"But no matter how powerful they are, what we have to do is to find their lair and kill them." Zelin picked up a bottle of wine and looked at the label on it carefully. Later, he found a line of fine print under the label of Nilfgaard's good wine.

Produced in the workshop of the anchorage village.

"You found a detective, Geralt? Did you find anything?" Zelin put down the bottle, he could already guess the taste of the bottle: "Raymond? I've heard that this is Vigie. The most famous detective in the city of Mar. But you should have told me in advance that I have two detective friends, Cording from Redania and Finn Detective Agency."

"No, Redmond is a detective in the city of Vizima. Asking him to find the Salamander Gang will definitely be more efficient than a foreign detective in a short period of time. And he has the same goal as us, because His family was also attacked by the Salamander Gang, and he said that he has some clues for investigation."


"Yes, I will hand over the deposit to him tomorrow. I just made a sum of money from the local businessman Rewarden, which is the reward for cleaning the wharf water ghosts. Dandrien said to me that there is no need for demon hunting in this world. Hunter, and I saw at least a dozen commissions from the desperately needed Demon Hunter on Vizima's sign. Do you believe me, I actually saw the pterodactyl lair in Vizima's sewer."

"There are also strange demons and ghouls, and recently some people have seen vampires in the civilian area." Zoltan added.

"It sounds like the city is built on a monster lair." Zelin waved his hand: "Tomorrow, we will meet the detective together. I may live in Vizima for two weeks. Maybe I can help. Busy."

"Ha, for two weeks, we can have time to drink together. In this discriminatory city, it's really lucky to see two people who can drink together." Zoltan laughed. "Hi, Zelin, if you don't have another place to live, you can go to the old Vivaldi bank to live temporarily, I just borrowed to live there."

Zoltan's words reminded Zelin suddenly of what Yavin asked him to do in the swamp.

He lowered his head and looked at the faith hidden in his arms.

"No problem, it just so happens that I also want to visit Vivaldi."

"What can you do with Vivaldi?"

"Maybe it's a business relationship between the two of them." Geralt drank a glass of wine and said slightly drunk: "I dare say that when people talk about demon hunters in the future, they will never forget that there is A demon hunter is richer than all the merchants here."

"Geralt, if you can have a housekeeper take care of all the money you earn, instead of spending the money you earn, you will also become very rich."

"I don't have such a mood, Triss likes doing these things."

"Dandreen will too."

"Yes, as long as he runs away this time, he won't put his pants on the woman's bed with the money inside."

Chapter 1558 Suspect Vizima

The climate in Vizima City is always gloomy, unpredictable, just like the mood of some people.

"You have arrived at Vizima? So, Willen's matter has been settled?"

"Yes, very smoothly, much smoother than I expected."

Leaning against the window, Zelin stared at the rain flowing down the window glass: "When you arrive at Vizima, remember to tell me. Also, be careful on the road, recently in the suburbs of Vizima. There have been many squirrel parties, and I think they might not deal with you."

In the city of Vizima, Zelin contacted Francesca through a telescope, who thought that the demon hunter was still in the remote village of Willen, dealing with the trouble caused by the monsters. So Zelin told him that all the things he had done ahead of schedule were waiting for the elves to arrive at Vizima. By the way, he told Francesca of the news he had heard in Vizima in the past two days, including Foltest's absence and various royal orders in the city. The elf was very interested in this, but she told Zelin not to act rashly until she arrived at Vizima.

According to her, in the capital city, any action may represent a certain political meaning.

"Hehe, don't worry, there are a lot of people who want to assassinate me. Even if Vizima has them, they will have to line up to get the number." Francioska chuckled, "Gnaea will go with me, you It must be very happy, right? But remember, don’t be happy too early, it all depends on my mood, you better not let me encounter things that are in a bad mood."

But unlike what the wizard warlock had expected, Zelin showed a tangled expression instead.

"Enid, I have to ask you one thing." Zelin organized his words in his heart: "How many people can enter your invitation letter at most?"

"...What do you mean?"

"Uh, one of my comrades-in-arms. We fought together with Willen’s old witches and monsters. After the battle, she wanted to see Vizima’s banquet, so she asked me if I could be lucky enough to Enter the meeting place as a servant."

"Oh, I see." Francesca retracted her skeptical expression: "As the queen of Dole Bretanna, it's not a big deal to bring an entourage into the venue. If your comrades in arms can spend the next two weeks Learn some banquet hall etiquette within the time limit. I think this will make everything easier. At that time, I will tell the banquet organizer that no one will object."

The elven warlock has always been very at ease with Zelin’s comrades. She understands that sometimes the demon hunters often fight with some people. She once went to the sky with the demon hunters. During the battle on Southam Island, she understood Ze What kind of dangerous enemies will Lin's lover fight in another world? To Zelin's friends, Francesca usually behaves very friendly, especially those comrades who have been born and died with the demon hunters, and even leave. The same was true for the dragonborn in Southam Island. Of course, all this is up to then.

"No problem, I will tell her in advance."

"Very well, remember to introduce this friend of yours to me when the time comes. I'm very curious." Francesca smiled slightly: "I wish you a happy demon hunter."

"So are you, dear."

Zelin put away the dim telescope and put it back in his chest pocket. The house was very dark, and there were only a few burnt charcoal in the fireplace. Only the lightning flashing through the window from time to time brought a touch of light to the house. The room was dull, and the demon hunters only heard the crackling sound of rain on the eaves.

"Looking at this downpour, it looks like we will continue to stay under the eaves today and pass the time by playing cards and dice."

Standing under the eaves, Zoltan raised his hand, put up the eye tent, and watched the pouring rain outside the door. "Do you dare to believe it, for a week, the rain has been intermittent and almost never stopped. Last night, it was a sunny day, but before we had time to celebrate, we had to continue to endure the wetness again? The air."

Rain drops ding ding dong dong bang on the canopy above the alley, the wooden board in front of the store shook with the rain, and the pedestrians on the road hurried in a hurry. Of course, there are also many people hiding under the eaves, idly watching the rain flowing down the eaves. No one can blame them for being late because of the heavy rain. After all, no one chooses to leave their homes and go to the market at this time, and the pubs and hotels are also empty.

"Our detective has set off?"

Zelin sat on the chair in front of the door and asked Geralt in the house. The house looked a little empty, and on the sign on the door, the words "Vevadi Bank" had faded. If it weren't for Zoltan's introduction, Zelin would never believe that the branch of the Vevadi Bank in Vizima, distributed throughout the north, would be so shabby. Except for a cabinet, a few chairs, and three or four sleeping blankets, there are no large pieces of furniture in the room. Naturally, there are no beds or counters. In fact, this branch of Vivaldi Bank is on the verge of bankruptcy.

About a month ago, when the trail of the Squirrel Party appeared near Vizima, the people of the Knights of the Flame Rose arrested the local Vivaldi family member, Gran Vivaldi, on the grounds of funding the robbers, and All his assets were confiscated. If Geralt hadn't spent a portion of his money to bail him out, the banker might still be in jail. However, although Gran Vivaldi was free, his family property has been confiscated by the Knights. Zelin was curious as to why the Knights of the Flame Rose did these things. It stands to reason that this was an over-the-counter behavior. Only Foltest himself could do these things in Vizima. When Gülen was arrested, he also expressed this question.

But the knights of the Knights took out Foltest's royal edict.

When the king is away, in order to maintain Vizima's safety, the Knights of the Flame Rose have the right to take any action in the city.

Under the edict, it bears the royal seal of Tamoria.

"Yes, the Salamander Gang is in the city. I met their killer at night. We don't know who in the city is related to the Salamander Gang, but Detective Redmond made a list for us. Rewarden, Kalkstein, Lanmister, Vivaldi, Vincent, Thale."


"This is just a list of suspects." Geralt shrugged. "But I have determined that Vivaldi is not suspected, Levaden, I can't find evidence to accuse him, Kalkestein, he was in conflict with the Salamander Gang, and when he was at the gate of the city, he and the Salamander Gang were still fighting. It’s been a game, so I don’t think he is a suspect. As for Tal, his friend of Shani, Shani knows him, and he is also investigating the Salamander Gang. Now the suspect is only the captain of the city garrison, Vincent. Special. And Lanmister, the gang leader in the Vizima slum, among them, Lanmister is the most suspicious."

Zelin handed Yaiwen's letter to Vivaldi. After Vivaldi received the letter, he read it and went back to the basement and began to write a reply. Judging from Vivaldi's expression, this is not something that makes him feel relaxed.

"Our detective seems to have thrown the net too far." Zelin wiped his chin: "I don't doubt his abilities, but I plan to meet other people. Maybe we, apart from this detective, Some clues about the Salamander Gang can be found among others. I can only hope that our formula is still in the hands of the Salamander Gang."

"Who? Another detective?"

"No." Zelin shook his head: "It's the Knights of the Flame Rose. I know people in the Knights. They are stationed in the city, with their headquarters in the most chaotic temple area. They might have some clues."

"The people in the Knights are a group of racists." Zoltan stretched out a finger: "If you go to them, they will definitely say that it is something stolen by non-humans of Vizima. As long as the city is If someone’s things have been stolen, this group of knights will definitely go to the non-human settlements to search, and then confiscate a few things that originally belonged to us."

"I have a few acquaintances in the Knights, Zoltan, among them there is a mercenary who helped me deal with the White Rose Knights. At least I can be sure that some of them are not like this." Zelin walked over. Next to the hanger, take off his tarpaulin cloak: "Our top priority is to get back what Kyle Morhan lost as soon as possible. I can't think of anyone using these dangerous mutant agents for anything, but it's definitely not used to help the poor. To punish the bandits."

"You want to go to the headquarters of the Knights at this time?"

"The enemy never stops because of a rain."

"I'll meet Lanmister." Geralt folded the list of suspects in his hand and stuffed it into his pocket: "I asked about the news at the Hairy Bear Inn the day before yesterday. There will be a boxing match in the inn today, Lan Mister will appear there."

"Be careful, and don’t let the Salamander Gang detect it. Of course, they may think that they can defeat us. This is the best thing, but if they escape from Vizima with their things, we will not be able to find them all across the continent. Their whereabouts."

"Then I'll go with you, Geralt." Zoltan said, and he patted his callous hand. "My axe and dagger can still be useful, if those **** want to You are not good, you will need an axe to guard your back. I'll talk to old Vivaldi, this guy takes so long to write a letter."

"I have to think about important things, Zoltan." Zelin stood at the door: "Then, we'll see you tonight."

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