Siegfried gritted his teeth and looked at the nearby square. As long as they passed through here, the Squirrel Party could be completely compressed in the corner of the abandoned Wang's Castle.

But his attack has been repelled twice.

"Disperse! Find your own team! Retreat in an orderly manner!"

The soldiers began to divide the shield wall into smaller parts, but some soldiers failed to return to the correct position quickly. They were hit by arrows from the Squirrel Party and fell to the ground. After leaving about a dozen corpses, the Knights retreated to the previously occupied area. But the elves did not pursue them, and they also retreated to their previous positions to strengthen their defenses.

Yaiven turned around and asked Toluwell behind him.

"How many people have we evacuated?"

"Basically, we have completely evacuated, but we must end the battle before dawn." Toluwell said. "We can't delay for too long. If Vizima's garrison reacts, we can't resist their attack."

"We are about to launch a counterattack soon." Yaiwen looked at the blade in his hand. "This battle should come to an end."

Not only the Squirrel Party, but the Knights are also doing their plans.

"Now, let the people who just launched the attack rest and let the reserve team come up. They can't use the rolling wood again. They can't come against us!" Siegfried took off his helmet, and the hair on his forehead was already sweated. Wet and stick together. "Immediately! We will start attacking in ten minutes!"

"My lord!" A messenger hurried over, and he saluted Ziegfried in a panic. "My lord, someone is here."

"Who?! Your Excellency, the leader?"

"No." Chuan Lingbing shook his head. "It's a demon hunter."

"Devil hunter?" Siegfried asked unexpectedly, he thought for a while, and then sighed. "But there are no monsters here. Assemble immediately, and I will ask later what this demon hunter is going to do."

Before Lingbing said anything, a familiar voice came from behind him. Zelin walked to the camp of the Knights step by step, his cheeks and armor were reddened by the fire.

"Since you don't have time, I will come by myself, Siegfried."

"Zelin? What are you doing? We are about to fight the Squirrel Party. I will definitely not let these thugs leave in a big way after committing such a serious crime!" Siegfried shook his fist angrily. "Will you help us fight?"

"I'm here for something more important, Siegfried." Zelin took a deep breath. "Peace, there are more serious threats."

The first thousand six hundred and sixteen chapters blooming rose

Siegfried was stunned for a few seconds, then he closed his eyes and shook his head.

"I don’t know what you’re talking about, Zelin, there’s enough trouble here. The people in Vizima City haven’t sent reinforcements until now. I can’t count on them. These Squirrel Party bandits are a threat to this city. It is also a threat to all humans living in this area. This will be a good opportunity to catch them all! The traitor Wit is unwilling to help, but my soldiers and I are enough to save Vizima from the death threat of the Squirrel Party. "


"Earl Witt, I hope he can send reinforcements, but he refused, and also warned me not to participate in the investigation of the Salamander Gang."

Siegfried walked to a wooden table that had been dragged out of a nearby house, on which was tiled a plan of the old Vizima. Some places are marked with the red of the Knights of the Flame Rose, but some places are painted with green, which is the color of the Squirrel Party.

"We need more reinforcements. The Squirrel Party here is the largest in the Temoria region. We can completely eliminate them and restore the stability of the kingdom."

"Vizima probably won't have reinforcements."

Siegfried raised his head, surprise in his eyes.

"What's the matter?"

"Vizima was attacked by the underground monster community. I don't know who did all this, or is it just a coincidence. Vizima needs help!" Zelin pointed to the city of Vizima behind him. "The Royal Castle is attacked. The monsters are attacking the temple area and the trading area at the same time. If you do not turn back, even if you solve the squirrel party here, Vizima is just a dead city! The royal guard is protecting the castle and the city is guarded. The team has been defeated by monsters that have emerged from the ground. No one can save this city except you!"

" this also part of the Squirrel Party's plan?!" Siegfried shook his head. "Now my scouts are right. The leader of the Squirrel Party is here. If we continue to besiege and attack them, maybe he will attract the monsters in the city to the old city. Then, we can gather them to Let's wipe it out together."

"Siegfried, don't let hatred cloud your judgment! I don't think these elves have a way to control a huge community of strange demons. Not only are humans in Qiqimo's recipes, but elves are also one of them. And you know that too. , This is impossible." Zelin shook his head. "Don't let your prejudices affect your logical judgment!"

Anyone will speculate on the enemy with the worst purpose and make malicious interpretations. Justice is not difficult, but when the target is the object of disgust, justice becomes difficult to glimpse.

"This is our last chance, demon hunters. In the past, they have been hiding in swamps and jungles. We could not catch them, and they will keep attacking our convoys and pedestrians. More and more non-humans join in. They, their team is constantly growing, but our strength is constantly weakening. Unable to protect the safety of roads and villages, the kings and nobles are no longer willing to throw gold into the Knights. If we win here, we will do it once and for all. To solve the threat of the Squirrel Party near Vizima." Siegfried waved his hand vigorously. "After tonight, people will not be frightened after they leave the city wall, no one will be shot to death on the forest trail, and the sentry on the watchtower will not be able to see the thick smoke. When we arrive, we will only leave one place. The slaughtered corpse!"

"Tell me, Siegfried, if tonight, you and your soldiers are unable to save the citizens killed by monsters in the city, then in the future, if there is greater justice, the so-called justice is tempting you, you will still have to Are the protected citizens and villagers left behind?" Ze Lin questioned. "Why do you want to kill the Squirrel Party, because they rob caravans and slaughter villages. Is the purpose of everything you do to protect or simply kill elves and dwarves?!"

"I protect people..."

"But you have forgotten your real purpose! You kill the Squirrel Party, regardless of the civilians who are struggling in the mouth of the monster! Isn't it? Siegfried, look at what you are doing now!" Zelin scolded. "You are already fighting the Squirrel Party, and you have forgotten what you are going to do! Could it be said that in order to deal with the Squirrel Party, you will sacrifice the residents of the city? Or is it that your purpose of becoming a knight is just to fight Squirrel party fighting?!"

At this time, a messenger ran over, he looked at Zelin strangely, and then Ziegfried saluted.

"My lord, the reserve team has been assembled, when will we launch a new attack?"

"Think about it, Siegfried, think about what your real purpose is, don't let hatred and blood blind your eyes!"

Siegfried closed his eyes and sighed heavily.

"I'm leaving my job without permission!"

"You didn't leave without authorization, Siegfried, your duty has always been to protect kind people from harm." Zelin said. "Now, I just hope you can continue to stick to your post."

"Are you sure this is right?"

"I have given up the opportunity to kill monsters and enemies more than once because I saved someone, because I have always believed that the job of a demon hunter is to protect people, not simply kill monsters. If we exist only to kill monsters, So what is the difference between a demon hunter and an ordinary bounty hunter? Believe me, Siegfried, the one who really needs you is in the city, not here. Your father once believed in me, so can you."

"I will transfer the army back to the city and clean up the monsters."

"Some of my friends are also helping out, Siegfried. Let your soldiers protect the residential areas. This is the most important thing."

"But we must launch another attack so that the Squirrel Party cannot pursue us, otherwise my soldiers will be wiped out before reaching the walls of Vizima." Siegfried looked at the area occupied by the Squirrel Party. Near his command post, soldiers used huge shields to block arrows that flew from the dark from time to time. This is in the town, but it looks like it is in the forest. "You will help me, won't you, Demon Hunter?"

Zelin patted Siegfried on the shoulder. "Leave the Squirrel Party to me, I will stop them."

"Stop an army? Are you crazy? They will step on you directly!"

"We have no time to waste. Now, let your soldiers go to Vizima. I will stay at the gate of the old city. After breaking off, I assure you that there will be no squirrel party chasing you."

"They won't listen to you, they will attack you!"

"If so." Zelin sighed lightly. "They will realize that they have made a serious mistake."

The first thousand six hundred and seventeen chapters dead or alive

The old Vizima was burning.

The soldiers of the Knights began to retreat. They hid behind the road barrier, and under the command of Siegfried, they withdrew from the battlefield in small groups.

"Humans are retreating!"

"My lord, they ran away! Humans ran away with their tails in between!"

"We won!"

The elves and dwarves cheered, but they seemed so imperceptible in the faint cracking sound of the fire burning the wood, as if they had merged with the sound of burning. Yaiwen looked at the retreating knights, and waved his hand behind him.

"Scout, follow up. Humans are very cunning. They may retreat deliberately to attract us to chase, and then wait for us to ambush us after we leave the position." He said calmly. "Others, leave three assault teams and arrange for the people here to evacuate by boat. The rest are ready to go with me. We must not let them escape back to Vizima and seek reinforcements!"

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