Zelin and Virginia looked at each other and followed.

"We know Mordor, the nasty half-orcs, there are caves, caves, caves, half-orcs, half-orcs, ogres, thousands of half-orcs. There are ash, burning flames, ash everywhere, and they are very thirsty. "Guru murmured, as if complaining. Zelin looked at the shadow mountain range that was getting closer and closer. He never thought that he would chase Mordor all the way. If he had to cross the mountains, he had to consider whether it was a good idea to break directly into the orc fortress.

At least for now, he thinks this idea is terrible.

As Zelin walked, he took out a Lambs biscuit from the small bag around his waist and stuffed it into his mouth. The energy provided by the fairy biscuits gradually restores strength to the limbs that feel heavy from exhaustion. Perhaps in River Valley City, he could risk attacking Azog, because Azog's troops were attacking River Valley City and Gushan, and there were not many soldiers around it. And the location is in the lone mountain, the demon hunter understands the terrain, and there will be people nearby. But in Mordor, even though the soldiers of Gondor still occupy the land on the east bank of the Anduin River, Mordor has fallen completely.

Gulu's self-talking seemed to never stop, and the things that dark lady promised him must have moved her heart. The closer it is to Mordor, the more words and excitement it will speak. In its words, Zelin can already roughly judge what Mordor's situation looks like.

Groups of orcs fought in Mordor, vying for a castle abandoned by Gondor, and attacking humans. The number is thousands, or tens of thousands. Gondor’s fortresses were not broken, but voluntarily abandoned. When the orcs arrived, those fortresses were still intact. In this case, the difficulty of entering the fortress to rescue one person will not be easier than facing more than one hundred enemies at the same time. Zelin needs investigation, intelligence, preparation plans, and consideration of alternate plans.

But the orcs won't give him time. Maybe these creatures are irritable and bloodthirsty. However, Zelin must admit that they have one advantage, that is, they will not stay or procrastinate in doing anything.

Suddenly, the demon hunter heard a small sound.

He turned his head and saw a small rock rolling down from the side.

"The orcs are all in Mordor, poor us, they are as many as bugs, everywhere, everywhere..."

Zelin stopped and put his hand on the hilt of the sword at his waist.

Everything happened very quickly. First came the sound of sword blades colliding, and then the heavy sound of leather boots landing. A black shadow jumped down from the nearby rock, and the blade slashed towards the demon hunter's arm with a cracking sound. The attacker moved quickly, but the demon hunter was prepared. He swung a ball of sword flowers to block the enemy's attack, and at the same time, he turned around in place, dodge the enemy's second sword. He deliberately did not counterattack, but jumped back. He hopes that the enemy will launch a chase, which will make the opponent's sword stick out, stretch it too long to interrupt the opponent's attack rhythm, and buy time for Jieyin. The demon hunter's speed of forming the seal is very fast, but in the confrontation between the sword and the sword, he does not have a second extra time.

However, the assailant was so experienced, he also took a step back and threw a throwing knife casually. Zelin swung his sword violently, and the flying knife was bounced off the sound of the metal collision. The attacker seized the opportunity, Zelin used his sword to fend off the flying knife, which made his eyes feel a little surprised, but this did not affect the subsequent offensive. Whether Zelin blocked or avoided, this would disrupt the demon hunter's defensive pace, revealing flaws. This trick will work on many enemies.

Except Zelin.

The sudden burst of air hit the assailant severely, and the assailant was caught off guard. He flew upside down all of a sudden, and struck the ground two meters before stopping. Zelin was about to catch up, and the latter stood up in an somersault, raising his sword into a defensive posture.

He did not welcome the ebony blade that had been hacked, because Zelin stopped.

"Human?" Zelin frowned slightly, looking at each other unexpectedly. "Are you a human?"

The attacker still looked at Zelin vigilantly. He slowly stood up, holding the sword, without showing the slightest slack look. "I am the ranger of the Black Gate, where are you from?"

"What?" Zelin raised his eyebrows. Not far away, Virginia, who had noticed what was happening behind, was running over. "I came from the north, but you, I thought you were an orc."

"North? Where?"

"Gushan, River Valley City." Although he didn't like the other person's questioning tone, Zelin still answered him. "I was following a group of orcs, and they took my friend. Who are you, ranger?"

"I'm Talion," the ranger said, and he lowered his sword and pointed the tip of the sword to the ground. "What about you, why did you come near the Black Gate?"

The first thousand six hundred and eighty-six chapters of the offensive

Ranger of the Black Gate.

Zelin looked at Talion, his swordsmanship was good, and he was more than enough to deal with orcs. He seems to be in his thirties, maybe almost forty years old. The ranger was also looking at the demon hunter, he lowered his sword, but did not retract the sword into its scabbard. His posture was full of guard, Zelin believed that if he launched an attack now, the opponent would definitely be able to react. But Zelin didn't feel that such hostility was an offense. If a fighter who stayed on the front line of the war all year round would easily surrender trust in the face of strangers, then Zelin couldn't help but reconsider whether the opponent is a real ranger.

"Why did you come here?"

"I followed a group of orcs here." Zelin retracted the sword into the scabbard. He didn't worry that the opponent would suddenly attack him. The demon hunter could resist the attack more than the sword in his hand. "They kidnapped a friend of mine, and I want to catch them, kill them and rescue people."

"Kidnapping? I know that orcs will kidnap humans and force them to farm for them."

Zelin shook his head. "I'm afraid it wasn't for the arrest of farming slaves."

"Zelin!" Virginia ran behind Zelin, putting her hand on his shoulder. Her gaze crossed the shoulders of the demon hunter, watching the ranger who suddenly appeared warily. "Are you okay?"

Zelin pressed the back of Virginia's hand and patted it lightly, indicating that there was no problem. He looked at the ranger. "Have you ever seen a group of orcs who kidnapped an old woman with blue clothes and a golden crown. I have been chasing those half-orcs for six days, and today is the seventh day. They have been on the run since they approached Sivold’s place began to flee to Mordor."

"In the territory of the Luo Khanate?"

"Yes, in the territory of the Luo Khanate."

"The orcs ran such a long distance to catch a prisoner to Mordor?" Talion asked rhetorically. "I often deal with orcs. They arrested slaves either because they lacked manpower for farming, or they wanted to eat meat." The ranger sighed, but he still asked. "You said that the orcs kidnapped your friend. It's unbelievable, but if it is true, my colleagues and I will find a way to rescue that person. Who did they kidnap? What is your friend's name?"


"Marvin? Which Marvin?"

"The leader of the Norn."

Talion's eyes widened.

The Black Gate lies between the Shadow Mountains and the Ash Mountains. The two mountains are like open arms, enclosing the Mordor area. The Black Gate is the only gap between the two mountains. To put it bluntly, this is the gate of Mordor. The rangers stayed here, as if they were holding the arms of Mordor's dark power spreading outward. No matter day or night, there are always soldiers patrolling the walls of the pass. Although the power of Gondor has declined, its power can only control Andros in the north of White City. The Black Gate is no longer the territory of Gondor, but the rangers here have guarded the pass loyally to prevent any orcs. Pass through here, rush out of Mordor, and bring disaster to the land outside Mordor.

Tarion quickly walked up the stairs leading to the upper part of the city wall, and the rangers holding torches came and went, patrolling the long pass. Zelin followed him, and the corner of his eyes looked at the guards in the fortress. Three rangers in armor and animal skin cloaks walked past him carrying spears, their faces tense and serious. The two rangers were talking by the exit above the stairs, and the words of Udun and Black Evil Tower faintly passed into the ears of the demon hunter. When he followed Talion up the city wall, more rangers appeared in his field of vision. Most of them stood behind the battlements, looking at a dark plain in the distance, or sitting on wooden crates, polishing their swords, and combing their quiver. Feather arrow in.

"Kram, you and three other people go up to the arrow tower to the east and lift the barrel with feather arrows."

"Kabell, our scouts have just returned. They are injured. The orcs are gathering in the fortress in Udon."

"How much?"

"There is no end in sight."

The city wall is very spacious, with three platforms in the middle, and a trebuchet is erected on each platform. The rangers are carrying the stones to the trebuchet, ready to throw them into the crowd of beasts that may appear.

"Borrowed, borrowed, sorry."

Talion squeezed in retrograde past the rangers who were running to the other side. "Sorry, please let me pass."


A ranger suddenly stopped him. "You came back from patrolling the west, is there any movement in the dark?"

"No, Elmer, the savage people are quiet like mice in the trash."

After learning who the orcs had kidnapped, Talion decided to take Zelin to see the Ranger Captain of the Black Gate. Although this kind of thing sounds unbelievable, Talion decided to believe in the Demon Hunter. No matter how small the possibility of this kind of thing happening, as long as it exists, then there is no reason to sit idly by. He will not cause a disaster because he is unwilling to believe in something. To plan ahead, in Mordor, no matter how careful you are, you cannot be overstated.

"Where is the captain?" Tarion asked a ranger who was walking by, who was holding a barrel full of feather arrows. "Why are everyone on alert?"

"The captain is on the east wall." The ranger replied. "You can ask him. Just now, the scout reported that the orcs on Uton Plains were moving. The captain made us all be alert to prevent the orcs from attacking at night."

After that, Talion let go, and the ranger walked to the other end of the wall.

"Are they preparing for war?" Virginia asked in a low voice beside Zelin.

"Perhaps, but in this kind of place, the war probably didn't stop." Zelin looked around. "Did you see Gollum?"

"No." Virginia shook her head. "I haven't seen it since the ranger appeared."

Gulu disappeared, it didn't know where it went. It may be hiding. In such a place, where it wants to hide, I am afraid that no one can find it.

Zelin could only breathe a sigh of relief.

"Damn it! We don't even know where the orcs took Marvin!"

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