The Liar Who Invaded the Entertainment Industry

Chapter 201: Unspoken rules everywhere

"On behalf of the people of Shancheng, I welcome you to come to Shancheng for filming, and to show the beautiful scenery of our mountain city in front of audiences across the country. I have a suggestion. I hope that your crew will try to use the actors from our mountain city as much as possible. For example, the heroine, what do you think How is my daughter Meimei?"

Chief Guo's official voice fell, and his goddaughter Meimei stood up with a glass of wine.

"Mr. Mai, I have wanted to be an actor since I was a child. After graduation, I have made several promotional videos. The director praised me for acting well. I was so excited to hear that you invited Liu Dehua to film this time. He is my idol, and I am the biggest one. His wish is to act with him, hoping that Mr. Mai can fulfill it."

Meimei said softly while holding the wine glass.

Chu Guo smiled and looked at Mai Xiaoyu.

Mai Xiaoyu's expression remained unchanged, and his heart shook.

being targeted.

The news of Liu Dehua's friendly guest appearance has not been officially announced by the cute people, but the news has been quietly spread locally through the mouth of Shancheng members.

Mai Xiaoyu did not stop.

This is conducive to the hype of the crew, and it is also conducive to the smooth approval of the crew's application by the various management departments.

In recent days, several local media outlets in Shancheng have come to their door for verification, and there will always be people asking about this at the dinner every night, and some leaders want to help local companies invite Liu Dehua to shoot commercials and endorse them.

These things are very easy to deal with, just a few prevarications, drinking a few glasses of wine can basically cope with it.

But not today.

If Mai Xiaoyu drank beautiful wine, it would be tantamount to agreeing to her acting as the heroine.

Not to mention that the heroine Huang Yi is sitting next to Mai Xiaoyu, because of Mai Xiaoyu's character, she will not accept this unspoken rule-the relationship between the people.

In the entertainment industry, connections are king, and various relationships are intricate.

Today, your family is preparing for filming. Help me arrange the actors for the film. When I come back to my house for filming, I can also help you arrange the actors for the film.

Relatives, friends, classmates, Xiaomi, male honey... all kinds of relationships are gone, and it has long become a secret in the entertainment circle.

The act of directly plugging the heroine is very rare, but not unavailable; but outsiders like Guo Chu, relying on his power to force his goddaughter into the crew, and also play the heroine... it is extremely rare!

If it's a big company or a big production crew, Chu Guo would definitely not dare to be so explicit. If the goddaughter really wants to make a movie, she finds someone to say hello to the deputy director. The crew arranges a small role for her to enjoy herself, and she will never dare to get involved in important roles, let alone the heroine.

But Mengren Film and Television is a small company, and the "Stone" crew is a small crew with no backstage and no backing. He has invited Liu Dehua, a great god, a bit like a child carrying a lot of money through the city, it is hard not to be coveted by others.

How much energy can this company have when the bosses are required to play up and down in person?

Some people think that by eating Dingmengren's film and television, it has no scruples and reveals a super ugly appearance.

Seeing Mai Xiaoyu’s index finger circled on his leg, Xiaoxing Xi was worried that something might happen, so she hurriedly stood up with a wine, and smiled: "Miss Meimei, isn’t it? Sure enough, she is as beautiful as the name suggests. Chu Guo is so blessed. Beautiful goddaughter. But unfortunately, the choice of the heroine has been decided."


The wine glass knocked on the table, spilling a lot of wine.

Meimei shook her face and sat down, hanging Xiaoxing Xi on the spot, looking at Guo bitterly.

Chu Guo patted her thigh, signaled her not to worry, and asked Xiaoxing: "I heard someone introduce you as the director, right? Which celebrity did your heroine hire?"

Xiaoxing Xi solemnly introduced Huang Yi, a top student of Yanjing Film Academy, who only graduated from Yanying's Acting Department last year.

At the beginning, Gou Yunhao introduced that Huang Yi was the associate director of the crew, and Chu Guo didn't care much about this person.

Now he officially looked at Huang Yi, and after a moment he smiled and shook his head: "I think, this heroine needs to be beautiful first, right? Look at the current film and television dramas, which one is not a handsome man or a beautiful woman? I'm not saying that this **** doesn't. Pretty, but it's almost meaning to be a heroine, right?"

Huang Yi was greatly embarrassed, she lowered her head and said nothing, her face was red and hot.


Zhang Xiaoquan hates this kind of thing the most, so he has to scold him. Mai Xiaoyu winks and winks over the conversation: "Guo Chu, Huang Yi is the heroine of this play and the deputy director. She has already signed a contract with the crew. Change."

"It's boring to say that." Guo Chu's smile disappeared. "Although I am not a member of your entertainment circle, I often see in newspapers and the Internet that you film and television crews change actors at every turn, and even the directors say to change. Just change, right?"

The atmosphere was different. Gou Yunhao smiled and said, "Chu Guo, why are you so interested in the heroine?"

"Xiao Gou, what do you mean by this?" Chu Guo's expression began to become ugly.

"Chu Guo, don't get me wrong. I mean, the heroine has very few roles and can't act beautifully. There is no need to stare at this character. Really, I have seen the script. No. 2 has more roles than the female protagonist, and more importantly, it can show a beautiful demeanor."

The second female "Jing Jing" of "Crazy Stone", the girlfriend of the first "Brother Dao", is not too much, but has more dramas than the heroine, the wife of "Bao Shihong".

"Is that so?" Chu Guo looked at Mai Xiaoyu suspiciously. He hadn't heard of the fact that the female number two played more roles than the female number one.

Mai Xiaoyu continued to draw circles on his legs, Xiaoxing Xi took over the stubbornness, and together with Gou Yunhao, gave a play to Guo Chu and his goddaughter Meimei.

Strictly speaking, there is no female lead in this drama, and the wife of "Bao Shihong" is designated as the heroine, but it sounds good.

After listening to Xiaoxing Xiaoxing and Gou Yunhao's narration, Chu Guo turned his head to look at his goddaughter, a hand that had been placed on his goddaughter's thigh for some time, and he reached into his short skirt and rubbed it through the stockings.

Meimei nodded with satisfaction: "I think this role is good and suitable for me, much better than the heroine."

Xiaoxing Xiao said: "Then it's settled. You come to the crew tomorrow morning and we sign the contract. You take the lines back by the way, and memorize the familiar lines these days before starting the machine."

"Isn't it possible to post-dubbing? I will read the numbers when shooting."

Son of a bitch!

Xiaoxing Xi couldn't help Gou Yunhao held him secretly, winking, and he swallowed the words that came to his lips.

The meal was very uncomfortable.

Seeing Meimei snuggling Guo Chu intimately, the two of them got into the car and walked away. Zhang Xiaoquan, who had been holding back all night, scolded: "Men and women of dog x!"

Gou Yunhao comforted: "Teacher Zhang, don't be angry, forbearance and forbearance will pass. Guo Chu is a native of Shancheng, seven aunts and eight aunts, many of them work in the real power department, and the network is very wide, so you can't offend him."

Mai Xiaoyu suddenly said: "Brother Dog, did you know him before?"

"How rare. Last Christmas, he took another goddaughter to Europe to play and took 50,000 Euros from me."

"Have you paid it back?"

"Mr. Mai, don't be joking. You said it was borrowing. I didn't even call Nima's IOU. Where do I go?"

The corners of Mai Xiaoyu's mouth curled slightly, and he whispered: "Do you want to come back?" (To be continued.)

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