October 9, X784, sunny.

I am very happy. As I expected, I successfully entered the Demisor Magic Academy. This is the most famous magic academy in the Kingdom of Fiore, and it is my first stop in the mainland!

I am indeed the son of destiny!

However, the college needed to delay the start of school for 7 days, so a teacher was sent to take us back to Harms City.

This caught me off guard, because like many people, I checked out all the hotels I stayed in yesterday! Fortunately, the college allocates accommodation for students who have confirmed their enrollment, otherwise I really don’t know where to stay.

I went out to inquire about it and learned the reason for the delayed opening of the college.

It turns out that just yesterday when we were taking exams, the college was attacked by the dark guild "Devil's Heart", and many buildings were damaged, so the start of school had to be postponed.

I have heard about this guild. It has a long history and is powerful. In the Kingdom of Fiore, its status is equivalent to the dark version of "Fairy Tail"!

I heard that they deployed half of the entire guild's combat strength this time, but they were all defeated by Dean Obasan, Senior Kira, and Lord Hayberian of the Council and "Holy Ten".

It's amazing, just four people defeated most of a guild's combat power!

I heard that half of the magicians who attacked the academy were killed by Kira-senpai, and one of them was the vice-president of "Devil's Heart"!

You are indeed my future teacher! When will I become such a powerful magician?

October 12, X784, cloudy.

Today I met that stupid black-haired boy in Hams City. What surprised me was that he was the person brought by Senior Kira. No wonder I dislike him!

Sure enough, everything in the book is true! Every teacher of the protagonist once taught a bad apprentice!

That person named Ika will definitely betray Teacher Kira in the future!

I really can't stand by and watch the current Kira-senpai and the Kira-sensei I respect in the future being deceived! But now there is really no position to stop it.

Kira-senpai, Kira-senpai, when will you see clearly the true face of that traitor? Only I am your most suitable disciple!

All I can do now is to keep praying to God, hoping that He will look on my face and let Teacher Kira suffer less in the future!

However, I think that person named Ika is like a fool. He must not be able to use his brain well. Even if he really stabs Kira-senpai in the back in the future, he will definitely not cause much trouble!

The only thing that needs attention is the man with long blond hair named Rufus next to him!

I could tell at a glance that this guy was very thoughtful and not a good person!

The most important thing is that he also has an extraordinary relationship with that Ika. In the previous game, it was because of him that he kept Ika's place!

Maybe, Ika will betray Kira-senpai in the future, and he was the one who instigated it!

October 16, X784, wind.

Today is the first day of admission. Dean Obasan took us freshmen to visit and introduce the college. There were three guests with us, including senior Kira.

This is the first time I have been so close to these big names.

Kira-senpai is as handsome as he looked from a distance. He is truly worthy of being the future teacher of my "Destiny Child"! This magnanimity, this self-confidence, this strength, other seniors simply cannot compare!

Senator Gulan looks very serious and makes people not approachable. Are all the people in the Senate really so strict?

I heard that he was injured in the previous battle. Although such a figure is worthy of respect, but his strength cannot be compared to the 20-year-old Kira-senior, tsk tsk tsk... it’s hard to describe!

He must be the kind of rigid and stubborn old man in the novel!

I have a premonition that when I graduate from here, he will appear as an examiner and then become my stepping stone, contributing to my life that will be resounding throughout the mainland!

Lord Hayberion is very interesting. He is dressed like a vampire, but the goblet is filled with milk! I didn't believe it at first, but he actually let me have a taste.

I tasted it and it was really milk!

Such a powerful and interesting uncle will definitely be a high-level supporting role in my scripts in the future, right? I heard that he is a bachelor and has no particularly good friends. The God of Destiny will not mistreat such a person! The only thing I worry about is that he might sacrifice himself so that I can fight the last demon king.

In order to protect these people, I must work hard to become stronger!

What I find most strange is Dean Obasan. She looks at me very strangely! I didn't notice it at first, but it wasn't until I met her eyes one time that I noticed the clue.

Could it be that she is interested in my magic book?

According to the development of the story in the novel, as the protagonist grows up, there will definitely be someone who will covet his golden finger. But I have never encountered this situation. I thought I was an exception, but now it seems that is not the case!

Later I figured out that the people I met before didn’t realize it because they were not experienced enough or experienced enough! But who is Obasan? She is the dean of Demisor Magic Academy!

If others don’t know, how can such a person still be unclear?

Will she take action against me for that magic book? If I take action, what should I do?

October 18, X784, sunny.

Kira-senpai’s class started today!

His reputation was indeed great, and many people came to attend the first class, including many seniors.

Senior Kira on the podium is even more handsome. The "Advanced Magic Numbers" he teaches is not only interesting, but also profound. It is also rich in philosophy and thought-provoking.

With such a perfect man as my teacher, I will definitely be famous throughout the magical world soon!

After class, I originally wanted to ask Kira-senpai for more advice on how to build a closer relationship, but unexpectedly I saw Dean Obasan taking Kira-senpai to her office building!

This kind of wrinkled Obasan with ulterior motives will definitely do no good if he targets his senior. He might be one of the people who will frame his senior in the future!

It's a pity that now I am a soft-spoken person and can only watch my senior behind bars, unable to stop her insidious plan!

I get angry just thinking about this!

Stop writing and continue learning magic! As long as I become stronger as soon as possible, I will definitely be able to punish rape and eliminate evil!

October 19, X784, cloudy.

As I expected, something happened to Kira-senpai!

He's gone! The senior was not seen all day long, and no one knew where he had gone! I think he must have been assassinated by Obasan yesterday!

Alas...poor senior! You can only wish for happiness!

October 20, X784, cloudy.

The man named Ika has nothing to do with Kira-senpai, and the same goes for the companions around him, who look careless in their clothes!

They must be complicit!

I can only personally pray for my senior, hoping that he will escape from the clutches of Dean Obasan as soon as possible.

X784, October 21, rained.

Lord Hayberian has started a class, which talks about the techniques of using advanced magic. It is very profound, but it doesn’t trouble me!

His popularity is much lower than that of Kira-senpai. Those who come to class are all senior students, not any freshmen. This must be because Kira-senpai’s teaching is for all ages, while Hayberion-sama’s teaching is only for some.

Sure enough, Kira-senpai is more powerful!

On October 22, X784, it rained.

Today is the lecture given by Senator Gulan Doma. He talks about the advanced theories and techniques of magic.

His lectures were even more obscure and boring than Lord Hayberion's. I saw many people dozing off in class. Yes, this is not something that students of our level can understand at all!

How did such a person become a lecturer? I heard that he specializes in magic theory and lacks strength. Now that I see it, he is indeed a nerd!

How could the Senate fare better in such hands?

I’m really worried about the future of the magical world!

October 23, X784, wind.

Obasan has also started giving lectures. Her lecture level is not bad. Should she be said to be worthy of being the dean of the college?

But in my heart, he is still better than me, Kira-senpai!

Ever since that day, Senior Kira walked into her office building and never came out again!

I will never forget this hatred!

October 24, X784, sunny.

Kira-senpai is back safe and sound! !

Absolutely right! I actually saw him with my own eyes! Still so handsome, so confident, so chic!

I heard that he was not assassinated by the dean, but temporarily left the college to pursue a certain career. It seems that I was overthinking it before. Hey... I have been missing for a week for no reason, and even my magic practice has fallen behind a lot!

Tomorrow, Kira-senpai, will classes start as usual?

I’m really looking forward to it!

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