The Middle Ages from One Thousand and One Nights

The Middle Age 547 starting from one thousand and one night

"Why didn't you move?" Someone asked.

"Don't worry, let the hand will fly a while." The companion answered.

Just when everyone is impatient, the side of the city wall of Seville is far away from the place where the walls of Seville, suddenly broke out a sound, the soil on the ground also burst into it.

"Oh!" The sergeants drumped up - finally saw the effect.

One thing to be corrected is that unless a special bomb, a special bomb, a special explosive, is actually like a TV, and the fireball is combo, black smart, mud Splash, Those sound and light effects are actually the props group.

And the real explosion effect is relatively calm, except that the float and the stone are blown out,

Although not hit, everyone knows, this is just a time problem.

As for the hit rate problem, no one should care, even everyone knows that this warhead is consumed, but this still can't stop everyone from love to this new weapon.

Take advantage of the past, no matter how long the weapons are still more and more excellent, they can play the target of missiles and satellites on the 21st century, their essential ideas are the same. That is "asymmetric war."

Why are so many people like remote projection? To put it bluntly, it's not because "I can only play someone yourself, others can't play myself"?

Although it is not the first time, Alibaba is still with everyone, satisfied with the applause.

"Very good, this is everyone's merit!" Alibaba sent a praise to engineers.

In fact, from the construct, this place is not difficult to understand, people who know the project will learn more, but they can also learn, but they still can't make it.

And their core technology is the material that makes the twisted material, as well as high resistance coatings between wood and stone wheels.

These twins are a special asphalt carbon fiber blended with a drawn steel wire, while the coating on the stone tray is also an extremely rough asbestos-based material, and both are the result of the alchemist science and technology, outsiders want The imitation is also imitated.

If you don't get a complete set of upstream and downstream crafts, you have to withstand the thrust of the extremely instantaneous tension, and the powerful flywheel clutch is not talked, even if you can use alternatives, its efficiency will be far away.

Although Alibaba wants to say that these people say that the effect of the stone machine is actually higher, he did not stop their move.

The scientific trees are so interesting, even if it is the same game, the game between people in different countries is also very far, even if the game is fixed, the last birth ecology will also be different.

And is this not very good?


The sound waves brought by the explosion not only let the Magrybun army screams, but also let the defenders on the city wall universally - what is this explosion?

After the Guadalkirville war, some of the defeats fled to Seville, and the colleagues there were said that they had encountered on the way.

For the "flat thunder" in the hands of the companions, the defenders will be naturally unbelieved, and they regard it as the exaggeration of the birds.

But when this is more and more, they also started to be suspected --- After all, the explosion is very far away, and some patrol people also say that they seem to have moved in the downstream direction.

Now the truth seems to be big white - "Those unfamiliar have really no nonsense, and those Magley army actually have some supernatural power!

The defenders on the city wall were almost a low body behind the thunder, until I went a long time, I dared to shake my head from the wall, and I saw it around.

Amurolus that was alarmed also quickly rushed to the city, and drinking the soldiers to stick to their positions, and he must not hand in the ear.

Although he doesn't know how the other is done, it is undoubtedly related to the situation he scanned.

Alibaba's hand, he also heard of it, although there is some doubts about how he is effective, but no matter how it is, it has never heard of the clothes, which belongs to things that cannot be dealt with with regular means.

He will not be as superstitious as the underlying soldier - the higher the official, the more you don't believe in the religion, this point no matter which nation is the same, and really believes in religious high officials, the power is often dead. .

That is undoubtedly a weapon, and it is very bad to deal with the weapon --- Amulus heart thinks.

He didn't think about how long I found out ---- If there is a lot of such weapons in Alibaba, then in Guadalkil, why not simply use this weapon to eliminate those people from the body?

kindness? What is your joke? Amulus does not think that there will be this kind of thing in a general heart, even if it is just a star.

That is, no matter what the other's hands is, but the number is extremely limited, but it is necessary to take the soldier to throw, then the attack range is mostly equivalent to the stone, and there is no threat to Seville.

Although Amulus also knows how much this is a bit comfortable, he is really can't look back.

Seeing that there is no way to continue, he simply started his flicker - he claimed that the army from Magryble and the devil who worshiped the fire, the weapons were the flame borrowed to their flames, the cost is a letter The soul of the people. Therefore, the people must unite, firmly firm their beliefs and beliefs to fight from the heresy.

If Alibaba knows his excuse, it will be praised for him - brother, this dish, the means of black opponents actually and I don't do it, there is a future!

Just when he had a strong flicker, the Magley army launched a hot air balloon of a lucky cat profile.

This hot air balloon is observing the balloon and is also used by the track. The observer on the hot air balloon must pass the burst of the blast, and pass on the rope of the balloon back to the ground.

How many pictures of a giant cat is still a bit shocking, and the top of the top is also a shadow of the abroad, and the defenders have a "we are watching" feel.

"This will not, just that thunder ... is it from that thing?" People with rich ability to think of this now.

This is not said, it is, one mention this, the soldiers who stand up from the ground are soft, and they will immediately squat.

"Hidden!" Someone immediately reminded.

I saw someone made a demonstration, and the soldiers who were reminded were also immediately squatted, and they were hid behind, as if so, the giant cat could not see themselves.

In this situation, everyone has a strange feel.

They feel like a mouse at this time, it is hiding in a dark corner to prevent yourself from being seen by the cat. As long as you are seen, the big cat in the sky will drop a paw and take them away from this world.

Amulus saw this scene and was very angry.

"Get up! Give me!" He glantly, will kicked the people on the ground: "Their weapon is not so accurate! Don't you see that they just hit it? Have yourself Location, soldiers! "

Amulus's guards, and also quickly helped him to go to the people - if the enemy sees that it is such a performance, they don't have to fight.

When Amurol slammed a few people, and drinking the rest of the soldiers back to their position, everything she looked back to the normal track.

But although the soldiers recovered to the previous example, when they walked around, the Yu Liang in the corner of the eyes has been secretly sneaking the sky-stunned fat cat, and it seems to be afraid that it will suddenly spray on the wall. fire.

Of course, Amulus will not pay attention to their little movements, but when he just wants to say something, suddenly feel a discouragement:

How did this come into this? Can you win?

No! How can I suffer from this time? Since I have hit this point, I have to stick to the new monarch.

He took a deep breath. Finally, he walked down the stone steps after the big camp of the Magley army.

Under the stone steps, the two guards took the horse and was waiting for him. He rode horses and prepares to go to the city.

He has to unify his own thoughts there, and then and the Magrybun army will die.

Just when he wondered what to say, a whistling was transmitted from the air.

He looked up at him, between the air, a small black spot from small to big, in a seemingly slow, essentially avoided no steady speed.

No ... This is Amulus in front of the past, the last thought of the mind.

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