At this time, he noticed that the hunter who had been following him was missing.

Maybe he was going to report to the nearby Redanians. But if this can attract Ladovide's attention, maybe it can help Dikoscher's plan.

But what Zelin didn't know was that it was not just the people he wanted to attract attention who had been following his schedule.

The dusk of Novigrad is always shrouded in the blood-red sunset reflected on the sea. Several seagulls formed a triangular formation and flew to the far horizon. Under the sky, the flowers in the villa garden showed the beauty that can be maintained without magic.

In the villa next to the main square, Triss greeted a special guest: "Enid, welcome. You should tell me in advance, I'm almost too late to get your dinner ready."

"Thank you for your enthusiasm, Triss."

Francesca gently hugged Triss: "But I'm just here to verify some things, and I won't stay for too long."

"Enid, shouldn't you have already returned to the order?" Triss showed an unexpected look: "The great teacher has other assignments?"

As the youngest female warlock, many famous warlocks of the Warlock Order are her elders. After all, she has only left the college for twenty years.

"No, dear Triss." Francesca shook her head: "I don't plan to return to the city full of spies for the time being. You just need to tell me where the intelligence comes from."

"Dijkstra gave it to me. He has eyeliner in the town hall." Triss said, "That's why I was able to investigate this matter. I thought it was important, so I handed it over to the Order. What's wrong? Does the cult think that information is false?"

Chapter 2580 The Station of the Flame Rose

Brenwich Village is the largest village in this neighborhood, and a family has lived here for generations.

A two-meter-high stone wall is built near the village, and there is a wooden door at the entrance. Zelin rarely sees such a retro-style village here. Take the family as a settlement, protect the village with rocks and spiked wooden fences to avoid being attacked by monsters. More than a hundred years ago, there were such villages everywhere in the Northern Continent. Except for the ruins established on the elven city, the only humans built in the wild were armed villages, monasteries protected by high walls, and lord castles.

Northerners rarely experience peace, monsters never sign peace agreements with humans, and disputes and rebellious civil wars among kings never cease.

As a result, the one who most hopes for peace in the north now is actually an elf king.

Brenwich’s billboard had warnings written in bold red letters.

[Recently, a plague has spread to our land, which is more vicious and difficult to deal with than any virus. The soldiers of the Knights of the Flame Rose came here and chose to use our beautiful hometown as a stronghold for evil. No one here feels safe now. These guys who call themselves "knights" are no different from ordinary robbers. They take our things and harass them when they see beautiful girls. We have complained to the governor several times, but it is best not to approach these places before he brings the army to drive the **** away. 】

Now Zelin can confirm that the red soldier he saw on the road is a knight of the eternal fire. Redanians like red very much, and the uniform of the Knights of the Flame Rose is similar to that of Redanian soldiers.

"Why do the people from the Knights of the Flame Rose come here?"

After Vizima's chaos, the Knights of the Flame Rose split into three parts. Mutant knights followed Jaques to Middle-earth, and the rest of the knights who had escaped from the Knights gathered at Siegfried's sway, serving for Temalia, and based in Ailand. The remaining knights of the Flame Rose accepted the call of Ladovide and joined Redania. The station is located in Logvin, Praxida, next to Novigrad.

"No one wants to know how they came." Kluvert raised his hands: "But people here want them to get out. Didn't their mother teach them, don't stick their noses into other people's land? They have to deal with everything, check everything, and everything... Yes, it's like this is not the site of the wild boar army but his house. Who knows what they are going to do? Anyway, we listen to Ogil. Boss De, he said that it is not allowed to rob the Knights of the Flame Rose, and we will not go unless they come to us.",

"Where is the Knights stationed here?" Zelin asked casually.

They brought the goods to the designated place, but the recipient has not yet arrived, so Kluvert intends to wait here. Zelin didn't mind to find out about Redania nearby. Dixie's plan does not include the enemies that may appear in the north. There is a wide stone bridge connected to the north shore in Osenforte. According to the plan, when the assassination starts, Thale will arrange a carriage to pass the bridge, and then smash the wheel to block the road. It was filled with oil drums and dry wood. If Redanian soldiers appeared in the north, light the carriage to buy time for the assassins.

But this can't stop the knights with war horses.

Or, is this why Gunter Odim warned himself? He knew that the Knights of the Flame Rose appeared here? But how could he think that this matter had something to do with the Demon Hunter? Is it because the Knights of the Flame Rose have always been known for their hatred of non-human beings, or has he known Dikoscher's plan a long time ago?

Scratched his forehead. The more Zelin saw, the more hopeful this incident had not happened. Or it's just my own carelessness.

"Just south of this village." Kluvert raised his hand and pointed to the south: "They occupied a hillside and camped on it."

"Kluvitt, you came very early today."

At the entrance of the village, several people dressed in simple linen, with scimitars and daggers hanging around their waists: "Who is the person next to you? I saw him also carrying a sword."

"This is the one who helped me deliver the goods." Kluvert pointed his thumb at Zelin behind him: "I have already paid him, and he seems to be looking for a new job."

"Ogild can't wait." The leading woman wore a purple dress and had the same hair as Kluvert, but only a pinch of black hair in front: "He said he would leave his manor and live elsewhere. The wild boar army must leave. Fortunately, you are more punctual, otherwise, next time you will have to pull the goods back by yourself."

"Leave? Why?"

"Who knows?" The woman in purple clothes shrugged, "Maybe it was because of a fire before? He didn't want to live in it? Or because of divorce, he wanted to leave and change his heart sadly? Don't ask about this, it's not our responsibility. Take care of things. Hurry up, he asked for a lot of things. Be careful on the way, lest you get robbed by those **** red knights. Ogild said, this batch of goods must never fall into the hands of the Knights and Eternal Fire ."

"Will the Flame Rose Knights still rob?" Zelin asked suddenly: "Aren't they the Knights?"

Kluvert laughed: "I have never seen anyone who doesn't know much about the Knights of the Flame Rose. I thought they had long been notorious among your mutants. They would demand inspection of all goods and then claim The most expensive thing in it is contaminated by black magic and must be taken to the Knights headquarters for purification. Bah, who would believe their nonsense."

Watching this group of people leave with goods filled with magic materials, until their back disappeared outside the village.

Zelin didn't like the Knights of the Flame Rose at all, and his predecessor, the Knights of the White Rose. But the goods ordered by the Wild Boar Army did have problems, no matter how you looked at it, they couldn't get out of contact with the black magic.

But before that, he was going to get to know the local Knights of the Flame Rose.

It is far away from their headquarters, and at the same time it is not the front line of war. Zelin didn't know that the knight should hide away from the war after the war.

According to Kluvert, Zelin saw the flag of the Flaming Rose on the hillside south of Brenwich.

As night fell, the camp was littered with fire. Some knights stood chatting near the campfire. Soldiers holding bows and arrows stood on the guard tower at the edge of the camp, yawning lazily. A team of four servants carrying spears patrolled the camp.

There is a cave behind the camp, and the cave has been transformed into a wooden door.

Zelin quickly figured out the scale of the camp and where he was going. Just like the camp established by Isenglin’s Squirrel Party in the Devil’s Pit, the camp of the Knights of the Flame Rose is also established next to the cave on the hillside. This is the most common way of long-term camping in the wild. Most people live in caves with wooden doors, and the remaining soldiers live in tents outside. Reducing the size of the camp is conducive to concealment, and many soldiers can be hidden in the cave.

Squatting halfway behind a pile of wooden boxes, watching the patrol soldiers passing by through the gap of the wooden box sword, Zelin looked around and made sure that no one nearby noticed this side, he bent over and walked to the other one. Tent.

A stunned eternal flame servant fell to the place where he was just now.

Zelin has been observing the patrol's movement patterns, and the patrol just walked back and forth in the camp. After all, many people are not outside, and these patrol soldiers look listless. Perhaps this is why Ladoovide has not sent them to the battlefield. The sudden defeat of a group of people will definitely affect the battle.

It is not so difficult for a demon hunter to sneak in a place where defense is so lax.

There is a guard guarding each side of the wooden door.

Zelin walked straight to them.

"Huh?" A soldier with half-squinted eyes raised his head and looked at Zelin: "Who are you?"

As he said, he elbows his companion who has fallen asleep on the wall: "Hey, hello, wake up..."

Before he could finish speaking, Zelin raised his hand: "You have insomnia. You should count the numbers here until you fall asleep. This will help you fall asleep."


"What?" The dozing soldier raised his head suddenly and rubbed his eyes: "What's the matter?!"

"You too." Zelin turned around and pointed at the second guard: "Let's count to eight thousand here."

"One, two, three, four, five..."

Zelin bent down, took the key from a guard's belt, and opened the wooden door in front of him.

He chose to enter the camp at four o'clock in the morning. Usually, most people are sleeping at this time.

"Let me see what you have..." Zelin opened the wooden door.

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