The Middle Ages from One Thousand and One Nights

From 1 million, the medieval chapter 496

"It is said to be such a big money, indicating that he is guilty." Jiafal lost his time.

"The deficiency is normal." Harlan Rashder didn't think about it: "It's like we have been playing with your father. I remember that he used to go out to play with us. "

Jaffeh Knowhal, this is the topic of Ken, but it can only be attached at this time: "Because we also feel wrong with yourself."

"Yes, but he also didn't hide anything, isn't it? Is it exactly the same as I know!" Harlan Rashid lost his letter, but his eyes couldn't help but aimed to the river through Baghdad - -80 million, can be broad.

"I have been running, indicating that there are more." Jiafa continued to say on his own ideas: "The taxation quota before it is too much. The next few years we have It may be to be sold with the Romans, and the war between those lamas also needs money. In the civil war in India, we also need to reach out for aid.

"Well, my prime minister." Harlan Rashde interrupted him in an air: "Today we are listening to music, don't take this kind of government."

Jaffar is a sprint: "... When should I say? I remember that I have found you several times."

Harlan's eyes stared at the top of the following, it seems that he did not care about his answer: "These are small things, you can look at yourself in the future. You are prime minister now, the teacher is doing the matter, you want to learn Take him, take what you do. "

Jiafal did not doubt it: "It is not not possible, but the tax rate is a big thing, or you should ask you."

"Master" is only to show me, is it?

Harlan's face is not easy to feel overcast, but immediately returns to normal.

"The tax rate just set under a few years ago, still don't move, but if the financial is really tight, you can consider adding some other receipts."

"such as?"

"The widow heard, the Tubo Lama has a lot of gold, but it is very far from the seaside. Do you see if you can sell some salt?" Harlan has an idea.

Jaffar immediately shook his head: "They have salt pool, Your Majesty."

"So, is there a volcano?" Harlan suddenly asked: "I said, sulfur?"

Jaffo is ignorant: "I have never heard of it."

"That is, we think about something else ... I can't make such a big place. What is going to be poor than the Magarebum?" Harlan Rashid seems to be meaningful: "Tima Ma Jun and Hamad general said that there was a bit difficult to pay on time. Roshan was fighting ... I am strange, is it more than Tunisia? "

Jaffar has no words.

"Today, let us first appreciate music. The widow, but donated two thousand dinar, please, please, so many masters gathered together."

Jarfar heard the words, he had to hear music together.

Harlan Rashid is not shallow in music. As the music is carried out, he also begins to play with tunes, and from time to time, it is different from time to time to extract these masters and royal dedication.

Just on his surface, although enjoying music, the heart is like a volcano that is erupted, it is over.

Perhaps it is to act, maybe it is true to play, in short, now Harlan Rashid's "contradiction" in Balmark's home and Alibaba is convinced.

People always think about a small thing that has occurred inadvertently inadvertently and repeatedly. It is probably due to the days of thoughts, Harlan Rashid thinks about the judge and herself. --- is that the Balmark's gold is a volcanic gold.

Where did the Balmark home enter Baghdad come from? fight?

So far, the total amount of gold input into Baghdad has been a lot. Any country is lost after such a "trophy", and the economy is probably hurting the bones.

However, from the news from Harlan Rashid, the Tubo people not only live well, but also defeated Fadel, returning people and Datang's coalition in the Hexi Corridor, and even excess money. Junja is the main heavy cavalry force. If there is anyone in Jiannan, it is going to hit the plateau, and if you don't say that Tubo simply wants Central Asia.

This is strange, it is too much money in Tubo, or ...

When he told him, Jafah did not seem to understand his subtext, but this, the faint guess in his heart became a type:

Balmark must have its own financial resources!

Moreover, although the Balmark family and Alibaba have contradictory because the girl's things have contradictory, it has always maintained the contradiction in the range of "private enmissions", never let it intervene.

But now, Jafal suddenly hipsted to Alibaba's governance, and even hopes that the central government can thorgate the tax, this is why?

Magley's fiscal and taxation has a certain problem.

According to the level of agriculture, it is almost impossible to use the army who uses a financial and tax-saving army. But Alibaba does not only find a central claim to be financially supported like General Agles, or even borrow to the central government, this is definitely a point that other governments do not do.

Therefore, in Harlan Rashid, Magley fiscal financial issues are normal, and money will not be flying from heaven, Alibaba will use some means in order to raise these money.

Still, there is no problem with some small means, the key is to conceal your Majesty.

The 667th chapter Harlem is taken away

After so many times of test, Harlan Rashid is still assured to Alibaba.

For the behavior of Jaffar's splashing water in Alibaba, Although Harlan Rashde is attached, but the heart is from another angle in interpretation ---

Balmark has already had its own financial resources, and it has always been deep in the nobles. After years of operation, Ye Haiya can be considered a plate, and now I have mastered the military and political power of at least two levels of provinces ...

Forced to think, Harlan Rashder feels that if it is in that position, and there is a diagnosis of the heart, the next step is definitely trying to cut off the military group and forces that are still loyal to the Apaz.

So, they have more powerful to Alibaba, the more you can't move it easily. - I can't do the enemy to do what you want to do.

In this way, Jafal's careful misunderstood was mistaken by Harlan Rashid.

He is not the case, he just wants to add some troubles to Alibaba, so that the other party falls in the "Youth Talents", which is in the middle of yourself, and it has saved a little face, but the result is over-interpreted.

He is thinking about how to say bad words, it is in maintaining two "no peace" settings. Father will never blame yourself, but now it seems to be a bit.

Harlan and Jafar were in different minds, and she had an inertiously appreciated this grand musical. It is just the relationship between two people, but it is difficult to return to the past.

The reason is that Jaffar's " " in Syria is "the majestic", which is also scared to Harlan. Even if everyone is still doing the same thing as before, the mentality changed, and the feeling is not a taste.

Fandal's "failure" in the East once made Harlem under the tone of tone, but now there was re-mentioned by Jafar.

Why do people can help each other, and they are talented, they will only give themselves behind themselves?

Thinking of the queen of your own playing with yourself, there is also a variety of unexpected foreign wealth. Harlan Rashid can't help but want to complain --- this guy doesn't have a little, but in the demolition The corner and extravagant life is a powerful than one, and if it is not enough, if you are not enough, you will find yourself, give yourself a lot of things, you have to go to the ass.

However, the two Wang si is a rare exception: one is Ore Leaf, and use her own name to make a cosmetics brand, got a bunch of lady, how to dress yourself, how to dress yourself , The Qi Mun's eight aunt's chewing tongue can also get a lot of secret exchanges in many ministers, and is also self-sufficient.

The other is Ababa, I heard that she recently went to the holy area to go to the hormon, got the intersection of the Shengdi monk and the poor, and finally saved some faces for the royal family.

Unfortunately, they are all women, can't help themselves.

Since I spent hard, I will return Jafa, and I have to find a little thing, and I can't give him a chance, let him cultivate the power of his father in Baghdad, otherwise it is true The end is big.

Just on Harry sent a group of people on the way to the palace, their car horses met a rare traffic jam.

The cause is that there is a company's camel suddenly does not obstacles, suddenly in the middle of the road, it is not used, no matter how it is useless, even grin on the owner.

This accident caused the entire street into a congested state, and even Harley's team is no exception.

Jaffier is trying to disappear, when the traffic is dredging, Harlan suddenly thought of a good idea.

"My prime minister, do you look at Baghdad, is it too bustling?" He suddenly asked to Jiafal.

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