"See you tonight."

The first thousand five hundred and fifty-nine chapters detective Redmond

Walking slowly out of the non-human residential area, the road in the temple area looked a bit muddy underfoot. Vizima was built on the ruins of an ancient elven city, but now it is hard to see the traces of the stone road in many places, replaced by dirt and weeds. There were not many people on the road, and the elves and half-elves here rushed to work. This is a non-human area of ​​Vizima, but the majority of half-elves live here. They are not humans, with distinctive elves characteristics, but they are not elves either. They don't have the lifespan and living habits of elves. From all angles, they are humans with the appearance of elves. Naturally, if they want to live, they certainly can't be like other human beings, because they can stay at home in a rain.

Zelin knew what was written in the letter Yaiven sent to Vivaldi.

The Squirrel Party needs gold.

The more the better.

Yaiwen proposed a price, a value that is unimaginable for ordinary people. So much gold can make hundreds of squirrel parties wear armor forged by Novigrad’s best blacksmiths, equipped with yew longbows and shimmering machetes, and enough food to live in the forest for at least two months Supply. Maybe it was payable for the former Vivadi Bank, but now, when all the property has been confiscated and the deposits of the citizens in the safe are also transferred to the bank of the City Hall by the Knights of the Flame Rose, now Vivadi It can be described as bankruptcy. Had it not been for Zelin to come over with the letter, he was now preparing to pack his bags and return to Novigrad's headquarters to report what happened in Vizima to the rest of the family.

Yaiwen’s behavior surprised Zelin. The Squirrel Party borrowed from another dwarf banker, hoping to get funding. According to Zelin's understanding of the Squirrel Party in the past, most of them would choose to rob caravans on the road, and then sell the looted items to the forest through smugglers and gangsters in exchange for coins. Either no one in Vizima dared to do business with the Squirrel Party anymore, but this is obviously impossible, or Yavin has a bigger plan that requires a huge sum of money to support the next action. .

Maybe when Vivaldi finishes writing his reply and Zelin sends it back, he can figure out what the squirrel party here wants to do.

In the most central location of the city, the top of the Rebioda Hospital has been renewed under the washing of rain. Perhaps the officials of the city hall think that as long as you don’t use a slum to describe this place, then this is not a slum, so they chose the largest building in the city to name this area. But no matter how you look at it, the Rebbioda Hospital is the only safe place in the temple area, because there are church guards at the door of the church hospital. No one except nuns, doctors and patients. You can go in.

"I've been here before, have you forgotten? My detective, my friend and I sent a wounded Salamander gang member here. I want to ask him something, just ask, ask me and leave, no It will disturb the respected nuns and nurses."

A thin figure with a dark green high-necked windbreaker, a brown pointed cap on his forehead, and a monocle hanging on the bridge of his nose stood under the eaves in front of the church door, talking to an impatient guard, thin figure There is a thin sword hanging from his waist, and the head of the sword is decorated with a golden snake head. It is a sculpture of a python vomiting a letter. In the sound of rain and water, the ear of the demon hunter accidentally caught a word that made him very concerned.

"No, no, according to the ladies inside, no one can approach him these days." The guard waved his hand: "Or you can wait until tomorrow when a demon hunter will come here, and the lady inside said Only when the demon hunter arrives can others see the prisoner."

"But I am a detective. It is raining today. The demon hunter is still resting in his house, but I can't rest. I must race against time to find the truth."

Ze Lin walked over lightly.

"Maybe you can relax, or walk in with me. I just went in and asked about it. Captain Vincent also knew about my investigation. He also gave me a pass to the cemetery." With that, the detective took out one. The chapter covers the document of the Vizima City Guard badge. : "If necessary, I can ask Captain Vincent for a certificate to enter the hospital."

"Okay, okay, there is no need to be so troublesome." The guard waved his hand and rubbed the beard on the corner of his mouth: "Okay, you go in, but you have to come out quickly, ten minutes, and the questioning cannot exceed ten minutes. Otherwise I will walk in and drag you out, no matter who has a pass on you."

"What happened here?" Zelin walked across the low wall of the hospital and asked the soldiers and detectives in front of the door: "I just heard that someone was talking about the Salamander Gang?"

Hearing Zelin's voice, the detective turned around and looked up and down at the man in front of him. Then, he hesitantly asked, "Devil hunter?"

"Yes, my name is Zelin, a demon hunter."

"Investigate the demon hunters of the Salamander Gang? Well, it is really strange, why so many demon hunters have appeared in Vizima recently." Some behaved like this: "I am Redmond Maloyev, Vizima's private detective."

"I know you, Geralt told me about you. I'm glad to meet you here." Zelin reached out to the detective. "Are you also investigating the Salamander Gang? Any clues?"

"No, the only clue is an injured Salamander Gang member in this hospital. I intend to open a breakthrough from him. We found him a few days ago and saved his life. We are willing to provide him with protection. As long as he can tell us enough clues. If we can get from him where the Salamander Gang base is, or their contact person in Vizima City, everything will be more effective." The detective held the hand of the Demon Hunter. Gently shook: "Did you get Geralt to help? I'm glad we can have one more helper. The Salamander Gang is a difficult opponent, and it hasn't shown any footwork until now. If you find any clues, remember Go to my detective office to notify me as soon as possible. Similarly, if I find a clue, I will also notify you."

"I see." Zelin lowered his eyes, and the Griffon badge was shaking slightly on his chest: "But I have something to ask you, Mr. Detective."


Zelin frowned slightly: "Why does the badge on my chest keep vibrating when I get close to you? It only reacts like this when close to places with magic or monsters. Do you know magic? Me I never knew that Redmond, Vizima's most famous private detective, was actually a mage."

"Oh, that must be because of this." As he said, Redmond took out a palm-sized stone with a Kabbalah rune carved on it that Zelin didn't recognize: "I am not a mage, and I have not studied it. The gift of magic, but this is a runestone I got from a cultural relic collector. It has a very powerful magical power. I carry it to protect myself from being cursed. You know, detectives often encounter some people Remembrance, especially the person I caught and sent to the city garrison. This thing is very effective and it has not failed so far."

"Hey, how long will you stay here? I can't let two men stand in front of the hospital for so long. There are holy ladies inside. This is a place blessed by the goddess. You are doing this to those ladies inside. Our disrespect." The guard urged impatiently: "Also, you can only go in alone."

"I won't go in." Zelin said to the guard, then looked at the detective: "I hope you can ask some results. In the evening, my friends and I will come to you."

"No problem, believe me, the reward Geralt paid me is worth the money." Detective Redmond pushed down his glasses and chuckled slightly: "If there are no accidents, it won't be long, just a few days away. Inside, I should be able to find the answer."

The first thousand five hundred and sixty chapters of the knight's son

"Siegfried, you look good."

At the gate of the Knights' castle in the temple area, Zelin saw Siegfried in a fiery red shirt. He was commanding a group of recruits practicing swordsmanship in front of the scarecrow in front of the castle. Even in the patter of rain, they couldn't stop them from swinging their swords.

"Oh! Zelin." Siegfried walked towards the demon hunter, his shirt becoming dim from the soaking of rain: "When did you come to Vizima? You should tell me in advance."

"I didn't expect to come to Vizima today. I originally thought I would arrive in a few days." Zelin looked at Siegfried's jersey: "It looks like you have gained the status of a knight. "

"Grand Captain Jaques approved my application. About a month ago, I became an official knight of the Knights." Siegfried wiped the rain from the corner of his eyes, and Siegfried stood with the other knights. No tarp cloak or hat was worn in front of the castle of the Knights. "The commander ordered me to recruit my own personnel and form a new army. This is a recruit I recruited. Recently, many villagers fled into the city due to an attack by ghost dogs outside the city. They were happy to hold their spears. , Holding a shield to defend the homeland from the hands of the Squirrel Party, as long as the Knights can pay their salaries on time."

"But why are you here? Are you taking a bath in the rain?"

The farmers holding their spears shivered in the rain, they kept swinging their swords and slashing the scarecrow in front of them to get their bodies some pitiful heat. They seemed to be dissatisfied, but their knight commander also stood in the rain, making it difficult for them to find complaints to vent.

"When fighting the Squirrel Party, the battlefield may be anywhere, or it may be any kind of weather. We cannot retreat because of the rain, and we cannot give up because of the bad environment." Siegfried shook his head, he Turning to look at the farmers who are training beside him. A few days ago, this group of people still held hoes and pitchforks in their hands. No one can train this group of people to become soldiers in just a few days, but at least they can learn the simplest way of chopping: "So I They must train their fighting will here, and they will not collapse because of a few arrows flying out of the forest or a downpour."

"Won't you expect to rely on these soldiers to fight the squirrel parties outside the city? Some of these squirrel parties are soldiers who survived the Civil War, and their fighting skills and battlefield awareness far exceed these farmers."

"Of course, if I want to fight the Squirrel Party, I will definitely go with the other knights." Siegfried waved his hand: "I understand the brutality of those bandits, and I will never allow them to wreak havoc on Vizima. By the way, why did you come here? Is it to solve the banditry here?"

"It's okay to say that it's a bandit, but it's not the Squirrel Party." Zelin touched his chin: "The Salamander Gang, have you heard of them?"

"Yes, I know. This group of thieves often haunt Vizima's temple area. Recently, they often fight with another local gang. Almost every morning, the soldiers of the Knights and the city guard can be in the alleys of the slums. Drag out a few corpses." Siegfried narrowed his eyes slightly; "What did these gangsters do that would provoke the demon hunters? Or did someone hire you to investigate them?"

"They did provoke me, Siegfried. They stole the most important thing from the demon hunter."

"What is it?"

"Something that is highly toxic to ordinary people can only be used by us demon hunters. It is very toxic. I think these people have spent so much time to get that kind of poison, and it is impossible to use it to save people." Zelin stretched out a finger: "So after I heard that the Knights of the Flame Rose had begun to work with the local city defense team to protect Vizima’s security, I came to see you. Do you have any news about the Salamander Gang? ?"

Zelin directly stated his purpose. Perhaps the Salamander Gang has its own eyeliner in the city, but he can be sure that Siegfried will never have any contact with any bandits. He is the son of Ike, and he seems to have inherited Ike's advantages in all aspects, of course, there may be shortcomings. But tell Siegfried about this, Zelin doesn't have to worry about leaking out, and let the Salamander Gang run away with the stolen items. Compared with being ambushed by the salamanders, the demon hunters are more worried about their escape.

"Holy fire, salamanders did these things for you?!" Siegfried took a breath of surprise. He lowered his head and thought: "They stole such a dangerous thing? Damn, I must report this matter. In ten days, Princess Yada’s banquet will begin. If they poisoned them with those potions, I can’t imagine what the consequences would be.”

"Don't worry, Siegfried, I suggest you better not report it now, because we don't know if the Salamander Gang who stole the poison is in the city, or if they have a wizard buyer. There is no evidence and In the case of clues, reporting will undoubtedly only add unnecessary panic and startle the snake." Zelin waved his hand vigorously: "I hope you don't tell other people about this matter, at least until we find the clue of the Salamander Gang. Instead. To cause confusion, it would be better to solve the enemy before they cause any trouble. I think Princess Atha allows you to maintain Vizima’s safety. What is needed is to solve them before anyone harms the city, rather than constantly telling her Report how many more enemies have appeared."

Siegfried thought for a while, showing an expression of approval: "Yes, I will find a way to investigate the Salamander Gang in the city. Where do you live? If I have a clue, I will send someone to notify you immediately."

"I just arrived and haven't found a place to live." Zelin shrugged: "If it's okay, I might have a room in the Hairy Bear Inn within a few days."

Siegfried didn't know much about the Salamander Gang. In fact, the Knights of the Flame Rose focused most of their attention on the Squirrel Party outside the city and the non-humans inside the city. He recommended Zelin to chat with the local security captain Vincent Mason. Captain Vincent is in charge of local security and often deals with local gangs. Siegfried promised that if he found any clues, he would not report it first, but would tell Zelin first.

"Uh, Demon Hunter. If you can do me a favor, I might be able to deploy more people to investigate the Salamander Gang."

"What's the matter?"

"There has been some trouble in Vizima's cemetery recently." Siegfried sighed and shook his head. Suddenly, as if he was thinking of something, he turned his head and beckoned to the recruits who were still training next to him: "You can go back to rest and talk to the logistics sergeant. He will prepare hot soup and hot bath for you. . Clean yourself, and I will check your training results tomorrow."

The recruits sighed and ran into the castle of the Knights as if they were running away.

"I don't know when these recruits will realize that their training is to protect themselves and their families from the Squirrel Party, not just to earn a few coins." Siegfried looked at the soldiers leaving. He sighed heavily. "All soldiers only want to make money. Many should be noble knights, but they only want to make friends with wealthy merchants and nobles through the identity of the Knights. I really hope that Chief Jaques can come back as soon as possible to get the Knights back on track. ."

"You have to understand, Siegfried, you can't expect everyone to be chivalric like you. You can't push the recruits too hard, they are not knights. You let them do the work of knights, but enjoy the recruits. It’s not fair.” Zelin could see that Siegfried might be a bit too idealistic, but considering his father is Knight Ike, this is not surprising. "You just said, what's the trouble with the cemetery?"

"Ghoul." Siegfried stretched out a finger: "The gravekeeper of the cemetery said that there have been many strange figures in the cemetery recently. I guess there are ghouls infested. The cemetery is located in the temple area. Between the trade zone and the trade zone, I sent some people to seal the gate of the cemetery to prevent monsters from running out. My soldiers did not dare to enter. They were afraid of ghouls and people. There might be vampires eating corpses inside. If you can help me solve the trouble inside, that would be great, oh yes, I will give you the corresponding reward, as long as you can bring the proof of killing the monster."

"The reward is unnecessary, I just want to find the whereabouts of the Salamander Gang as soon as possible."

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