The orcs spring up like bamboo shoots after the rain, and the contest with humans is like a spring. Every time Gondor's army abandons a fortress, the orcs will soon take them as their own. Perhaps this is why the rangers stay at the Black Gate, because behind the Black Gate is the swamp of death, and the people of Mordor have nowhere to go. However, compared with the past few centuries, the tough Black Gate Fortress has also declined. The number of rangers was drastically reduced due to the Great Plague and Eastern invasion. The rest of the people still stay here, but they are becoming more and more desperate.

A ray of sunshine appeared in the sky above Heimen. Although the light of the setting sun is always difficult to lift people's spirits, it is at least slightly bright and can dispel the clouds above the head. Most of the time, the sun will only hide behind the dark clouds, just like Dinese hiding in the White City, the people of Gondor have not seen their regent for a while.


The ranger, who was placing his spears one by one behind the battlements, heard the sound behind him, and he turned around and looked at his colleague who was approaching him.

"Albert." Talion reached out to his colleagues. "Today is your training mission?"

"Yes, but I didn't come to you to hand over the patrol post." Albert came over, but instead of holding Talion's hand, he touched the small package around his waist. He unwrapped the package and took out a beautiful white flower. "Your friend in Gondor helped you send it. I guess he came in time."

"Thank you." Talion took the white flower and looked carefully. This flower was trimmed neatly, and there were two green leaves growing on the green stem without a single barb, just to set off the snow-white flowers in full bloom. This is obviously by a gardener, and it was delivered as soon as possible before the flowers withered. He raised his head. "Where is my friend?"

"Go," Albert said. "Oh, Talion, don't you think that there are really Gondors from Baicheng who would like to stay at the Black Gate for the night? The light of the Doomsday Volcano can scare away most of them, and the rest will listen. Get around here when you get to the fame of the death swamp."

"That's right." Talion chuckled twice, and he patted his colleague on the back. "Where is your patrol route today? Is there anything wrong?"

"If the appearance of the orcs is an accident, then I am afraid that there will be trouble every day." Albert waved his hand, and together they walked to the tower next to the city wall. "Don't mention these things. Have you talked with Juris' father?"

"Talked." Talion sighed. "I tried, but it didn't help. He is like a smelly stone in the swamp."

"It's the same when people are old, huh? Youris' father was a castle guard when he was young. You have to convince him to change his mind. It's no easier than the orc inside the door to become a good man." Albert and Talion walked to the tower together. "If I were a father, I would not want my daughter to live in such a dangerous place. We will never guess how many pairs of eyes are staring at this pass every day. Oh, I have already told the captain Now, leave it to me for the patrol during the day, you go to accompany your wife, and wait till the evening, you come and take over with me again."

"Thanks, friend." Talion glanced at the flames from the other side of the distant mountains, the rays of the Doomsday Volcano. He nodded. "Thanks."

It's not just firelight.

And the eyes on the Black Evil Tower.

Orcs, trolls, humans, and even the pulsating flame eyes on the reconstructed Black Evil Tower, countless eyes are staring here.

No one knows whether the frequent orcs haunting outside means the next attack, or the next sneak attack. This is a long and painful war with no end in sight. The rangers held on for a long time at the Black Gate, resisting the attacks from the orcs again and again. No one knows when this kind of war will end. Every ranger will live here until death.

My whole life will be spent in intense battles, and there will never be a day to rest. Maybe there is, but that usually means death.

Tarion looked at the sunset in the distance, and the walls of the Black Gate Fortress were stained red.

Perhaps the rangers will not think about what will happen next.

Just as Zelin would not have thought of how difficult this pursuit would become.

Sitting in the shadow of the rock, the demon hunter was wrapped in a gray-green cloak. The shadow of the hood blocked his face, and only when he inhaled deeply, the bright firelight in the pipe would reflect Zelin's serious face. The sun was disappearing on the other side of the horizon, and the wind was blowing from the north, with a hint of chill. The dark shadow mountains in the distance are like a giant insect lying on the horizon, and like the teeth of a giant beast.

The sound of weeds being trampled down came from his ears, but Zelin didn't turn his head, he still looked at the horizon, as if thinking about something.

"Don't you take a break?" Virginia stood next to Zelin and pushed the wind-swept hair behind her ears. "You haven't closed your eyes for three days and three nights. I don't know how long the mutation ability that gives you confidence can keep you going, but if you continue like this, you will be exhausted before catching up with the orcs."

The setting sun cast their shadows on the ground covered with dry grass. Compared with before, Virginia looked tired and worried. They tracked the orcs for many days, and on several occasions, they almost could catch up. The nearest time they were only a few hundred meters away from the orcs. But they were attacked by wolf cavalry. These wolf-riding orcs have been harassing them nearby. After being killed by Zelin a few times, they have been following the demon hunters instead of attacking. They not only have to chase, but also guard against nearby wolves. Until today, these wolves have completely disappeared from their sight.

Zelin shook his head. "Virginia."


"You take a rest. After a while, you rode your horse to the south. In one night, you should be able to see the walls of Minas Tirith." He took off his pipe and knocked on the stones on the side. Ash. "You are waiting for me in that city, and I will meet you soon."

Virginia scowled and held the staff. "It's only a few weeks now, you want me to go?"

"Such tracking is nothing to me. I once tracked a gliding lizard for two weeks and took two rests during that time." Zelin explained patiently. "I can bear it. In fact, it doesn't mean much to me."

"It's the same for me."

"You have been holding on."

"I didn't."

"You have been several times in a row and almost fell off the horse because of fatigue."

"That's just because I am not good at riding for a long time."

"Virginia, I mean it."

"I'm serious too."

Not far away, Gulu pulled out an earthworm from the soil, sucked it into his mouth with a snort, chewed it twice and swallowed it.

"Virginia, I don't want to hurt your body and your spirit in this way anymore. This kind of thing doesn't happen overnight, and it can't be sustained by will." Zelin exhaled smoke and sighed. "Don't make me feel guilty anymore. This is the trouble I caused. I can't make you so tired because of this. Go to Baicheng, I promise you that I will solve all the orcs here soon. I am involved in this matter, I will properly resolve it, and then return to Baicheng as soon as possible."

Virginia sat next to Zelin. She held the demon hunter's arm and looked at the people around her. Zelin didn't look at her, didn't look at those eyes, he didn't want to see disappointment in it. This was completely different from what he had promised to Virginia before. Boat trips, leisure days, and sightseeing are far from the current situation.

He missed the appointment.


"Virginia, I can go back and apologize to you, as you have seen, it is not far from Mordor. I can catch them in two days, then deal with the remaining orcs and **** Marvin to Norn. I remember there are Rangers from Gondor nearby. I can ask them for help and **** Marvin. I dare say, if you go to Baicheng and find a place to rest, I will be there the next day."

"Zelin." Virginia took a deep breath. "I said, I'm very happy to be able to act with you."

The mage girl reached out and touched the demon hunter's side face with a little beard. "Look at me."

Zellin turned her head, and Virginia sullen her face. After a few seconds, she burst into laughter.

"If Miss Gnaiya and Ms. Francesca knew that you felt so sorry for me, they would definitely be jealous of me." She leaned against Zelin and whispered. "I'm really tired, but I'm very happy. I always wanted to be with you in the past, but except for a few times, we rarely lived together, let alone go out together. I used to envy Francesca , Because she can live with you for many years. I don’t have the determination of Miss Gnaiya to leave everything behind and start a new life in another world. I decided to resign from Winterhold to Eritusa at that time. When I went there, I thought about it for a whole month... I like the way you smile, but isn't it right?"

"Okay, okay." Zelin waved his hand. "So, let's continue?"

"Yes." Virginia raised her lips and nodded. "Let's continue."

The first thousand six hundred and eighty-five chapters of Tarion

"Come here, yes, keep up, humans, we will find the group of orcs right away. Hiss, they don't have any nasty wolves. They are running on two legs, too slow."

At night, the Shadow Mountains grew taller and taller in front of them, and the heavy shadow seemed to be pressing on top of their heads.

"What are you talking about, Guru?" Zelin strode across the weeds. He still couldn't see the shadow of the orcs, but he believed that they had not gone the wrong way. There is a small swamp nearby, and some orcs have fallen in it. Zelin knew their armor and weapons, as well as the marks on their faces. This is a tribe of orcs, and the demon hunter doesn't know much about them, but after tracking this time, he can already tell which tribe these orcs come from.

"These orcs don't have wolves anymore," Virginia said. She tore the hem of her robe to the knees to make it easier to walk. She was very fortunate that she was wearing an ordinary robe, not a heavy archmage robe or other clothes with advanced spells attached, otherwise she would be very distressed. "I guess it's because the wolves can't come to Mordor? Or is it not suitable for them to live here? But it's a good thing for us. Orcs don't have mounts, we can catch up soon..."

A new howl came from nearby.

They stopped and looked around vigilantly. After a few seconds, I realized that the two people behind Gulu who had stopped turned around and waved to them.

"It's a wild beast, as strong as a wolf, don't worry, grunt. We understand that we can avoid it. The wild beast is not a wolf. The wild beast will eat the orcs. Come, come, we are about to catch up. Baby, you arrived in Mordor, we found the baby."

"A mad beast?"

"Mordor, beasts, beasts, everywhere." Guru continued to crawl forward. "They eat the orcs, and the orcs sometimes eat them. Eat, eat, eat. We know them, they won't come here, too far away. Hiss...hurry up, hurry up, the poor Guru takes you to catch up with the orcs, Come here."

Gulu crawled among the rocks with his hands and feet together, and soon disappeared behind a rock.

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