The magic merchant who mingled with Fairy Tail

Chapter 278: Having a protagonist template does not necessarily mean that you are the protagonist;

Chapter 278: Having a protagonist template does not necessarily mean that you are the protagonist, it may also be...

After negotiating a deal of 1 million J, the group stayed at the research institute for a few days, and then Kira left here first.

Even if there were previous records, the processing of the Dragon Slayer Demon Crystal could not be completed in a day or two. Naturally, he would not wait here for a while, so he temporarily divided the organization into two teams.

The Six Demons headed by Eric continued to stay here, waiting for Silver to complete the development of the Dragon Slayer Magic Crystal, while discussing with several researchers from the Dragon Slayer Research Institute. As they are both second-generation dragon slayers, Eric can also ask them for advice on how to become stronger.

As for Kira, Jellal and Urrutia, they left first to complete their own tasks.

The first is Urrutia. She wants to return to the devil's heart to resurrect her life. After all, Hades is her mentor, and this debt cannot be broken off easily.

Jellal also acted with Urrutia. His personal purpose was to fight against the darkness and Zeref, and the task assigned to him by the organization was to cooperate with Urrutia's actions and deliver internal information, that is, to go undercover. He was used to this kind of thing anyway.

Fortunately, Kira had already told everyone in the coalition not to tell anyone about his return to good due to his 'Nirvana', in order to make people in the magic world think that Jellal was still a bad guy who did all kinds of evil.

With Jellal's ability and Hades's ability to recognize people, he might become the next "Seven Familiars of Purgatory" as soon as he enters! This is likely to significantly increase the average strength of this name!

But there is another possibility. Now that Brunotte has been defeated by Kira, maybe Hades will directly make him the vice president?

As for Kira, he has to go back to Demisol Academy to continue his teacher game!

Dean Kenas paid the fee. Kira's teaching task still has three cycles, which is three classes, so she can't just let it go! Being a magician requires integrity, and he still knows this!

So, after a long journey, Kira finally flew back to Demisor College.

Laguna was born in an unknown town. His parents died young and he became an orphan at the age of 6.

It was a poor town, and even the church did not receive much monthly support. Looking at the little guys who were more immature than him, Laguna did not choose to join them and fight for what was not theirs. Instead, he resolutely left the town and sought development in a neighboring town.

He took out all his family's remaining savings and took the last train to the neighboring town.

But he has no magic, no physical strength, and no social skills. No matter what job he looks for, he is rejected. In a place like this, there are people who even work like picking up garbage, but he can only live under the bridge, consuming his own savings in a pinch, while envying the wealthy life of the people who come and go.

That day, Laguna spoke for the first time from the bottom of his heart: "It's great to have money!"

The hardships of life did not wear down Laguna physically and mentally, but instead tempered his body and will.

Goddess of Luck took pity on the orphan after all. Before he spent all his savings, he finally got a job as an apprentice in a magic shop.

The shop is not big, and he works 10 hours a day, all year round, without five insurances and one housing fund. The monthly salary is only 10,000 J, but it includes food and accommodation. This is the only job he can find.

Laguna worked conscientiously for more than three years. During this period, he learned a lot about magic in the magic shop as an apprentice.

Every prop, every bottle of potion, and every book in the store passed through his hands. The magic novels, especially "The Sky of Magic" written by "Light of Hope", outlined in his heart Create a wonderful magical world.

I don’t know when, but for the second time, he sighed from the bottom of his heart: “It’s great to know magic!”

Finally, when he was 10 years old, his fate took a turn.

It was a "Magic Merchant Exchange Conference" held in the royal capital of Culokas. Since Laguna had performed well over the past few years, the owner of the store did not leave him to look after the store, but took him with him.

The conference was held for several days, with auctions, lectures by senior businessmen, and trading of magic props, all very exciting.

But what impressed Laguna the most was a red-haired magician who appeared at the conference. He had forgotten the specific appearance of this person. He only vaguely remembered that this person was heroic, famous, and powerful, but he was very greedy for money and had an extremely bad personality. It was bad, but all the major merchants, including his own boss, greeted him with a smile!

From that moment on, Laguna decided to become a "respected" mage like him!

With the idea that his trip would be worthwhile, Laguna bought a somewhat shabby-looking book from a magical merchant. When he followed the boss back to the store, he unexpectedly discovered that it was a magic book. And the magic in it fits him perfectly!

Laguna missed it, he embarked on the path of magic and became a wizard!

He felt that his experience was exactly the same as that of the male protagonists in those novels: he was also an orphan, he also had a strange yearning for the magical world, and he also learned powerful magic in a certain adventure. Before long, he would reach the pinnacle of his life. Got it!

"It's simply a reflection of my life!"

Laguna thought this way, cherishing the magic he had finally learned even more.

What is recorded in the book is a kind of space magic. The simplest trick is to replace the positions of two objects. After two years, Laguna has perfected this skill to the point where he can even move himself instantly within short distances.

Then...he heard about the enrollment of Demisol Magic Academy.

"In the novel, many protagonists will have the experience of studying in an academy. This admissions exam is the first step to becoming famous in the magic world!"

Just like when he left his hometown, Laguna once again resolutely said goodbye to the magic shop where he had worked for 5 years, and came to Hams City to take the admissions examination of Demisol College.

Here, he unexpectedly met the red-haired wizard again.

Although Laguna had long forgotten the appearance of this "goal in life", a mysterious feeling told him that the red-haired man sitting on the stage was the one who stole the show at the "Magic Merchant Exchange Conference" two years ago. people!

"That's what a magician should be like!"

After inquiring, Laguna learned that this red-haired man came from "Fairy Tail", the most famous magic guild in the Kingdom of Fiore, and was currently the most famous genius in the magic world, named Kira Hopelite.

Laguna knew that he had met his thigh!

"It perfectly fits the image of the 'master', 'legendary' and 'thigh' in the book! Look carefully, even the unrestrained and unruly look between the eyebrows is very similar to mine! Just like in the book, Emperor Yan meets Yao Lao and walks into the pharmacist Like the peak of my life, this man must be my mentor in life!"

Laguna plans to learn the operations of the protagonist in the book, make as many friends as possible, and facilitate subsequent games to see if he can start a craze in the game!

For this reason, he also told the people around him about the identities of the big guys on the stage: "Look, the Obasan sitting on top is the dean of the college. Whether we can enter the college depends on her!"

I don’t know if it was an illusion, but after saying this to other candidates around him, Laguna felt a chill coming from a distance, which scared him so much that he didn’t dare to say another word!

Admissions exams and graduation exams have always been the most classic scenes in novels.

In the first two days of competition, Laguna has been unknown. He is lurking, looking for opportunities, waiting for those so-called geniuses to show themselves, and then stepping on them to take the lead!

On the third day of the competition, Laguna really showed off his skills. He used his resourcefulness to stir up chaos among the candidates, and used magic to steal dozens of magic stones, eliminating many opponents.

Finally, Laguna targeted the boy who looked very much like him.

"This guy with black hair... looks very stupid! He should also be a book friend of "Devil's Sky". He is dressed very much like the protagonist Yan! He also uses fire magic. It's really... just looks good. It’s upsetting!”

He had a hunch that if he didn't compare with this boy named Ika, his future college life would not be very good!

Laguna pretended to fall and was about to use the "space displacement" of his hand to steal his magic stone, but was stopped by the companion with long blond hair beside him, and missed his only chance.

"It's great to have friends!" This is the third time Laguna has sighed inwardly!

After a whole day of fighting, Laguna finally entered the academy of his dreams and became a mage.

But life is much more complicated than he thought!

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