When a dangerous operation is about to be carried out, Zelin does not want to see any unknown variables. Just like when hunting monsters, once the situation is not the same as expected, Zelin will usually retreat directly, but this time, he absolutely cannot retreat. This is not a single-player action. Once it fails, it may mean countless participants or The heads of the related personnel fell to the ground.

In the morning of the next day, Zelin rode his horse to Innis.

"Let me see what I can find in Ainis..."

Riding a horse, walk into the village along the country road. On both sides of the road are huts of different heights, and in the distance is a green wheat field. Endless.

Inis is the village closest to the dancing windmill. After the famous dancer "Sweetheart" Paul Sasco retired, he moved to live here, near the windmill to the north of Inis, and held a dance night for the people nearby. These dance parties were all the rage, and later even many elite families of Novigrad and urban gentlemen seeking adventure would come here to dance with farmers with dirty boots.

On the side of the road, a man in a leather jacket was sitting on a recliner on the side of the road, holding a pipe in his mouth, and under his slightly raised eyelids, his cautious gaze never left the demon hunter. Several women squatted behind the fence, beating the clothes they had just soaked with the planks. A man was standing next to the bulletin board, using a hammer and nails to drive a new bulletin on it.

Zelin got off his horse, took the reins and walked to the front of the bulletin board, over the shoulder of the person who nailed the bulletin, and looked at the content on the bulletin.

"Are you looking for someone to deliver supplies?" Zelin crossed his arms and asked the man in front of him: "What kind of supplies?"

The man pinning the bulletin board turned around, looking up and down Zelin with a pair of brown ferocious eyes. His hairstyle is rare. Most of his hair is cut off, leaving only a bunch of hair on the front of his forehead. Zelin knew this hairstyle, and the nomads on the Hackland grassland have always been known for their peculiar hairstyles and rough clothes.

"Who are you?"

The man frowned: "You are carrying a sword and wearing armor, but you are not a soldier."

"Demon hunter, have you heard of it?" Zelin asked: "The kind that specializes in helping people solve problems."

"Ah, there are similar people in Hackland." The horrified man rubbed the tip of his nose: "What's wrong, do you want to help? There is a batch of goods here that must be delivered to Brenwich right away. It's not safe on the road recently. People who have the guts are all **** dead. There are a lot of these goods, there are two carriages, so there must be two coachmen, but I have only one person, and that's myself."

"There are a lot of things, you do seem to need a guard."

Zelin decided in his heart that if Gunter Odim pretended to be mysterious and just asked him to transport goods to a merchant, he would definitely punch him in the nose the next time he met.

"It's not a guard, I have cut off many **** who think they can get a bargain on me with my saber." The Hacklander shook his hand: "If you agree, I will tear the notice down so that no one will take it. It comes to pester me. What do you say, Demon Hunter?"

"What are you going to send to Brenwich?" Zelin looked around. He didn't see any carriages nearby: "What goods are you selling?"

"It's not just Brenwich, it's actually the manor northwest of Brenwich. A friend of mine joined the army, the Boar Army, to fight for the local Redanian nobles."


Zelin had never heard of the wild boar army, but the war gave birth to mercenaries. Mercenaries under various banners sprung up like mushrooms. Some were hired by the army and sent to the front line. Some were due to their poor strength. Finally went to be a robber and a pirate. Sometimes, the only difference between these mercenaries and robbers is whether they take money from the army.

"Mercenary? Maybe, we're working for the Evric family."

"The Evric family? Is it the family from Hackland?" Zelin has some memories of some famous families in Redania. Although they don’t have many memories, they have been passed on for hundreds of years and they were still there when he was young. The famous family, it is difficult for him to know: "Are they still near Novigrad?"

The Evric family came from a nomadic nation, and the family later moved to the Kingdom of Rydania and became a nobleman with military exploits. Not long after Zelin became a demon hunter, he once passed by the Effric’s horse farm in order to chase a Katakane. They claimed that the horse the demon hunter rode was stolen from the horse farm. Snatched his horses. The family’s reputation has always been bad. Although they live in Redania, they still retain the custom from nomadic tribes, riding horses to nearby villages to rob farmers.

But fortunately, the bravery of the ancestors is rarely passed on to the offspring. After several generations of heirs who only knew the pleasure of plundering, the family eventually changed from the most famous military aristocrat in Redania to a nobleman who could only stay. In the local manor, a family that barely maintains a decent income depends on the output of the farm.

"His Majesty Ladovide is conscripting the army. This is a good opportunity to regain his status with his military exploits." The Hacklander said: "For someone who knows how to use a sword and knows **** the enemy, this is a **** good time. . There are opportunities, rewards and spoils everywhere. Maybe in a few years, people will start to talk about the war heroes that emerged in this war, miracles like the Battle of Brunner. Twenty thousand uneven troops Defeated the 40,000 Nilfgaard elite, but they are all old, and miracles will be written by people like us in the future."

"Ambitious." Zelin nodded: "I understand, then what?"

"Oh, my name is Kluvert, come with me, the carriage is here, I have been responsible for purchasing supplies for the Boar Army. They all said that I am not suitable for carrying weapons on the battlefield." The Hacklander wiped it. Under the sweat on his forehead, he set up a shed in front of his eyes and looked at the scorching sun: "But let's say yes. I will pay you only when you get to the place. If you run away halfway, don't even want to take the money."

"I see, I see." Zelin looked back at the country road behind him. A man with a basket on his back and dressed like a traveling merchant was standing in front of the road sign, looking at the direction of the road sign. In Redania, you can often see such traveling merchants, carrying baskets and cloth bags, traveling between many villages, selling daily utensils and goods from the city to the villagers.

A few children ran up to the traveling merchant and gathered around him to look at his goods. The traveling merchant gave them a few candies, so the children jumped and left happily.

When leaving Orsonfort, Zelin noticed the traveling merchant following behind him. Dikoscher was right. After he left, Ladovide's spies were getting worse and worse.

"What are you in a daze?" Kluvert's impatient voice came from the left hand side: "Hurry up, this shipment is very tight."

"Nothing." Zelin retracted his gaze and walked to Kluvert: "I'm just thinking about how much money I can get and whether it is enough to buy a glass of limoncello from the ice cellar when I go to the hotel to enjoy the shade."

"Lemon wine must be no problem." Kluvert laughed loudly. "But real men should drink Mahakam's spirits! Hurry up, Demon Hunter, if they can deliver the goods at noon, maybe they can. Just in time for lunch. It is said that a young man in Brenwich Village is engaged. When we arrive, they should bring out some fine wine to entertain us."

Chapter 2579: Virtual and Real

"These goods were ordered by the wild boar army?"

Sitting in the second carriage, following Kluvert's vehicle, Zelin asked the driver in front.

"It may be other people in the wild boar army, it may be needed by the leader of the wild boar army, or both. Maybe the nearby villages will also need my goods." Kluvert replied loudly, "but the wild boar army is now There is a good leader, you may not believe it, people are rumored that Ogild has been blessed by the gods, and the gods help him invincibly, even in the most dangerous battlefields, without being injured."

Zelin chatted with the person in front of him, and took out the lens at the same time. The traveling merchant who followed him disappeared, but a hunter on horseback appeared on the road, riding a horse, and walking slowly, as if looking for prey.

"Sounds like he is great?"

"Of course."

Zelin turned his head and slightly pulled away the canvas covering the cargo.

The first thing that catches the eye is a glass jar, which is filled with white powder with some sticky lump inside.

"Like lime powder..."

Behind the glass jar, there are many candles, silver cups and parchment paper. Among them are piles of books. On the top is a thick brown book with the name written in gold on the cover.

""Between Different Worlds"?"

Zelin raised his eyebrows. He noticed that Kluvert hadn't noticed the back, so he reached out and took out the book.

[Before in another realm, there was a famous ruler named Azgali. He got seriously ill when he was old. He was shocked that he was about to die, so he summoned an evil spirit, Marbas, and negotiated with him. Azgari was able to live until his son became an adult and ascended to the throne...]

After reading it for a while, Zelin knew what the record was. When he still liked reading, the book was called "The Revenge of the Scarlet King". The above records that a king can live until his son becomes an adult and succeeds to the throne, so he summons a demon and signs an agreement with the demon to obtain a ten-year lifespan. As a result, he falls into the trap of the devil. After his death, the demon crawled out of the old king's body and took the reward he wanted-the life of the prince. In the end, the demon became king, and he summoned a mercenary army led by the evil spirit Bellis to fight for him.

People rallied to resist, so Bellis killed all the rebels, his armor was stained red with blood, and people called him the Scarlet King in fear. Over the next several hundred years, the Scarlet King continued to march and conquer one country after another, and his soldiers continued to die. But Marbas will never be satisfied. When the entire continent surrendered to the demon, Bellis was alone. He returned to the tower where the demon was and asked the demon Mabas to pay back. According to the agreement, the demon should give the mercenary the most powerful weapon he could find. .

The devil betrayed the mercenary without hesitation, but the Scarlet King was prepared. He opened a portal and fled to other worlds before the plague bottle thrown by the demon fell. A gust of wind blew out of the portal he opened and opened the windows of the Marbas Tower. So the plague virus spread throughout the world. Since then, Marbas has lived in the tower, and the continent below is full of dead corpses and creatures that have turned into monsters due to the plague. Bellis, who still claims to be the Scarlet King, wanders the world as a mercenary, looking forward to the day of revenge.

This story is usually thought to have been fabricated by the sorcerer sect to warn the king not to engage in black magic.

Zelin remembers that this book is very old. When he was still young, this book was a story of his grandfather's self-admonishment when he was young. The name of the book has undergone many changes, but the content of several books has not changed. When Zelin saw these books for the first time, there were some illustrations on them, including the magic circle when the old king summoned the devil. However, the Warlock Order re-checked all the books on the market related to Demon Summoning and deleted the illustrations related to the magic circle.

"Books summoned by the devil, and magic materials..."

Zelin frowned. In terms of interest, the interest of the owners of these goods is too dangerous.

He lifted the canvas a little higher, and more magical materials came into view. There are also many books on the history of magic and summoning: "Is there a wizard in the wild boar army?"

"Why do you think so?" Kluvert turned his head, and Zelin re-covered the canvas before his sight moved: "Of course it's impossible, Ogild is the best warrior here. He doesn't need a warlock. Come and help him. I don't know how many warriors want to come to him. I want to wait until he is a warrior who can accomplish the great feats that a warlock can accomplish, those warlocks will definitely be jealous of him."

Suddenly, from the corner of Zelin's eyes, he noticed an unusual red figure in the grass on the side of the road.

"...Are there any other mercenaries here?" Zelin saw a group of soldiers in red armor: "Or Redania's army?"

"Ridania's army is either in the fortress or hidden behind the city wall." Kluvert said: "Now the front line is full of mercenaries. Those Redania's army was after a battle with the men in black. I was shocked."

Zelin watched the soldier in red disappear behind the bushes, and then noted the local location in his mind.

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