock are used to make feather arrows. We took down the manor outside the city to collect stone throwing ammunition. There are 50,000 arrows in the armory. General Sauron will be there. The head hit the wall and broke blood. There are two wizards in the city." Polomo grabbed Dineser's shoulder and shook it vigorously: "I have a little confidence, Father, we will definitely win!"

"Wizard? How can you trust a wizard!" Dineser deliberately lowered his voice: "The wizard is about to take someone to usurp the throne! The wizard wants to sit on the throne, they are as bad as Sauron! I can see some things , I can see that the wizard ordered the halflings to carry the Supreme Lord of the Rings into the shadow of Mordor. They will not succeed. The Demon King will find them and take the ring, but it is not too late, my child, we still have a chance. You immediately go to the castle to guard, go to my servants, choose the most trustworthy warrior, and rush to Mordor day and night while the city is not yet surrounded, and take it back before the ring falls into the enemy's hands. "

Dineser's outstretched hand was clenched into a fist, and the back of his hand was stretched: "I can see many things. This time, if I want to save Gondor, the only choice is to get the Supreme Lord of the Rings."

"What do you see, father?" Poromo frowned. "You may be able to see some clues and details that are difficult for ordinary people to detect. You have always been like this. No one in Gondor can perceive people's hearts better than you. Inside the castle, you can know what is happening outside the city. But do you see what you are now?"

"There is no time to waste, Boromo, hurry up and choose followers. Everyone in this city is untrustworthy." Dineser lowered his head, his sight seemed to be able to see the soldiers running in the lower city through the ground under his feet. He and the people, foaming mouth popped out from between his teeth: "Never let the wizard know that he will believe in ways to stop you and deceive you with rhetoric. Faramo is not like you, his will is not firm, all this is his fault! If He listened to my order and sent him to Gondor after catching the halfling holding the ring. Now it is not Sauron’s army that surrounds the White City, but Gondor’s soldiers besieging the Minas Devil’s Cave and the Evil Black Tower!"

The heavy drums of the orcs came from outside the city, and the troll drummer waved the giant hammer and slammed it rhythmically on the skin drum fixed on his chest. The horns of Qi Ling sounded from all over the plain, one after another.

"I will fight for Gondor until the last drop of blood has been shed." Poromo exhaled softly, "I will never look for the Supreme Lord of the Rings, let alone **** it, father, I understand, this It does not belong to me, it does not belong to anyone, it is the weapon of the demon king, only loyal to Sauron. I am going to the wall, the remaining soldiers are still waiting for me."

Dineser opened his eyes wide and looked at his most favored eldest son. He slowly, step by step, stepped back, the shock in his eyes gradually turned into disappointment, and finally, a self-deprecating smile appeared on his face.

"...My most trusted child also betrayed me." He shook his head slightly: "Send you to Rivendell is the worst decision. I taste the bitter fruit every day and night. Worry is still What misfortune will happen. As expected, my worries have come true. My children have betrayed me." The regent turned around, opened his arms, and walked towards the palace with a big laugh, with the black velvet robe behind him: " Everyone betrayed me!"

Polomo watched his father staggering towards the palace. Imrahir strode from the stairs to the top of the palace platform.

"Polomo, Polomo! The enemy is about to attack..." The prince noticed Dinese's back: "What happened to your father?"

"I don't know." Poromo shook his head. He stretched out his fingers and touched his forehead, and found that sweat was already on his forehead: "I don't know...I've never seen him become like this. . Let’s go to the city wall, no matter what, Sauron wants to take the city!"

When Poromo reached the wall, the orcs outside the city had completed their array. From Osgilias to Minas Tirith, crowded with overwhelming troops, occupying the entire plain.

"Gandalf." Polomo saw the white-robed wizard. He walked to the wizard and looked down at the enemy: "Are the enemies here?"

"Only half-orcs." The wind moved the white-robed wizard's beard on his chest: "The Harad is nowhere to be seen. Where is your father?"

"He is very disappointed. He stayed in the palace and didn't want to come out." Polomo shook his head, his gaze carefully observed the form on the battlefield: "Gandalf, please guard the city wall with me. King Imrahir, please allow me I'll order you, at the moment of the war, I hope to gather the power in Baicheng."

"When I saw the knights led by Fenghuo came here, I would not oppose the order from White City." Imrahir nodded: "My knight is already ready to go."

"There is a successor to the Prime Minister's family, Polomo." Gandalf smiled heartily, although the wrinkles on his face are still full of sorrow and worry: "Although you are not the lord of the city, everyone here will be willing to listen to Gondor. Command of a mighty warrior."

The first wave of offensive came from half-orcs. Under the shouts of the enemy and the operation of ropes and pulleys, the catapult dragged by slaves to the front of the phalanx outside the city first began to shoot. The boulder smashed into the city wall, or flew over the city wall, and smashed on the fence and platform in the city. Baicheng is built on the mountain, and the city is full of stairs, fenced corridors and platform squares. Among the boulders, other ammunition was mixed. They were small and round, hundreds of them. After flying over the city wall, they hit the soldiers, hit the streets, and landed in the crowd. When people saw the ammunition clearly, screams and howls of horror immediately sounded in the city.

That was the head of a corpse collected by a half-orc on the Plain of Perano. These heads were stained with blood, and some were wearing helmets. But the number is not large. For several days, Polomo remained at Osgilius. The bodies of most of the dead were found and transported to Baicheng in an orderly manner. They were identified and their families were notified. Only when they retreated on the last day, there were some. The corpse was left in the plain and the wall of Pelanno.

Such behavior did not bring fear to the defenders, but made them even more angry.

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