The Middle Ages from One Thousand and One Nights

The Middle Aged Chapter 513 began from one thousand and one night

Especially, don't pit ... This is already the biggest point of Alibaba.

"If you go to school together, his name will not be too conspicuous, and 'Sheriff', it is 'Iben Alibaba Ben Yun' ..." Shan Ruzzard is worried.

Alibaba is also right, and the Arab naming rules are simply like a family spectrum, and they want to hide the name.

"That is directly intercepted his grandfather's name!" Alibaba has an idea: "The name of" Sheriff "is really too flat, I gave him a small name, called 'nail', how do you see? "

"Blame name, can only be a small name, can't write on the register ... Why do you use this little name?"

"Because it is the son of the people, everyone is its father ... As for the name, it is called Gao De, anyway, it is below Alibaba."

"What about family name?"

"Directly use the grandfather's name --- I can don't ask for the father name, the big hardfare is also the same. 'Yun' This word is directly translated into Arabic is 'Zaima', so that the name on the register is Gao De Ben, Zaima, which is very Arabic. "

Shan Ruzzard sighed:

"It seems that you don't want to leave the official position to him ... weird."

Although everything is made by Alibaba, it is still a bit worrying about the future of your child.

"This is to protect him." Alibaba saw that she was a little frowning, she walked over her shoulders: "If he wants power in the future, I will encourage him to go to the grassroots level, then the election."

Shan Ruzzard will go up: "Protection? Is this not let him start from the head?"

Alibaba shakes his head: "If it is money and other property, the inheritance will inherit, although the others will envy, but will not hate it. But this thing is too special - it needs to master its people with 'righteous' and The 'ability' is two points to truly operate. "

"Can these can't cultivate?" Shan Rujard asked: "You see, as long as it has been well educated ..."

"This is hard to say ..." Alibaba didn't look at it: "You see, if education can guarantee the veteted '', why don't you have an endless family, Dynasty? Bundle power and blood It is really ridiculous. Is it really a good thing for them in a situation in which our descendes fall into the situation for power? "

"That never leaves him?"

"I will let him accept the best education, enjoy the top-level people resources, and leave enough wealth and a peaceful environment. As long as he will work hard, it can keep your own class, even if he is not At least the food, no worries ... The children and grandchildren have children and Sun Fu, we can't manage so much. "

"Only don't work, right?"

"Yes, only 'public power' this kind of thing, only to organize 'Yun Yun Yun Yun, Japanese CNC" as a creed organization, if he can do, then I will take him to meet someone ... Mastering so many resources If you still have a unsuccessful, then I have nothing to say. "

"No, I see you like this, I hope that Shard will be selfish in the future ... Sure enough, don't be a politician." Shan Ruard did not ignite.

Alibaba was stunned: "Hey ... Weekend family go swimming together? The newly repaired pool outside the city, experts say that the rain is very raining this year, can open the bathroom and swimming pool."


It seems to confirm that Alibaba's "For the Powerful Means" said that when all officials gradually move from Baghdad to Lak, Baghdad City suddenly broke out the rebellion against Harlan Rash.

At that time, the new Prime Minister Jaffer was inspected by the newly modified street. As a result, he was very confused after hearing the news of the rebellion.

"Who? Who is so courageous?" Jaffee asked two followers: "Is it in Baghdad? I want to smash him with a broken corpse!"

Jaff is so angry that it is not unreasonable - he thinks that his father can't help but want to do it.

I saw that he violently jumped, and the messages reported were scared by him.

Jiafal had only pushed him to one side, called another one: "Be Hao Tu, come over! You come from Baghdad? You come!"

"It is the kings of Ibrahin." Barmark's followers were obviously more calm, and they directly said that the culprit.

"What?" Jafal thought it was wrong.

In the three sons in Mahdi, the eldest son of Hardi had failed in the court struggle, and he was killed; the second son Harlem Rashid was currently Harley, and the empire is unquestionable.

But only this Ibrahim ... His impression has always been ignorant, drunk on music art, in addition to finding Harlan Rashid, I have never seen anything I have done when I don't see him. .

Loyal at his big family, the army is completely, what he is rebellion? How do Jaffar thinks that it is impossible.

"In addition, the master makes me ask you, how is Harley to" return to Sheng '? "Be Hao Map added a sentence.

"Ah? Guasheng?" Jafal is.

He looked at the direction of Syria. Is it not a good end in the Queen's palace?

Chapter 662 Chapter Small Character

Not only, Jafar felt impossible, even the minds of many forces in the city of Baghdad also felt impossible.

"Rebellion" and "Ibrahin Prince" are completely two parallel lines in the eyes. Which of them is a geometry, can you make these two lines to integrate?

The rebel is the first time to occupy Baghdad Golden Gate Palace, and then released a decree to the whole city, and the announcement of Harry has been returned to Sheng. According to the brothers and, Sheng Drai inherits the Treasures, the name is smooth.

"Leather" is alarmed by Ye Haiya at home, but he is not to inform the City Guard in the first time, nor to escape, but called several of the family private soldiers.

"What's going on?" He asked: "Who is done? Do you have anyone involved?"

The privatous leaders face each other, and they have said that they are completely unaware.

Ye Haiya put a little bit, and then he gave them together, holding the family station, and the rest of everything is not.

However, what does "already pay back"? Does Jafal are not followed? Ye Haiya is also a little bit, and can only be quiet.

It is strange that this rebel army has paid the city, and it has no further action after occupying the city gate and the waterway channel. It is only to put it in the hostel of the big aristocrat in the city, asking them to holy Oath, obey the command of the new Harry.

Some people were swayed under the neck, even if they were trembled, and then they signed their names on the documents that soldiers took out, and the soldiers will go.

Some people will print simple from the first time in things, and they have been out before the City Defense Force has not changed. Others are refused to swear, and they refuse to sign, and claim that they must see the body of Harry and will swear after the funeral. Of course, these people who don't know, they are taken away by the soldiers and are related to the prisons outside the city.

It was then the Balmark family such that they gathered, hugged their own, and said that they refused to accept any mess.

In addition, Ye Haiya has also publicly requested to "talk" with Ibrahin, indicating what he happened.

But greeted him is just a persuasion, and the letter is just the old tone, which is the status of the family and the unchangement of the status of their family.

After thinking, Ye Haiya refused the persuasion of the people, and the deighted people rushed out and let the family private soldiers stepped up the defense.

Subsequently, he secretly let the beliefs out of the city, send people to Jaffar to ask for the construction of Kara Construction - How is Harry to die?

Jafal is completely inexplicably - how can you die? Obviously, I still asked me in the construction of my La Ka, and I also praised myself very well in Syria. The degree of prosperity of Damascus is no longer than Baghdad.

However, he quickly wanted to understand - it was lying lying.

Wait, wrong, if it is lying, but ...

Jafal suddenly thought of another terrible possibility.

"Hurry to return to the father, Harry is still in the world, as long as he is sticking to a month, the Qin Wang army will definitely go back to Baghdad ... Go!" He immediately squad.

However, Behao Tu did not move, but he breathed the gang, he looked at the tea furnace behind Jafal, and his eyes brought a bit of a scramble.

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