The Liar Who Invaded the Entertainment Industry

Chapter 231: Meet Huo Jianhua for the first time

Eleven o'clock in the morning.

Capital International Airport.

Huo Jianhua and his agent Lian Junjie walked out of the airport lightly.

"Junjie, did the crew really inform me to audition?" Huo Jianhua asked uncertainly.

"It must be true. They called my cell phone the night before yesterday and sent an email."

"Hey, I didn't expect Yanjing's crew to notify me of the audition."

"Things are rare and expensive! I've already said that there are fewer actors on Taiwan Island in the mainland, and there are relatively more opportunities. How about it, am I right?"

"It's just an audition, it's not certain whether it can pass."

"I think you have a high probability of passing the audition, otherwise the crew will not take the initiative to reimburse the round-trip air ticket. In terms of retreating 10,000 steps, you should be a tourist if you fail the audition."

Huo Jianhua smiled: "Since they have notified me of the audition, I will definitely go all out and try to pass."

"Don't put so much pressure on yourself, it's just a first try. You don't know, the company has already arranged a new show for you. It's just that for other reasons, the start-up time has been postponed to October this year, so relax."

The two took a taxi to the Confused Hotel, found a fast food restaurant nearby, and took a break for lunch. At 1:50 in the afternoon, the two came to the "Pink Girl" crew ten minutes early.

Under the arrangement of the staff, at two o'clock exactly, Huo Jianhua walked into the audition room and began his first audition for the mainland crew.

"Hello teachers, I'm Huo Jianhua, an actor from Taiwan Island."

"You introduce yourself first..."

As director Sun Yaxing spoke, Huo Jianhua's audition began.

Sun Yaxing asked the staff to contact Lian Junjie the day before yesterday. The latter deliberately postponed it one day, and only accompany Huo Jianhua to the audition today in order to give Huo Jianhua a day to prepare.

The audition time is actually very short, less than ten minutes.

During the period, Huo Jianhua's performance was quite satisfactory, probably because of the certain differences between Taiwan and the mainland entertainment circles, he was a little nervous.

However, he still showed his expressiveness in front of the camera very well, and completed two short scene performances set by the director, showing his performance skills.

After the audition, Huo Jianhua was about to leave, and Sun Yaxing stopped him.

"Wait a minute."


Huo Jianhua was strange, thinking that the director had something to say to himself.

As a result, Sun Yaxing first asked the camera next to him; "How is it?"

The camera made a gesture: "photographed!"

Then Sun Yaxing looked at Mai Xiaoyu, and Mai Xiaoyu nodded and asked Huo Jianhua: "If the crew asks you to play the leading role, how much do you expect from the film and are there any additional terms?"

Shouldn't the remuneration and the incidental terms be the last thing to discuss and at the same time?

I just tried it for the first time, I haven't even tried the role, and I skipped too many steps!

Mai Xiaoyu's "stick" almost didn't stun Huo Jianhua.

He paused for a moment and said, "I didn't think about it."

"Think now."

is it necessary?

Huo Jianhua was not sure, and looked at the director Sun Yaxing.

Sun Yaxing introduced: "This is Mr. Mai from Mengren Film and Television, and he is also the investor in this TV series."

Huo Jianhua thought for a full five minutes, and Sun Yaxing became a little impatient, and then he said: "My agency will definitely ask for remuneration, and I have no requirement for remuneration at the moment. I only hope that there will be a filming and the script of this play. The quality is high and the production standard is high. As for the attached clauses, no."

"The quality of the script is high, and the production standard is high?" Mai Xiaoyu muttered and smiled: "What do you think of the quality of the "Pink Girl" script?"

"I have read comics on the Internet, but I haven't read the script, I don't know."

"Okay, then show you the script. Director Sun, give him the script and let him try it out."

"The role of'Wang Hao'?"


Sun Yaxing took out a prepared script line and a biography of "Wang Hao" and asked the staff to send it to Huo Jianhua.

"You have ten minutes to prepare. I will see your understanding of this character in ten minutes..."


Lian Junjie has been waiting outside the audition room, unsure.

Ten minutes ago, he asked the crew of the crew how long the actor’s normal initial test time was, and the answer he got was five to ten minutes.

But Huo Jianhua has been in for more than forty minutes, and he hasn't come out yet, he has a faint feeling-there is a show!

Not guessing, there are clues to follow.

Reimbursement of round-trip air tickets is the best evidence!

Almost an hour after Huo Jianhua entered, he finally came out with a dull expression.

Lian Junjie immediately greeted him and asked excitedly: "How is it?"

"We will look for you in a moment."

"Qi Dao? Who is it?"

"The actor's deputy director, he is looking for you to discuss the contract."

Lian Junjie was shocked: "I'll take it, aren't you auditioning? Have you been in for so long, have you reached the point of negotiating a contract?"

"I don't know what's going on, it always feels weird."

Lian Junjie thought for a while, and took Huo Jianhua to the stairwell: "Tell me about your audition."

The audition process was unreasonable.

Huo Jianhua is not like those actors who have squeezed in. He has read the script before the audition, and is fully prepared to try it directly.

He came to the audition this time only for the first time. He didn't even read the script. As a result, he completed all the steps from the audition to the signing.

Before leaving the audition room, director Sun Yaxing also asked him to tell his agent, and the actor's deputy director would find Lian Junjie to negotiate the contract.

What felt unreasonable was the chief examiner of Sun Yaxing in the audition room.

But everyone understands the matter. The biggest one in the crew is not the chief examiner, but the investor, so no one talks too much.

Sun Yaxing took Deputy Director Qi and asked Mai Xiaoyu and others about the matters needing attention when negotiating the contract.

Mai Xiaoyu said: "Normal talk. How did you talk to the actors before, now you talk about it. But I have to remind you grandson, hurry up and finalize the actors, and don't delay the start-up."

"Don't worry, Mr. Mai, I have arrangements to ensure that the boot will not be delayed. By the way, what is his maximum salary?"

Mai Xiaoyu thought for a while: "A single episode of Four Thousand He is a newcomer and cannot be taller."

Three days later, news came from Director Qi that Huo Jianhua's film appointment was finalized. The salary is three thousand and eight, there are no miscellaneous incidental clauses, but the schedule is strictly regulated. Because in the second half of the year, he will take over the production of the agency's self-produced drama.

Subsequently, the actor of "Yu Lu" was also selected-Chen Zihan, an actress recommended by Liu Tao.

It's not that Chen Zihan is the only person suitable for "Yu Lu", but because Mai Xiaoyu deliberately sold Liu Tao's face.

Two more days later, the "Pink Girl" crew was ready and the location selection was completed. The East China Sea selected the people from Jingjing to arrange a hotel, and the crew moved to East China Sea. Staff and actors have joined the group one after another, and the opening ceremony will be held soon.

Mai Xiaoyu also went to the East China Sea, but instead of with "Pink Girl", he took Xiaoxing Xi to the Hailian Theater to discuss the release of "Crazy Stone". (To be continued)). If you like this work, you are welcome to come to the starting point () to vote, your support is my greatest motivation. For mobile phone users, please go to read. )

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