The Middle Ages from One Thousand and One Nights

The medieval Chapter 495 started from one thousand and one night

Alibaba also specially made a speech for this. He tried to encourage these scholars to take out their own invention to register patents. Alibaba didn't hesitate to ban the Guard and Ma Muru as a back shield, it will guarantee their patent rights. Not subject to others.

These scholars certainly won't want to be just like ordinary people. Although they expressed their appreciation for Alibaba's "Protection Intellectual Property", some people put forward Alibaba, which is planning to be monopolized by protection, which is contrary to morality. And the spirit of freedom.

To this end, Alibaba has to move out the old drama of "Zi Road is attached to the cattle and the sake of the son, and the son," said necessary monopoly and profits are the premise of ensuring the implementation of the system.

The core thinking of collectivism is not complicated - encouraging the morality of all public welfare properties, but in the formulation of the system, each individual must be regarded as a small person who is extremely self-reliant.

As for morality, it is something that needs to be adapted to the system, not against the system to adapt to morality.

Alibaba didn't know that these scholars were finally persuaded, but many scholars who were involved in philosophy said she could not accept Alibaba's statement, but agreed with him to implement this system.

The academicians of some engineering institutes followed Alibaba to the patent office of the grass and registered their patents. ,

Alibaba grass looked at it and found that the patented five-flowers: some of them are new three-poinse saver - this person said that this sail can make more flexible steering and collection while being affected; some people are pulling out The water equipment in the bottom of the stack is claimed to be verified when the canal is found; there is a colorful head towel, which is said to be mixed with the hair of six or seven animals. He wants to mix this mix. Process application patent ...

The most amazing thing is from a scholar who worship, he gods the secret of the mysterious secret, saying that it is ancient Roman Black Technology, which can help her husband to see the child is not her own, he is based on this basis. Improvement, requiring 30 years of patents.

For this guy, Alibaba thoughtfully seared his number, but saw that many people have exposed a very interesting look, Alibaba is too lazy to manage --- Patent caused what troubles His jurisdiction, he only recognizes the protection of patents.

On the few days, Alibaba's biggest pleasure was to deal with the official duties, with Moorena, let's take a look, there is a fun new thing that is placed in the patent office.

However, due to the current stage of the grass, it is not much more than people who have the "invention", most of them are applying for a tapestry pattern, or a monks write a sense of reasoning for the sacrament, statement to work. of. Also far from Alibaba expectations.

In order to encourage people to innovate, Alibaba simply played the set of thousands of gold to buy horses.

In ancient Roman time, in order to extract olive oil, the Romans invented a threaded press, and threaded the thread as "national secret."

When I worship the imperial empire, the threaded oil machine was widely used in the oil-based ribroom in Sicily and North Africa, and the Arabs also obtained the related technologies by take over these shops.

Among the renewed people who came to apply for a patent, one is a private extractor owner.

Due to the olive oil homogeneous, the amount of olive oil produced, the merchant acquired, and most of the businessmen who came directly from the Tmall Mall, many of the handcraft bosses had to sell the products, and even have been squeezed to have no business, no business. Do not join the farmers.

However, this boss is exception - his pavilion only two people and his son, every day, is a workload of 5 strong people in the commune, even the last olive oil is not so homogeneous, but with low The price can also compete with the commune, and many people are curious how they do it.

Even in the gossip, some people said that they made a ring from the magician of Africa, which can drive them to work.

But now it is true, big white - this boss is probably how long it can't be ignored, and it is simply taken out to apply for patents. It is required that the outsiders should not imitate his oil.

Alibaba looked at his improvements a little. The boss uses the lever principle, which has created a power wheel, and the two ends of the squeezed screw adds the positioning ring and a flawed top cover --- in Alibaba This is even a little modern bearing The shadow.

So Alibaba took out a camel and installed six full of golden bags on the camel. After the big Zhangqi came to the work of the workshop, it was necessary to buy his patent with these gold. Give it to the commune.

This boss is probably hindering this "ancestral", don't twist the patent, but in the beginning, it is still a lucky heart, he sold the commune for 15 years of patented use rights (modified), But ownership remains in their own shop.

However, if there is no impact of technical monopoly or public power corruption, individual operators are obviously unable to fight social production, Alibaba does not optimize the prospect of this boss.

And the boss is also very clear, after selling the patent use rights, asking if you can change a boat with your pavilion and full set of equipment - he prepare to join the Tmall Mall, go outside the sea to sell olive oil. And his son, he intended to send Keluwan to read.

For this smart person, Alibaba had to admire the two sentences - he agreed to the other party, and took this boss to do a typical to promote the patent bill.

Soon, the news of "a pair of oil boards for six thousand dinar" is not awkward.

In addition to let everyone know that the invention can also transfer high-priced transfer, it also understands the seriousness of Alibaba to treat this matter.

That is, this patent office is true.

The people are very interested in all things that can make money, this is the same as ancient or modern.

Even if the education is not enough, they still have to try to see it, try to get from the middle to their own benefits.

And this also brought a lot of trouble to the initial patent bureau - "inventions" of various whimsical days have been released, even in the invention of hundreds of years ago, intend to collect patent use expenses throughout the world. . In order to rush to these people, I originally thought that this is a relaxed monk suffering.

However, this has not been related to Alibaba. After completing the incident of thousands of bones, Alibaba turned attention to other places. The Patent Office will stay here as a treasure left.

Attracting Alibaba's attention, there are some small things in the East.

After knowing that Alibaba will not be able to start the news from Spain for a while, Harlan Rashid wrote a document.

This appointment instrument is to Greeham, the Borda, Spain, Harlan allows him to inherit his father's position and encourage him to continue to arch. Western cloud cloud.

Of course, the current Apis Dynasty is actually there is no control capability of Spain, but since people still just claimed to be moier rather than Harley, and the Harlan Rashid is not good. Direct torn face.

Although Harlan Rashde is very looking forward to seeing Xisham killing, since it is eager to get the hand, then you may be able to appease first, pretend that you are not interested there, this means is also quite slippery.

In addition to Feng Xisham worldwide, Harlan Rashid is also trustworthy, and the performance of Alibaba has a year "I don't think in progress".

Harlan Rashid also mentioned that some people reported Alibaba in front of them, but he did not only do business between people and pagans, not only to do business between the heavenly people, and even he sold troops to help --- Ali Are you making money too busy, so that your business is? How can we have the force to help others betray, hit a pirate, and there is no force to attack Andalusia?

Alibaba received a half-day, I didn't know who I didn't know who I didn't know. I didn't publish many of my transactions and Spain, as for some of the transactions in the middle, I have been confidential, I know Extreme.

But from this letter, people who record themselves should be very deep.

"See the ghost ... don't let me catch this two-five jauh." Alibaba muttered, and then started to dig your mind and reply, and thought about how to reply.

He sidedly and said back to his brains, while letting Shan Ruzzide help written on paper, ready to reply. He also didn't go through the flowers like the "Volunteer", which is simply in the IQ of Haburo Rashid.

He has very simply recognized his idea - the location of Sicily is too important, and those pirate supporters are not their own people, they don't want them to account for this cheap, so they have supported some of the pagans. I sent hundreds of my own old, trying to control the central zone of the Mediterranean.

As for Spain, it is really an accident. The minister is just secretly selling something, and in order to listen to the enemy. There is also a day before, it seems to be the chaos of the Datang, and our envoys are also subject to the big Tang.

In any case, the reason why the minister did not report, on the one hand, it is too shameful. On the other hand, because of religious problems, Chen also does not dare to speak publicly, I hope that you can understand the difficulties of the minister.

Oh, yes, about the things of the coin, the minister has already planted the dinner gold coin with your avatar, ready to invest in the market, and some of them will directly participate in international trade, let the pagans apprenticeship Go to your unparalleled style. Here is about 800,000 gold coins "sample currency", the minister has made the fleet to send a private branch of Your Majesty, please review the model and color of this money.

In short, --- Broken Farewell Difficulties.

After Alibaba, I looked at Shan Rodd to organize my words into the "painting average" letter, and the spirit slowly relaxed.

"Don't let me know who is the secret, otherwise I have not finished with you." Alibaba gave a curse.

Chapter 666, looks in

Soon, Alibaba's letters returned to Baghdad through the fleet.

Harlan Rashid did not have any big things in the heart of Alibaba.

Before boardinging, he is Syrian, Tunisia, Egyptian governor, and at the end, he is not intended to have more intentional or unintentional. The generals of the side have been used in order to raise their troops, no matter what to get money, and most means need to be deceived, this point he still knows.

I don't mean that I can accept it. He can accept the general money to make money, but he can't accept any concealing, even if it is not good.

Alibaba's "truth" attitude is being the taste of Harlan Rashid - Harlan feels that this person is thin, but never worsen. Do a little action under the hand, as long as you don't have too much, you will not see it. After all, "who requires no shortcomings, no friend".

What's more, there is money.

"800,000? Good hand!"

Harlan Rashid stared at the credibility, and didn't know that it was lamented or ridicied.

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