The Middle Ages from One Thousand and One Nights

From 1 million, the medieval chapter 512

Shatham is also a far-hearted person - he thinks that the bureaucratic intersection of the Apage Dynasty political education is better than the mutual oligarchy of the Phane Lee Dynasty. So he also wants to reform to the Wuwu Mai Ye Dynasty, let it "feudalize".

The situation in North Africa must not be moved by it, but he can "use the study of Kailu to use, Wu Mei Ye's learning"!

After getting the things you want, Shatham knead people play these scholars to drink these scholars, but if these scholars want to go out, then they must report to themselves, by themselves To schedule the conference of the Economics and Scholars.

He also told the following people - definitely could not get these scholars and people of the Berman tribes, and they have seen anyone every day, they must report to themselves.


In the northern Spain, the kingdom of Asturias, King Afuzo II also welcomes the gonchen of Frank - Flowa.

After learning that they were in the road to pretend to be a businessman to rob that Afguo II did not be angry, but a good speech.

In the next few decades, Afguo II had decided to pay with Frank, so the festival was robbed on the other party's territory to him, and it was not necessarily a bad thing. Let the Frank feel lost to himself The price can be more important.

"Okay, don't put it in your heart, our purpose has been reached, you have completed your task. If you still feel that you can't go, then you will get yourself!"

Due to the failure of the Biar River last year, this year Afuguo II decided not to do it, two things, simply played a big.

"It is dead, it's alive, in this way! In this year, we must cut off the paws of the sand dunes to our prickly, or I will be afraid again." Afu So 2 They said.

When people are set up, they are often used for the bait, the secondary goals, main and most valuable things hidden behind.

But Alfuko spent this time, because he is going to be a bait, it is - the capital of Ali Turias.

Chapter 699 Real · IQ Tax

In the second half of the 794, Alibaba's most important job is to train this black prohibition of the troops just closed.

It doesn't come out of Alibaba, in the population, the residents are generally rich in Bangaxi, Suli, Keluan and Tunisian four cities, and people who should be enjoined. The main force of black banned guards is mainly the herdsmen in North Africa and West Africa, the hunter of the mountains, and people who come back after Nurgia, Albia.

The recent situation in the Three Kingdoms in Nubia is not very good. After Ethiopia is re-annoying, they get funds and arms them to attack, together with Egypt, and press the three countries to breathe.

So, when Oremia took rice, white surface, salt and sugar back to the old home, almost half of the locals that were so mad, almost half of the people have chosen, and he is very easy to recruit a seven hundred troops.

There are not many hungry in these people, plus two hundred people from Oromia, the gods are only about 500, and if you want to support a remote projection force of nearly 10,000 people, it is simply the world. Night.

Archer training is not that simple matter, novice even if you want to be skilled in the bow, Alibaba can not be so familiar with some people.

To this end, after the Alibaba and the craftsmen have gone to the troops, a new type of cross bow is used for equipment.

Although there is no trees in the Magley area, most of them are softwoods, not suitable for making bows. To this end, Alibaba has imported a number of eucalyptus and beech specialized from Sicily, specializing in making bows.

Since the large number of animal ribs are not easy to immediately, these squats are mostly wool, camel hair, cotton, silk and other fibers.

Because the strings and arms materials are not very satisfactory, in order to make up for the powerful defects, these is designed for a long time, in order to save, the bomb is also quite heavy.

Original Alibaba also wants to make "even", but in parallel or the rod, it is necessary to have a high skill experience, but these are Northern Africa.

So the last thing they use is a simple embarrassment of a hard arm, long pull, with a (convenience of the string).

This kind of is not strong because of the long pull, the force is not strong, so the string speed is not so far, but it is simple to maintain, and the range is far enough.

Say, in addition to your troops this year, there are not many parts of the whole armored armor?

The structure of the structure is simple, the application of the pipeline process is also possible.

Don't think that the pipeline process is more complicated. In fact, this division of labor has been uniformly assembled. There is an age even more than the Qin Dynasty. As long as there is a large-scale production demand, the pipeline process will be turned out. Finally become a small mode of labor, can only say that society does not need to be so large. There is no difficulty in understanding the concept of the construction line.

Therefore, the pipeline is far from someone to say, and it is impossible to "the production model of the era". To say, "the large-scale production demand brought by the production of socialization, let the ancient pipeline glow new vitality", which may be more accurate.

After the equipment is fully equipped, Alibaba is personally straighted, began to latency on the main scale of the Navy, by the way, the way of a group of residual horses in Kairen West, and those in the desert, there are blood in the hands, inferior spots tribe.

Who allows them to join the commune, there are people who don't go to school in the tribe? If you know, take into account the North Africa "cultural tradition", Alibaba wants to do it or easy. But now they are unwilling to become part of the organization, and the behavior of the robbery hinders the normal circulation of the business road, that Alibaba can only be embarrassed.

However, Alibaba didn't think that after the end of this action, a wonderful rumor began to circulate in the Magierb region - our governor to kill all the lazy and idiots, let the learning experience, People who will work eat rice and white faces.

This rumor is not now appeared. As early as the Alibaba asked the Commune to "put all the people who can work in", there are some second-ages who like to do nothing.

Like helper, , unloaders, these second-class exclusive careers are all naturally monopolized by the new regime, so the unreasonable leisamies have to go back to work, and they can no longer have a good day for three days.

Since then, similar rumors have begun to spread, saying that the Governor doesn't like lazy, so to force everyone to work.

Then it is the compulsory education system --- before this, the people in the Magierb region have never heard of education and paying taxes, is a "obligation". The rich people in the original city may not have a condition to make the child accepted, but in Alibaba, there is a thing that is forced to accept.

So, "Governor hates to see silly []" explain.

The people who have a good thing have to say that the Holy Sword makes the adults have a disease "seeing silly [] thick, I will want to vomit blood, so I need to force all children to receive education and let participation in the farmers. And the people in the mall, every time the main meridians can go to the green temple to accept literacy training.

Although this sounds very touched, many people believe this is true, because not only is the spider mart of the policy, even when the relatives in the Governor's servants are also revealed to everyone, Alibaba once said "" To and Wisdom " People are neighbors, not with stupid people dealing with "(Arab proverbs).

When this rumor is most widely spread, that is the case that reports the library, but in the end, it was found to be a case where the public was blind.

Because "" has a library tube, the people who have the scene have to follow the command, return to their communities to promote this "misunderstanding because ignorance."

Because the case volume is too long, the people have chosen not to see, but directly to the results of the case - the commune member is fined and the payment will be donated to the school.

Oh, because ignorance, it will be fine? And the fine is also donated to the school?

Do you have to fines with insufficient knowledge? The Governor is clearly "IQ"?

The rumors that have been propagated in small scavenging, and after this public trial, it was more in the middle of the people. Originally, forced children, everyone is just not understanding, but not very concerned, but now it is now got a lot of money, and everyone's attention is suddenly attracted to the past.

And when Alibaba will not send the tribe of the child to school, this rumor is finally "confirmed" --- the original rumor is true, just because there is no child to go to school, the XX tribe is all cut Head? This is no longer a matter of money!

The governor must kill all stupid [] and then eliminate smart people through education. - This point of view has reached a consensus among the people.

Chapter 611, Baghdad Change

The center of the storm is often the most calm. Even if the rumors outside are wide, the parties are surrounded by waves around.

However, when Alibaba saw that the number of Kelu Wanxin School enrollment was high, it was very satisfied.

"It seems that it is right to announce the fact that the factory and civil servant recovery personnel must be graduated." Alibaba is likes to show off the next to Shan Ruodes: "Hey, so many people must go to school."

"Oh." Shan Rudo is not available.

After thinking about it, she still feels that Alibaba is better. I know that after he knows that this news will, "go deep into the fields every corner of the field" to practice.

That way, there is less time to accompany yourself at home.

"Sheriff is also aged to go to school. Do you want him to go to school with others, or ask your family alone? I feel hard to be severe to him with Maffeller." Shan Rudo took down the pen in his hand. .

Alibaba's son is almost the age of primary school, usually there are many times longer than the time of him.

However, my son is very happy to see him, because whenever Alibaba comes back, it means he can go out to ride, archery, mountain, rowing, as for the Arabic and Latin Teaching of Shan Rusid and Maffeller It's just a nightmare --- Modern scholars want to be universal in this language is difficult, let alone learn two doors from small.

"Of course, I am going to school together." Alibaba didn't hesitate: "And don't be too conspicuous, usually educate him, let him low-key."

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