The first thousand five hundred and fifty-two chapters of Yaiwen

"Well, Elf, I think you might have a commission for a hunter?"

Zelin stopped in front of the fence gate of the camp and looked up and down at the elf in front of him: "Your commando has encountered a monster infestation? Well, if you can pay, I'm happy to help you solve the problem."

"Does the demon hunter only accept the commission of the demon hunter now?"

"Because I think this is the only thing I can do for the Squirrel Party." Zelin shook his head. "Who are you? Why are you looking for me? If I didn't go wrong, I think this should be the camp of the druids, not the stronghold of the Squirrel Party."

"This is a great place. I came because I need to think about it. Calmness can make people concentrate. Even other demon hunters are willing to come here. I know who you are, demon hunter. Zelin, and The most special one is the demon hunter closely related to Baihua Valley."

"It's not close to Baihua Valley." Zelin shook his finger. "It is close to Francesca Finbeda, or Enid Ann Greina. If you want to talk about ancient races and The traditional friendship between demon hunters, I might wear a squirrel hat and go to the forest to help you fight."

"Sneering at other people's careers will only show how intolerant you are."

"Yes, as your squirrel party often said, we elves hate two things most, one is racial discrimination, and the other is human beings."

"I think you are talking about humans, so we won't pretend to be noble when we despise a group of people." The elf shook his head, and the long hair draped over his shoulders swayed. "I spent ten years studying humans. , But I have not yet discovered how many beautiful characters they have. They are too complicated, and even if they have some good characters, they will be covered up in a large area of ​​dark shortcomings."

"Yes, I am also studying elves. I studied them for a day and found that they are a very impatient race."

"You only came to this conclusion after studying for a day?"

"You have only studied for ten years to come to such a conclusion?"

"Is every demon hunter like you?"

"I don't know the demon hunter, but I believe that it is different among the elves, because no one in this world can understand the advantages and disadvantages of a race through a few people or a group of people."

"Your experience?"

"A little bit of knowledge." Zelin shrugged. "So, what's your name?"

"Yavin, I am fighting in this swampy woodland with a elves." Yavin held the outstretched hand of the demon hunter and shook it. "I do need someone who is not a human but will not be there. Vizima was helped by the interrogators. I think that the demon hunter should be willing to do other things besides accepting the commission of the demon hunter, such as sending letters. I have a letter to be sent to Vizima, but I am The city is unpopular, and there is no way to quietly send the letter. As a demon hunter, it shouldn’t be difficult for you to deal with monsters on the way or avoid the guards at the gates."

"I remember that Vizima has a non-human settlement, where many elves and half-elves live."

"In Temalia, elves are not welcome. The only difference between me and the elves in the city is whether the guards spit or draw knives when they see us."

"But you still didn't tell me why you became like this."

"Well... let's go to pray under the tree." Yaiwen slowly flicked his hands apart and took a deep breath. His voice was very rhythmic, as if he was indulging in some ancient poetry, "In order to be trampled on. Pray for the plants, pray for the bloodshed, pray for the destiny to be destroyed, pray for the casualties caused by the sword, pray for the pain of others and myself."

"Okay, I see. If you want to be a bard, I can introduce you to the two masters." Zelin took the letter from Yaiwen, "Send it to Vijma's Vevadi Bank?"

"Yes, and then bring your reply, and I will pay you."

"The reward is unnecessary." Zelin shook his head, "When I see you next time, no matter what the situation, you'd better be as calm as you are in the Druid Woodland."

Zelin knew that Francesca would come to Vizima, but he didn't know whether Francesca knew about a squirrel party outside Vizima. She might want these elves to accept the terms signed between Baihua Valley and the northern countries, put down their weapons and settle in Baihua Valley. At that time, this kind of proposal will inevitably make some squirrel parties angry. Just like the end of the Second Civil War, some squirrel parties believed that Francesca’s actions were stealing the fruits of victory gained by the squirrel parties after their battle. , Is abandoning the dignity of the race and bowing to humanity.

They should be thankful that at least now the elves still have a dominance that is gradually developing. The goal of the Squirrel Party is to drive mankind back into the sea and regain control of the world, but any wise person knows that this is simply impossible.

That's why he has such a request. If Enid intends to incorporate these squirrel parties, the demon hunter can act as an intermediary, at least allowing the two parties to sit down and negotiate.

"I've always been calm, Demon Hunter. Also, Demon Hunter, I have two commandos missing in the swamp. If you are willing to help me find it back, I will pay you the corresponding reward."

"Two? Okay, I remember. Tell me about them."

In the druid's camp, Zelin handed the letter to the local druid. The druids are negotiating with the local loggers. Recently, Vizima’s orders for wood have been increasing, so the original logging progress was so slow that the loggers opened up a new logging camp and made the druids. We are dissatisfied. Of course, the situation is constantly changing. When Foltest opened a new city, the druids also protested once, but this cannot change anything. Races are developing, cities are expanding, and new settlements appear. , The price is that a piece of wasteland has been reclaimed, and such a pace is hard to stop. Although the druids warned that according to this situation, sooner or later, there will be no forest in Tamoria, but they also admit that this will be a thousand years later.

Who cares about things for so long?

In the swamp lumberjack's camp, Zelin heard some shocking news. The houses in many villages on the outskirts of Vizima were burnt down, the villages became empty, those villages were attacked by monsters, huge ghost dogs killed many people, the Eternal Fire Church and the local witches clashed, all Villagers who believed in the eternal fire gathered, but at this moment, the ghost dog appeared, and the most powerful ghost dog could even exceed the roof of the thatched house. The end result is that at least 50 villagers died in this accidental disaster, and the whereabouts of the witches are unknown and missing.

Some people say that it was because the witch summoned the ghost dog. Others said that it was rumored that the evil deeds of the priests attracted monsters. But no one knows what the situation is, and people don't care about the truth. They are just happy to be able to talk more after a meal.

In the swamp, stone pillars carved with various ancient Kabbalistic runes can be seen everywhere, and in the mist of the swamp, you can vaguely see a broken tower in the north. It is said that this is the most powerful mage in ancient times, pure white Lafada. This legendary warlock was one of the first casters in the history of mankind. He was of the same generation as Jan Becker. With his powerful magic power, he ended the first conflict between human kingdoms since he landed on this continent. He is called In the chaos of the Six Years' War, the white Lafada decoction of the demon hunter was named in honor of this great warlock, hoping that the harmonization of the potion could heal the damage. In this adjustment, he gained supreme power. People wanted him to be crowned King of Tamoria, but he refused, and instead accepted the position of advisor to the Wang family. However, because of the low intelligence of King Abdank of Tamoria at that time, pure white Rafada became the true ruler of this land.

Of course, these legends only exist in some ancient books. The locals believe that the mages here tried to seize the power of the gods, so the gods sent the stone giants to attack him, but the stone giants were defeated, so the gods themselves Appeared and destroyed the magician's tower with lightning. The priest of the eternal fire likes this kind of speech, which can prove to people that the existence of the warlock is cursed by the gods.

But Zelin knew what was going on. Tishaya once talked about these things to him. After the Treaty of Novigrad was signed, Jan Becker took the lead in establishing the Warlock Order, but Pure White Lafada opposed this practice of treating Warlocks as a political group. This will make them a target of public criticism. When the contradiction became difficult to reconcile, Jan Becker and Pure White Lafada chose to fight in the swamp on the opposite bank of Lake Vizima. They summoned lightning and demons, and finally ended in Jan Becker's victory. The traces of their battles still remain after four hundred years, such as the magical land all over the swamp, the imprisoned stone giants, the towers destroyed by lightning, and the large numbers of monsters attracted by the magic of chaos.

"Well, Demon Hunter, are you here to clean up the monsters?"

In the middle of the swamp, there is an altar of the goddess Meritelli. No one knows who placed it. This altar is placed on a place of magic. When passing by the altar, Zelin happened to meet an old man who seemed to have inconvenient hands and feet, standing in front of the statue of Meritelli on the altar and praying.

"No, I just passed by."

"Can I walk with you? It's dark and there are too many monsters nearby. I'm worried that I won't be able to go back. If you pass by the brick-burning village, can you **** me there?"

Zelin thought about it in his mind. The last time he passed by the brick-burning village, it was near the ferry crossing of Lake Vizima, so he nodded.

"No problem, follow up. If there is no trouble on the road, we can get there before dark."

The first thousand five hundred and fifty-three chapters assassin king group

The dark night is the right time for the monsters to act.

But sometimes, this is also a good opportunity for some people to do activities.

"Does it matter?" Vattier de Lidox, the man known as Viscount Aiden leaned in a comfortable armchair and stretched. Of course, compared with Li Daokes and Viscount Aiden, his other identity is more important-the head of the Nilfgaard Empire Intelligence Bureau, "Could it be that if one or two mutants refuse, we are going to shelve the plan, or say , You want me to tell His Majesty the Emperor,'I’m really sorry, my great Majesty, we could not find a suitable assassin, so your budget of half a million francs this year has all been lost. It’s a pity that there is not even a sound. 'Come on, who of you wants to be hanged on Millennium Square tomorrow for corruption? The list of executions in May is not long enough. I can get you two positions."

"I'm sorry, sir, we spent a lot of time investigating Berhart's whereabouts, but he is dead. We sent people to Tousant to contact the demon hunters there, but they were unwilling to contact the Imperial Intelligence Service. People contact."

There are at least thirty guards outside Vathir's office. It stands to reason that these should be the most elite soldiers, guarding the most important departments of the empire, in case any enemy steals intelligence. But in fact, during the rapid expansion of the empire, Vattier had no idea how many viscounts and barons had appeared out of thin air. One of the biggest characteristics of this group of people was that they had no family background, but they had money.

Being rich is very important in the current empire.

Now, their money is in Vathi's pocket, and their son is standing guard outside.

The budget of 500,000 francs approved by the Imperial Assembly at the beginning of the year has not been fully in place. The army has to go too much money. War and rebellion have produced slaves. Too many slaves have brought chaos, chaos breeds riots, and riots lead to more bankrupt farmers. , So there were more slaves and riots, and then the army had reason to ask the emperor for more budget. The culture and education department was abolished three years ago, but it still failed to squeeze out much money. As for the emperor, everyone knew what Emperor Enhill wanted to do. The rebels caused the war effort two years ago to fall short, but in the past two years, the attendants were saying that the eyes of His Majesty the Emperor had never moved from the north.

The secret order sent by the emperor in the past two days proved this point.

The thorn king group.

The Intelligence Bureau must form the Assassins within a year and, as quickly as possible, resolve the four kings of the north-Hensett of Kodwin, Demarvin of Aden, and Forte of Temoglia. St, Livia’s Mayvi, and Kevel’s Istrad Thyssen.

But this group of trash under him has not yet found a group of suitable assassins. It's the end of April, and it's May Day soon, but so far, there is no clue about this matter. There are indeed some powerful swordsmen in the south, but they are not suitable for assassins, and then those mutants. This is the best way to promise some conditions and wait until the task is completed to separate them from them. Compared with the empire, who would want to believe the rhetoric of a few mutants? But unfortunately, these mutants seem unwilling to get involved with politics, even if they promise to give them a piece of land where they can build an academy.

"Go and contact the Nilfgard Assassin's Guild. Anyway, the Assassin Kings must do a good job." Vattier patted the desk and said to his subordinates. "I want their best assassin. The kings in the north must be settled. No matter what conditions they offer, they will be agreed to first, and then detailed negotiations will come."

Maybe others don't know, but there are some things that cannot be hidden from Vattier's eyes. Two months ago, the fleet in the port of Vikvaro province was filled with sacks of grain. In name, this was acquired by the merchants’ union and was ready to take the opportunity to dump the goods to the north. But Vattier knew who the member of the merchant’s union that bought the grain was, Alvin Fries, who seemed to be a little-known little person, but unfortunately, Vattier happened to know that Alvin had a distant cousin. Called Morfan Fries.

Nilfgaard's new field marshal.

All the food was transported to Sintra and Anglin, where it bordered the northern countries.

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