Regardless of the outcome of the battle, the Squirrel Party is not in large numbers and it is difficult for them to continue to clash with humans. However, this battle not only allowed them to rescue the tribe of the old Vizima, but also received a large amount of supplies hoarded on the dam. Of course, it will take time for all of this to be transported away. There is nothing underground here that used to be the sewer of the ancient city of elves. Yaiwen chose to use the only boat to transport the wounded and the imprisoned tribesmen first, and pile the supplies on the shore. This is very dangerous, because once the Knights retreat and regroup, and get new support, they may not be able to hold the line of defense.

He got so many wounded and new blood, but failed to get supplies.

Unable to break through the blockade, they will starve to death in the swamp woodland. Not to mention, under the hostility of the Knights, they couldn't send more people to collect food.

"Leave a team, clean up the battlefield, others, come with me!"

He knew that the Knights were not defeated by them, it was impossible. But what he needs is time, enough time. If possible, taking advantage of the evacuation of the knights, stabbing them in the back so that they can no longer attack the forest, is the best result.

The soldiers who heard the order moved quickly to protect the wounded, carry away the dead, search the battlefield, and look for anything of value, anything that could be traded with the smugglers. The elves and dwarves rescued by the squirrel party looked at the burning old city in fear, with joy and worry mixed in their eyes. They were arrested, dragged out of their homes, and imprisoned in this almost completely abandoned urban area. Humans guarded the gates and did not allow anyone to enter or leave. They could not get food, were not clothed, and there were constantly people around. They died in the dilapidated thatched hut, but no one had ever told them what they had done wrong.

Just because he was born an elf, a dwarf?

Now, they can finally escape from this huge prison, but in the same way, they can no longer establish a foothold in Temoria, or even other countries in the north. What they have experienced in their lives in the past, and everything they have received will become a cloud of smoke. They are alone, Hundred Flowers Valley, or the Squirrel Party, which will be their only way out in the future.

They were free, and then they lost everything.

"Don't lose hope, fellow clan, we are still alive, our hands can still work, our minds are still clear, we can recreate our brilliance!"

Toluwell shouted, she stood in front of everyone, so that every prisoner who was rescued could see her, see her face, and see her eyes. "This time, no humans will take everything that belongs to us again! We will have revenge, not with swords, not with blood, and we will use a changed life to prove that we, Ain Sidi, are still the noblest. The ancient races, we will use our glory to prove that these human beings who are still struggling in the quagmire, how humble and unbearable their envy and hatred of us are! It is time, let us take the first step that belongs to us!"

The elves gathered one by one, raised their heads and listened to what Toruvill had told them about places where they could live a prosperous life through hard work, where they could find a more decent job, and where there would be no Discriminatory gaze.

Living in the sordid and chaotic non-human area for too long, they almost forget how far they are from a decent life.

Only the dark frame of the burning thatched house was left, and the collapsed roof smashed into the fire, splashing a large number of sparks. There was a burning smell in the air, and the black smoke that rose into the air almost obscured the sky.

But people no longer care about these losses.

Maybe this used to be their residence, but now, this is just a pile of collapsed prisons. What they really lose is their contempt and the invisible shackles on their bodies.

Yavin didn't listen to Toluvel's exciting speech, his cold eyes stared at the city of Vizima not far away. He knows that words can never replace weapons, and that motivation is never as good as the gold in hand.

"My lord!" The scout ran back. The speed of the return made Yaiwen's eyes flashed with surprise.

"We, we." The scout bent down, resting his hands on his knees, panting heavily. "We failed to keep up with the Knights."

"They found you?!"

"No, the Knights did not stop, they are about to return to Vizima." The scout kept shaking his head. "But we failed to cross the dam, someone blocked us!"

"The soldiers left by the Knights?"

"No." The scout took a few deep breaths and stood up straight. "Is a demon hunter!"

When the Knights returned to Vizima, no one even opened the gate for them, because the guards either died or fled. Siegfried finally chose to break open the gate. Fortunately, the gate of the **** was not as strong as the Maripos gate connected by land. It only took a few times before the obstacle blocking the back was knocked open.

But the sound of them banging open the door not only attracted the strange monsters who were eating near the gate of the city, but also other people who were watching the direction of the old Vizima.

The professor standing on the tower of the town guard pushed down the frame on the bridge of his nose.

"Knights...demon hunters, is this the army you found?" He sneered. "It's just a group of cannon fodder coming to die."

Under the tower, a huge figure is slowly moving.

"Queen Qiqi Demon, march towards the gate of the dam city." The professor opened his hand, and in the heart of the black leather glove was a crystal shard glowing with blood red fluorescence. "See what a real army is!"

"Oh? What is the real army? I'm curious."

Suddenly, a gentle voice came into the professor's ears. The professor closed his hand abruptly and held the crystal shard tightly in the palm of his hand.


He suddenly turned to the stairs of the guard tower behind him, but there was no one there.

"I have heard of you, you are a professor, then, I hope I can ask you some questions."

At this time, the professor realized that the sound did not come from below, but from above.

He turned his head, and an older man was still standing in front of him. Regis pulled the strap of the crotch bag, as if to find a pen and paper to record.

"For example, the view on life and death."

The first thousand six hundred and eighteen chapters step into death

The Knights are building a new line of defense in the city. They can't take the whole city back, but before that, they can protect some areas from strange monsters, and then gradually retake the remaining areas.

When the Knights entered the city, the Squirrel Party followed.

But the battle plan that Yaiwen envisioned failed to materialize, and someone stood in front of them.

"Devil hunter." Yaiwen stood at the forefront of the team. "Are you going to stop us?"

"Yes, you can't go there." Zelin stood in front of the dam, in front of hundreds of Squirrel Party soldiers who had just experienced a big battle, including elves and dwarves. "That's it, Yaiwen, your compatriots have been rescued, they are safe, no one will put them in jail again, Vizima City has nothing to do with you, you should leave."

"Do you really think so, Demon Hunter? The eternal fire is hostile to us, the Knights of the Flame Rose are their lackeys, and the church's altar is spreading across the continent. They will hunt us to the ends of the world!" Yaiwen waved heavily. Started. "Now, let them recover, and then, they will continue to chase us, they will not stop before non-human beings become their slaves! A victory does not mean a real victory, we must make humans feel the pain in order to Understand that provoking the ancient races is the most serious mistake they have committed!"

"So, Yaiwen, do you really hate what humans do to the ancient races and the church of the Eternal Fire? Or do you really just want the eternal fire to become an elf? No one wants to be oppressed, but everyone does. Become an oppressor, right?"

Zelin's gaze swept over the elves behind Yaiwen, and Toluwell hid behind them, but the gaze of the demon hunter noticed her.

He knew Toluwell, two years ago, she had led her commando team to the Valley of Flowers. Why does she appear here? The demon hunter thought of something in his heart, but he averted his gaze and pretended not to recognize Toruvill. This is not the time to discuss other things.

"Do you think your words can shake me, Demon Hunter?!" Yaiwen took a step forward. "We will never give up this good opportunity! Inflict heavy damage to the Knights of the Flame Rose, and the Eternal Fire will know that even if they have armed forces, they will not be able to deal with the ancient races! They incited believers, and now they are armed again, and soon , When they have a strong enough army, they will march toward the residence of every ancient race, toward Mahakam, toward Baihua Valley, and toward every non-human settlement in the city! Don’t you know the church? What do you want to do? Hatred can bring them cohesion and gold. A powerful army can allow them to be recognized by kings and nobles. At that time, no non-human will be able to establish a foothold on this continent!"

"I don't expect to persuade a fighter who fights all year round. I just want to tell you two things," Zelin stretched out two fingers. "First, the citizens of the city have nothing to do with your battle. They are being slaughtered by monsters. I will not let your troops take the opportunity to attack humans. Second, whether you agree or not, you and your people cannot walk through. This dam."

Zelin held the ebony blade down and held it in front of him.

"Going back now, you can still take away the stolen materials from the city, or you can stay here until Vizima’s crisis is resolved, and you are wiped out on the dam. The right to choose is in your hands, I To give you the most wise advice, take the rescued people to leave here and return to the land of the elves. You have enough time, and now you have enough space and land, to survive and wait for opportunities, or it’s meaningless. Died under the walls of mankind!"

Zelin certainly understood what Yaiwen's worries were. The Church of Eternal Fire is getting stronger and stronger in the north, and the church has always been hostile to non-human beings and attributed the disaster to the cursed ancient race to attract believers. In the past, they had temple guards. Now, they have a knight order. In the future, will they control one or two kingdoms?

A Northern Alliance under the leadership of the church is no different from an empire composed of provinces under the rule of the emperor. And the latter, as we all know, the southern elves have already perished in the empire's killings and atrocities.

The cold gaze of the demon hunter swept across the Squirrel Party, who was still immersed in fighting enthusiasm, as if a basin of cold water was poured on them. The dead bodies were floating on the water. The water ghosts hiding in the reeds greedily looked at the food close at hand. The stench of blood blew across the dam with the cold night wind, making people shiver involuntarily.

"Leave, Yaiwen! Don't let your sacrifices tonight be in vain!"

Yaiwen took a deep breath, and the corners of his lips trembled.

"Toruvill, you take the soldiers and **** our compatriots to a safe place." He raised the sword in his hand. "My soldiers, listen to me!"

The elves and dwarves looked at their leader.

"I will not force you to do anything, nor will I force you to work together to fight for our ethereal and difficult goal." Yaiwen said loudly. "Francisco has established a kingdom in Baihua Valley. You know there, the kingdom canonized by the Southern Emperor. Our battle in Vizima has been successful. We rescued the imprisoned compatriots and kept them away from death. Now, you can go back to Toruvill and her commando, and go to the Valley of Flowers with the refugees, where you will get the treatment you deserve, just as Toruvill promised you!"

Toluwell turned his head in shame.

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