The Liar Who Invaded the Entertainment Industry

Chapter 200: Chu Guo and his goddaughter

? In late February, the "Stone" crew moved to Shancheng. The members of Shancheng completely believed in Mai Xiaoyu, but the crew had to start more busy work. {(

It’s too early to start. The actors Guo Tao, Huang Bo, Lian Jin did not join the group, and the external staff of various departments did not join the group, mainly the employees of Mengren Film and Television, and the five members of Yanjing who signed up. Name and group actors.

The five actors in the group are all natives of Yanjing, two are seniors and have no class; the other three are college students who graduated last year and are currently resting and playing at home, waiting for their parents to find a relationship and arrange a job.

They are not the ones who are short of money. They signed up and came to the mountain with the cast and crew. Making money is secondary, mainly for filming and traveling, and more importantly... see Liu Dehua!

Some Mengren employees came to Shancheng to continue to sponsor.

Under the banner of Liu Dehua years ago, he has successfully contacted many local companies and will meet in detail after the year.

On the other hand, Mengren big3 and Huang Yi, the deputy director who came to Shancheng, arranged for actors to audition during the day, and at night they had to clarify the relationship at the wine table and dinner.

Filming is not easy, there are people who need to deal with ghosts...Wrong, there are a lot of related departments in black and white.

Since Gou Yunhao, the "head sheep," has a background, the crew need not worry about being blackmailed by local gangsters during the filming process, but they must apply to various government departments for filing.

"I Believe" is a test of urgency. When filming, there was not so much trouble.

Most of the scenes are indoor scenes. There are very few scenes filmed in the downtown area and main roads, and the scale is small. It does not take a long time and has little impact. It doesn't matter if you don't report it.

"Crazy Stone" is different.

This film is a serious film made by Mengren Film and Television, and Liu Dehua has a friendly guest appearance, and the functional departments involved don't want to go around.

The Arhat Temple not only requires the consent of the Arhat Temple, but also involves religious management agencies, tourism bureaus, and cultural bureaus.

People have to review the contents of the book, whether there are places that cause religious conflicts, whether it will cause damage to the temple, whether it can promote the local tourism industry, and promote the construction of local cultural exhibitions.

For filming outside the Luohan Temple, downtown areas, and main roads, you must also apply to the relevant administrative departments for filing, such as traffic, police, urban management, street offices, neighborhood committees, etc., at least you have to say hello.

Many relationships need to be managed, and now it’s a little troublesome, and spend a little money, it’s better than being forced to shut down unexpectedly after starting the machine. Back then, not only time but also money was lost.

Mountain city.

Jiulongpo District.

Huangjueping, Laosong Guest House.

At 5:30 in the afternoon, we sent away the last member who came to audition today, and Mai Xiaoyu greeted him: "Okay, I'll be here today. You guys prepare, wait for the dog brother to come over, let's go to dinner."

The "you" in his mouth refers to Xiaoxing Xiao, Zhang Xiaoquan and Huang Yi.

Tonight, the crew will continue to host a banquet, inviting the leader of an important department with the surname Guo.

Thinking of these days, I have to invite people to eat, drink and sing every night. Huang Yi couldn't help but sigh: "Oh, after joining the director team, I just know how difficult the crew is."

Xiaoxing Xi patted her on the shoulder and took the road: "Little devil, you are too tender just after graduation. This society is more complicated than you think. There are a lot of things in the scene and a lot of things outside of the scene!"

Zhang Xiaoquan habitually punctured: "You are still giving Xiao Huang a class. After you graduate, how many groups have you entered? If it wasn't for Lao Huang's lack of schedule, you can take your turn to direct?"

"Hey, you've been in a lot of crews, haven't you always been an assistant? If you didn't meet the old... Mak, can you get a good job? Don't laugh at 50 steps, we are the same."

"Who is like you, I have shot a lot of commercials..."

There is a kind of friend in the world called loss friend.

If you don’t see each other for a long time, you will miss each other. It doesn’t take long after you see each other to start losing each other, and it doesn’t affect your friendship at all.

In the mountain city these few days, Huang Yi has adapted to the mutual harm between the two, covering her mouth and chuckles.

Mai Xiaoyu looked at the two of them helplessly and said to Huang Yi: "They are a funny comparison, don't mind."

"I think it's pretty good. With Director Xi and Teacher Zhang, the crew will definitely not lack laughter. After the start of the movie, everyone will not feel too tired when filming. By the way, Mr. Mai, where are the actors who have auditioned in the past few days? I got it? Longxing's Group Performance Association?"

Mountain City also has a film and television city, Liangjiang International Film and Television City located in Longxing Industrial Park.

Like Hengdian, there is also a group performance association there. Although the scale is small, there are only 30 or 50 fixed members, but if filming needs it, it’s okay to organize thousands of group performances.

After the "Stone" crew came to Shancheng, they have already contacted the Longxing Group Performing Association, but the actors who auditioned these days are all Moeren's members in Shancheng.

The lamb in the former circle, although the heart disease of the Mongolian big3, is now converted into a cute member, and immediately becomes the support of the crew.

For example, the Lao Song Guest House where the crew is staying, it's free!

Because Lao Song’s son, Xiao Song, is a cute member.

Relying on the relationship between members, Laosong Guest House has successfully become the first sponsor of the "Stone" crew-providing accommodation and shooting venues for free.

In return, the film crew will shoot in the door of the "Laosong Guest House" after it is turned on to ensure that there will be a shot on the big screen when it is finally released.

In addition, the waitresses in the guest house are also played by the ladies of the old Song family.

The various "businesses" required by the crew, such as costumes, props, lunch boxes, vehicles, etc., are actively being "digested" internally by the members of the mountain town.

For the crew, this is a fixed expenditure, and everyone earns it. "Digestion" within the members not only saves worry and effort, but the price is also cheaper.

For members, this is an extra income. It doesn't matter if it is more or less. The key is to make money.

Mountain city "head sheep" Gou Yunhao played a huge role.

In addition to ensuring that the crew does not receive unnecessary harassment in Shancheng, the recent clarification of the relationship between the crew is all arranged by him as a local snake and "anti-number one".

At around six in the afternoon, Gou Yunhao drove 90% of the new suV to Laosong Guest House, picked up Mai Xiaoyu and went straight to the hotel.

"Chu Guo, this is Mr. Mai from Mengren Film and Television..."

"Ms. Mai, this is the Guo Chu I mentioned to you. It is said that he is going to be promoted again..."

Chu Guo is a middle-aged man in his forties.

He brought two people tonight, one is his driver, and the other is his daughter...Fuck, goddaughter Meimei, an enchanting and beautiful young woman in her early twenties.

Under Gou Yunhao's adjustment, the two sides talked and talked in a harmonious atmosphere.

After drinking three rounds of food and five flavors, Guo Chu said in an official tone: "On behalf of the people of Shancheng, I welcome you to come to Shancheng to film and show the beautiful scenery of our mountain city in front of audiences across the country. I have a suggestion. I hope you crew I can choose the actors from our mountain as much as possible. For example, the heroine, what do you think of my daughter Meimei?" (To be continued.) 8

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