Who needs food that can feed hundreds of thousands of people?


But no general would let the rations rot in the barn.

So, Vattier's smart head as a spy for decades has come to a conclusion. There is not much time left for peace, and of course, not much time left for him.

He must prove that he is qualified for the post of the head of the Imperial Intelligence Service, otherwise those who are staring at this position will be very happy to find a way to pull him down.

"If there is no problem, just do it quickly." Vattier held out a finger to his subordinates, "Tomorrow afternoon, come and report to me. You know how to get in touch with those assassins."

Unions, unions are everywhere. Decades ago, it was unimaginable to have a group of assassins form a union and blatantly appear in various cities. But now it's very simple. No one can ban trade unions from thieves or assassins, because the members of these trade unions are good people who pay taxes on time. Of course, as for how their money came from, no one cares. Empire officials will not be assassinated anyway, and the Intelligence Bureau and the Assassin’s Union have a very good cooperative relationship.

The Imperial Intelligence Service had enough dark lines in the northern court, but before the start of the second Civil War that year, on the night of the Coup on the Island of Sinide, he used all his power to successfully assassinate King Wezmir, but after that , The intelligence agency’s spy network in the north was severely hit. He opposed the assassination. An assassination might cost years of espionage work, but it was the emperor's order. What could he do?

Vattier supported his chin with one hand, and his headaches made him miss the beautiful and gentle mistress before.

Cantarella disappeared two years ago, and never appeared. He tried to find out where Cantarella went, but found nothing, as if the world had evaporated. This caused him pain for a long time.

As the dusk gradually shrouded, Vattir began to organize the papers and prepare to go home. In his mind, he reviewed in detail the things he had done and the things to do in the day, and even remembered to salute the goldfish in the pond on the way from get off work. Thirty years ago, a fish summoned by magic was caught by Buddha. Emperor S. Enris was made a baron and awarded a large badge.

But what the intelligence chief didn’t know was that the news that the Imperial Intelligence Agency wanted to contact the Assassin’s Union was heard by the guards outside the door. The son of a certain viscount had always had good ears. The next day, the news came. In a fun activity, I fell into the ears of a beautiful girl who was raised in a remote hut. On the third day, the incident was written on paper and appeared in the hands of the sorcerer Ashley Anachen Inside. In the end, after some long and complicated magic encryption, this matter became an important topic for discussion at the female warlock assembly that day.

Of course, he didn't even know that Cantarella, who had been thinking about it all night, is now reporting to Fringeira Wei Ge the information she has discovered during this time.

"This is the news that Ashley brought us." Philippa's fingers tapped the table rhythmically, "The Nilfgaards want to do something. I don't think looking for the Assassin's Guild is to help deliver letters. ."

"We must find out who their target is," Schell whispered. "We must make sure that the kings of the north are not affected. Foltest, Istrad, and Hensett. The three of them. We can ensure the power of the north. This is our primary goal. We can’t let everything fall into chaos until the united power of the north is enough to confront Nilfgaard head-on.”

"I agree that Triss and I will be in Temalia, I will be in Maribo, and she will be in Vizima, and we will ensure the safety of Temalia." At the round table, Kai is sitting across from Schell. La Metz, "Maybe, we can change our mind. The Nilfgaards want to carry out certain assassinations, and we can try to shift their targets and take the opportunity to get rid of some... bad People."

"...Demavin?" Philippa raised her eyebrows. "Good idea."

De Mavin was the only one among the northern kings who refused any member of the sorcerer's assembly to enter his court.

"I heard that some time ago, Dermavin recruited a court warlock?" Margarita asked tentatively. The headmistress rarely spoke in the assembly hall. "Abelard of Haji."

"Yes, a court warlock." Philippa nodded to Margarita, "and we have definite evidence that the wizard he recruited was related to Nilfgard's Intelligence Bureau. This idiot is fundamentally involved. He doesn't care who he recruits, he just wants to watch the firework show in the palace."

"As the four main countries in the north, Aden is too poor and weak. Demavin is a bastard. He doesn't know how to govern the country at all. Aden will completely decline in his hands." Schill sighed softly. , "The farmer of Aden is about to starve to death, but he is still thinking about marching to Baihua Valley, marching to Aden, regaining the river bank occupied by the Kodwin people, and regaining the land of the elves. The north does not need a fool like this, Once the war starts, he will only drag everyone back. What do you think, Francesca? Don't pretend that it has nothing to do with you."

"Of course it has something to do with me." The wizard warlock narrowed his eyes slightly. "I must say that I don't have any territorial requirements for Aden, but if the king of Aden can be replaced by a wiser human, I will be very happy. "

"Demawen's son, Prince Sdennis is a good candidate. He is a smart young man, a man of work." Philippa stopped her finger. "We can induce Nilfgard's assassin to assassinate Demavin, and then destroy the assassins in one fell swoop. Francesca? Is there any information on your side?"

Francesca’s emerald green eyes turned her attention to Philippa, with a sly smile, “Of course, I have. I’m a reporter in the Assassin’s Guild in Nilfgard, and I don’t think it will be more than In half a year, I will be able to get news about what the Nilfgard people will do to hire assassins, and which assassins will be sent to the north. Based on my understanding of the efficiency of those assassins, Demavin's life will not exceed two years. "

The first thousand five hundred and fifty-four chapters of the brick-burning village

As Zelin expected, he arrived at the brick-burning village on the edge of the swamp before the twilight completely enveloped the earth.

"I thank you very much, Demon Hunter, you are very good. If you come to the swamp in the future, remember to sit in my thatched hut in the north of this village. I will give you my books to read and enjoy. I will give you tea and make some tender meat for you to eat."

Standing next to the brick-burning village, the old man said goodbye to Zelin: "You are a demon hunter. I have met one before, but he is not willing to help others like you. He just wants to know about the ring of elements. Knowledge."

"Devil hunter?" Zelin raised his eyebrows: "Is it Geralt? White wolf?"

"No, I don't know much, but I know that his name is Belgaren. He wanders around and asks for news." The old man said a piece of news that surprised Zelin. Belgaren, this wolf school demon hunter has not returned to Kyle Morhan for a long time. Of course, returning to Kyle Morhan is not something that all wolf schools have to do. Belga doesn't even want to go back, and other people won't say anything. After all, they are all demon hunters and there are no mandatory rules.

"Belgaren? Why does he want to inquire about these news?"

"I don't know." The old man shook his head: "But he seems to be afraid of something, afraid of someone or something. He stayed in this swamp for a while, mixing with those idiot villagers who dig clay. If you If you want to find him, the idiot villagers might know something."


"The villagers here are only willing to worship their ignorant gods, gods and gods, and can't talk normally with anyone, can you believe it? They actually believe in some murloc with protruding eyes and slimy monsters all over. Ask me Said that they are a group of mentally abnormal guys, and they are proud to be able to talk to ugly murlocs. Loggers in the woodland have complained more than once why Vizima officials allow such villages to exist."

"Because they produce bricks for Vizima, and there is no sign of riots." Zelin shrugged, he knew what happened here, to be precise, there are many famous villages in the world, and Zelin knows more than this one. After walking through many places, no matter how peculiar the folklore is, it is not surprising. "Well, thank you for the news. While waiting for the ferry, I will talk to the villagers here. By the way, have you seen two elves?"

"Elves? No. You can ask the villagers here, I dare say that everyone missing in the swamp has something to do with them. But I suggest you be careful, they worship monsters, what do they say for their evil beliefs? The words are not surprising."

"Thank you for your reminder, then I will leave."

The old man staggered into the gloomy forest path in the north of the village, looking at the old man's leaving back, Zelin noticed the difference between him, his appearance was very old, but his waist was straight. , The pace is steady. Although his head is gray, he is not hunched. He was wearing a linen shirt and trousers, a pair of huge funny slippers on his feet, and a logging axe on his waist. In any case, the old man must be in good health, and he doesn't show any senility in his actions. And he lives alone in the swamp? This is not a good place for retirement. Maybe he often interacts with brick-burning people, so he knows these things.

The village of the brick-burning people is located on the side of the road junction in the swamp, and there are about 20 households. For the demon hunters who appeared, they did not show any extra attention, perhaps because they were on a transportation route, whether it was bricks or wood in the swamp to be transported to Vizima, or Vizima’s workers. To come to the swamp woodland, you have to pass here. There are many pedestrians on this road, and it is difficult for one or two strangers to attract their attention.

The thatched huts in the village appear low and depressed, with only a few wooden houses entangled in them, but the wood used to build the houses has already turned dark and black in the humid air. The demon hunter rode into the village, and the listless old dog at the entrance of the village lay on the ground, his ears drooping. The villagers are so busy with what they have on hand, they seem to be busy. Zelin's ears caught the conversation between the villagers from time to time, but the accent here was so heavy that it was a little hard for him to tell what the villagers were talking about. For a moment, he suspected that the villagers here were talking in a language he didn't understand.

"I want to inquire about something." Zelin asked one of the villagers, "Who is the village elder in your place? I heard that a demon hunter once stayed here temporarily?"

"I don't know anything." The expressions of the villagers were a little dull, just like villages in other places, they had long been overwhelmed by heavy labor all day long. Bricklayers will not be easier than farmers, especially in terms of living. But in the eyes of the other party, Zelin did not see the muddy and rigidity. This is the characteristic of many villages with special folk customs. The villagers can have sustenance and support in their tired life. It is better than sweating all day just to fill up. The stomach should be good, even if the faith is a half-murloc, but this is also the reason why the Church of Eternal Fire can grow rapidly in the countryside. "You can go to Vasnai. She is our elder. She knows everything in the village."

"Vasnai? Where is she?"

"I heard someone say my name." At this moment, an old and tired voice came. Zelin turned around, and a wrinkled old lady walked over on crutches; "Are you going to ask for any news, outsider? You had better not come to disturb our lives. We only have bricks here, nothing to see. Yes, there is nothing of value."

"I just want to inquire about something. I have asked a lot of people about two things. Some people told me that you might know it here." Zelin opened his hands and said, "Have you ever seen a man named Belga? The Demon Hunter of Lien? A wolf head badge hung on his chest."

"Bergaren? I know him. That young man doesn't look like a decent person. He often says other things and goes to the brick burning camp to the south." Vasnai shook his head: "He is in the village, asking about The two Kabbalah runestones near the village. Later, someone from the Salamander Gang came to him, and then he never appeared again."

"The Salamander Gang?" Zelin frowned slightly: "Why did the Salamander Gang go to Belgaren? Are they really from the Salamander Gang?"

"In the name of the King of Water, my eyes have gone, but I can't forget the badge of the Salamander Gang." Vasnai shook his head with a cane, and tapped his rickety waist with the other hand: " I don’t know what they are for, but the next day, a few unrecognizable corpses were left in the brick kiln. As a result, water ghosts were attracted, so that we could not go to the altar of the great water king to pray and offer tribute. Up."

After Belgarian of the Wolf School contacted members of the Salamander Gang here, his whereabouts were subsequently unknown. Zelin didn't think that a demon hunter could not deal with a few salamander gang mobs, but it did surprise Zelin to learn that there was another demon hunter here.

"Okay, I see. Have you seen two elves passing by here?"

"Yes, we have seen it."

The answer of the village elder surprised Zelin, he just asked casually. Before leaving the druid's camp, he asked Yaiwen whether to find the two missing elves first, or to deliver the letter first. Yaiwen told Zelin that sending letters was more important. He didn't expect to find two kinsmen who were still alive. In the swamp woodland full of monsters, disappearance often means death. He just hopes that when the demon hunter enters the city of Vizima, he can pay attention to whether the two missing elves have defected. He doesn't care if his subordinates leave because they can't stand the harsh environment, but he absolutely can't tolerate the behavior of going to the human side to betray his clan for his own life.

"Where are they?"

"About a week ago, two elves haunted our village. They wanted to exchange some food for wolf skins and deerskins, and then they left. No, the wolf skins they sent are still there. It’s hanging on the leather rack."

Zelin looked in the direction that Vasnai pointed out. On a simple wooden frame not far away, there was a wolf skin and a deerskin hung. A village woman was sitting next to him, cutting another with a knife. Deerskin.

"Then where did they go?"

"North, go straight to the north."

The camp of the Squirrel Party is just north of the swamp. It is not surprising that the two elves may return directly to the camp.

"Do you have anything else? If not, we will start praying to the King of Water." The village elder said impatiently in a repelling tone: "When we pray, don't disturb us, otherwise we will treat you You're welcome."

The villagers began to gather in front of the village elder’s house one after another. Through the open door, Zelin saw a stone carved statue placed in the elder’s house. It was empty, not like a place to live, but like A place dedicated to religious ceremonies.

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