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As the shooting went smoothly and the filming process was faster than expected, Liu Tao's role in the crew of "Yi Tian" was finished five days in advance, and he just returned from the crew late in the evening. Tasting book

As for Chen Qiaoen, because of the completion of "The Stone" and the completion of the promotion plan, he was specially transferred back by the company to join the promotion work of "Pink Girl" and only flew back to Yanjing in the afternoon.

This is what the second daughter told Mai Xiaoyu when he was eating dinner.

Then the second daughter sat on his sofa and chatted while watching "Huanzhu 3" rebroadcast on Yanjing's terrestrial channel.

The chat content is very extensive.

From Liu Tao’s performance in "Returning the Pearl 3", to anecdotes during the filming of "Yitian", to the fun things Chen Qiaoen saw with the crew of "The Stone", and the sensation caused by Liu Dehua's entry into the group, the two girls chat Have a great time.

Through the chat between the two, Mai Xiaoyu also heard that their relationship was very good, which was beyond his expectation, but it was reasonable.

One is an entertainer supported by Moeren, and the other is Moeren's only propaganda specialist. There is a lot of cooperation and interaction with each other.

When the company cooperated with the crew of "Yi Tian" to promote Liu Tao, it was mainly Chen Qiaoen who was busy after running.

During the period, the two girls did not deal with each other less, and the relationship became familiar.

Regarding Chen Qiaoen's move to next door to Mai Xiaoyu, Liu Tao's attitude was: "It doesn't matter if you live close. In the future, you will be able to conduct publicity activities and discuss what you have."

When Mai Xiaoyu finished dinner, the topic of the three people's chat changed to "Pink Girl".

Unlike "I Believe" and "Crazy Stone", "Pink Girl" started from the preparation of the shoot and launched a high-profile publicity through the media.

The subsequent propaganda work may weaken, but it will not stop.

Various conventional methods such as script seminars, opening ceremony, filming highlights, character interviews, in-depth reports, media visits, etc., are used to strive for more appearance rates for this TV series, so that the TV series can be sold smoothly in the future.

For this reason, after Liu Xiaoli and Mai Xiaoyu discussed, the company added another two million yuan, and the investment budget increased from the original six million to eight million. The final statement was-ten million!

"Mr. Mai, is the actor who will play "Yu Lu" in "Pink Girl" fixed?" Chen Qiaoen asked, drinking.

Mai Xiaoyu shook his head: "Not yet. What, do you want to play? That role is not for you."

"I never thought of being an actor. I asked Sister Tao for help. She is embarrassed to ask you."


Mai Xiaoyu looked at Liu Tao, Liu Tao nodded, and whispered: "I have a friend, sister Zihan who you met during your visit. She is interested in that role, so I ask you. I am worried about the inconvenience. ..."

"What's inconvenient. The actors who auditioned in the past two days are basically recommended by others. The role of'Yu Lu' has not been decided yet. She must be interested. Please ask her to contact Director Sun as soon as possible, and I will let Sun The guide arranges auditions."

"Okay, then I'll call her now."

"Well. If you have this kind of thing in the future, you can tell me directly. You are now an actor. You have to learn how to accumulate and manage contacts by yourself, understand?"

"Isn't it okay to be less eye-catching? And if you are there, you will help me, right?" Liu Tao smiled and stood up, "You said, I'm your cash cow..."

Seeing Liu Tao about to leave, Chen Qiaoen hurriedly said: "Sister Tao, I told you about your affairs, what about mine!"

"I'll go back and contact Sister Zihan first, I will ask you questions later."

After speaking, Liu Tao went back to the room and called.

Chen Qiaoen looked at Mai Xiaoyu in amazement: "Ms. Mai, Sister Tao is so good, is it a bit too much for you to think of her as a cash cow?"

"I'm happy, and she's happy too, what are you doing so much? Let's talk about it, what do you want me to do?"

Chen Qiaoen hesitated for a moment, and said: "It's about the promotion of "Pink Girl", I have an idea..."

Making TV shows is the same as making movies. It is a type that can be filmed if you have money, but it is difficult to broadcast and screen, and it is more difficult to make money.

Not to mention how many TV shows can be broadcasted on TV stations after they are filmed, but only for those TV shows that are broadcast on TV stations that are truly profitable, not more than half.

However, once a film with high ratings is shot, it is expected to "make a profit." This vision attracts many investors and also leads to intensified competition.

"Pink Girl" is a cute TV series.

Due to the short establishment of Mengren, "Pink Girl" is the first self-produced drama, and the starring is generally not well-known, and it is difficult to persuade TV stations to pre-order; and Mai Xiaoyu made a temporary decision to shoot and missed the TV drama Spring Fair in early April.

After the filming, whether it is locked in the warehouse and eaten up, or successfully landed on the TV station; if it can land on the TV station, it is unknown whether it will be a terrestrial channel or a Star Satellite TV.

And the biggest pressure the company faces is this.

This is also the reason why the "Pink Girl" crew launched high-profile publicity during the preparatory period.

But no one can guarantee that these conventional propaganda methods will surely impress TV stations.

"...When I was in Shancheng, I thought about it for a few nights and figured out a way that might help the company sell TV series smoothly."

"Really? Come and listen."

"Mr. can you take advantage of Teacher Mai's popularity to increase the appeal of our company's TV series?"

Mai Xiaoyu thought for a while: ""Pink Girl" is based on his four-frame comics, Ah Zheng wrote the script, and Xiao Yuer created the theme song. I have taken advantage of the popularity of the three of them."

"I don't mean that. I mean, can I invite Teacher Maizi to act and use this to carry out publicity work? Like "Crazy Stone"."

Oh, so you are waiting for me here!

Under normal circumstances, Chen Qiao'en's proposal is actually quite good, but isn't it an abnormal situation now?

Whether it is Chen Qiaoen, the latent lamb or Mai Xiaoyu’s strange dream, which one is normal?

"No." Mai Xiaoyu shook his head.


"He can't act."

"That can also make him a guest role in the show. He is very mysterious now, no one has seen him, not even a photo. As long as he can appear on the crew, it will definitely attract media attention. Our current publicity effect is much stronger. NS."

"Hehe, don't worry, I have a suitable candidate to replace him. The publicity effect will not be bad for him then."

Chen Qiaoen's eyes flickered: "Who? Teacher Azheng? Teacher Mai? Or Teacher Xiao Yuer?"

"At that time, you will know." Mai Xiaoyu made a point and did not forget to praise Chen Qiao'en, "Thank you for thinking about the company, and for taking the initiative to offer advice and suggestions, and continue to work harder in the future. The time is right in the future, and I will give you a promotion and a salary increase. "

So high vigilance, so heavy guard!

Chen Qiaoen sighed secretly.

Do I have to be your secretary to get the chance to meet Maizi and the four of them? (To be continued.)

This book comes from Pin&Book#

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